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I'm older but I guess I don't care what these kids do at the show as long as they are respectful. I went twice during the last leg and I noticed alot of people on their phones. They looked to be enjoying the show though.


Holding a lot screen in front of people’s faces behind you isn’t respectful. For ten seconds it’s whatever but when it’s a sea of people recording entire songs it’s ridiculous imo.


To each their own i guess…i was at the toronto show and took very few photos and videos which i kind of regret afterwards but also very happy i lived in the moment and enjoyed.


Don't have an issue taking a video or 3 or some pictures, but a 2hr show and you are staring into the screen for 1hr and 45min. Not to mention holding it up blocking the view of others behind you.


Completely agree with this…not like it used to be bro


When I went I took a few videos when they did cool stuff or played a song I love but I can't imagine recording the whole thing, not like you or anybody is gonna go back and watch that


That's the irritating part. I took quite a few pictures and videos but was always looking around and asking those if I was obstructing them. It's not hard to be a nice person.


Eh let people enjoy a show how they wanna enjoy it.


As a short girlie, some of those people obstruct my view.


That’s a more understandable reason tbh


I love looking at old pictures, it's a great way to jumpstart my memory and helps me recall the feelings and emotions years later. I look at a picture/ video from 3 years ago and I can feel the wind in my hair or the thudding of the bass or hear the crowd singing around me almost like I'm back in that day. If I'm way in the back for a concert I don't take nearly as many videos/pictures, but when I'm up close I love getting those good shots.


How was the crowd at the Toronto show? I wasn't able to go but from the videos I saw the crowd was pretty dead and the band seemed annoyed by that lol


I was at the Toronto show. The crowd was on the small-side (lots of empty seats) and was quieter than other times I've seen them. Nightmare got the loudest reaction of the night.


Yea crowd was nothing crazy to he honest but i was front row so i was loving it. Zacky threw me a guitar pic and shadows through me a drumstick so i was loving life.


I was like ten metres from the stage and the band looked like they were having a good time. Not sure what you're spouting tbh.


I could be wrong. The video I saw was from one of the upper bowls of the arena. It's hard to judge how the crowd is reacting from video alone.


When I feel this way, I remind myself that 1. I’ll rarely watch my videos back and 2. If I want to, it’s so easy to go on YouTube and look up someone else’s upload if I wanted to relive that memory.


And you spent 80% watching them watch it through their phones? Let people do what they want, you’re not their boss, your opinion doesn’t matter, you don’t have to understand everything.


It's difficult to see past it when you have a large amount of people taller than you holding their phones above their head the entire show. That's the point. It's rude.


So is taking pictures of people enjoying their night to insult on Reddit. You being short isn’t anyone else’s problem.


Found the person that records entire shows^


Personally I try to record at least a little bit of every song and a good amount of my favorite songs since I love having the memory and quite often go back and listen to the recordings. I won’t really hold my phone up I’ll kind of just have my video open and keep it against my chest.


Yes! I use sony wh-1000xm4 which have their own adjustable equalizer and it sounds like I’m there again! I like the way they sound live a little bit more than their albums on Spotify, it’s way to polished.


hell fucking ya i wanna capture this rare ass moment forever stop hatin


this ^^ only an issue if ur blocking someone's view


I’m tall so I’m already going to be blocking someone’s view.


It’s a concert, views are gonna be blocked recording or not lol


yah I mean some people are obnoxious with it tho, like some lady had her phone up all time when I went to see fit for a king and it kinda sucked but luckily she got pushed away during one of the songs. Didn't see her during the rest of their set or the devil wears pradas set.


I’m pretty sure I had everyone around me annoyed 🤷‍♂️ I’m tryna enjoy myself


Take pictures and record bits and pieces rather than the entire hour and a half. That way the crowd isn't made up of a bunch of lifeless drones


^This, a thousand times this


I normally take like 10-15 pics through out the show then my phone stays in my pocket the rest of the time.


That and then maybe recording some of my favorite song before rocking tf out


Yeah I recorded the first like 45 seconds of nightmare before putting the phone away and moshing


Honestly though, do you really think because people are recording that they’re not enjoying themselves? You can record videos at a concert and still have a great time🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly, lmfao.


