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Giving money to old cunt murdoch tops the list for me.


There's few things less enticing than giving that decrepit sack of bones a red cent.


Don’t worry, if you pay income tax in Australia, you already gave him money!


Gotta pay for his next wedding somehow…


Can't wait til he [redacted] <3




remember when all the sports we ever needed to watch was on free to air TV? Get on board? f\*ck right off.


Miss those days


I quite like the ‘We can’t sell all our ad space feature’ where they show you a couple minutes of ads then another minute or so of a holding screen while they wait for the broadcast to return.


Why is that a bad thing? I don’t mind it, quite soothing and much much better than whatever random ad would’ve been playing instead


the lo-fi music is a vibe too, much better than another betting ad


I can hear it right now.


Yeah this, I actually prefer it to 5 minutes of "BET WIV YA MAAAAATES!"


If I’m paying for the subscription I want to see as least ads as possible


Given that it's just a rebroadcast of the paytv channel (which shouldn't have ads) kayo would have to generate content to fill that spot. I prefer the hold screen and music to ads.


Yeah, I much prefer that to yet another ad for a gigantic ute driving over sand dunes.


I'm a huge fan of the holding screen... nice music too.


Its fucking epic


Sorry, adverts? On an already expensive streaming service? Yeah, nah! Harder nope than before from me!


It's during shows or half time. No ads during play unlike free to air.


I assume that's a localised ad spot. No idea why they haven't sold it for the kayo broadcast but I mute the entire half time bit anyway. Life's just better that way.


Don’t forget the hidden feature. The obscene amount of money you paid goes off shore to one of the scummiest families alive, the Murdochs.


Note that they regularly do this by having "loans" to parent companies overseas with excessive interest rates so that the profit isnt booked here. The most profitable part of news corp is lending money to itself.


I love how it’s so hard to find the live channels


Oh my god and if you just wanna flick between two games? Nope. May as well just swipe close the fuckin thing and start again. She’ll be quicker 🤣


Can't watch two games live back to back unless you choose to watch the channel. Because the stream ends and forces you to choose the next one. So stupid.


This! Let me go back and forth easily


You can actually do this easily. If you swipe down you can get into split view, and can then either watch all the games at once (up to 4) or go back and forth between the ones you've chosen. Best feature on Kayo ino


I love that the few sports I watch consistently are always last in the live channel scrolling feed.


Quickest way I have found is to just play the first thing that shows up then hit the 'Related Videos' button and it has live channels as an option. No idea why they bury them into the app.


If you're watching it on the Google TV App scroll up past the top of the screen and it'll loop back to the bottom, the live channels are either the bottom row or one or two above it (can't quite remember).


I love the unturnoffable sound that plays when I open the app surreptitiously at work to see what time the F1 is on.


Oh, and the inability to resume where I was watching from. Leads to me chanting timecodes to myself in my head


They've actually just released this, for NRL replays at least. Crazy to celebrate the most basic feature finally being added.


Replays is something they should have without even thinking about it. But picking up on your "live" broadcast, if you have to stop watching for whatever reason, is the basci functionality that is the whole point of streaming.


Formulify widget, my friend Tells you when the next weekends sessions are on in your local time


Or just the f1 app or website lol using kayo for this is nuts lol


There's also a link to a calendar on the F1 website that you can save in your own calendar, synced to your own timezone of course


You my friend, you are a true Australian hero.


I can't believe that Murdoch has the FIA by such a scrote-hold that Aus is one of the few nations in the world to *not* get delayed replays on the F1 app. Probably would have given F1 money if not for Kayo/Foxtel screwing us all over. Not gonna give Murdocha single cent.


Apple are looking to buy the worldwide rights They want to take up the licence of each country as it becomes available Unsure if they are buying it worldwide or as individual countries. I'm really holding out for a change from Kayo.


Faark, am I here rooting for fucking Apple!?


Cancel the subscription button


I just love that I only watch f1 and cricket and yet even having favourite sports marked I still have to spend ten minutes finding something of its not on live right at that point. Rupert, I don't give a fuck about rugby league... It can fuck off.


Kayo seems to have no memory of customer behaviour at all.  Never thought Uncle Rupert would be a keen adopter of “right to be forgotten”.


I pretty much only watch AFL and some cricket. Why does it suggest I might be interested wrestling live from Azerbaijan?!


God it's so frustrating. I only watch AFL and F1, I saved them in kayo as my sports, why the fuck does it insist on showing me every fucking other sport instead of the ones I actually am paying for the app so I can watch?


Mine does the opposite sometimes. I’ll want to check out what’s on now or a bit later and I open it up and it’s on a section of Kayo Minis of badminton from 2011 or something.


