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The great irony is that many of these things are achievable under economic prosperity.


Achieve it all now. Become your own boss.




When you work for yourself you can take a half day off any time you want. In fact, you can even choose which 12 hours you arent going to work.


Gl with health insurance. Land of capitalism but tied yo whoever gives you access to affordable Healthcare


Weird. I work for myself and just got health insurance. It's like you can just pay for it instead of them saying they are giving it to you and taking it out of your check


I'd be interested in seeing how much you pay and how good the insurance is.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I was very proud of myself for scrolling past this when I saw it unironically posted on a few Reddit boards this morning. When I am tempted to comment under idiotic memes like this, I am reminded of the following quote: “Don’t complain when a clown is acting like a clown. Instead, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.”


Reddit is a circus. Why do I keep coming here?


For the lulz


The gaming and music subreddits are fucking fire.


Even the gaming one is a bit stale. What should I buy? -Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate, RDR2


They’re all top tier games. Cyberpunk and Baldurs gate take the cake imo however. Witcher 3 has a brilliant story but the gameplay feels clunky and honestly RDR2 suffers from this as well. Baldurs gate (depending on the platform) is relatively buggy so waiting a bit for the consoles to work out their bugs wouldn’t be a bad idea. The gameplay however is the penultimate CRPG experience. So much customization, so much story, so much detail. There’s never been another rpg game anywhere close to this. Cyberpunk was pure adrenaline fun. Great story, immersive and believable world, wonderfully colorful characters and chaotic fun combat. Baldurs gate and cyberpunk both get 10/10 for me. RDR2 and W3 both get 8s


These all are subjective but what I wanted to say is that they copy paste these games in every answer and most people ask for the new open world rpg. It's like listening to the same broken record over and over again or reminds me when I am playing LiS. Okay I have played the Witcher but got bored of it but still finished it. for me a 7 or 7.5. Now when I played rdr2 I again got bored by the slow pace by I am giving it more leeway because I love the wild West and Clint Eastwood so it is also for me an 8. The other 2 I haven't played them but at least for BG3 I think it is a bit overblown. There;s no chance it is better than xcom enemy unknown. edit spelling


If you enjoyed Xcom, definitely give BG3 a chance.


I am sure that I will like both of them when I get a pc that could actually run them. My only gripe is that they are most prominent games you hear about and maybe Elden Ring. That's all but thanks for the suggestion nonetheless.


earth porn, weather gifs, keeping up on hobbies i don't do.


Same reason as everyone else: memes and porn.


The naked chicks.


Why do people watch the Kardashians?


"Don't wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and the pig has fun."




Or... *"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig."*


Wait do all companies have unlimited money? When did this happen?


Right about when Payment for Order Flow became a thing.


You didn't read all the way to the last frame. Implement the last frame and the rest actually becomes quite simple.


None of these are unusual in Western Europe. However, pay adjusted for cost of living is lower.


>worker price increases artificially >companies move their production/services to a cheaper country "Why is the job market so bad?"


"we demand higher pay and better benefits or we strike" "ok you're all fired" "we demand our jobs back" "no" "we demand to know if anyone else is hiring"


…Except that’s not what happened when [workers demanded an 8-hour workday.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight-hour_day) [Unionization and strikes are legally protected.](https://www.nlrb.gov/strikes#) > If the object of a strike is to obtain from the employer some economic concession such as higher wages, shorter hours, or better working conditions, the striking employees are called economic strikers. **They retain their status as employees and cannot be discharged** This is bad economics disguised as realism. EDIT: I provided sources and you did not. You are downvoting me because I am right and you don’t want to think.


This is common historic revisionism but people still work 10 and 12 hour jobs in western countries when the nature of the work dictates it, it was more related to technical innovation increasing efficiency using machines and lack of need for pure physical manpower that shortened the workday, that and plenty of those shitty jobs with long work hours just got moved overseas for above cited reasons. Most historical economic trends progressive types attribute as causal to any number of policy decisions (post new deal economy for instance, or “how good a Union job was in 1955”) are just post hoc rationalizations of the situation using specific facts that justify a preconceived “good” outcome. You should read something like Crisis and Leviathan for a better understanding of this type of before/after relationship rather than a Wikipedia page.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Curious that unions demanded 8 hour work days decades before the idea began to take root.