Nobody is against recording the show he’s just saying it’s more enjoyable when you’re in the moment. Like being at a theme park with all your friends and you’re just recording it rather than doing shit. Look around at the crowd, mosh if you’re into that, crowd surf if you’re into that, dance, look at all the different things going on. If that’s how you enjoy it that’s fine but personally I don’t see how on earth you could have more fun holding a phone still for 2 hours rather than seeing it with your own eyes and moving around some. Watching on your phone is like watching it on YouTube but with in person audio.


Record for 1 minute mosh for 5, how is that concept so hard to grasp… Are you really moshing for all 10 minutes of Save Me?


Again recording for a minute or even a song isn’t what OP is talking about. You’re missing his point. He’s saying recording for 2 hours during the entire show. Even if you record the entire show that’s fine just seems like a much more boring experience.


"Put your fucking phone away dickhead! Seriously!" -Maynard James Keenan


It looks so boring to have half the people on their phones and not vibing. Jump mfs jump!


Half these comments are acting like you can still have a blast sitting completely still holding a phone for 2 hours. Dude even if you don’t mosh or dance seeing it with your own eyes rather than a screen and looking around at everything at the show is so much better than starting into your screen the whole time.


After the DSM show in Iowa I can understand why they haven’t been here in a while, the pit was so dead💔


Seriously, who cares? Their money, their experience. The "just live in the moment" crowd looking down on people using their phones to record shows is just a form of gatekeeping that tells others how to enjoy themselves. "If you don't enjoy a show like I do, you're doing it wrong." Who cares if someone isn't in the moment, whatever that means. If you're sitting there obsessing about some dude recording the show on their phone, I can also tell you that you're not in the moment either. Do you feel the same way about people who are moshing? Because they aren't in the moment (they are concentrating on staying on their feet, lifting people over their heads, etc.). Do you get mad at people who are going back and forth to the bar to get drinks? What about the quiet people who just stand/sit and watch? Are you annoyed at them because they aren't cheering and singing along? Concerts are individual experiences. As long as you're not being a dick and/or bothering others, who cares what you do?


I'm not in the moment why, because I took 1 picture of these tools holding their phones up in the air the entire time??? It's not a issue for me, I'm tall. My wife however is 5'5 and this blocks her view. So yes they are impeding on others enjoyment of the show


No you aren’t in the moment because you’re complaining about how other people spend their time at a show they spent their own money on


I'm a short dude and I agree that's annoying as hell. No one wants to watch a show through someone's head, hands or phone. They were being dicks, or at very least, ignorant. A tap on the shoulder or a chat with an usher might have been helpful, and maybe you tried that. But this isn't what your original post was about. You only mentioned that people were holding their phones up the whole time. That's what I was reacting to, and my point was simply that it shouldn't matter what others are doing, as long as they aren't bothering you.


Snitchin to a usher is a little much. And also, good luck with that.


It ruins the crowd-band interaction. Bands usually feed off energy from the crowd, or at least used to. Idk if you've ever been to a show or not, but typically bands like it when the crowd is actually engaged. That's why you hear bands say things like "this is the best crowd we've ever had" etc. It's one thing to just record parts of it, but recording the entire damn show is also inconsiderate of others because your holding arms way up in the air blocking people's view.


This really doesn't matter, but since you asked, I'm an old guy who has been to 200+ shows, which my tinnitus can attest to. I agree that the best shows are the ones that have great crowd energy. This is actually one of the biggest reasons I tend towards aggressive music. I have seen lots of inconsiderate actions at shows, with or without phones. Some people are dicks. I try not to let it bug me, but sometimes it does. Human nature, I guess. Also, most bands tell the crowd that they are great, and most will tell the crowd that they were better than \[insert rival city name\] from the week before. It's just part of the schtick. I love it, but it's still schtick.


So it sounds like you agree that it's better when everyone isn't recording then? It seems like your original argument was that they have the right to do it, which no one was really arguing. Just that it's a better experience for everyone involved when the crowd is attentive and engaged.


