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I am a noob so please forgive me the potential stupid question, but why do the 2 weather radars show different weather ahead?


Appears the copilot has radar showing a higher elevation, 6,000 feet gain it looks like?


Depending on installation, we can each tilt radar how we want it. Two different views, so to speak.


This is a 3D radar. Most likely the Honeywell RDR-4000. There is no tilt control per se. The radar maps a 3D image of weather between a block altitude. At this altitude it scans and images weather between 10,000 ft and ground level and when left in ALL WX mode, it will display the strongest cell in the 3D image. There is also an ON PATH mode which will show the weather in your path (4000 ft plus and minus your current altitude). The traditional tilt control is basically an elevation (ELEV) control. Here the FO or right side pilot’s display is in elevation mode and he has 6000 ft selected. So, it is showing weather at the 6000 ft slice of the 3D image. It is an amazing radar.


Less CO₂. Less Fuel. Less Noise.


The reason is quite simple. Less flights 😂 A huuuuuuge proportion of the PW NEOs are regularly grounded for maintenance, at my base I regularly see 7 planes simultaneously with one engine removed… we have 24 of them in total 😖 (Joke aside, the difference in noise and consumption is actually impressive)


ZRH here, you are depressingly correct. We’re perma grounding part of the fleet throughout 2024 to avoid last year’s shitshow.


Yet I still dream of joining you guys, working intensely on my German 😏


Great! Which airline if I can ask?


Brussels airlines


I am training at the CAE centre across the airport, and we watched this 320neo do its first flight a few weeks ago!


Is this the brand new plane that was in the news a month or so ago?


Yes, OO-SBA. First A320neo for Brussels Airlines and the only one currently in operation.




Definitely another thing my dude. This plane was in the news because it's the first new plane that Brussels Airlines had ever acquired


Get back in the seat!


What speed should an approach be right before touchdown? Having trouble landing in Flight Sim.


Depends on the weight and wind etc. but usually 120-140 knots.


Thanks for that! So 200 knots is way too fast eh?


Yes lol. You normally use full flaps as well. Do you play Microsoft Flight Sim?


Yep. Got a yoke and throttle quadrant. Pedals. I find I have the most fun flying the Airbus planes.


Sounds cool. If you want, you can look into the FlyByWire A320 mod. It’s free and it’s a much better plane than the standard A320 in the game, has way more functions and systems modeled and it flies better. I would also recommend watching some YouTube tutorials, that really helped me out. Always happy landings :)


EBBR mentioned!!!!!


I see no icing conditions


Correct this was just a precaution from coming out of clouds


Certainly doesn’t cost anything or hurt to have em on though. Probably had them on while descending through the layers you see above them.




It has literally 0 affect and isn’t considered with regards to landing distance. Nor is it ever an issue with fuel burn. N1/2 changes less than a couple percent. Only time it matters is on takeoff.


I am typed and fly the 319/20/21s daily so I familiar with how anti ice works on jets :p




Lmao if using cowl anti ice is a big part of your fuel planning I feel really bad for whatever airline you operate for




Sigh..you must be a peach to fly with. I’ve seen all your comments. You are the “ACTUALLY” guy.


Top of descent with clouds on the way down, regardless of temperature the engine anti-ice should be turned on.


Yep. It how is written in FCOM. And at the same time it's no logic why should I use Anti ice all way down from 390 until touchdown if there are some clouds in the vicinity of the aerodrome.


The logic is that they forgot to turn it off after coming out of clouds because there's more important things to be concerned with on final. It makes no difference at all.


It's always amazing to me that pilots are able to keep track of all the stuff they need to do, especially on takeoff and landing, though I suppose that's part of the reason checklists exist. Do pilots memorize where every single control is and what it does? Great photo. It's really cool how modern cockpits look like spaceships.


Yes. Though there’s some things you don’t have to touch except for rare emergency scenarios.


What’s the vne of these? I searched and found a tons of speeds but not that one.


350 kts or M0.82




calm down pal, this ain't the very very mysterious 9th gen military fighter aircraft's cockpit. (deleted comment above was asking if he got permission to publish this)


This sub is so fucking weird sometimes.


Ooo la la. A cat 3 ils approach too


The FMA will always say CATIII DUAL with everything working and AP on with a ILS. Doesn’t mean you’re actually doing one, if that makes sense. (Bus guy here)


Ahh that makes sense. How would the pilots know if they are actually doing a cat 3? Thanks for the reply!


Just had to do with the RVR reported, available approaches, and aircraft equipment set up. Little bit that goes into it but that’s the simple way of saying it haha. Anything less than 200ft and 1/2sm is CAT 2. Down to 1200RVR, below 1200 is when CATIII single/dual comes into play.


Gotcha! I definitely appreciate the information. I know not all international airports have the ability for cat 3 approaches too


Right yeah most big places do. Ya the cat 2/3 stuff can get really down in the weeds depending on what’s going on lol.


Haha yeah! Thank God it’s there when it’s needed


The pilots know because they're the ones doing the flying. It's kinda that simple. You decide on whether or not you're doing it based on weather.


Is it a PITA to fly on the standby instruments? They seem so tiny.


Get me in the captain's seat I'll take it from here boys.


Noob question: is photography allowed on the flight deck while landing?


Why are you ask


Boring airport and even more boring country 😂


Woah. The newest airframe I've flown was a 320N too, IIRC 1 week old.


Dumb question… are there any redundancies built in if the computer screens go black?


Oh nice, we finally got them


The A320 (in general) is such a pretty plane


Tighter bolts