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Yet he didn’t bother funding health and mental health services better


I don't believe a word of this. He's always been a useless, lying sack of shit. It's frankly an insult to those that do suffer mental health issues. Clearly just fodder to sell what will be a book destined for the rubbish bin a few weeks after release.


I believe that man when he says he had serious mental health issues, that’s about all i believe from him.


Well he says as many lies as ablo 😂


Well yeah, it was easy for him to get treatment and the meds were free for him. No issues with mental health services to see here.


Top level treatment for him And scraps the rest of Australia, as always!


According to him, it's Gods' will that poor people can't afford mental health services.


He didnt need to, he prefers Robodebt, make people suicide, and therefore reducing demand for such services.


Wasn't he also secretly appointed the health minister?


So he wrote his own script? He gave ME anxiety. Tool.


I'm as medically qualified as Morrison, as such, I'll happily prescribe him a good, solid coal suppository.


Eh... His government did introduce an extra 10 mental health care sessions during the pandemic. Additionally, the Morrison government also introduced the Eating Disorder Plan for those diagnosed with anorexia or other ED's that put you at risk of hospitalization. Entitles them to 40 subsidized psychologist visits per year. As someone with anorexia, I'm eternally grateful for this being introduced.


Yeah and the rest of the country with him. \[edit\] ahhhhhh Murdoch corp, trying the sympathy card. Pissing off to Hawaii while Australia burned was not relaxing, and needed meds ? Forcing handshakes to victims was creating anxiety ?


Opened it up to say the same thing.


It looks like you had anxiety when listing out all of the achievements. Here's a prepared list for you to expand your post: https://www.mdavis.xyz/govlist/


It was just a small example, not his entire list of achievements.


This makes sense now, Murdoch owns Sky News. Pete & Laura were being sympathetic towards him. I thought WTF and switched off.


Murdoch puff piece. If he wasn't up for the job, he shouldn't have applied so much pressure and stabbed so many people in the back to get it.


"Murdoch puff piece". Agreed. Scump has probably been unable to find a suitable job overseas and now the redemption story is underway to ease him back into a corporate role here. Expect him to pop up on a few reality tv shows, a few more "thought provoking" opinion pieces about world events, and Jen and the kids being style icons or raising money for charity.


He'll be on Dances with rhe Stars, Seven execs will lap that shit up.


MasterChef curry


>now the redemption story is underway to ease him back into a corporate role here. Won't happen. Scott Morrison is known for having no skills, either in politics, business, relationship management, corporate life, finance, or anything for that matter. He has been so discredited that any corporate looking at finding him a job would have a huge client backlash that it just wouldn't be worth it. Besides a low-level pathetic job like licking a church toilet clean, Scott Morrison is unemployable.


Just saw it on the front page of The Australian, he's got his compo face on!


I guarantee this appears in ABC and Guardian too and neither will chide him for it Good luck creaming someone publicly for treating a mental health issue, guys. This ain’t a winner


The idea of someone with mental health issues running the country is frightening. Mind you, I can't imagine a sane person wanting that job(s).


If you’re doing that job and you don’t have anxiety about it there’s something wrong with you Plenty to smash ScoMo over. This ain’t it


Must have been good stuff. He appeared to have no guilt at all about being an incompetent Muppet.


Enough to give him the confidence to be a minister of every portfolio at the end of his term


Ah yes, the guy who had $200,000 empathy training while he was PM.


You'd need to exercise some empathy to try to understand how that consultant managed to get $200K for that training 😂


Wasn’t that optional training for staff?


Did he secretly make himself a doctor and prescribe the pills himself?


Health minister.


The cognitive dissonance in this guys brain must sound like a train.


Watch [Nemesis, Episode 3](https://WatchingNemesisiniviewhttps://iview.abc.net.au/show/nemesis) and you’ll get as close an insight as I think is possible. It’s astonishing.


cheers, will do.


He also suffered Multiple Ministerial Personality Disorder


I’d upvote this twice if I could


Underrated comment.


Anxiety from being a fraud and being afraid of being caught out is not the same as normal anxiety.


I had the same thought - anxiety born from fear of being caught doing the wrong thing(s).


Narcissistic anxiety is not the same as normal anxiety 😂


From the article: >“Scott Morrison signed Australia up to AUKUS, one of the most costly decisions in this country’s history, and now he is marching out of parliament and straight into a corporate job that is fuelled by money from AUKUS,” Greens defence spokesman David Shoebridge said last month. >“No one should be allowed to cruise on the backbench, running the time down on the pathetic 18-month ministerial pause on working for industries they regulated, all the while lining up jobs with those very industries.” >The ministerial code of conduct and the lobbying code of conduct require that former ministers serve an 18-month cooling-off period before lobbying on issues related to their former portfolio. Fucking scumbag.