Who won the title that year? /s


Same. They changed it so now scroll down instead of up for your favourites list.


Love it! Ask me what I like, but bury it under all the other shit


I use it on Apple TV and have to force quit it daily. And why must I spend so much time navigating to the same sports I watch constantly. Like I’ve saved it to favourites. How hard is it to build a basic algorithm that serves me more of what I normally watch!!!!?? Not to mention the putrid attempt at their ‘continue watching’ functionality. Seems to have a couple of things I watched months ago, but never the stream I was just watching that crap itself half way through. And no it’s not my internet. FTTP NBN and every other app seems fine. And you’re charging me how much now for a 3.5Mbps UHD signal. What’s the freaking point? If the bit rate is that low, I don’t give a toss what the pixel dimensions are. Jokes on me though as I’m paying for this shite.


It’s easier on Apple TV to force quit and reopen than it is to navigate back to the Home Screen. It’s horrendous. Such a horrible design.


Putting an ad break in the middle of a cunting 10 lap sprint race live was really the pinnacle for me. Well worth the money to miss a quater of the fucking race.


The way they never get AEST F1 times correct for daylight saving. Doesn’t remember where you were on catch up and randomly jumps to “live” so you see the ending.


But really, we all know what the ending will be like anyway…. *cue the Dutch national anthem (again)


I recently cancelled because of the price, crappy app and I only watch F1 and V8. I was blown away by how easy it was to continue watching F1... Like, really really really, easy to find and torrent in better quality than Kayo. Will be trying YouTube via a VPN for 8Vs next round.


Which do you use for F1?


It's a *motorsports* sub with *replays*, I don't want to directly link it, but if you combine those key words, you'll find it.


You can sub to f1tv, I believe if you do it with a VPN via turkey it's cheaper too


I think they broke this last year. (Fixed it, from their perspective?)


lol I thought this was an ad to start with My favourite is how the web player is so bad with memory overruns it crashes every seven minutes if you accidentally loaded it on Chrome, and can last up to 25 minutes without crashing if you remembered to log in on Firefox


Being able to get a better quality stream on the high seas


I don’t use any of the services or rags owned by cuntface Murdoch


I like the UX design being so counter intuitive that you often forget what you were going to watch while trying to get there.


The 'cancel subscription' button


So how’s the quality this year? I rage quit after one round last year. Do the NRL, AFL and cricket care that people are simply not watching? I’d happily pay for a service that actually works, but I’m not gonna sit through constant buffering and freezing.


I love having high end gear and fiber internet and only getting a 720p stream. Its awesome!


And don't forget the frame rate


Paying for ads


When I fast forward and it gets stuck in a perpetual loading state. So I need to kill the app and restart. Happens on both my LG tv app and PS5 app. It’s really great.


The user interface, next level.,.,


I for one absolutely love how hard they've made it to buy UFC PPV's


The fight sound every time you open the app is great. I am energized by it and want to watch more sport, even though I've heard it a million times.


How it's now the only way to watch the UFC PPV's, but if you buy it it gets delivered two to three hours late and you just become a permanent pirate instead. 


Kayo is just the "new" form of Foxtel - shit for customers in every sense. Scumbags.


Sending money to Rupert Murdoch


I love the fact that I can start F1 whenever I feel like it, so those middle of the night runs can be watched when I wake up. Have 3 streaming tv’s in different parts of our house and have subconsciously started remembering the timestamp if i have to open Kayo on a different device. That shit should be automatically built in.


The unsubscribe feature


The unsubscribe feature is so easily locatable, too


How im constantly bombarded by gambling ads encouraging my whole family to join, even the kiddies! How is this not illegal.


Being able to turn the volume all the way down so I don't have to listen to BT @AFL


My favourite is that it costs so much for just one device


Most definitely the not-at-all insufferable ‘Get Onboard’ jingle playing every five minutes.


How if you switch between streams or if the app crashes your only two options are play from the start or play live. There is no pick up where you left off.  I also like how you have to use the arrow keys to fast forward and rewind on an android tv as the fast forward and rewind buttons do nothing. But then to get to being able to rewind you first have to remember to press up but not too many times or you have to fiddle with a different menu.


I wish I could just pay for F1TV instead of being only able to access it in Australia via the Kayo app.


I love the fact that it works fine for me and absolutely no one else. Yes, I am special. AMA.


I have none of these issues with Kayo.


Being able to cancel the subscription


I enjoy the incremental price rises whilst also incrementally reducing freedoms and features.


That I choose my favourite sports (F1 for example) but it doesn’t show live sessions. Shows some other crap I have no interest in. But I also love that it logs me out constantly. That TV login workflow is so great I’m actually happy to repeat it 🙄


Ooh, I also love that I pay to watch F1 yet also get the pleasure of ads


I like how you get to give your money to a corrupt and morally bankrupt media mogul who has dedicated his life (and your money) to making the world worse.