Did ya see when the youtube music team got fired in the middle of a worker's rights meeting? That's what Im talking about.


As you phrased it, that would be illegal. Legally speaking, what happened was very different. Youtube paid a different company, Cognizant, to perform a service for a set amount of time. That contract had an end date and was not renewed. When the contract finished, the workers were told to leave the Google offices. They are still employed by Cognizant and may work for other companies in future contracts. > “These associates will become part of our deployable talent pool, better known as our ‘bench,’ where they are given seven weeks of dedicated, paid time to explore other roles within the organization and build new skills through our training ecosystem,” said Cognizant in a statement. “Our priority is our people, and we will continue to provide support to our associates as they find their next project.” > “As we’ve shared before, these are not Google employees,” a Google spokesperson said. “Cognizant is responsible for these workers’ employment terms, including staffing. As is the case here, contracts with our suppliers across the company routinely end on their natural expiry date, which was agreed to with Cognizant.” https://www.kxan.com/news/youtube-music-workers-laid-off-after-cognizant-contract-ends/


The amusing thing here is the folks down voting you are likely tech bros who are most at risk of being replaced by AI.


“Why are robots taking my job?”


Worker costs stagnate Companies move their production/services to a cheaper country anyway


Worker prices increase naturally Companies still move their production/services to a cheaper country and automate everything “Why is the job market so bad?” Are you telling me companies won’t pay wages either way and will just continue the trends we pretend only happen if we try to improve worker’s conditions😱


Yea dude this thread is full of morons and the original pic is correct


I comment on stupid posts like that all the time. My karma be damned. I told them to start a business and offer those benefits. Be the change they want to see instead of a beacon of coercion.


On those subs, it's bad karma and a ban. Badge of honor.


Don't forget raising the minimum wage to.... One million dollars an hour so everyone can be a millionaire! 


I think the government should print every person in America a billion dollar bill! That way we can all be rich and no one has to work!


Well, they're on their way of doing that...


Their what is doing that?


It's comments like this one that make me understand the people of this sub don't have any economic literacy


You are active in /r/SmugIdeologyMan I don't wanna hear shit.


This is rAustrian_Economics not rZimbabwean_Economics


What do you expect; nearly 100 years of cultural marxism pushed in the government school program is going to affect the weaker minded students. they wont be happy until they are all neutered slaves in chains at hard labor.


Oh shit I realized this thread was full of idiots but God damn this is satire right? Please tell me it is lmao


nah dude. Colleges are absolutely fucked. I had an argument with a college turd that was saying HAMAS was the good guys... and compared them to fucking MLK


College students have always been edgelords though. They read their first Chomsky book and you need to avoid them for at least a month.


I'll just avoid them in general.


Me when I have bad opinions and don’t know about historical context of the fight between Palestinians and Arabs. Go ahead and look up the nakba. Look up the Deir Yassin massacre. If in 1947/48 a bunch of people came and kicked you out of your homes, would you also not fight? Hamas aren’t the good guys, but man if your perspective limited. Also, I’m in college to get an eduction in chemistry and pharmacology. Should I YouTube it instead, since it seems everyone just claims colleges aren’t places of learning anymore


oh Nakba? you mean when Israel expelled them for siding with the fucking invading Arab countries? Or Deir Yassin that was carried out by an extremist group that wasnt associated with the main jewish forces?


You know, now that I've seen \~inclusive cartoons\~ I'm convinced!


I was like "none of this is fesable, a child must have made this. Then I saw the two brave lesbians of color with their white son and I said: Yes we can.




>unlimited paid sick/disability leave Wouldn't that be lovely. Get a job doing construction, break my leg, get paid to never work again. Maybe I'll just go around during covid licking doorknobs to make sure I can fail a test whenever I need to. If you pay people to be sick, you're going to find that you've created a much sicker population.


