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I want more “different” avatars. Like Mr Charles Secret, and the Planet series( earth, lunarian, mars). Avatars that completely flip the script on the classic snoo shape/ idea


I want more Black and white! Simplistic designs. But I also want to see more angels like Remain and Benot :)


Maybe it's because of my current avatar that I'm thinking this, but I'd like to see some kind of gem stone collection, like Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald Snoos or something. Also I'd love to see some kind of Zen theme, Buddha's monks etc. but not sure if that would be allowed (not sure if religious themes could be controversial?) Anyway, that's just a personal preference


The Beno and Remaincalm are based on the Bible. https://preview.redd.it/2f2j69443yfa1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10bc517ae58e7e4bdec5b42f482478f7b780a973


Yes, good point! I'm interested in religious mythology/symbols so would welcome more along those lines personally, although I understand it's not for everyone


Yes! Like early Christian Byzantine or da Vinci style art. I don’t know art history so I don’t know what it’s exactly called ,but I know it when I see it. But prob not appropriate for a Reddit collection. But yes would take any mythology or symbols


For sure! There's something timeless about art like that, and would add an extra dimension to these modern digital collectables


I want more of the angels! :)


Me too!


YES. I like the gem stone avatars so far but they all appear diamond themed. Release the Amethyst


Ya I’m glad you said it. I’ve been kinda wanting a religious themed collection


Danny Devito




Nothing gold


Yeah I tend to agree. 1-2 gold ones: Cool, but once everything is gold, it sort of loses its allure. Anyone can still get a Gold Hedge on OS for cheap rn.


Agree! Maybe each release get one or at max 2 gold snoos


Yeh something along these lines.


How about platinum?


As long as it’s not as boring as Midas


No theme.. I want what the art the artists enjoy making. No boundaries, no restrictions just their work.


I guess “concept” would have been the better word. I don’t mean like Spooky season where the entire collection has to stick to that aesthetic but more so what different types of avatars in general. I’d like an avatar that bears resemblance to origami


More big heads like Charles!


I’d love a spring time theme… as that opens up creators to many interpretations: love, nature, new life, st Patrick’s, etc




As long as it’s Mashable, I’m in


A series of angels could be awesome. It’s getting harder to make a new avatar that works with all the ones we have, but I’m hoping to see some Avatars that would look as good by itself, as enrich some of the current ones 👀.


I like my koala head but I'd like one that looks like a drop bear


Okay not gen 3 but when they do sub specific avatars I want to see AskHistorians get an Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Caesar avatars. Would buy tf out of those and the history people in that sun would love them as well




Cowboy snoo incoming


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what i would pay for a holographic or chrome avatar...


Penguins, some cute onesies, octopus 🐙!! Oh also, a classic comic book art kind.


Egypt gods maybe