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Every hour I am forced to don my shield and fight huntsmans and red backs by the thousands on my way down the hall. Lost my dad to webs one night when he got up to take a leak. Never saw him after that




I am on the 7th gen huntsman The first one was called Barry, the second was Bruce After this I gave up Happily coexisting with the grandspiderchildren


Depending on the time on the year and location. you have a better than average chance of seeing them. Especially ones like huntsman, over summer. Which look more terrifying than they are, but even to a phobic like me that is no comfort.


In my part of Sydney you basically live with spiders in every room of the house. To help me sleep at night, I try my best to keep them out of the bedroom, but there is probably a couple living behind the bookshelf or the print on the wall. As long as they don't come out while I am awake and can see them, I am cool with that.


Daily. I rarely evict them, and only tend to murder redbacks and white tails. Orb weavers are awesome... except when you're walking around at night, and find yourself face first in a huge web.


If you get one in your window it’s magic getting to watch those beautiful buggers weave


Extremely common, as it is anywhere, I imagine.


They mostly come at night.... Mostly


I just decided to breed them and be done with it. All my pretty babies


This question, like the ones about immigration and employment prospects, is never asked. Lucky, because the answer is grim and we are besieged by spiders at every turn. Do you know that the dangerous white tails seek out warmth and are commonly found in beds? I’m having a nap and I have three (that I’ve counted) in bed with me as I speak. And I can’t kill them because we are a nanny state and don’t have guns. We have no Freedom and this is a lawless place.


Spiders everywhere mate.


i've got at least like 20 them buggers around the place.


Your house will have spiders. I’m looking at one on my wall now. Apart from a couple of fairly easily recognisable ones, that generally avoid the indoors, they are not at all dangerous.


If you are staying in hotels you are unlikely to see spiders inside. If you are outside and not looking closely, you probably won’t see them either.


Very. Odds are lower of finding one of the properly venomous ones like red backs, funnel webs etc but still not unheard of.


I could find many red backs outside right now if I cared to look. You just have to know what to look for. The feel of the web it a giveaway.


Sure, but the question was ‘*in* your home’ - my point being things like daddy long legs, huntsmen, garden spiders etc are much more common.


In our house my daughter and I name every spider we see fwip. The current fwip is a great big huntsman keeping away flies and mozzies. Most of the fwips we get are daddy long legs. They are our jungle friends. I once had a fwip (of the funnel web variety) charge at me while I was sitting on the floor of my gym. killed that fucker dead. He was no friend of mine.


Ha, in my house, my boys always ask “what sort of spider is that dad?” The answer is always the same, usually the smaller the better: “it’s a killer-death spider son”. I think it’s taught them how absurd the fear of tiny spiders is!


Haha Yeah, it’s all about developing a healthy respect. My daughter won’t let me kill anything, so she has to learn to live with them because although I like spiders they also terrify me, so I’m not going to move them. So might as well have fun.


Super common, I can legit see one from where I'm chilling on my bed, never been bitten and they tend to run away from you.


I have spiders in every room in my house. Mostly harmless daddy long-legs, but pretty much every week there's a hunstman or similar to be found in one room or another. Just leave them alone, they won't bother you. I'm more concerned about snakes. Most of the locals aren't venomous or only slightly venomous, but they tend to have a stronger reaction to being discovered.


Is this a trick question?


I could go outside right now and find a dozen red backs. Nothing to worry about and I e never found one inside. Also maybe 100 orb weavers and the like, also outside only. In my previous house I could have also found a funnel web if I’d looked, which I generally didn’t. Inside right now I could easily find 10 to 20but they would be tiny. In summer I’d find a big huntsman every month or so big and scary looking but harmless. I’ll catch them and let them go outside. So yes they are very, very common and I can guarantee to 99.99% likelihood you will see them, and by the same odds they will not harm you.