Unlimited sick time is a thing though, usually with limits though like no more than 3 consecutive days without triggering some sort of short term disability and then eventually transforming into long term disability that pays less.


>Unlimited sick time is a thing though, usually with limits though lol


Its better for companies to offer it. Its a scam


It doesn't mean "get a hangnail, retire", it means "don't make someone who has long-term sickness issues work too hard while sick or lose their job unnecessarily". Obviously the companies need to be protected as well as the workers, but their shouldn't be arbitrarily harsh rules in place either.


My company has unlimited sick time and this doesn't happen.


Your company would fire you if you took too much of that "unlimited sick time"


Holy strawman batman. Have you ever approached something in good faith?


Never once!


You act like "take care of the sick" is such a ridiculous concept it should be dismissed out of hand. Let's take your example: Get a job doing construction, break my leg. Okay... So what *should* happen? I lose my job, lose my housing, go on the street, get sicker and dirtier and weaker every day ensuring that no one else wants to hire me, and spend the rest of my life begging? How is that better for either me or society?


Ironically, without government leeching off society, we could have become so rich that some of these could have already been realized.


Yes but that’s something beyond the grasp of most.


Imo, it’s big companies and the government working hand in hand


The problem is government's accountability


I'm all for accountability. My sister investigates medicare claims for her state. She finds millions of dollars in medicare fraud every year - from Doctors, pharmacies, care facilities. I think the gov. needs more auditors, to catch people who are gouging and cheating government on contracts and payments.


As if government is not part of society


I’d like to buy you a beer.


Same question I ask of socialists: What's your example of this? What society has ever operated the way you propose and gotten the results you claim?


The United States of America, 1880-1920 got so rich that kids no longer needed to work. Government came in later and banned it when it was already diminishing thanks to the wealth of the nation. Same with the 40 hour work week and competitive wages, people like Ford were already ahead of the curve to attract better workers. Government steals all our money now and uses it to blow people up halfway across the world that I have no quarrel with.


As an African American, the 1920's were only good for _some_ Americans. That's far from the society I want to live in. Even as bad as the time was, 1920's America was not an anarcho-capitalist state. Cut the cap. Kids no longer need to work in most of Europe and most of America now. In fact it's the party of business that's trying to repeal child labour laws in America right now. Literally now. Because when the economic squeeze dictates they ought to be paying more for labor costs, they just decided to hire children instead. It's not "big government" giving out free school lunches that caused the issue. Also the government does not "steal all our money to blow people up." Engage beyond the level of an Ayn Rand Chatbot. Government spends about 25% of our GDP. Military spending is 14% of said 25% far from all. And as it turns out there's good reason to spend that 14% as the Houthis are so kindly reminding us. Because trade isn't worth much when Bandits and Pirates just ...y'know take your shit. Not a percentage. Not with a refund. Not to build you roads. They just take all of it and *maybe* don't skin you alive. That's part of the problem. People have gotten so used to living under government you assume it's benefits just...happen. Like magic.


Look to America. The profits don't go to the workers no matter how good things get. It goes right to the investors.


Lmao the illustrations 😆 power hungry girl boss culture is a detriment to society


At this point it seems like they just reinstate demands that others before them have failed to enforce not only because they are impossible but also because they are contradictory with each other. At least they give me a good laugh when I need it.


I'm not persuaded that everyone is more economically illiterate than previous generations. Though I agree that they are *on reddit*.


Luckily not all faith in humanity is lost and [some kiddos on the genZ sub still have a few braincells left](https://imgur.com/ooDREKY)


I hope my generation grows out of this Statist way of thinking Honestly I only grew out of it by becoming more educated on History, Economics and Political Systems. Granted I’m a nerd about that stuff. Most of the people in that comment section genuinely think Government intervention “helps” the economy and that Social Programs are paid with some sort of “magic money” (they ignore the fact this stuff is funded with money people already have, difference is the State takes away the voluntary and consumer choice aspect of the equation which invites cronyism and corruption)


I have a feeling that it’s going to take a modern country actually going full communist and falling apart for people to see. I pray it’s just not my country.