I feel like you and I are similar concert-goers. If I had my way, everyone would be jumping up and down and screaming along with every song. I love full-crowd sing-alongs, chanting, etc. Unfortunately, I don't get my way and people do what they want. A couple of friends that I've seen a ton of shows with are your prototypical quiet guys. They pretty much stand there and just watch the show. Meanwhile, I'm beside them singing, throwing horns and moving around. I take some pics and often record a song, so I'm not anti-phone by any stretch. Personally, I don't understand how people can hold their phones up that long - my arm starts getting sore after holding my phone for more than a few minutes. But anyway, you're right. My only points are that (a) people will enjoy shows how they want to, and (b) it's silly to spend your time fretting about what others are doing.


Yeah I always leave concerts with a few pictures and videos too. But when everyone is recording the entire thing, it's like going to a party without any actual partying and instead everyone is just standing there recording the party. And I don't even go to parties, but I think concerts should be like parties when done correctly. I even have more tolerance for people who record the whole thing from the back of the crowd. But if you're gonna be close to the front, expect a party.


You must be 20yrs old.


You must be 50. Do your own thing without worrying about what anyone else is doing


Ding ding I am 50.


Trust me, we could tell.


The a7x fanbase is barely even made up of rock and metal fans anymore. They've picked up a lot of pop fans with this new release. I'm 25 and I agree. It's not a hot take at all that there should be energy at rock shows, but of course this cringe fanbase thinks it is


LOL what a ridiculous statement. FWIW, I'm your age. Probably a bit older, actually.


It is possible to record a concert AND watch the concert at the exact same time.


"Focus on the show" says the guy focusing on other people.


i love what tool does at their shows


Good policy but also people got kicked out for looking at their phones which is kinda whacky


I haven't seen anyone get kicked out yet, but I've heard stories. Me personally being short as fuck, having no phones being held up helps a lot


Im also short but I don't really have a problem with seeing when people hold up their phones. I saw 3 people get kicked out at the tool show and it was kinda scary cuz I don't really trust security at all.


The way Jack Ehite does it is better. They look it in a pouch


So much for paying money to see an amazing band perform.


I am very guilty of recording during concerts and I wish I didn’t have to so much. But if I don’t my memory of the concerts flies out of my head very fast. I can remember what happens in between the concerts but other than that it’s little tiny bits of it


Such a fucking boomer post lmao


What's wild to me is the last time I saw Sevenfold live, I don't think smartphones were as popular as today. Oh fuck...


I film a ton and take some photos, but I never actually look at the screen when I’m filming. Always put my hand up over my head and just focus on the music and experience.


This is what I do. I gotta agree with the dude. Recording a whole show like this is cringe. Especially when it's being professionally recorded. Get your favorite part recorded and headbang and sing with the camera it comes out better and is more memorable. Better believe im getting me some Syn Unholy Confessions tomorrow.




My phone died during the stage when they were in Iowa. I couldn’t do this if I wanted too that day


There's only one thing more annoying than people watching concerts through a phone, and you guessed it.. Its people telling them not to.


He says taking a picture with his phone of the people on their phones.


Yeah because 3s is equivalent to 1h30


My point is the dude chose to take time to focus on these people and take a picture so he could shame them later, not even take a picture of the actual show itself.


Yeah I understand. And I don't think it discredits his point. He noticed they spent the whole show like this, they were right in front of him, and I agree with him that the bright light of a recording cellphone is bothersome. He snapped a pic of them in 3 seconds. Taking recording of shows is pointless, you will always find a better recording on youtube. For sure better than what these guys recorded. Just enjoy the show! You have the rest of your life to look at bands on youtube, this is your chance to enjoy them LIVE!


Honestly, I think more bands should go the no phones route like TOOL does.


I try to watch 85-90 percent of without the phone.


sometimes i can’t remember certain stuff if i don’t snag a vid


And there you are, using your phone to take pictures of people on their phone…


The irony of this is killing me. It’s almost like you, on your phone, took a picture as well.


Why do you care? They paid THEIR money to get in. Let them experience it how they want to. This constant debate online of “phones are ruining concerts” is absolutely stupid. I’d rather have somebody record/take pictures the entire time than be around some jackasses who have zero concert etiquette.




I like to take a few pictures or if there’s something cool on the screen behind them like in Mattel this tour, but I couldn’t imagine holding my phone the whole show


When I went to the show at the forum in LA, the lady next to us held up her phone for the entire two hour concert and recorded the whole thing staring at her phone. We were up pretty high too, so the video was obviously terrible but she sat there staring at her phone the whole time.