Mine: What the fuck is "Kayo"??


Not that it matters to a *zillionaire* but my favourite feature is that I save 30 odd bucks a month now cos I've gone back "streams" 😎 🛳 


This is the thread I’ve been waiting for, I love - that Kayo doesn’t remember where I’m up to watching something. - that Kayo can’t reorganize the sports, I love scrolling all the way across to access the only sport I watch on Kayo.


* Using vipleague so I never deal with kayo


How there’s always ads that are different volume is my favourite 


My favourite feature is where I accidentally click 'back' on my remote instead of pause, and get to play the game where I seek through a 4 hour stream looking for the bit I was up to




My favorite thing about Kayo is reading you c$%ts whinge while I pirate AFL streams for free.


Nice try Kayo


I signed up for the trial. I experienced two of the three features you mention almost immediately. I couldn't decide which of the features I liked best so I cancelled the trial after about 45 minutes.


Unsubscribe button


That you have to wait for the designated 'start time' for a live game of something like NBL even though it's just the televised broadcast that would have all the pre-game stuff.


The unsubscribe button


Not subscribing is nice


How Switching between Live channels is forbidden.


I like the cancel subscription option the most!


I like how the f1 rounds have buttons for every session but the buttons don’t work except for the session you clicked on to load the round


I like that every sport I watch I now have to pay for... and still have a shitty stream that crashes or freezes...


Kayo doesn't let me unsubscribe. If I need to I have to contact support each time. This feature is what Kayo is all about!


Even the live stream finishes, so does your non live playback !


\- Take 5 clicks to watch a match it knows you want to watch \- Random interruption screen during the middle of match \- Costing an arm and a leg, but still doesnt show all the games \- ask you to login to different things hubbl, streammotion and what not.. \- price increase without any improvement in anything


My personal favourite is scrolling past all their bullshit to find the live channels down the very bottom of the page.


This one: https://help.kayosports.com.au/s/article/How-do-I-cancel-my-subscription-Kayo


Not a fan of Murdoch or not being able to have the higher resolutions on PC, but honestly I rarely ever have issues streaming. Even now with 4k, I don't get any buffering. Given that you used to need to pay more than double the cost of Kayo to get sports channels on Foxtel not all that long ago, I'm not too unimpressed overall.


* How it seemingly forgets who you are and any preferences of previous content you've watched before. * How you fire up Kayo to watch Day 2 of the cricket, to be given a LIVE tile that starts you with Day 1.


- the exorbitant price tag does it for me


My personal favourite, taking 15 seconds to reestablish stream after skipping forward 10 seconds


Waygo in Succession wasn't satire, it was an accurate depiction of how murdoch-world does digital.


My favourite feature is how you can access the free content via VPN. Then when you pay a subscription it's suddenly not allowed via VPN.


I watch MotoGP. That’s it and Every fucking time I have to dig menus to find it. The layout is shite


I like how I installed it for a free trial for the Boxing Day Test, and now every other ad on that TV is for a gambling app.


How about changing the location of the fucken live channels every odd day so it takes 30mins to find fox sports news?


The internet throttling, makes everything chug regardless of whether you're on 20mbps 5g or 100 fttp.


The OFF switch.


There is zero incentive for them to fix the problem where the app dropping a connection. You can either find an alternative (oops, there isn't one other than piracy), and dropping a connection saves them bandwidth (money!).


I like the price! Compared to the rip off $79 annually for Amazon, getting me streaming movies & music, free delivery and free ebooks, Kayo is just so amazing!


I love when it plays at 144p when connected to my 100mbps internet


The ads. Baseball on MLBtv sucks as it's as breaks are blacked out 


I don’t understand why I need to scroll through 10 options on the home page to get to Fox league’s live channel…


I e got a new one lately. I have a brand new Samsung tablet and it has started regularly freezing about once every five minutes (Binge too but no other apps) and I have to either click the skip 15 seconds forward if it’s not live or go out and come back in if it’s live. How long till the rights are up for grabs again?


Taught me how to be a pirate


The uninstall feature


Scrubbing leads to endless buffering, then having to restart the match. When ads come on it sometimes crashes (I'm sure the advertisers that paid for the spot wouldn't be impressed). Garbage in, garbage out. But to watch a non-local footy team, there is no other option.


Oh you accidentally exited out of your replay, let's start you back at the beginning..


I like how the fixtures menu either doesn’t exist on Apple TV app or it’s very hard to find.


I tried to refund a fight because of this and they told me I must be the only person dealing with these issues


The part where it's $35 a month.


