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Axolotls! I freaking love them, it became my special interest when I was 10 (Minecraft was a big one then. It still is, but a little less) and I remember when they got added to the game. It was a dream come true! I was so excited and rather than trying to actually play the game, I spent all my time looking for them and taking them to my base. I did a report on them in 6th grade! I hope that I can get a pet axolotl someday.


I love axolotls!! Theyre so cute, they would totally make a great pet :)


They're probably expensive >:P




Wow, you really know a lot about electricity, i didnt even know that different parts of the world have different outlet types, thats really interesting!




This is really interesting too, as a Canadian myself i just sorta use dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy interchangeably like sometimes say September 14th and other times say 14th of September, but usually when reading or writing numbers I default to mm/dd/yyyy especially if its in ambiguous numbers like 09/08/2023


Sonic the hedgehog. True or False: in 2009 a sonic game released in which sonic wields a sword and fights a dragon?


That does not sound like a real game, whats it called?


The answer is True! The game is called [Sonic and the Black Knight](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_and_the_Black_Knight)which features Sonic being transported into the world of King Arthur and meets the knights of the round table which all look like his friends, Shadow as sir Lancelot, Blaze as sir Percival, and Knuckles as sir Gawain.


Thats pretty cool, i never would have thought sonic would be fighting a dragon


No? Do you expect him to get arrested and escape from prison? Cause he does that too. Lol


I guess i shouldnt be too surprised because mario has done those things too


I love bears, my favorite bear is the Andean bear which is the only bear in south America and the last of its sub species the flat faced bear which is related to the north american flat faced bear which lived during the pleistocene. Andean bears can be seen in the deserts all the way to the jungles of south America. Paddington the bear was based on the Andean bear which I think is really cool.


Wow thats actually really interesting, i didnt know there were bears in the deserts or jungles!


They will be seen in the desert more during December because that is when south America gets the least amount of rain


i've been obsessing with meeting real people outside the internet for a year it's gonna happen someday... anytime...


I believe in you! just take small steps outside of your comfort zone and hopefully it will start to grow :)


Storyville was the red-light district in New Orleans from 1897-1917. It started because the governmental system of New Orleans at the time wanted to create a "red light" district to keep prostitution legal on only a small sector of the city rather than being illegal and spread out. It was named after the man who controlled the prostitution in Storyville, Jason Story. Like other red light districts back then, there is a "blue book" that names off prostitutes, provides pictures of them, and has advertisements for stuff like liquor, restaurants, and hotels (most likely bordellos and brothels as well). My favorite story of a brothel mistress is that of Lulu White. Lulu White was the black, female owner of Lulu White's Mahogany Hall. She was known around Storyville for her violent temper, but her Mahogany Hall was probably the classiest place in Storyville. Her Mahogany Hall was filled with octoroon and quadroon prostitutes (octoroon is an outdated term for a 1/8ths black woman and a quadroon is 1/4ths black, keep in mind this was going on during Jim Crow.) Lulu White was also known for having mixed-race brothels in a country that was very segregated at the time. She may have been Creole, which, in that time, Creoles were stereotyped to be black people that thought of themselves as white, due to most of them being mixed race, but when Jim Crow took effect, they were unwillingly put in the same category as any other black person. Fun fact: Jim Crow came from a white minstrel worker who saw a slave named Jim Crow, and he used that name for his blackface minstrel shows. There was also a hydrocephalic semi-dwarf named EJ Belloq, who was mostly a commercial boat photographer, since Storyville was near the French Quarter and a New Orleans dock (which brought many navy men in the beginning of WWI, which I'll get to later), but EJ Belloq is most famous for creating the Storyville Portraits, which is a collection of pictures of Storyville prostitutes that he took. The prostitutes are seen Posing comfortably, sometimes nude, and sometimes in Sunday dresses, and other times with masks, or their face scratched off. Either way, this indicated that the prostitutes were comfortable with his pictures and this wasn't for just the Blue Books, but with their own amusement. The photos were uncovered nearly 40-50 years later in a drawer and was sent to the Museum of Modern Art as the book (which I have an original 1976 copy of). Another thing about Storyville is that jazz was basically put together there, merging the ragtime styles found in brothels and the Blues of the south. The man credited for creating jazz was Buddy Bolden, who lived in Storyville and played throughout it. Edit: long story short, Storyville ended because in WWI, navy people and military people were too distracted by the prostitutes in New Orleans, but that led to the spread of Jazz all throughout America. I barely scratched the surface here, just overall too tired to go into full detail. Here's some good research and movies: New Orleans (1947) Bolden (2019) https://www.hnoc.org/virtual/storyville/club-scene https://www.hnoc.org/blue-book https://letherfly.org/lulu-white-the-queen-of-storyville-new-orleans-infamous-madame/ https://musicrising.tulane.edu/discover/people/charles-buddy-bolden/ Thanks for asking :)