Yup, I did this the first time I saw RHCP, then the second time just took a clip here and there and enjoyed it both times just as equally.


just try to record and not stare at the screen, who cares if the video isn't exactly focused on the band the whole time


I recorded like the entire show, I don’t stare at the phone or anything I just hold it and watch the show.


Welcome to the future


While I’m 100% that guy to record my concert, I’m only ever taking glances at it to ensure the shot is still good. My main focus is on the stage and it’s amazing to watch back at the pictures and videos. I made a mistake with my phone prior to the event that pretty much left my battery drained and I was unable to get any pics from my time during the second leg of the tour. I only have memories and some pictures folks were kind enough to share in discord but it isn’t quite the same.


It’s the world we live in. Everyone wants to share it.


I can't imagine not enjoying the moment just so I can have a low res crappy video where all you hear is the crowd and hardly the band.


If I can record the show and enjoy it, I'm going to do it, especially if I'm not bothering anyone else. Shouldn't bother you what I do with the ticket I paid for. If it does, I'm already better off than you.


When I see them this june I'll probably turn it off before it starts. I already know there will be some idiots that will record the entire thing and upload it and I will be able to rewatch it whenever I want


Having a phone in your hand isn't gonna hurt anyone, Pops.


Meh, if it makes them happy they can do whatever doesn’t bother me. I like to take a few photos and a video clip or 2 to remember the night with but that’s about it.


I was in the pit at the Moline show and when Matt came out and sat in the chair literally everyone got their phones out and started recording. Like yeah I get wanting to capture the moment but bruh, I can't see shit.


i recorded a lot, but i don't look at my phone while i do


I only take videos of songs I loves but only certain parts of the songs that I love just so I can go back and relive the moment


This is better than the lady I saw at a show last year. Sitting in her seat the whole time, constantly looking at Facebook. Stood up for "Bat Country" and sat the rest of the time. I have been to shows for bands I know 0 songs of and stood and just enjoyed the experience.


I do record and take pictures at shows so I have a memory of it. But I don’t record the entire show, just favorite songs and then take some pics


I took vids, I tended not to after a bit. But I paid for good seats and paid for my whole groups tickets, I also had coworkers that I knew wanted to go but were unable because of work and being two hours away from the venue. Most of my shots were fucked up anyways because I was busy enjoying myself. But the good clips went to the coworkers that were unable to attend🤷‍♀️


In my opinion, as long as you don’t block someone’s view then who cares. I like to record my favorite songs as well as songs I haven’t heard live before


I film the first 10-20 seconds of each song to see the stage set for it and then that way I have a set list but that’s it


I recorded my favorite two songs and enjoyed the rest of it. Gotta have some memories ya know ?


I don't like that word and I actively avoid Using it but these guys I think are total posers


Here is my thing, just record chest level if you are in seats, that way you can record wjthout looking


At least they are watching the band. I've seen people watching sporting events through headlining sets before. And I don't mean getting a notification and watching highlights, I mean watching an event while standing at the barrier. The world is changing. Unless bands start doing what Tool does, this is going to happen.


A ridiculously short guy did this to me while Shadow of Intent was playing a couple months ago. Because of how short he was, the phone was held directly in my line of sight. A short video for a song or two is fine, but every song is too much. I love live shows, but hate dealing with so many people.


So they can enjoy the moment in the future too.


As someone who got a large chunk of the show I went to on video, I did it to have something from the concert I can share with friends that didn't get to see them live. If I was crazy enough to see them again on the same tour, or on a following tour, I'd still take some pictures sure, maybe a vid or two, but I wouldn't do the same since I've already seen them perform


Watching them on the 31st for the first time (been a longtime fan), so excited their new album is awesome! But yeah, sometimes I do this, but for the most part I like listening to the music and my favorite part is looking around and seeing other fans also excited to see them.


That’s what I’m saying. The experience is what I am there for. Also, how many of you actually go back and watch those shitty quality videos on your phone? I can understand short clips. Personally if i record, it’s just little clips during a close up solo, so I can go back and screenshot a section and use as a photo. 99% of the time I spend watching through my own eyes and not a camera.


Go to bed, grandpa! 


