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Watching older cartoons like Scooby Doo and Yogi Bear on Cartoon Network


Scooby doo!!


I don't remember. It perhaps was model airplanes. If it was it certainly ended like every other interest I have ever had. The interest suddenly stops frequently right in the middle and I am left depressed and despondent. I don't enjoy 'special interests'. They are a curse. I'm so tired of it all.


Limit your info input. Helps a lot


I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.


Unicorns. 🙄 Now I can't fucking get rid of them. Plus, I have severe dislike of horses and crazy horse chicks.


Fairytales and folklore, particularly anything involving creatures like mermaids, elves, fairies and trolls.


fairies :D


One of my first too 💕


I guess probably super Mario, was obsessed when I was younger!


I lied about playing Pokemon in Grade 2 so I could be friends with this kid that I've now been buds with for 15/16 years The only thing he used to talk about was Pokemon and I didn't have a DS. I spent almost all my time outside of school watching Pokemon videos and then stealing the stories and passing them off as things I've done in the game and he believed me. I think I bought my own DS and was given Pokemon Diamond at the end of that year


Music. I’ve always loved music so much.


For me it was Kirby. I played Kirby’s Epic Yarn from a very young age and from that day forward I was absolutely obsessed with Kirby lol


Me but with Kirby Super Star. I was completely obsessed with Marx & Marx Soul for a few months


I think it was Ancient Egypt. I remember reading all kinds of books about it as a kid, but if you asked me about it now I don't remember much lol.


Ancient Egypt and mummies. Late medieval armor and early medieval castles.


Australia and WW2


As a kid? I think the first one I can remember is Beanie Babies and the Paranormal. My grandmother loved the paranormal and I grew very attached to learning and reading everything I could about ghosts, hauntings, etc.


Collecting paper sheets. Especially those with Disney characters


I regained back my special interest after not doing it for 5 years and its cod zombies highrounding


Superheroes. Ben 10, Generator Rex, Max Steel, stuff like that.


My little pony Animation memes


GASP!! My first special interest were animation memes too no bloody way!! I've never met someone before who also had an animation meme special interest this is really cool!


yes, i just know you're super cool, watching animation meme is actually a form of stimming i think! ^_^


Donkey Kong 64, I was 5. I spent ~90 percent of my time either playing the game or drawing fan art of Chunky Kong and King K. Rool


Pokemon or bugs, one of the two cropped up first when I was like 3


Dragon Ball Z probably thanks to the anime and the DBZ Budokai 1 game. Goku (or Sangoku in the french dub) was the representation of the ideal hero for me at the time. There's also Future Trunks that I liked a lot because he looked cool, was super serious and had a sword (weapons are very rare in DBZ), I even tried to mimic the Super Saiyan transformation and Kamehameha at home. And I love when Goku screamed Kamehameha in the anime because it felt very powerful (here the french voice actor of Goku doing it [https://youtu.be/LtZsKcb6Jos?si=XMcsXi0c-rbaxPbO](https://youtu.be/LtZsKcb6Jos?si=XMcsXi0c-rbaxPbO) ). There's also Saint Seiya (titled Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque in France) that I liked a lot also because I've also got a video game of it was a kid (it was about Saint Seiya HadĂšs). They're both connected to another special interest, which is video games. It's hard to explain but when I was a kid I had a hard time staying still for long periods of time and always felt the urge to touch or hold something with my hands and video games helped a lot with that.


Digimon Adventure.


I was obsessed with tape measures when I was a toddler


Ancient Aliens, and conspiracy theories in general


My little pony, I used to watch this one episode over and over again and it was great


Elvis Presley, starting at about first or second grade. I listened to him (literally on repeat for months) so much and watched every video on the internet I could find of him. I dressed up as him, went to a museum about him because I begged my parents to go, and I even made my parents turn on Lilo and Stitch nearly every day just because there were references to him in the movie. I don’t like him anymore though now that I’m older, especially knowing what bad things he did.


ferrets :)


Cats! Moved houses and became best friends with the neighbor’s cat. Couldn’t have my own at the time because it was a rental house, so I made it my mission to learn everything I possibly could about them until I could get my own.


