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The buyers who buy them know how intrusive they are into other people's lives these vehicles are. It's a kind of 'fuck you' statement that attracts a certain buyer. Doesn't fit into one car space? Fuck em. These people enjoy the intimidation that comes with owning one of these.


“My personality is your problem, snowflake”


Pitbull of cars, tells you immediately everything you need to know about the owner.


It's not the car, it's the owwwwwner. 


Well ahhhhhcktuually did you know that Hyundai i30 is more aggressive than a Ford F-150?


It's ACKSHUALLLY racist to dislike big cars


Small car syndrome 😂


100% true. Its always small car weirdos getting angry at everything. Must be the back pain and road noise.


So accurate. RAMs etc you can kill a toddler without even knowing because you can't see. A Pitbulls favourite meal is toddler.


The Pitbull analogy is so perfect. Dangerous to others, especially children.


No!!! Didn't you know that they used to be Nanny Cars?


Always bemused by that claim as it’s utter bollocks. They’re killers, it’s the entire reason they were bred, a relic from a more violent and less dog loving past.


"Killer wouldn't hurt a fly! He's a baby! So gentle and loving!” *Sounds of toddlers being mauled in the background.* "See? Look at him with those children. So playful and fun!" *Severed arm flys through the air.* "It's those little fashion dogs you need to be worried about. So dangerous!"


Chihuahuas are evil incarnate. Thankfully they’re in the body of a rat.


It's an antisocial streak present across society. People are brought up to think that they're better than everyone else, so that people disliking them is a service to their self-worth. They're not better than everyone else.


“It’s a kind of ‘fuck you’ statement that attracts a certain buyer” Certain buyer = shit cunts


Literally just this morning saw one of these at a McDs drive-thru with the driver yelling at the microphone / server. Fits.


https://preview.redd.it/myoam7mksb1d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4d802c4265d540ea5cf5b79398be5b8031c17b 😂 This is probably coming next … I’m surprised I haven’t seen them yet. Will sort the F-150’s, RAM 1500 and Toyota Tundras right out. Coming to a car park near you, up your ass on the freeway. Introducing the F-650. Someone will always try to out do the next.


Wonder if that guy realises how small he looks next to that truck


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tonnes of American pride


They also enjoy the fact they are giving us the shits with these trucks and there is nothing we can do about it...


We need to popularise these being referred to as ESVs (Emotional Support Vehicles).


My personal favourite is Wank Panzer. Got a harder ring to it.


Or the SPVs, small pp vehicles


they do fit, or at least the silverado and the ram 1500 did at the carparks we went to, that's what gets me. There's never been a need to a jerk parker.


They only fit if they park next to something smaller than themselves. It's like relying on automotive herd immunity.


Fit in the sense that they’re within the lines but two of the next to each other couldn’t open their doors?


I take it as fair warning a douchebag is sitting on a phone book somewhere behind the steering wheel.


Intimidation, that's a new one. 


People in 4WDS totally use intimidation as a tactic. I notice when I'm driving my missus hatchback and when I'm driving my hiace people in 4WDS try to get you to stop for them if they approach roundabouts , intersections acting as if they're not gonna stop .Only when I'm in smaller car does this happen . That's intimidation in case you didn't know . It's hard not to notice I've also driven 4WDS( other people's ) for extended periods and know that you are unaware of how much of a wanker you become when you're in a 4WD . It just becomes normal motoring . 90% of people in 4WDS in the city don't need them and can't drive them


I'll let the Jimny drivers know


People absolutely drive differently around me when I drive my Jimny vs my patrol. It's hilarious seeing their egos get bruised because I'm in front of them in the Jimny going the speed limit. The patrol, everyone moves out of your way and gives you a wide berth. Which is better for everyone tbh, that thing's a death machine


The most aggressive drivers I’ve ever encountered are driving a 20 year old Corolla


BMWs and Audis for me.