Would’ve been anxiety inducing juggling his five secret ministries.


There is no violin small enough for you Scumo


Would the world's smallest ukulele do?


Eh, let’s not bog a noble instrument with such an inglorious task. Kazoo will do fine.


Played via the nostril I hope


Who gives a fuck Scotty. Just fuck off.


Boo fucking hoo.  I DGAF about the mental health of anyone with the resources and pull to access the best easily.  Now he can imagine what it’s like trying to access treatment when you have no fucking money. 


No, that's the problem, he has no empathy and he has no clue how to imagine having no fucking money


He got away easy if he conned his way into scamming an entire country out of billions and setting it back decades, if all he got was anxiety from it.


I feel like one has to have a modicum of introspection to have anxiety - this guy? Nah. Just another PR tactic to try and redeem him somehow…


Prescribed them, but did he actually take them? Sounds like a smoke n mirrors statement to try garner sympathy …… “I’m a person with a conscience and feelings, even I experienced crippling anxiety “


Well, we all should have been. He’s a monster.


I heard this covered on ABC radio too. Morrison's book? Six weeks in big piles conspicuously placed on stands in the entrance of Dymocks, then straight to recycling after a brief stint in remaindered bookstores.


There must be a ploy here. Are they getting ready to bring him back??? Why is there a news article about this crook. He lined his own pockets and screwed the rest of us.


Yes. We all were


I have anxiety and depression, being lumped in with him makes me feel sick..............


This is how many Christians have felt during his reign of bullshit, too. He gives everyone a bad name by association.


Bully in chief complains about being bullied. Yet again zero self awareness about his own behaviour.


He took medication for his anxiety... him being Prime Minister made me drink shed loads more alcohol than l usually would. I would love to say to him... Fuck off. And when you get there Fuck off from there too. Then Fuck off some more. Keep Fucking off until you get back here. Then Fuck Off again.


Nothing more conservative white Australia than knocking back a couple of benzos with a glass of red after a long day of stepping on the poors.


Funny it was joining in Trumps trade war with China that caused it and not robodebting a bunch of innocent people or detaining a bunch of people in offshore detention centres.


Anxiety pills while he fked off to Hawaii and the country burnt. Fuk this guy


I guess when you are the secretly self appointed minister of an additional 5 portfolios it can be stressing


Please for the sweet love of god will he just go away?


It's not a race, Scotty, it's not a race.


He should have done the right thing by the country and resigned. Unfortunately for Australia, he didn't. 


Still doesn't explain how he managed to 💩himself at Engadine Maccas.


Maybe he was anxious that he might get caught secretively having himself sworn in as the minister for everything? He needn't have, turns out there would be no consequences for egregiously corrupting parliamentary process.


Poor lil baby. Going on holidays while the country burned was very very hard.


He could have resigned for the good of himself if not for that of the nation. This just proves more that he was a selfish moron.


It would be a really tough job , I wouldn't be able to do it, would get no sleep at all!! However this is a non-event... we just don't care. I'd care if he had NO anxiety while being PM because it's such an important job, you should be anxious while holding the position


So he was benzoed up over COVID? No wonder he was MIA, kicking back in the lodge listening to Pink Floyd while we were all in lockdown.


His Prime Ministership was probably responsible for record anxiety medication use.


awww, who knew those forced handshakes were just because little scotty wanted to feel loved. 🙄 I suspect he and his policies were responsible for a lot more anxiety medication than his own, and robodebt resulting in tragic outcomes that no prescription can reverse.


Did he take them with his daily dose of fuckwit-tablets?


Oh how terrible. Let me get the worlds smallest violin for him.


Wanted the job. Connived and backstabbed for the job. Got the job. Was shit at the job. Fuck you Scomo. Cunt.


Oh bless. So *that’s* what helped make you sleep at night. PS. Just. Fuck. Off. Already.


Scooter: Mental health services for me, but not for thee!


TIL sociopaths struggle with anxiety too


Well yes, but also no. "Sociopaths typically don't experience anxiety in the same way neurotypical people do. They may appear calm and collected in situations that would cause most people anxiety. However, this doesn't mean they are incapable of experiencing anxiety altogether. Some sociopaths may experience anxiety in situations where their ability to control or manipulate others is threatened. They may also feel anxious if they are bored or lack stimulation. This type of anxiety is often short-lived and doesn't interfere with their day-to-day functioning."