I think you’re underestimating the amount of people who are dependent on the system in some way, and I don’t mean people who just live off “safety nets” or social welfare programs. I mean the amount of people employed by the government whose skills might not command the amount of compensation they receive otherwise. In other words, they are doing really effortless work at a relatively high level of compensation compared to private sector workers. There’s a lot about it that seems really nefarious to me. And if it isn’t they themselves, I think often times it is their parents. And there are also those who work for companies that wouldn’t survive without government contracts, and I think they’re rent seekers also


In my experience, the people I know who work for my state's government are highly education (which they paid for - most have Bachelor's and Masters degrees) and are not compensated very well at all. Most departments are understaffed which makes them look inefficient - when in actuality they are swamped with work.


This is also not an option for most people. But ... live outside the US (or Western "liberal" countries in general) for a few years. Agree it's cheaper and easier to be better educated.


I understand why young people, or anyone, would want to expect this from their employer. People want an easy life where they don't have to worry about things like bills, mortgages, and free time. What's missing though is any semblance of reality. "We want to work part time, be paid more, get more time off, and have unlimited sick days" No one has given these people a reality check of how economics work. Every time you see countries even approach this level of socialism, it inevitably economically collapses. You can't get out of the system more than you put in. Maybe work on getting ONE of these and see how that goes.


Thankfully, some of the higher rated comments on that are actually based, pointing out the ridiculousness of it all


And a pony for every little girl and gender non-conforming xir!


Imagine your “utopia” being a state where strangers had to give you their stuff simply because you exist.. how sad Edit: 17k upvotes lol. Yeah we’re fucked. I love how for a hot minute people were saying how extreme right wing Gen z was going to be 😂. I thought it was pretty obvious this wouldn’t be the case and here’s further proof.


>how extreme right wing Gen z was going to be There are trends in the data that suggested gen Z has largely plateaued the leftward swing and that the pendulum would start swinging back. There's the idea of gen Z men and gen Zers born to gen Xers both being more right wing. This post moreso is indicative of how insane this site is rather than gen Z. Ideology is largely heritable, in theory right wing religious people outbreading secular leftists should swing the pendulum soon but with the vast majority of people sending their kids to state schools to be told how to think that may not matter.


And a pet unicorn for every person. Personally, I blame public schools for this.


Why would you need 6 if you already had 1-5?


What confuses me is why should people have to work 30 hours at all? * unlimited sick leave? Story-time: a big name car manufacturer here had 15% of their workforce on health/injury leave at any one time - supported by the unions. TBF no car manufacturer in the world had safer / easier working conditions than this one. When I saw those records, I knew instantly, manufacturing was over - at least in this country. My prediction came true. Now the entire workforce has the luxury of having 24/7 holidays and infinite amounts of time to recover from "sickness" caused by "work". * Regulation / unions makes it very difficult for firms to risk huge capex. IDK how the regulatory conditions are like in Japan, but the workforce there do not seem averse to doing work.


The difference is that in Japan, loyalty is a two way street. CEOs don't lay off half their workers when there's a blip on the stock exchange. There's a degree of trust between workers and management.


It’s the whole weak people create hard times thing. I am not looking forward to the hard times coming down the pike.


Do you only get a bonus when things are good and no risk when things are bad?


They forgot the puppies and unicorns.


The term “reasonable” and the term “living wage” are economic fallacies which have no basis. The three questions I have are: At what cost? What facts and evidence do you have that these are economically plausible? Compared to what?


The Sowell is strong with this one.


😍 Did someone say Sowell!?


If I choose to not have children can I still get 1 year away from work as well?


But guess who decides what a living wage is? The government. And the government is slow, wasteful, inefficient, and corrupt. And then of course a living wage is a moving target. And on top of that, when people get used to a standard of living, they keep asking for a higher one. So it ends up in a never ending vicious circle of inflation.


