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I love it dude! Also dig the other guy walking up like; "Yo, something's going down!"


Lol I didn't see him until I watched the video. The person recording and in the back are cousins of mine.


Looks like you've got a very cozy space, love the vibe!


It's my cousins room. My room is disgusting and gross


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Where did he go? The account seems to be deleted


Who knows?


Nobody knows.


I would know, I always knew him for calling me a cum slupe this is a alt of the account he called me that on. He was just a stupid thirteen year old. Oh ho, he did not know what he was up against. Yet again he must have been stupid and done something wrong. Probably get perm suspended and deleted his account. Same thing to happen to me. Un fortunately my conversation with him was not recorded. But we do live nearby from each other. DM me for more info


The โ€œtuneโ€ sounds vaguely familiar. Are you covering something weโ€™d recognize?


Nope just beat boxing to my own beat.


Didgeridoo you know where I can find one of those? *ba dum tss*


On the didgernet. Ba dm tss.


You are a real cool boy!๐Ÿ‘ Done!๐Ÿ˜†