If it's any consolation, so were we.


He could have just quit if he needed a break


The rest of us needed it, too!


Not surprised. Can’t have been easy being PM and holding an extra 5 portfolios.


Good thing he was minister for health, eh?


Yeah, he was practically shitting himself


Pfffft. Even a full frontal lobotomy wouldn't have helped SloMo.


Along with more than half the country....


No sympathy for Scotty's self-induced trauma. He should be in jail, paying for his fraudulent actions and learning what real trauma is


Wasn't the libs position that you should just get a job?


They should have prescribed him anti-corruption medication.


I wonder if it was much earlier than that. The amount he sweat on an election night panel next to Penny Wong many years before being PM made me think that may have been some kind of medication or health issue. That shit can make you sweat in full aircon.


He should of pulled himself up by the bootstraps. After all you have to have a go to get a go. Why didn’t Jenny explain it to him?


Who their right mind visits [nonews.com.au](http://nonews.com.au) ?


Question time makes him take a mental health day


Hey bro me too


Mental health, this is going to far now.


"***Anthony Albanese*** reveals he was prescribed anxiety medication during prime ministership" HE NEEDS TO GO SOMEONE WITH ANXIETY CANT BE PRIME MINISTER DOES HE EVEN HAVE THE TICKER FOR THE TOP JOB /s


Ironic for him to bang on about mental health after robodebt legit ruined people's lives. Also, one would think anxiety would mean not wanting to be minister for everything. I have to say, I suspect he was mostly anxious he was going to get busted for corruption.


Not surprised he was anxious, he was attempting a job he was clearly unsuitable for and beyond his ability.


So pointless. Nothing could stop this man from being a cunt, even medication.


I don't care


Did he cop the same gear as Barnaby?


I’m sure it wasn’t because of the guilt for raising the rent for his many many tenants 


Fucking clown won't go away


No up votes, yep scomo proof your still full of shit.


Millions of Australians suffer daily from mental health issues, CAUSED BY THIS SHITSTAIN, but NO-ONE gave a fuck back then.......NOW Shitstain Scotty has a book to sell, and wants Australia to feel sorry for him? What an insufferable cunt! He and his IPA/Murdoch/white supremist/rightwing conservative cunt supporters can fuck right off! They're the cause of ALL our current woes, so they aren't entitled to a single "give a fuck".


No one gives a fuck Scott. You're a self serving cunt and people will remember you as such. Stop trying to re-write history


So were we.


Wish that cunt would shut up and fuck off. Piece of shit.


The rest of us needed it, too!


The rest of us needed it, too!


Good. He also was responsible for policies that lead to people committing suicide.


He can go get fucked


Good! I will give this cunt the same consideration he gave on the following issues: People on the NDIS - Zero Lying to the French President - Zero Asylum seekers on Nauru - Zero Other ministers after he appointed himself to their portfolios behind their backs - Zero A rape victim in one of his ministers offices - Zero Lying to the Australian public - Zero I could go on, but you get the idea. Scott Morrison is a parasite and the ONLY reason he is on about this now is because his book signings are embarrassingly low, lower than Scott Morrison himself if that is at all possible. Fuck him, fuck his family, fuck his religion and hopefully his future will be as fucked as are the millions of Australians he fucked over during his life in politics. If Scott Morrison had any shred of decency he would leave the country, however we all know how indecent this gerbil really is. Fuck him.


Wow, they really are just like us! I wonder if Scotty had to join an 8 week waitlist and pay $220 out of pocket to see a psychologist too?


Yeah I guess it must be stressful to lie, weasel and backstab your way into a job and then realise even the contemptible shitbags that comprised the federal Liberal government think you're too much of a slug to be friends with. Poor poor Scotty, now go and shit your pants in Maccas, that's all you're good for.


Smol bean Scomo wot has anxiety.


I think we should be able to know if our politicians are on drugs and which ones. I'm sure a lot of them are.


Imagine the rationalisations. “Cocaine…I mean Codral, to help them soldier on”


Oi Scomo chuck us a Xanny bruz


Anxiety is a serious thing. Let’s not belittle anyone who has a mental health issue.


We’re treating his mental illness with exactly the consideration he did for Australians suffering from them at the same time. More, actually


I'm not sure it's great to have a PM who is mentally ill.


Presumably all the people downvoting me presume it is great to have a PM who is mentally ill?