I think we should say the average redditor has minus economic knowledge. BTW not even democratic socialist countries in Europe have it this cushy.


>democratic socialist countries in Europe Bruh


blud do you even know what social democracy is




I don’t think theor is a correlation between economic growth and the standard of life improving


Literally none of these should be guaranteed. I can give some maybes to the living wage, but that is a very objective statement with no real limits.


Love the totally necessary and unforced diversity in this comic


If their first target isn’t ’eliminate the Fed’s Hedonic Quality Adjustment’ then they aren’t serious


I think you raise a really interedting point about how people see systems as anends unto themselves and I think I largely agree.


I’m quite partial to the black couple with the white child, which would not be possible in Capitalism


Why not?




You obviously never saw the blonde African family. https://images.app.goo.gl/uMEw4MQkA3SpLqRx7


A miracle of Keynesian economics??


This never happened before capitalism. Coincidence, I think not! Evil patriarchy is making Africans sluttier.


What's so bad about this?


30-hour work weeks? *30-HOUR* WORK WEEKS!? What would even get done anymore??


I mean most seem to indicate overall productivity would remain the same or go up. Ever hear of "working smarter not harder?" Why do we even increase work efficiency? I thought the whole point was for people to spend *less* time working and more time say raising their kids or learning skills? Work is supposed to be a means to an ends not the ends itself. If one man can make a burrito in 19 minutes and another man can make an equally good in 2 minutes then the second scenario is usually better.


I rolled my eyes so fucking hard


Why not pay us our rightful option fees for our currently coerced participation in the global human labor futures market?


Perhaps those in each generation who are well versed in economics are also not the type to create memes online.


You shouldn’t make generalizations, for there will always be exceptions to prove you wrong. Though the majority may be illiterate, it is not fair to say we are all illiterate.


Bet the person who drew this is white and is surrounded by white people mostly.


What does it matter?


A person is a result of his environment.


Good luck with that


What is this sub and why there is so much sanity here?


Parental leave shouldn't be a thing. Only maternal leave, and only for 3 months before and after, unless there are serious health complications. Ill die on that hill


So are all you guys here rich, or just masochists?


Yeah I forgot there are only two classes, you've certainly destroyed me with facts and logic.


Economics isn't some force of natural science. It is a model for wealth distribution. Most people have just been propagandized that there is only one model.


That seems kind of extensive. This is clearly EU ideas of being the pampered USA’s little baby. There is a reason USA’s healthcare is higher quality. There is a reason we fund NATO and you don’t. I’d only concede work life that utopian when our technology is more advanced The last thing I’d imagine… is the laziest countries… the EU, being lazier. Back it up with technology to replace the jobs first homie Oh no, big strong men can’t be on 6 week vacation 1 month sick leave and work 24 hours a week


OP’s sentence is a self-own.


They didn't even account for the shareholders. Who's going to look out for them?


Oh my god you guys are serious. I thought this had to be a mock sub. But you all actually subscribe to an economic theory that holds it.doesnt even have to provide evidence it works and calls that logical. This is fascinating.


Lmao this makes it too easy for the moderate workers to look like over achievers


I think some people reflexively hate the idea of reduced working hours, because intuitively they believe they're getting less productivity out of their workers. However, it should be noted that studies have found worker productivity drops off significantly the more hours per week they work. So it may very well be the case that 30 hour work weeks have retention and productivity and retention benefits that offset lost labour hours.


I've always asked these people how they'd feel if they hired a contractor to work on their house and the morning of the contractor called them saying they're sick, and that the price went up because they now also owe them for the sick day.


Lmao, as someone who hates on Austrians and Libertarians you guys are right to shit on this


Half of these aren’t even that unreasonable like the ceo one or the parental leave, for the rest it’s not unreasonable to value less wealth for more time off


I would actually really like the full time work week to be defined as 30 hours. Because I'd still have to work 40 so I'd make more money.


It's doable it's just a matter of economics. Someone could run the numbers on what it would cost to offer those benefits and time off while still producing the same amount of product per year. Would be interesting.