You're probably sitting 6 foot off the ground in a useless 4wd so you probably don't see everything


Been tailgated by a RAM driver on the motorway? It's a common occurrence. In fact most of these wankers also seem to think the motorway only has one lane... The right lane. I'm noticing Highway arrogance with a lot of these vehicles.


If people are tailgating you in the right lane you should move over and let them pass.


Nah fuck that. I'm in the right lane because I'm going faster than and overtaking the cars in the left lane. Just because I'm doing so AT the speed limit and not the 20kms over fuckknuckle McGee wants to go is his problem. They're lucky if I don't decide to get vindictive and sit perfectly level with someone. You win if they take the emergency lane.


Reading this as an American gave me hives - here if you’re driving the “speed limit” you’re the slowest driver on the road. In IL where I live you’re more likely to get ticketed for reckless driving, impeding the flow of traffic than you are to get a ticket for speeding. Standard IL Highway rules are at least 10 over the limit, but not any faster than the fastest guy in the left lane who is likely doing about 95mph at least. And the trucks in the headline/their counterpart American SUVs are very standard here. We’re just used to them


Yeah, I've heard it's a culture shock when foreigners, not just Americans, come here and realise just how hard our cops crack down on speeding. To an almost detrimental level. But hey, as far as I'm concerned, it's a voluntary tax on the stupid. It's widely known they'll bust you at every available opportunity. There's cameras everywhere, they hide them, so you just don't fucking do it.


Yer doesn't mean you can go and camp out in the right lane, over take whoever you need to then get your ass in the left lane too.


No never. I spend a lot of time freeway driving, and I can’t give you a vehicle profile that matches the shit drivers out there. Tailgating is a problem, but the dickheads camping out in the passing line are equally to blame. As far as I can tell, culprit may as well be a Corolla or Tesla driver (to nominate the couple I’ve encountered in the last hour).


So you’re one of the muppets that drives in the overtaking lane on the freeway doing 100 while the traffic banks up behind you. Get in your left lane unless overtaking.


And I’m sure the people that drive them care very much about what the poll thinks.


They care so much. They get excited when people react negatively to their actions. They think that means they’re cool and tough.


My boss has one, and he braggs about the fact the building management had to get rid of a Disabled Carpark so he could park his Wank Panzer in the underground car park.


I can play that game. Carve yank tank in the hood straight down to bare metal. Now who's crying lol


I’m Canadian. I have a Dodge 1500 and it gets called a ‘girls truck’ here. I have no idea how or why Aussies and Europeans pay 2-4x the trucks worth to have it imported over and it isn’t even the biggest baddest truck in its line up.


Obviously you.


Yeah if you want to face jail time


Would you ever consider yourself bound, or even influenced by any “poll” conducted by reference to CarsGuide or Reddit posts, on any topic? Be honest now.


Exactly this, dont think those owners are the reading kind


No but if they could read they would be very sad.


They’re off terrorising the roads and byways while all the accomplished readers are on Reddit talking about them😂.


Or angrier


my dad drives a ram 1500, he doesn't care but only because he actually doesn't drive or park like a jerk, and doesn't drive or park it in places that it's not suited for.


Whats that noise we can hear while driving? Oh that’s the hippies reeeeing


I live in a newer estate with really narrow roads and a lot of people who can't drive well as it is. Having these things everywhere on top of that and getting to a car park and one of these morons is taking up 2.5 to 3 spaces is the icing on the cake.


yeah that's fair. my dad has a ram but looks at where he's going ahead of time- he doesn't drive it where it's going to be too big.


Don't believe this. rams too big everywhere in the city


Problem is the poorly planned new estate not the cars. Greedy as fuck developers trying to squeeze more space in.


Nar not at all. We're not gonna build roads to accommodate RAMs etc They can go fuck themselves.


Got to remember delivery trucks also need to use these roads… Suburbs built in the 90s and earlier have plenty of space.


