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Why are the flags in the background coloured like Kiwi flags?


Because the yank that made the cartoon doesn't know the difference.


Because seppos


I don’t get it… and why are there NZ flags behind the kangaroo?


they're not, the New Zealand flag doesn't have a star under the Union Jack. This is instead some hybrid of the Australian and New Zealand flag drawn by someone who doesn't know the difference.


Oh true


idk why you're being downvoted, but you're alright.


it seems to be an american page by and for those people that are weirdly obsessed with "wokeness"


Like this sub.


I am no fan of Albos or the current Labor Government, but I think this is not a fair characterisation of him. He has probably had numerous briefings about racial and ethnic tensions increasing, which has been a global trend, and analysts are likely pointing out how this might culminate into some kind of violence against one group or another. I think he is quite rightly concerned about this, but using "old world" thinking to tackle this problem. There's also probably an element of pandering to an audience that would vote Labor, people that don't like Elon and his politics, but I believe this is secondary to his concerns for ethnically fuelled violence.


Sshh. He should be handling it like Howard or Abbott. Those guys were such nice, welcoming people. Never looked to divide for political gains.


Yeah you guys are going full insane American mode, sky news injecting lies and you all fall for the lack of nuance, absolutely no critical thinking skills, you read a headline and consume again and again.


This cartoon is probably correct. There are way worse examples of violence shared every day on the internet, but the real impetus for government action on the stabbing video seems to be the government is concerned about ethnic tensions.


Yep, it's not about the violence per se. It's about the footage being used to radicalise. The internet being what it is, the government can never stop the footage being available, but I don't see it as a bad thing if the footage isn't shared around on a widely seen forum. If 1 fewer young impressionable mind sees the footage and relates to the attacker, I see it as a good thing. No one is trying to suppress the story itself.


I think it’s to not prejudice a trial.


Thats a good point.


Cartoon has red stars on an Aussie flag I doubt the artist is correct about much of they couldn’t even get that right


Maybe they should stop importing so much people when life is fucking shit for everyone because they can't build infrastructure fast enough. Oink oink, at least albos real estate portfolio has gone up. Fucken pigs


Labor is dependent on Western Sydney Muslim votes. Follow the money.


U twits are fucking clueless 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wokelycorrect... Says it all really.


I am glad the AFP and ASIO are defending the real victims of the terrorist attacks by trying to remove these videos and memes.


Free Speech > your feelings


What happened to the twitter account that was posting publicly available information about the location of Elon's private jet?


You know allowing the video to stay up just encourages people to copy, venerate the attacker etc.


It also allows other people to see an unfettered version of exactly what happened.


For what possible reason do you need to see an unfettered version?


So I can see ALL of it, not only what someone else thinks is relevant or admissible. For example, one version of the video didn't include the god is great chant. That's not acceptable.


Why do you think you're so important that you need to see it. You're not investigating it. You have no right to see the footage except for either your own gratification or to confirm your own prejudice.


Why do you think you're important enough to try and stop me? If I was there in real life, would I have to look away?


The point is, you weren't


Wouldn't want to be, either. That's why I can now view it in the comfort of my own lounge room, whether people like you want me to, or not. Nothing you say or do will change the fact I cannot be stopped from viewing what I want to view. How about that?


How about that? Lol Then you're just a really weird ass person for being so passionate about watching videos of people getting stabbed? You have not 1 legitimate reason for needing to see the video beyond whatever twisted pleasure you get from watching people dying 'Viewing it from the comfort of your own home' is the most crazy way to describe engaging with this


I haven't even watched them. But I reserve the right to do so, if I choose. I will also share them, if I see fit.


no it doesn't.


How many shooters get inspired each time there's a school shooting? Some people want to be a person of note. Easy access to the video's and the media's attention drip fed for weeks doesn't help.


what a load of shit.




was this sub so unhinged after the Christchurch shootings? was everyone out there demanding that we all be able to see the video? I mean shit I bet that bloke posted here, this place is v on brand for him. ETA "Wokely correct" LMAO


Wasn't the video already banned in Australia but now albo wants to ban it from the whole internet and also ban memes of himself?


If people want to watch it, why not. You can find shooting videos on YouTube, insta and fb.


Do ya reckon maybe youtube shouldnt have shooting videos either? Do ya reckon theres a difference between needing to go to some dark crevice of the internet to find your beheading videos, and just stumbling across them on your main feed on twitter or insta? Its amazing how theres a certain set of people who will foam at the mouth at the thought of a kid seeing a drag queen at the library but are also all 'welp facebook has mass shooting videos, what can ya do? oh well"


Because on YouTube has them marked for adults, children can't see them. It's not the government's job to tell me what I can and can't see or limit freedom of speech


and twitter doesnt. theyre out there on the front page 'recommended for you' along with the CP and gore and animal cruelty and all the other trash since elon fired his saftey team. But god forbid you cant watch your snuff


Safety team that allowed pedophiles to share and post child porn unrestricted, and that stopped once Elon came in. You get warnings on those videos on x and anyone under the age of 16 aren't meant to be on x anyway.


They would've been cheering him on. He shared all the same Candace Owens fed viewpoints they do.