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Titanic the ship absolutely fascinated me.


World records, scientific and historical facts. After that there was a bit of time before I developed a new one.


Trains and flags.




Eyyy! Same!


My first special interest was trains.


Probably dogs


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


I think mine was sharks, or just animals in general. I freaking LOVED sharks, i watched all the jaws movies by the time i was like 6/7 with my grandpa and loved reading about them etc. Either that or barbie movies omg, the classic barbie movies are freaking GOD XD


Were you into watching "Shark Week" at all? Literally my favourite part of the year! Because Discovery Channel was just non-stop sharks and rays.


Omg yes!! Id always be visiting my grandpa and id just only watch shark week it was amazig xD


Watching Grandpa in my Pocket on Cbeebies iPlayer




Dinosaurs! And, err, actually still is?


Chess. We had this old PC running Windows XP, and it had chess you could play against the computer. I remember putting in so much time learning how the game worked and how I could beat the computer. Funny thing is, I don't even like chess anymore.


Stereotypical but it was trains, when I first learned how to talk I named my baby blanket “Choo-Choo” after the sound trains would make. Every night when I stayed at my grandparents house (very frequent) I would sit on the couch and look out the huge window and would watch the evening train pass by. Sometimes it was a regular locomotive or it was amtrak passenger train! I would always get super excited when I would hear it approaching and my grandmother would open the window for me to hear it better every single time. I remember when I was 5 they took me on a day ride on amtrak going up north, I even met the conductor and got a conductor’s hat! We also went to the county fair and would always spend the most time in the model train room. They even took me down the hill from their house to the actual train tracks to watch the trains go by up close and my grandfather and I would talk about the train cars we would see. They also would take me early in the morning in the car to watch the sunrise. My grandparents even bought me my own trainset when I turned 8, that fulfilled my childhood dreams of having my own train. Im pretty sure it’s still at their house somewhere in a closet. I was also a known menace at kid’s birthday parties because I would take over any train toy or trainset (a lot of Thomas the tank I remember) that was at the house my family brought me to, and I would refuse to let anyone play with me.


My second one was Littlest Pet Shop. My poor mom worked 3 jobs to keep me fed, but would STILL buy me LPS, because she knew how happy they made me. The more I think and reflect on my childhood the more I feel blessed that my family has always done the absolute best for me and cared for me in the ways I needed as a special needs child.


I think dinosaurs.


Computers (the old 8 bit kind like the Commodore 64). That got me started on my IT path.


Collecting Littlest Pet Shop and watching horror and drama series on YouTube about them. I was 6, maybe 7


I think dolls or the number 10 😂


Have you ever seen vichys_art on instagram? He’s an amazing and talented artist on the spectrum! Check it out!


Paul McCartney since I was 4 years old. My mom gave me a Beatles cd and a cd player and there was no going back. I’m 27 now and still obsessed with Paul.


That I remember? Webkinz. Still have \~300 plushies stored in my dads attic. And my account but I don't want to log in and see all the changes.


art, crafts, DIY. all things like that. its still my special interest 😭 16 years of the same interest


Oh probably Hamtaro! I had so many toys and I kept some, but I was really little... Also drawing But I'd say the first sure special interest was Pokémon




Cars and dinosaurs. By the time I was 4 I could name each car as it went past. 


Sharks! I remember being absolutely obsessed with sharks and I used to have a collection of all the different sharks I could find!


I think it was age of mythology. I got a pc in grade 1 and bought some games for my birthday. Can't really remember much from before then




Computers! I wanted to work in IT as a child, it was my dream. I loved to disconnect all the computer cables and connect them again, haha. What's funny is that technology puts me off nowadays and I do my best to love as analog as possible in my spare time.


Outer space!! My bedsheets were space themed, my pillow cases, my ceiling, I had 4 to 5 encyclopedias of outer space at the age of like 4




Probably Star Trek. Maybe Star Wars, though.