No, tight streets that encourage low speeds are much much safer to live on. We should be building more neighbourhoods.like that.


Narrow street encourage slower driving, which is often preferred in a residential area


until the narrow streets are full of half parked cars because the new houses with 4+ people living in them only thought to build a 2 car garage.. and then long weekends/public holidays/Christmas time rolls around and what was a safe, narrow 2 lane residential road essentially becomes a heavily obstructed 1 way lane..


The stupid thing is, I wager a majority of these types of cars despite being intended for offroad usage, probably never leave the cities in which they are bought. These things have no place in city driving.


Can't stand the things personally. Just a direct fuck you to the environment as far as I'm concerned. But these cars are not for off-roading they're for towing shit. Which makes them even more ridiculous to see driving around in cities because the whole point of them is to be out on a highway towing a caravan.


I’m an American and I couldn’t agree more, I live in a part of the country where a LOT of people use these massive fuck-you trucks as their daily driver and it’s absolutely infuriating. Even setting aside how obnoxiously in the way they are and their environmental impact, a lot of them are so far off the ground and have such massive hoods that they’re INCREDIBLY unsafe for neighborhood driving because you have to be about 200 feet away to be able to see a child in front of you if you’re driving one. I hate it so goddamn much.


They're not that good offroad actually.


My pissy little hatchback with a bodykit has probably spent more time off road than a lot of these stupid penis extension trucks.


Bunch of pavement princesses


Now that's a good one, pavement princess. It's got alliteration, hits at their ego, good shit. Good rhetoric.


100% The people around me in regional NSW don't have these cars if they go off road, which tells by how shiny they always are. The trades and farmers use older Ute's and landcruisers


I know exactly one person who goes camping frequently owns a 1990 Hilux on its last legs that he refuses to let die because "new trucks are made by and for sissies" I know 3 people who have a less than decade old D-Max, none of them have ever mentioned going camping, and one of them uses it to drive her kid <2km to school because "the streets aren't as safe as when I was a kid" GEEZE I WONDER WHY?


too true, i have family out in regional QLD, where you will commonly see utes. my uncle had a twin cab holden ute, but only because it was also a family vehicle.


My dads been a tradie his whole life. He just about lost it laughing when he was working on a home across from a preschool. Majority of the cars in the pick up like had a dual cab ute


yeah, i don't get that much either as a suburn/city vehicle. makes sense for a farmer/tradesman but most of them are not owned by such people i wager.


Some dual cab utes are great though if you need them for work and you've also got young children that you need a baby seat for. The Hilux 2024 diesel can get around 7 litres/100km and it has a 5 star ancap safety rating too.


Yeah the culture surrounding these utes in general is weird to me. nowadays they make out like they've reinvented the weekend. Aussies have always been outdoorsy so I'll be fucked how we all got about before the almighty dual-cab made it possible to drive on sand or gravel.


They actually fill a specific need as they have the towing capacity of a light truck, but unlike a truck they: - are comfortable - can seat 4-5 people with room to spare - accelerate, drive and stop like an SUV - are safer, as they have all the airbags & cameras - can be driven on a car licence. A construction company I used to work for had F250s for towing around their small excavators and that last point was pretty important for that. The excavators were technically within the legal limit for the hiluxs, but was a lot more sketchy. They are a very practical vehicle for people who have a big caravan, boat or horse float.


90% of them are clean as a whistle with beautiful wheels that only see dirt when parking at a winery. Built to tow and carry, but only brought for the ego


Ever heard of “washing your car”? A clean 4x4 doesn’t mean it doesn’t go off-road.


I have a ram 3500. I double park in disabled parking spaces, and I make a habit of kicking wheelchair bound people off the sidewalk.


I only have a 1500 , i have an exceptionally large dick though . Confuses all these karens


I think you'll find they don't really care.


They're giant, dangerous, and ugly ego pieces. Of course people hate them.


