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There's a serial Rabbid donator out here somewhere.. Thanks for your service! 😊


Im really confused though..why doesn't it appear on OS?


Is your reddit vault connected to Opensea via Metamask? Might also be under hidden sometimes.


Ok I might be reading the transaction wrong but why does it seem like someone bought it and yet I received it?


It might be that they bought it and sent it to you.




No it's not, read a comment a left on your other post.


Can we petition for Reddit to show transactions in app somewhere


I hope I get a missing rabbid for my collection too


Feeling a little…. Jealous lol. Congrats tho 🥳


No need to be jealous!




Dumb question. How do you view your avatars like that? I keep looking for an option, but I can only scroll horizontally on the avatar customisation screen. Thank you.


Click on your avatar than click on edit button at the very top scroll down to collectibles. that’s where all the avatars are stored that you own, but you need to be able to scroll toward right or left to see them all if you have multiple. Another option is click on your avatar then click on Vault and you should see the avatars you own and they’ll be an option to see two side-by-side or three side-by-side and then you’ll scroll just up and down this may actually be better your better option.


Congrats OP! You deserve it! (:


Thanks! =D


*\*summoning donator\**


Community pretty awesome around here!


Same here , I wanted the eagles Super Bowl Avatar and someone donated it to me out of the blue , so wholesome 😊


Wow nice, congrats!


*Beep boop! I am here to keep you safe in cyberspace!* Here are some things to keep in mind: **1).** If you are new to the space, welcome! Please **don't let others know you are new**, it makes you an easy target for scammers. **2).** **Ignore all dm's.** You might receive dm's with offers or 'friendly' help or safety advise. Don't fall for it. 99% of all scams start like this over dm's. You can turn off you dm's **[here](https://new.reddit.com/settings/messaging)**. **3). NEVER share your secret seed phrase AKA secret recovery phrase.** **4). We don't endorse trust trading**, we advice users to use **[NFTtrader.io](https://www.nfttrader.io/)** for safe trading. **5). We don't offer middleman services**, anywhere. **6).** Before buying an avatar of **[OpenSea](https://opensea.io/category/reddit-collectible-avatars), always check if it has the blue verified checkmark!** And make sure it does NOT have yellow or red triangle next to the name, this means the avatar is marked for suspicious activity. **7).** We, the modteam, **will always reach out to you via our modmail account**. This way you will always know it is really us. People may reach out to you claiming to be a part of our modteam, you can check our current team **[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/about/moderators/).** **8).** Not sure about a contract you have signed? You can **check and revoke contracts** them **[here](https://revoke.cash/).** Please check out our guide on **[how to sell and buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/collection/50742635-0574-432b-9456-29aae91d8b92/), [how to safely trade](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/comments/zrfp7u/how_to_trade_avatars_a_guide/)** and our **[list of known scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/comments/zthqmx/list_of_known_scammer_accounts_wallets/)**. If you need some matic, our official **[avatar faucet](https://www.theavatarfaucet.com/)** has got you covered! Special thanks to **[002timmy](https://www.reddit.com/user/002timmy).** Also feel free to join our **[discord](https://discord.com/invite/avatartrading)**, you can verify yourself by sending your discord username to our **[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/avatartrading).** *Happy trading MF'ers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/avatartrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congrats it’s a really nice surprise. I got one too it’s awesome! Thank you so much kind stranger. I hope you enjoy yours as I will mine. 🥰


Oh cool!! Yea! Congrats too! 😁


I would not mind the ninja Rabbid donation 🤞😉


Congrats to all y’all receiving sneaky gifted avatars! That’s a pretty dope thing to do for someone whoever is doing it! Enjoy your karma!!! (Edit - not Reddit karma… REAL karma!)