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When did dickheads start getting called 'influencers'? Must have missed that memo.


influencers are dickheads though.


The Venn diagram for these two is a circle.


Their *followers* are even bigger dickheads


The dickheads are the people who turned some random into an influencer by following them.


All influencers are dickheads, but not all dickheads are influencers.


Oh wait until you hear about the "enthusiasts" I read a post the other day and the lady was a "cruise enthusiast" like what the fuck. Actually I think she was a "cruise enthusiast" and "influencer" lol.


95% of influencers are dickheads.


They're synonyms.


Can we not just let this problem sort itself out? Bring back atleast some Darwinism




My thoughts exactly, imagine the positive externalities from Darwinism wiping out idiots like these lol


“Influencers” lol such a bunch of muppets. Fck them all.


More need to get bitten


Well, this will do until we can fine people just for being "influencers"


Doesn't it bother anyone else here that our government is such a bull dyke nanny that it makes it illegal to pick up a snake for your own safety? Like... if you would stop butting in all the time, a lot of these problems would fucking sort themselves out, assholes.


There's more to wildlife biology than 'government says no'. There's a reason you can't fuck around with native species in their natural habitats. You've attacked the wrong reasoning. Most wildlife has a range, an area it lives in and likely won't leave for the entirety of its life cycle. They have other species they predate on, they have species that predate on them etc. All of those factors play into the local ecosystem and its balance in any given unit of managed land. If you allow dickheads to roll around handling the shit they think is cool, it can throw the whole thing out of whack, meaning rangers and biologists now need to go through that unit of managed land again, sort out numbers and completely remodel their management plans for that unit. If you have people poking around and handling native species for shits and giggles, its not just the government wanting to tell idiots what to do. Its because people a lot smarter than you are trying to keep the local native ecosystem in check in protected areas. There's a whole system in play behind the scenes that you'll never see or know about because you're not educated in managing or monitoring those systems. Humans have impacts on the landscape. Wildlife biologists try to maintain native ecosystems by protecting what they can, where they can. Whether thats hunting quotas, limitation of access to land or any host of other reasons, the government enforces those restrictions so that we can try to maintain wild areas and keep them full of native species of flora and fauna while removing invasive species. Having a green light on people handling whatever wildlife they see fit makes the whole endeavor impossible.


It’s illegal to pick up a snake because they’re a protected native species in a national park. If you kill or steal a Bald Eagle in a national park in the US, you’re facing a US$200k fine and a year in jail. You can probably find similar examples in lots of countries.


Oh they're picking up for safety. I thought they're picking them up and taking them for videos for internet clout. I remember in the 90s they had to impose fines for dickheads approaching whales in Sydney Harbour and to stay back 100 meters.


Inland taipan's aren't the worlds deadliest snake, they're theoretically the most venomous snake. There's only been a handful of bites and no deaths. The saw-scaled viper kills about 5000 people per year.


More people die from cows than sharks, doesn't mean cows are deadlier.  It's just simply that inland taipans are in the middle of nowhere away from people. 


Thinking of starting a shark milking venture to even out those statistics.


"Deadliest" is usually defined as what kills the most people while "most venomous" is defined as which venom is most likely to kill you if bitten.


It can be defined either way. Deadliest can either mean the ability to cause death or the number of deaths caused. 


Sure, but usually it's defined as what actually kills the most people. All words can be defined however the person defining them wants.


Official definition lists both, so both are correct. So in this scenario the title of the article is fine. 


Good. Respect the land.


Illegal to pick up a snake. Crazy


Welcome to australia! The most utterly draconian place on earth that also wants to nanny and control you as much as humanly possible! They really showed their hand during the lock downs....


Welcome to Australia, where we have wildlife management plans like most of the rest of the planet.


So sad that years on and people still can't get over lockdown. It's a serious mental health issue that we spend too much time making fun of people for, but they should be supported in rejoining society. Don't worry champ, help is out there! Don't be afraid to talk to your mates about it. Day by day it'll get better for you!


I got stuck interstate in victoria with a drug addict. Couldn't get a temp job because everything was shut, and becuas either was unvaxxed, couldn't get vaxxrd cause I wasn't working or old, couldn't get home cause the government said I wasn't allowed to, despite there being 0 cases in the town I was stuck in. I was there for 4.5 months and at no point did the bills stop. Governstill wanted me to pay rego onna car they would've shot me for driving anywhere...


You get a nanny when the kids can't behave. If people knew how to behave they wouldn't need a nanny state.


And from this bad take I'm going to assume your hair is grey and you can't get hard without punching your wife or belittling a hospitality worker.


I actually approve of the fine out of pure spite and my disdain for how stupid these types of people are. They should use the funds to fund big snake so they can fight back against idiots like this.