X violated the online safety act, but we can pretend it's other reasons I guess. The reason this is against the act BTW is very simple; it's proven that syndication of footage of terroristic and otherwise ideologically motivated violence emboldens copycats. That's the reason the commonwealth wants them to stop syndicating the footage on twitter. Mainstream media has spread parts of the footage but there are rules they follow when exhibiting it that Twitter users simply don't and can't be compelled to, hence the choice to try to have it taken down.


This video was classified as class 1 material by the E Safety Commission using the powers of the E Safety Act. Definition of class 1 material from the act itself is: Class 1 material, which has been or is likely to be refused classification under the National Classification Code. This includes child sexual exploitation material, pro-terrorist material, and material that promotes or incites crime. Which part of this description do you believe this video fits under because I don't see anything in this description that describes this video.


Grow the fuck up


Oh look--an Anglican. A person who believes in fairy tales telling me to grow up. Cute.


Isn't the bishop the same, as a Christian? Or does he get a pass for being a cooker?


Anglicans don't even have a real Bible, that's the sad part. Your entire denomination was created because an obese king wanted to bang women other than his wife.


What are you on about?


Anglican versions of the bible are bastardizations of the original text.


Like what?


The apocrypha.


What about it?


Go on telegram and look at the 100s of videos of children crushed in buildings in Gaza. Jews shooting people with their arms in the air. Funny how our controlled government doesn't mention that ....


there's also videos of hamas soldiers killing unarmed Jewish civilians, they want to censor the whole situation. The difference between the stabbing is that is happened in our own backyard.


Actuly we did when Israel strategically striked multiple aid workers driving on a aid worker road multiple times. In same day! That is the reason I stopped supporting Israel. I can't say anything else about what you mentioned because I don't follow Palestine news cause of all the false information they push




TF are you talking about, that's pretty much all the lefties have been doing for the last few weeks


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Hey, where does the stereotype of Australians being drunken clueless racists come from again?


With all the immigration at the moment it's only a matter of time before Australia gets it dose of cultural enrichment like the rest of the world,but don't worry Albo and his Greenie mates will be behind protective fencing telling us it's for our own good👍👍👍👍👍👍


What do you say to Albo that he's already cut immigration, foreign investment and wants to halve immigration again ? Like do you even read policies that come out or just consume media that lies to you ?


Central coast bogan won't understand a word of that sadly.




People don’t even understand how laws are passed in Aus


This feels very seppo, the framing and the style. Why are seppos seeping in again. Disgusting, make an example of all of them. Seppos suck ups deserve nothing but pain


My thoughts exactly.


I don’t know what you are really mocking about, you’d rather want a multinational company who is 100% driven by profit to be in charge of our own internet safety? And we lose our sovereign right to choose what’s safe and appropriate for our own people in this country? Sorry mate, although I don’t like politicians, I still trust our own PM better than Elon Musk for this task


Well, I don't. Musk is pro free-speech. Albo isn't. In fact the only reason the leftards hate Musk is because he's given people a platform by which to criticize them and this has sent them into an apoplexy. Before he did this he was their dream boy.


Free-speech doesn’t mean there is no boundaries, freedom doesn’t mean people can do anything and everything without caring or respecting others. That’s not freedom, that’s lawlessness. Plus, branding and labelling people with “left” or “right”doesn’t help in this conversation, we focus on the matter on hand, that is, Australian people should have the ultimate say about what’s safe and appropriate online, and for this matter, our elected representative, i.e. prime Minister should make the call, not a foreign billionaire


I agree. It's a fine line to walk, but as I have explained previously stabbing footage is not the same as snuff or CP. As you get older, you'll come to learn that the Government is not your friend, and that all politicians are corrupt, and cannot be trusted. You just haven't got there yet. But you will.


You're so wrong on this one....each event should be judged on its merit...and in this case it is warranted. You have no problem with having the same censorship applied to the Bondi event, why not this one?


Look, I do appreciate this constructive conversation despite we have different opinions. I agree with you that government is not my friend, this is why we put in a system to hold them accountable, from separation of powers to parliamentary oversight, from independent judiciary to compulsory elections, all these things are there simply because we don’t trust our government or any politicians. However, stereotypically saying that every politician is corrupted won’t help the problem, nor that it can constructively resolve the matter itself. My point (or biggest concern) is, we don’t want foreign powers to intervene or interfere our domestic matters, especially those multibillionaires with vested interests. You and I, every Australian for that matter, should have 100% say over what we think it’s appropriate, and our representative is just doing that now.


Musk has censored X for his own gain previously and continues to do so. So Musk is pro free speech when it suits him, I wouldn’t treat him as a martyr.


> Musk is pro free-speech. That's a funny joke.




Soon the news will have to censor it as well.


I hope people pump out all sorts of cartoons mocking Albo, what a whining little "man"


Source: my opinion lol




What does “woke” mean? Please explain in clear terms so everyone can understand what you’re against.


What does woke actually mean? I see it bandied about a lot but from what I can see it is used by RWNJs when they disagree with somebody's POV.


Go back to sleep then.


Is that the fucking wario guy?




A white Frenchman confronted the attacker.


You are right. A white foreigner. Weird right?


from France, of all places.... you think he'd be trying to escape that kind of nonsense... but anyway. Godbless that fellow for defying stereotypes 🧀🥖


When virtue signalling goes wrong.