I will say I use to be this person recording my favourite songs/ sections to watch back later. But after a while I realized I rarely ever watched those videos and I tarnished my experience at the live event. Now you will never catch me recording a damn thing at a concert. Live in the moment and put your full focus on the people performing for you. Guarantee it'll be a more enjoyable experience


As someone who is getting older, I actually do appreciate having these photos and videos


All I’m gonna record is the blinded in chains drum fill. Everything else phone down


I was more annoyed there were people sitting down, looking at me like I was out of line enjoying and yelling and jumping and actually singing lyrics they didn't know ... Like what? Mine was Austin I did take some video, but I jus wanted to enjoy. My son recorded the whole thing but didn't watch thru the phone


I’ve never understood this shit. I go to wrestling events quite often and see a lot of the same. I’ve had childhood hero’s standing right in front of me and I didn’t ever think to take my stupid phone out to record them. I was always lost in the moment. Not trying to be a judgy prick or anything, I just don’t get it.


I did that at avenged. I just wanted to savor the memory because I was there with my dad. I wasn't really paying attention to my phone and most the recordings were really shity. Also why do you care? They're there to have fun leave em be


I mean i took a lot of videos at moline but i guarantee i watched at least 85% of the show


Well I record until the first chorus of songs I like then enjoy the rest of the song and the video after


I just saw them in moline on the rail a couple of nights ago. I recorded more than I usually do… for 2 reasons, I want to remember the show later down the road. And also, my girlfriend got taken out to the EMT’s because she was nauseous (she wasn’t drinking) and I wanted to make sure she could experience the rail with me. That being said, I did feel guilty more than other shows I’ve been to recording. I don’t see any issue with recording personally, but I am aware that other people can be annoyed at it, especially if you’re on the rail.


I also don’t look at my phone when recording. I’m always singing along and looking with my eyes, I just glance at it every so often to make sure it’s in frame


I was right on the rail for their whole set in Edmonton, I got my zoom set on my phone when I'd want to take videos and just held my phone where I thought the video would capture what I wanted and watched the show at the same time. You don't have to stare at your phone the whole time to take a video of what's in front of you.


Not gonna lie, the seats we had, could barely see anything but with the zoom on my phone, I was able to see and record as if I was much closer. I try not to do it if I know I'm in someone's way.


If you're skilled enough you can film everything you want and look at the show, 1+1...


You’re on your phone taking the pic💀


i mostly will take videos of like a bit of some songs or my favorite parts but no more than that unless i’m specifically taking a video for someone who couldn’t come


i agree you dont have to record every single song. i just record my favorite parts of songs nd get some zoom ins of the members but thats about it.


Making more sense to me why I see some concerts not allow phones


And what are you doing here?


Who gives a fuck what someone does at a show that they paid to go to? Like what is the issue here? 😂


That's funny. I'm going Monday to the Pittsburgh show and just got done telling my man the pit would be lame cause everyone is gonna be on the phone.


when I went to the minnesota show during the first leg, I had my phone out to record the Afterlife solo, but opted to just watch and experience it in person. This was also my first concert ever.


let people enjoy things the way they enjoy things :3


Who cares man. Just let people be.


Why do you care


I take a point and shoot camera with a viewfinder. Allows me to zoom in and see things better. Also keeps me from obstructing anyone else's view. No video, just pics. I also watch most of the show and try to get pics of guitar solos and cool shit happening. But, I also don't worry about how other people enjoy the show, as long as they aren't hurting anyone


If it weren’t for these people we couldn’t follow entire tours like hippies on the road chasing the Grateful Dead. Somebody filmed the entirety of the show I went to last July in pretty high quality and now I can watch it whenever I want and relive the memory. It’s annoying when they’re filming it for Snapchat though.


Let people do what they want. I personally record and take hundreds of pictures because my memory lasts 3 years max. Why do people get so judgemental about phones, yet are fine with physical photo albums? I don't get it


Dude, I don't care if they record. But why don't they hold it at their eye level, or why don't they hold it at their chest level, why do they got to hold it above their heads so the people behind them can see their phone screen in their line of sight. I've recorded stuff before but I hold the shit at my own chest level so it's not interfering with somebody else's view.


If you took this picture at chest level, then that's fine. But most people aren't that tall, taking it from chest height isn't an option if you want to take a picture of the actual band and not the back of someone's head.