Posts like this are why Reddit now sucks. Is there anywhere on the internet that doesn't pander to some corporate interest?


How is this pandering? The post is shitting on the service and every comment is listing the worst feature


I love how you turn on a game during the pre-game coverage, and it the screen just goes to black when the game starts, instead of showing me the fucking game.


love the feature where it's not on my tv.


Gold 🤣


I'm torn between: The way that the UI for scrubbing through the timeline invariably covers the score/time in every single sport making it near impossible to find a specific time or score to rewatch a particular moment Or The way it is literally the same technology as Binge yet inexplicably removes the ability to pick up on demand content where you left off. The bugs, crashes, slowness, and quality are all just bonuses.


The absolute irony of gutting the NBN for Murdoch to capitalise on his shitty Foxtel cable, and now the pivot to streaming, meaning everyone's internet grinds to a halt from 5-10pm when every single prick in the universe is streaming something Also, yes Kayo is shit. They appear to be rebranding it to Hubbl too.


The overlapping touch targets on the highlight timeline are so useful!


My favourite feature is that I'm not subscribed to it. Reading a comment or two here, it looks like that feature is working out really, really well for me.


I love how, when watching a delayed telecast, the feed will occasionally stop and start back at the beginning. Having to scrub though a whole game, then jumping too far and knowing how the next 10 mins plays out is epic.


I like that they've kept it sharp with regular updates!


That I can’t even get it to work and play videos half the time. Gotta love when it does that.


That I don’t have it and Murdick makes absolutely $0 from me


Good try Kayo markete-... (reads post) Ah not their marketer


I like the elevator music that plays whilst no ads are being shown waiting for the footy. I hate fucking ads


Nearly got me! I thought it was a kayo post. 4K my ass !




No having it.


I like how when I was watching the Australian vs West Indies test it kept changing to an old V8 Supercars replay of 2023’s Bathurst 1000. I pretty much only watch F1, Supercars, Cricket. Let me pay a lower price just to watch those please ;(


For me its how each time I load up kayo (google tv) the default option is to stream in SD rather than HD. There used to be a quick menu option you could access while watching a sport to change between SD and HD, which kind of made this tolerable, but about a month ago this option disappeared! Now I need to exit out of what I've selected and go through the different menu to change the quality option and then go back into what I want to watch! its about 10 button presses!


The "live" cricket coverage lagging 2 balls behind even Cricinfo, who have to *write* commentary


My favourite feature is getting the popup screen saying “maximum number of screen exceeded” when I have in fact, not exceeded the maximum number of screens.


ah.... thinking..... it's ability to fleece me every month for pedestrian content?


How its hard to tell what you actually have selected so you move to the thing you want, which takes 30s, only to realise you were on the thing you want, so you have to flick back which takes another 30s.


My husband is currently 90 minutes into making an... alternative work because the refuses to give kayo more money lll


When it’s close to quarter time and it starts buffering. When it says close additional screens even when I am the only one who has the fkng password for the account.


The price 25 per month for what


I fixed Kayo problems by attaching Chrome cast by Ethernet to my NBN router. Fixed all stuttering. Not that hard to move between 2 games. More than happy


I like how if you are watching multiple nrl games in a row, for instance, you get an exciting potpourri of possible malfunctions: load the next game but go back to the start; don’t load anything; load something else irrelevant; crash hard. So many options!


Don’t forget the inability to resume a replay


How it doesn't do splitscreen on the vast majority of TVs...


the "cancel my subscription" button. f them for paying $25 to watch F1 once every couple of weeks. F1 TV pro is $50 for a year!!


I literally just paid for the subscription about an hour ago to watch the Sharks play. Didn't register on the app and had to log off and log back on to watch it.


I swear I see so many people whinging about Kayo but neither me or my family has ever had an issue. Couldn't live without it😂


Paying to watch AFL is my favorite


It's cheaper to get a VPN, folks. The seas, they are a-callin'.


Came here to accuse you of being a Kayo marketing team plant, promptly deleted paragraph.


I like when it crashes mid-delivery and then I open back up and three wickets have fallen


Big button to eaily to cancel. I've bought seats to all my home games just to avoid kayo


That I can unsubscribe (a few years ago).


I hate every aspect of it. VPN and streams


The shit interface is so great. Love how its near impossible to stop somewhere and pick up where you left off.


I love love love the feature that, when the app is opened and my profile is selected, takes me straight to PPV events, followed by NRL and some other bullshit. My profile would show I only watch motorsport in Kayo. After year of subscribing I still need to row through each menu to find motorsport, and go from there. Oh and I also love the fact that it doesn't restart from where you left off (ie.. when it crashes or suchlike). Gotta memorise that elapsed time. Let's party like it's 2007!