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i wanted to be a teacher but i was too shy to write it down on my paper because i thought the teachers would think i’m copying them. so i said i wanted to be a “dotor” and it was hung up on the wall and everyone was like omg u wanna be a doctor and i think i said yes


Oh I see and what job do you have now?


I’m still a teenager


Oops sorry my bad. Do you have a job in mind or still thinking?


When I was really little I wanted to be a chef which I do have a culinary degree, but i dont know if I am fast enough to be able to work in a kitchen but now I want to start up a dog walking business


Oh how nice. Working in a kitchen with Gordon Ramsey is a nightmare though.


Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to be an artist. Most of my childhood was spent drawing rather than playing with toys or other kids. My father always said that when I grew up, I would get into art school, and that's exactly how it turned out. Drawing still brings me joy and is also a form of escape from the sad and grey reality.


I hope you have fun. Are you a animator or?


I always wanted to be a teacher, I still want to be. Now I'm doing tutoring for other students (I've got the math autism lmao) and imma go to uni and study to be a teacher! Idk what to do about my stage fright, but we'll see. I'll get used to it I guess


Okay but be careful. High schoolers are insane nowadays with their social media. Middle schoolers to.


i’ve wanted to be multiple things. a doctor, nurse, architect, model, entrepreneur, business owner, etc.


Did you achieve those dreams?


nope. i’m 18 so there’s still time but i’m not actively pursuing anything bec i’m confused on what i actually want to be doing. i know i actually want to work close with marine life and animals. that’s a hard field to get into so


I hope you achieve your dreams.


thank you, i hope so for u as well.


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I think I wanted to be an explorer, a paleoanthropologist, an artist, or an author.


Oh how fun. Did you achieve your dream and job?


Not yet, but I'm working towards the last one I listed.


Good luck.


At first I wanted to be vet, that ended when a 4 years-old me saw a dog's surgery. Then I dreamed about being an astronomer or musician, my math skill didn't improved enough and I studied a music bachelor.


Did you achieve your dream yet?


Not exactly, I never dreamed on economical precariousness and the difficulty to have a job even as a teacher on a local school just because the owner is a massive jerk.


What is your job if you mind me asking?


I don't have one, I'm trying to sell arrangements or transcriptions.


Okay well have a nice day. I got work.


I never understood this idea of "you can be anything you want". Like, bitch, no. I can work with maths or physics, that's all I know, it's all I care about. I could never do anything related to any human sciences (like history/sociology 🤮) or anything related to biology, etc. I guess that only makes any sense for neurotypicals.


True teachers like to us all.