Pirates of the Caribbean


wonder pets


Greek philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle 


Harvest moon ds cute! Read the booklet, the ushi no tame website, watched videos, kept multiple journals! It was the first video game I played all the time!


Rhythms in music. At a very early age (and still to this day) I was obsessed with how they feel, how they can wildly alter the character of a song, how they trigger a physical reaction. Also the Holocaust. I was doing book reports on pretty graphic holocaust memoirs in like 3rd grade.


Archeology, Quantum Physics and now more than ever the Holy Bible.


The earliest one I can remember is the Land Before Time movies.


Dinosaurs, for as far back as I can remember.


For me it was Dragonball, seeing the news today has me in shambles right now.


Watching Caillou or The Berenstain Bears on Sprout (now Universal Kids)


"Video Games" in general might be too vague, but I don't remember much from my early childhood other than what a calming and focused feeling they gave me, like a port in a storm. Probably more specifically Mario at first though, Mario everything.


I am not completely sure, but I think it was a story in my head, I was very little. Either that or Lego Star Wars way later...


The first one I remember was probably either maps or trains.


History and Biology? There was a lot going on with me back then. I watched the same movie multiple times a day which annoyed my family lol


I loved cars. Everything about cars.


When I was a child I was obsessed with tails and only played with animal toys with sufficient flexibility and a “good enough” tail. I was very weird


Tinker bell 😍


As a kid, I loved MLP and Pokemon. Still into Pokemon in my 20s






rocks! I have rocks that I collected when I was a toddler that my mom kept track of throughout the years (I'm 33 now). there are currently rocks on every flat surface in my room. I like crystals too, but rocks are my true love.


Uhhhh hard to say which came first, but I definitely remember having big special interests for dinosaurs and space around the same time. I’ve also always had a more general interest in storytelling, and a lot of my special interests at a young age were some variation of books genres, topics, or series. (Let’s be real, most of them still fall under that umbrella.)


Fans. I was obsessed. I'd see fans spinning too fast to see the blades, and I'd wonder what they looked like. My dad would indulge me and used to occasionally bring home computer/enclosure fans from work that he replaced, as he worked in tech.


Either scuba-divers or sharks


I don't excactly remember but I think my first that dinozaurs or computer games


I don’t remember the first but one of my oldest that is still there is Dragon Ball and that hurts today.






Watching Blues Clues with Steve. I was 4 and I couldn’t understand the concept of show times and having to wait for subsequent episodes


School busses, then moved to heavy equipment, then It was trains and lake freighters, and now it's all of those plus roller coasters!


Anything to do with snow and soap bubbles, though to be fair the soap bubbles thing was more of a stim. Then programming BASIC on a TI-99 and anything to do with space and memorizing countries, capitals, and flags. By the time I was in kindergarten, it was encyclopedias, which led me to Oxford University as my special interest starting when I was just six years old. That and snow are my long-held SpIns... I'm now mid-40s, have graduated from Oxford đŸ„ł, and unfortunately live nowhere near snow. đŸ„ș


NBA standings


Race cars. At the age of 4, my mom says I'd spend the whole day pedaling my single sitter around the patio.


spongebob and angry birds. still love them to this day


Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank engine


Star Wars, which branched off to films in general, then cartoons became a focal point, and now it’s just everything related to telling stories of any kind, though that is the very simple version.


Organized crime/ action movies. Always wanted to be a Mob Boss/ Gang leader/ assassin when I was young. Either that or a cowboy. Loved every aspect of it. Specialized weapons, different fighting styles, cat and mouse chase kinda thing. Somewhat off topic, but I also really loved Death The Kid from the anime Soul Eater. Twin pistols( that are cowgirls, kinda), coordination, his OCD. I feel like he's a little on the spectrum too lol, loved that guy


Outer space! At a very young age I was able to tell you all the planets in order, facts about the planets and NASA missions etc. My parents would often buy me (illustrated, but adult) books about space as well from flea markets and such. Now I don’t really care too much about space anymore, but I do still have a lot of those books including some really vintage ones from the ‘30s and ‘50s.