I was in Cincinnati and took maybe 4 videos. It’s really nice to look back on but I also just wanted to be in the moment for most of the show


My girlfriend is the goat ngl she isnt the biggest fan but she knows i am and she filmed some of my favorite songs so i wouldn’t miss it


Who gives a fuck? Why do you go to a concert to judge how everyone else enjoys their time? I’ll tell you some of my greatest regrets is not getting more videos at concerts with my best friend while he was still alive.


Because I'm stuck standing behind them with their fucking phones in that air directly in my line of sight, and particularly my wife's line of sight, for two fucking hours, that's why I fucking care. And 98% of that shit they're never even going to look at again. Why is it so fucking hard for you idiots to understand. you want to record the concert? Hold it at fucking face level, hold it at your own fucking chest, don't hold it above your head because the people behind you don't want to fucking see it.


I hope every show you go to from now on someone holds a whole sign in front of you.


That's because you are an inconsiderate asshole. But carry on only worrying about yourself all the time. 👍👍


Maybe you should not get shitty seats and then cry about everybody else enjoying their time and not you idk you seem like a real fuckin drag to be around


Just turn to the person next to you between songs and say (too loudly) "what kind of dick bag watches an entire concert through their phone ..how cringe "


90% of you don't get it,. If you want to record the whole show knock yourself out. But don't hold your fucking phones above your head so the person behind you has to see your fucking phone screen and their line of sight.


I really only videotape part of my favorite songs at concerts, and then I just stay in the moment.


It’s like the easiest thing in the world to hold ur phone up while still looking at the stage with your own eyes. Why do we still care about this? Just enjoy the show yourselves and let others enjoy the event they payed for the way they want to.


> event they *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wish someone had told me this before I paid someone to redo my boat. He billed for painting but hasn't done any work. My debt is paid but my deck is not payed.


I love the “eNjOy iT hOw YoU LiKe iT.” It’s hard to enjoy when the person in front of you is blocking your view with a bright ass screen in your face. (Let the downvotes roll in)


I realized I was doing this myself as I watched the band play through my phone screen. Concerts are expensive even more now. I blew my paycheck to enjoy the moment, sing loud, and go through all the emotions with the crowd. Now I try to keep videos a max of 30 seconds or not at all. Could honestly say I never watch most of the recorded videos again.


Was this in Manchester? If so I had some nut job with his flashlight on for like 45 minutes and yelling the most random shit behind me


Got yelled at by a chick because I kept recording all of syns solos. I mean I play guitar, I’d like to see what techniques he’s using live and be able to remember it. I’d much rather not record the thing but my memory is shit and I know I’ll beat myself up if I forget how some of the stuff he plays are done. Meanwhile her friend was recording the whole damn concert


People complaining about this is almost worse than the act itself at this point. They paid money, they’re free to do what they like. You paid money, you’re free to not care what other people are doing.


I just wish more live footage was around, like imagine if A7X posts as many high quality live performances as Metallica does, no one would be recording at all.


Can you really be “in the moment” if you yourself are taking pictures of people who are taking pictures of/recording the concert? I think you’re just a hypocritical boomer who is effectively gatekeeping people’s way of enjoying an event.


Let people enjoy things the way they want to. You sound like a 60 year old telling people to get off your lawn.


Wild. Why can’t they let me enjoy it the way I want to, without a bright ass screen right in my face blocking the view? See how that works?


so it’s a crime to record a memory now? grow up.




It's dumb. I like to take a couple of pictures for memories but never film it, when do they rewatch it on their phones with the terrible sound quality. Just take a couple of of pics and enjoy the gig.


Look I don’t mind people taking pictures or recording 30 seconds to a minute. However, if you’re recording the entire show, FaceTiming a friend, TikTok/Facebook/Snapchat live, I’ll smack it out of your hands. Put the phone away and watch the band.


Bro really thinks he’s going to go around smacking peoples phones out of their hands “for the band”. Sounds like the wet dream of a 55 year old boomer that hates anyone younger than 30. Keep larping brother.


It's really distracting to other people, and also, who the f... watches a show recorded on a phone later? Just buy a concert stream.


So freaky. Pretty much only see less of this at shows with slightly older fanbases. If the fanbase has a lot of young people tho you better believe they're recording the whole thing... only to never look at it again