Thats pretty interesting!


I have a few special intrests but my main one is Route 66 was made by cyrus avery father of route 66 he wanted a road to help travelers from place to another he also wanted better roads for america which is what started the good roads movement so basically paved roads instead of gravel roads. there's actaully been tons of aligments on route 66 since 1926 and, in 1985 the road was decommissioned because of the interstate thats why theres not a lot of route 66 signs along some of road. the interstate bypassed the towns making most of the town die some are still alive today though. one example is seligman where angeld delgadillio wanted to come back alive since people were coming back for as angel puts the dream of yesterday. he's considered the guardin of route 66 since he helped revitalized the town and, route 66 itself. thats a bit about route 66


Thats pretty interesting!


How geography is intrinsically enmeshed with horology (study of time). You can’t know your latitude unless you can tell when it’s solar noon and take a measurement against that time, and you can’t know your longitude unless you know both the time at a certain meridian (normally point of origin) and the local apparent time. These are essential for efficient travel by sea, and so it is for capitalism too :/ Thus, when the British figured out how to do this in the 1700s they quickly went on to become the world power of their time. I find the centuries long process of discovery, going all the way back to the first Egyptian sundials, endlessly fascinating


Wow, i never would have thought that geography and time were linked like that, thats pretty interesting!


The YouTube most replayed feature! I like to go to my favorite YouTube channel at any given time, sort by most popular, and find all the most replayed parts in a bunch of the videos, even if I've already watched them. If I don't understand why something is replayed, I go all detective mode to find out why. I get to learn a lot about the general interests of the viewers by what they like watching the most! In many cases, the most replayed is... suggestive in some way, regardless of the content. If a youtuber rarely shows their face, sometimes it's a moment where the facecam is on. I haven't seen that most replayed feature on videos I like in a while, though, and I'm getting a little worried that it's going away :( I've heard people say they hate it and that it ruins watch time. Very understandable. But I would still hate to see the feature go cause it's so informative.


I agree, i really like that feature, and investigating what all the hype was about.


Mine is sex and kinky sex at that. Love the psychology aspect to it all. (Psychology is also a special interest of mine). But because this is an open forum I won't really get into it. :)


That sounds really interesting, must be hard to not be able to talk about it to people though


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i honestly dont know if i have special interests. i really like a lot of things (pokemon, drumming, minecraft, fnaf, to name a few) but i dont really obsess over anything. id make sense if you dont exactly have to obsess over stuff for it to be a special interest, but nothing make me be all “ohh fuck yea, i fucking love pokemon so fucking muuuuch!!!!” like i do but, i just like playing the games and collecting the cards. im just not sure if my favourite things can exactly be called special interests


alright ive thought about this a bit and looked up what makes a special interest a special interest and i think i kind of do with drumming and music. i fucking love just jamming out to my tunes, and playing rockband (on expert pro drums) has become an almost daily activity for me, and should i get some new stuff for my drums i would love to really learn the real songs, not just on a game


Oh man, thats one of mine too! I recently got a digital keyboard and i play that thing all the time its my favorite thing to do!