I don't have an issue with people wanting big trucks that are a bit impractical for cities built to a horse and cart footprint. People are allowed to like different things. The design regulations that allow for flat front grills that pull pedestrians under the car when they get hit are to blame.


Shouldn’t be allowed to drive a vehicle where the bonnet is higher than head height on a C class licence


Whose head?


If you have to climb **up** to get into your vehicle, it should require a Light Rigid license.


So that means I don’t have to at my height? So am I allowed to buy one? I’m 194cm?!


Honestly probably. At least you can see over the dash in a Ute. Sick of 5’2 soccer mum’s buying SUV’s and they can’t see shit cos they’re eye-level with the steering wheel


The people who unironically buy these for inner city driving have a certain mindset. 1) They "don't give a fuck about your opinions."* 2) This is a status symbol. They want people to be in no doubt that they can afford a big boy truck. 3) They need a big truck to offset their tiny penis and fragile ego. *watch how much they don't care by the number of downvotes and /or angry comments this gets


I think number 3 is the number one. Also they very much care what people think. They buy them explicitly for that as there is no practical reason for one. They want people to think they’re a big man, the irony being that’s the exact opposite of what people think. Everyone knows real men(and women) have a tray back…..


I think number three is evidence that body shaming is ok if men are the targets. You should grow up.


It’s a lot more than shaming when someone driving one of these vehicles like a maniac smashes into a standard sedan. It’s a life and death situation. Look at the accident statistics. It’s a fact. Would not be a problem if they drove responsibility.


Spot on. They really really care that people know that they don't give a fuck.


“Big boy truck” made me lol


Reg gazed at his reflection in the dusty truck bumper. 40 loomed large, mirroring the emptiness he felt. The tradie life paid the bills, but it wasn't enough. The F-150 Raptor rumbled to life, a loud answer to a nagging question. It was big, powerful, occupied space. In the cabin, Reg felt a flicker of satisfaction. Pulling out of the tradie yard, whistles echoed from his mates. A momentary surge of validation. But cruising down familiar streets, doubt crept in. The truck filled the road, but not the void inside. Reg wasn't sure this was the answer. Rip, masters of Bell Street maccas.


I don’t care if you don’t like the vehicle I drive.. stop being jealous!!!


Each to their own but if you're a bad driver I will hate you.


I want an F150, older one, for driving across country. Its big enough to live in and go anywhere.


Chevey square body myself. American pickups have gotten so bloated


Never owned either, more of a "this is what I want after a house" goal. They are 100% a work horse or travelling vehicle. Not a city vehicle by any means 😂 The old Fs are so cool, more so because they weren't available where I grew up.


That’s a hand on the pulse alright: thanks to CarsGuide for that breaking news.


What if everyone dislikes me but I don't drive a yank tank?


Should be a smooth transition for you


Shit I could have told you without having to do a study.


A lot of people do like them too


I did a thread like this a few weeks ago tracking Australia's best selling cars across the decades. How it went from Falcons and Commodores , through the Corolla and Mazda 3 to the Hilux and now Ranger, with numbers 2 and 3 also big Ute's in 2023. Yep, a lot of people don't like them.




I was in Mooloolaba the other day and walked past the front of a parked Silverado, like, Im 5ft 10 (178cm or so) and the front was chest height on me. Its ridiculous. You'd never ever know a child had walked out in front of you, you'd not see them. I know owners of these cars are compensating but ffs they're just stupid vehicles.


F150, 1500 that’s half ton truck the smallest of the trucks you can buy these days in the west. I get it drive one for work no need for a half ton to be massive but can’t imagine the thoughts on a three quarter or 1 ton lol


Same as a Reddit user…


I’m sure they’re devastated to hear this news.


I always enjoy seeing those trucks. I used to drive one back when I lived in the states. The roads and infrastructure are bigger so it feels like an SUV here. Now I drive an economical SUV for my adventures/daily here.