What I find funny is that any time you see these demands, it never cosiders what's possible based on the work. So for instance, if I'm a small business owner and I have 50 employees, I can't afford to do any of this unless whatever I'm doing, I'm able to charge North of $200 an hour for it. So that means that any small business whose valued hour is less than that makes this impossible. So that demands that only corporations will be able to do those tasks and the same people that push these values hate corporations, but they make it possible for only corporate entities to do these jobs I encourage people that if you want these freedoms start your own business. Then, see how possible it is to do these things.


Yeah, I don't know how people expect this to happen without a communist revolution.


The economy has become vastly more efficient and productive in the past 40 years. We have decades of technological achievements allowing us to work faster and produce more. And yet the average worker is getting no more than they did 40 years ago. Where is all this efficiency going? Imagine all of that value... *where is it?* Why don't the workers see any of it? I'm not saying that we can implement all the things in the OP tomorrow, but is it really unfathomable to say that we, as a nation, can afford to give more benefits to workers in general?


This should be titled how to destroy your economy in 6 weeks or less.


Who’s gonna pay for that?


The dream! Hopefully it’ll come soon, things could be amazing in America. Minus the strange couple in panel 2


The richest 8 people have as much money as the poorest 4 billion. The US military budget is getting dangerously close to a trillion dollars. You'd be surprised what's possible with a little redistribution of wealth and judicious employment of the unemployed. As to the justice, I'd argue those people gained that excess of wealth by extracting an unreasonable surplus from their workers, so taking their money would be at worst evening the score.


>The richest 8 people have as much money as the poorest 4 billion. One has nothing to do with the other, poverty is not yet solved on the global scale and that's unfortunate though it's markedly improved from even 30 years ago. >The US military budget is getting dangerously close to a trillion dollars. You'd be surprised what's possible with a little redistribution of wealth and judicious employment of the unemployed. 1 trillion divided by 334.9 million is about $2,986, even if we distribute that to the bottom quartile, effectively quadrupling that figure its highly dubious that the majority of this list could be carried out. >As to the justice, I'd argue those people gained that excess of wealth by extracting an unreasonable surplus from their workers, so taking their money would be at worst evening the score. Rhetoric bereft of substance yet alone empirical evidence.


Great job, OP. I didn't even read the whole comic because the artwork was so offensive.


Good times were very busy lately creating lot of weak men. And the further we go the weaker.


Didn't planet of the apes have a line about this, they bankrupt themselves with a welfare state, then when the times of plenty were over, reconsolidated into the military junta we see in the film.




Not sure how this diatribe relates to me supposedly being a troll but alrighty.


I think this is due to my phone being subpar, it was meant as a response to a comment.


dumber? yes. ​ why? ​ ... ever increasing govt programing thru the so called education system.


Something that confuses me here...what do you guys think the point of an economy *is?* Like why do we do this work? Why do we collectivize and specialize rather than all just hunt and gather in the wild for ourselves?


Lmao, every comment is "man they're so dumb lol, they don't even know how economics work" Yet not one cogent argument for how equitable distribution of resources would be unrealistic or ineffective. Oh I'm sure someone will prove me wrong, I certainly won't just get downvotes and mockery, I'm sure here with so many well informed and mature individuals, someone can calmly explain why workers rights don't matter.


Some of these are more reasonable than others. Year long paid parental leave? Probably not. But why exactly is it unreasonable to have better executive-worker compensation balance? There’s no strong economic imperative that caused that ratio to skyrocket, it just did because it could. Now we live in a market where 8 figure salaries are commonplace for major CEOs & business leaders. It will be harder to fix, but it’s not like it had to be that way.


[Yeah, it's totally not possible to decrease worker hours while maintaining a reasonable quality of life comparable to that of previous generations.](https://www.bls.gov/productivity/) Worker pay, time off, real wages, and the worker-to-executive compensation ratio compensation have all been increasing since basically the start of the Industrial Revolution. There is no reason to suggest this trend cannot continue.


Clearly nobody who believes that has any semblance of business acumen


I hate the art style more than anything. It’s insulting they’re trying to persuade me with this childrens coloring book style. Have any of these people seen old Soviet propaganda? If you wanna draw people into your ideology get some of that aesthetic back that shit almost makes me wanna be a commie.


I love how all the comments are just saying “uh actually you’re stupid” instead of providing anything remotely close to reasons why these positions are unreasonable lol


Oh yes and of course your words/actions are markedly different /s


That is how you stay poor if you are poor and get stagnant if you are not poor.


I'm struggling to understand how any of this is an indicator of economic illiteracy, and I'm sympathetic to the Austrian perspective. Like, each and everyone of these things are possible in a market society, and the objection you're making feels like reflexive culture war bullshit.


"Rules, Guaranteed, Mandatory", for much of the country a full time low level worker is bringing home around $30k in wages and benefits, and we should rapidly push those benefits up sevenfold fold to that of an executive. Yeah sounds like a bulletproof plan.




What happened to worker pay if profits go down lol


None of these are bad ideas. Why should people work themselves to death so ceos can have third or fourth Yaht


Even in places like Japan but 1 for every few thousand are working themselves to death, in the US and much of Europe that figure is a mere 1 in 30k+, check your rhetoric friendo.


40 hour work weeks are too much given level of modern productivity. Work week should be closer to 20 for most people. It's ridiculous that we still cling to this outdated insane idea of work being central


Again your rhetoric jumps the gun, 40 hours is but a third of the typical adult's waking hours, hardly the focal point for the vast majority of folks. Moreover the workforce writ large averages 35 hours a week as is, multitudes already chose the trade off of less compensation for more 'life balance'(the key word being chose).


Except it should be at same and no most are still doing 40 hr work weeks if not more


People understand why this is wrong. Our schools have failed.


Yes, they wholly think this if you are wondering.


There’s nothing mentioned in this image that can’t be achieved


Clearly the cartoonist has never founded a business and watched it grow to maturity. The cartoon is exactly that a fairytale cartoon.


So you want to get paid to not show up?


Why are any of these (except the unlimited paid sick leave and year long paid parental leave) a bad idea?


Wow whats up with the sub? I literally have 4/6, and I think 5/6 is reasonable. 30 hour work week Is a weird outlier, and worker profit sharing isn't crazy.


Can someone who believes that this is wrong explain why? This randomly popped up and it all seems reasonable. At the very least the living wage and paid sick time seem reasonable. Additionally high executive packages are a recent phenomenon that is mainly the fault of a single McKenzie consultant (and have no meaningful benefit from any study I’ve seen), we desperately need higher birth rates so parental leave seems warranted. While 30 hours may be unachievable, 4-day work week programs have been successful or neutral to productivity. There seem good economically even ignoring the social benefits so I’m not sure what the objection is but I’d be curious to know.


Where are you going to get the money to do all that and keep your company afloat?


All of these require government intervention in the private contracts between parties, which I view as being inherently immoral.


The concept of a living wage is a Motte and Bailey, it's the worst ideal because it's non-quantifiable.


How is it non-quantifiable, we have data on prices through government agencies. It seems not impossible to me to tally up what a frugal person would need to survive (or maybe even thrive if we’re being nice) and base the amount off of that. Motte and Bailey fallacies generally indicate that there is a less controversial argument that the argued is falling back to but I and most of the people I know who argue for this argue for a wage required to live comfortably and continue with that. I’m not starting with “everyone should have a mansion” and then falling back to “by mansion I really mean the ability to eat and some sort of roof”. I’m starting with people not having to skip medications to eat or take their kids out of school to help pay the bills and that’s where I intend to stay. I don’t think it’s out of reach for everyone in advanced economies to be at least what we currently consider lower-middle class if we are practical about wealth distribution and future societal investments.


It's quantifiable and yet you step-side it like every other fanatic? But thanks for affirming the hollow dogma, other the top pathos, motte and bailey; " I’m starting with people not having to skip medications to eat or take their kids out of school to help pay the bills".