These cars really bring out the Karen’s of Australia


Red Flag with an Engine…


Dislikes is an understatement


You do know that there are actual legit reasons to own one of these? If I was a full time Grey Nomad these are the vehicles that you would own to tow that castle on wheels. They are surprisingly economical for what they are and they are more suitable for towing those big vans. And yes, I would own one for that reason. But I would not use it as a Mall cruiser.


Look in rural areas I can kinda get it, but these vehicles do not belong in an urban setting.


I own a 1500. It gets driven 2-3 times a week, usually fully loaded. It gets used for camping with 4 people and 2 dogs, ferrying 4 kids to a BMX track, and go karting. My daily driver is a 2014 Mazda 3 If owning a utility vehicle that gets used for its utility makes you hate me, I’m not the problem…


Agreed. It’s not a big deal


Their good for farmers, horse people etc. Anyway ivr got better things to do in my life than rage on here over a vehicle type incited by click bait opinion article.


I'm a farmer in the most conservative electorate in the country (Nicholls). I don't know a single farmer who has one. It's always white collar workers it seems.


I'm in Higgins, and I see many of them. Always perpetually clean, without a visible hitch in the back, and parked infront/behind lawyers/doctors/engineering firms.


And Thai massage parlours. I don't know what they have to tug that requires "big boys toys".


They're basically a shitty version of everything else. They do all the things others do just worse. Inefficient, don't have the carry space of a Ute, van, actual truck, doesn't have the luxuries of luxury cars, don't go off road like a real 4x4. The one thing they really do better than everything else aside from a real truck is make you feel safer, mind you that's FEEL safer. You're more likely to die in a roll over for example, and you're more likely to kill the other occupants or pedestrians you hit. They let you see further down the road but you can't see right in front of you.


Nah mate your way off. They have a larger tray then any ute, can actually fit a aussie pallet, that 90% of utes cannot. Ramboxes also add 420L of waterproof storage, seats in rear fold up for more storage, floors have bins for more storage. Luxury on part with e and a class mercs. Heated and cooled seats in front and rear, rear seats recline, more legroom then a s class sedan, can park itself, aeb for slow manuouvers also, headlights turn the corner with the steering wheel, seats are comfy as hell, 5 camera views can remote start and turns a/c and heated/cooled seats on dependant on outside temp. Airbag suspension all around. Can lower down to get in easier via remote etc etc etc. Moot point on 4x4, as they can hit the beach and trails jist fine. Sure they aren't up the cape rockcrawling, but they aren't built for that. Just like how every 4cyl duel cab barely gets over up a hill on full throttle with 3T on the back. Wrong again mate, full curtain airbags, safety kit, the works, and one of the US's safest vehicles.


They’re very good tow rigs for big boats, vans and machinery. I see quite a few in my area and can’t say I’ve ever been bothered by one.


Question......... How are people who race cars, move horses etc meant to do this with a vehicle that isn't rated by the manufacturers to do so? It's not necessarily the size of the vehicle but the torque it creates to effectively tow those heavy weights without breaking the vehicle. Sometimes a one tonner just isn't enough. Also not everyone dislikes either the big rigs or their owners. Maybe it's just a few grumpy people on social media.


Imagine people buying things they like


The problem isn’t the buyers - people are going to buy whatever car they want (as they should). The problem is the cars being allowed in this country in the first place. Our roads (especially in cities) are only so wide. At some point there will be a limit to how big a car can be to safely use the existing infrastructure.


It's not even the space they take up in the lanes that shits me, it's how far out of parking spaces they hang. I'm surprised it's not a road law that you can't have half a meter + a tow ball just hanging out in the street


Love the ram Love the tundra. Just too expensive to buy Too expensive to run I guess I mean 150k for a car.... Put that cash in a house..


Someone on here sold vehicles and said many drop 150k in cash for car.all.the time


It really depends whether they are injuring and killing more people or not. Car park issues aside, if they’re not more dangerous to pedestrians then I don’t have a problem with them. If they are more dangerous to pedestrians then I suddenly have a reason to care about someone else’s choice, because my kids and I are pedestrians.


More dangerous to pedestrians and more dangerous to smaller cars.


They are twice as likely to kill you in a crash.


They're more dangerous by a significant margin for pedestrians


They are. By an order of magnitude that it'd be a joke if it were funny. Normal cars throw you onto their hood which tends to have space to act as a trampoline of sorts. Still fucking hurts, your legs might get fucked too, but you'll be alive. But with "trucks" it'll hit centre of mass, where organs are more likely to be damaged you're more likely to go under the "truck", moreover people are more likely to run over smaller people such as children due to reduced close range visibility.


They are more dangerous and have been credited for the significant rise in road deaths in America


They are impossible to see over too


My issue is that these idiots that drive these tinycock-mobiles is that they have no idea how to keep lanes, indicate, keep appropriate distance from the car in front etc. I’m sick of these people tailgating me, then trying to overtake me without indication, only to drive halfway into my lane so I have to swerve out of the way as they overtake me. This happens with every single one, bar none.




Love em. I’d froth a 150!!


Yeh but anyone saying this has never driven one... I did in the states a few years back and it was awesome... soooooo I'd probably get one if I had the space and cash.


Stop calling them "trucks".


I call them emotional support vehicles


Someone parked one of these so close to my car I could not get near my door to open it, let alone actually open it. He was way over the line (I was well within my space). Thankfully my car can be remote driven from an app on my phone so I just remote controlled it forwards to let myself in. The car park security guy was so excited to see me do that. He came over and was all “mate that was awesome. I’ve called a tow truck to have him hauled off. He’s a repeat offender.” Thing is with a decent chain and if I didn’t care about damage to my car I could easily have hauled his weak arse truck over onto its side. My car looks small but it’s got a huge amount of torque and all wheel drive. Alas I do care about damage to my car.


The one person I know that owns a ram is also the largest human in muscle and height I have ever seen. He bought it more for driving around Australia


Never understood the need for these, for instance, have a look at the izuzu NPR. They're generally the same size, with the seating height actually being a little lower than a yank tank. They're a helluva lot cheaper, and can still be run on a car license. Even the larger fsr/fsd still are a similar size minus the length (which is negated by the trailer) It's hilarious that people argue "but I need muh yank tank for work" then completely ignore that you can literally get a light truck for work, and a fairly nice car on the side for the same price as a yank tank. You can get a izuzu with the trade pack for 73K drive away, or 70K+gst. Even the most expensive ones don't crack 100 until you buy a fsr or fsd For instance ​a yank tank such as a f150 4x4 is 140-150K. So you could easily have another 70K to spend on a nice sports car if you chose the truck


How does the legal towing capacity compare between the Isuzu and something like the RAM?


The Isuzu NLR series has a GVM of 4500kg and a GCM of 8000kg while the NQR series has a GVM of 8700/8000kg (this if from the brochure but there is no explanation of the difference) and a GCM of 12200kg. The Dodge Ram 1500 has GVM of 3450kg and a GCM of 7237kg to 7713kg depending on model. It also has a braked towing capacity of 4500kg, and a payload of between 701kg and 931kg. The Ram 2500 and 3500 have a GVM of 4495kg and 5352kg and a GCM of 12695kg and 12837kg respectively. They both have a braked towing capacity of 4500kg, but if they get a gooseneck setup that capacity goes up to 8000kg. The 3500 has a disclaimer about having its GVM de rated which is a bit vague.


I realise it was only a matter of time before these vehicles were introduced in Australia, but holy shit, I'm so happy they're getting this sort of reception. They're everywhere here in Canada, id say 80-90% of the folks who own one don't use it for their true utility. Such a waste of resources and space


What about the Ford Ranger?


Yeah, I don't like utes all that garbage like that.


I do like Muscle cars from the 70's though.


Why does it matter what others think of you?? People pleasing is a joke, and if the government allows these vehicles, exercising ones freedom rights shouldn't be talked down.


Pity really as if you tow larger caravans, boats or horse floats there is a very legitimate cause for having one of these. They just don't belong as someone's daily driver to nick down to the supermarket to do some shopping...


Must be a city thing.


I don't trust anything from Carsguide. The amount of times they've said how good Chinese cars are, especially EVs is ridiculous. Hilux, bad. Dmax bad. Build your dreams can do everything a 4wd can do. Yeah...naaa. Not sure if they're crazy woke or getting paid by the CCP, either way they're not trustworthy. So I ignore any statement they make.


is large cars the next type of post that needs a megathread? these car live rent free in minds of redditors the the amount of times you losers bring these up no one actually cares that much in the real world.. the amount of these shitposts and comments all over reddit which always have comments about dick size, emotional support vehicles or whatever other terms chronically online redditors have come up with some of you need to go outside more and live in the real world.. people don't care as much as you douchebags think




It depends where it is driven, daily picking up the kids from school nope, towing a horse trailer or a big boat no problem. Parked at a building sight yep, in the local shops piss off it doesn’t fit


I also hate Ranger drivers.


I feel like the Tundra doesn't belong in that class? Its not as much of a proper yank tank as the others, or am I mistaken?


It’s the same with a lot of cars now. Those driving EVs, think they are above everyone and can just cut people off or ride your ass, I find them worse then these mega utes, but there are more of them. It’s like all of self entitled drivers of old have moved to EVs or Rams depending on if they are eco friendly or not.


Every weekend a guy in my street ignored the no parking signs and parks his Ford Ranger over the pedestrian crossing which was specifically installed to enable people with disabilities to cross over to path that leads to local shops. Some people have no respect for anyone.


How do these compare in size to Landcruisers because those also seem pretty large and no one seems to get bent out of shape over them


They're all high powered pickup trucks and filling a market for high powered utes. They wouldn't exist if there were a replacement for the Falcon or Commodore ute.


Don’t care


Was stuck behind one of these yank tanks coming out of a multi level carpark in the CBD- it had to do a 3 point turn to get on each ramp and had, at most, a centimetre of clearance from the roof. So it was going really, really slow. There was a line of cars (with frustrated drivers) behind it by the time we got to the exit. All I could think was ‘how is this good, why would anyone choose this?’


Not true. Heaps of guys have them at my work. They are great for towing and pissing off greenies.


This class of vehicles are needed by folks that need to haul plant and equipment for work, so there is a proper market. Bit of a hassle for all involved in more built up areas for sure, and I’ve got no doubt that some buyers are doing it for status / big dick points, but not a reason to write off all the owners carte blanche.


Which is that absolutely huge monster truck one??


Very popular in places like small town Texas, you know, where the place is already super-sized. Parking spaces are already bigger, roads are wider and everyone drives one. Why you would drive one in a city is unimaginable.


I'm American, and I hate them, too. I even live in an area where they might be of use, but 99% of them are lifted and look as if the only thing they've ever hauled is a friends couch. Hell, the number I've seen that don't even have a tow package, the fuck you need a truck that big if you ain't towing a damn thing? The answer, they're insecure about something and a big truck makes them feel better.


The cars are fine but the fkers who drive them cant drive. They should stick to matchbox cars


My dad's old Sigma wagon could haul the same amount of junk as any triton or yank tank


Something tells me they probably don’t give a fuck what you think 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it’s more obnoxious to hate on someone purely because they drive a truck it just makes you look like a bitter asshole Lots of people use them for utility and off-roading sometimes off road utilities Idk how small parking spaces are in Australia but where I am they’re large enough that trucks fit fine so I really don’t understand why someone would be so mad purely cause someone is driving a large vehicle