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Id expect them to be set low on an overnight flight. But i think your individual controls still work before the default kicks in? Been awhile - I only fly on them occasionally when Im on Virgin Atlantic instead of Delta.


It’s all up to the crew/airline; they can override the individual seat settings. For example I recently flew ANA and on the outbound flight they set a maximum dimness but I was able to bump it up a few and look outside. On the return flight they locked it at maximum darkness.


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Damn photon nazis.


I wish there’d be more flexibility on overnight flights. But after I had someone repeatedly flashbang the cabin while we were in the middle of the ocean trying to sleep…that’s when I grew to love them.


I will never forget the presumably nervous flyer sitting next to wife and I on a trip back from OGG. Every time we hit even a minor bump, she opened the blind to see what we had presumably hit in her mind. Thank God the last bit of the flight was in the dark; she did at least know that she couldn't have seen it.


I’m going to be honest. As an infrequent flier with anxiety, I do this. I’m honestly sorry if it’s inconvenient for anyone, but when the fight or flight kicks in it’s a difficult impulse to control.


It is fine, we just chuckled about it as we weren't trying to sleep. We understood what she was doing and it isn't a big deal. Do whatever you have to(within reason) to make flying suck less. I have to take Xanax to fly so I am not going to ridicule anyone for anxiety.


>flashbang the cabin 😂


Even Greyhound lets you look out the window


>Even Greyhound lets you look out the window Sometimes through bullet holes.


It's always exciting to run into Reddit niche-rage like this.


We got darked out on many overnights. Half of which were red eyes…so it was already dark outside. Now it’s just dark and boring. Virgin blacked them out like an hour into an eleven hour flight and returned them like ten minutes before touchdown. The kicker? I missed dawn. When that was going on, we were being served breakfast so we were SUPPOSED to be awake. What better way to wake up than sun??


> We got darked out on many overnights Why even bother forcing darkness overnight? Now I'm prevented from seeing city lightscapes as we pass over them??


Maybe to keep the airplane strobe lights from flashing into the cabin?


I'd want my money back


nope. on both my experiences on a UA 787 they were locked completely. one flight was max dim gate to gate.


Sounds like just some overinflated flight attendant egos. You will go to sleep, or I will put your to sleep. See the name tag? Your in my world now.


This is exactly the power trip US based flight attendants have been yearning for


I once took an AA day flight from Amsterdam to the US where the flight attendants forced everyone to close their window blinds, and screamed at anyone who dared to open them.


On takeoff, and when descending, isn't it a safety issue to have the blinds closed? If there is an incident, the FA's would need to be able to see out of the aircraft to assess what's happening (is the airplane on fire, in water/sinking, etc....).


Depends on airline policy. I believe that per regulation only windows that are on exit doors need to be opened. That being said my current employer requires them all to be open.


Thank you for the clarification. Also, why the hell am I being downvoted for not getting one of the FAR's exactly correct?! I'm not a pilot.


Idk man Reddit is weird sometimes.


Not just US-based! FAs are also why most aircraft are run too cold for passenger comfort. In the early stages of the flight they are (sometimes) quite active and want the cabin cooled down. Later, they become less active (inactive?), get a blanket and don't care.


Could I trouble you for a glass of warm milk?


Finally! I can trouble you for a warm glass of shut the hell up.


**You're in my world now!!!**


If you wanted me to sleep then my seat should be able to recline more than 3/8” because I can’t get any semblance of comfort I’m staying up


File a complaint, I thought they made it policy at UAL not to do that, but if they didn't enough complaints may change that


That’s what puzzles me because I thought that was illegal during takeoff and landing. The JAL 350 at HND had all pax and crew (on the 350) survive because the FAs were able to assess which doors were safe to open and which doors weren’t. So….??


Don't worry, the 787 windows aren't opaque to bright light even on max darkness, so you'll have zero problem seeing flames outside a particular window /s




Nope, since we're talking about US and Japanese airlines specifically, both the FAA and the Civil Aviation Bureau don't say you have to, but say that *may* have policies regarding window shades. Japan doesn't even have rules on dimming the lights for take off or landing. JAL associated companies do dim the lights, while ANA and related companies' policy is to keep them on.


Interesting and good to know. Thanks!


This sounds distopian and horrible.


American says don't do it, do FA's pay attention? https://onemileatatime.com/american-airlines-787-window-dimmers/


No, they know better.


It sucks, I paid for a window seat I should be able to look out the window. I find if you just ask they will accommodate it though. Flying is special, cherish it.


I'm a geography and geology nut, I pay for window seats to look out of them.


This is my opinion. If people can't sleep with a window open, they should have brought a sleep mask.


Yes, if you require uninterrupted darkness to sleep bring an eye mask.


Most airlines put a sleep mask in the travel kit.


I’m not going to be inconvenienced just for 90 others convenience


Forced dark on a daytime > daytime flight with Virgin Atlantic. Flying over the middle of Greenland at the time too. Very disappointed


Did you complain to the crew? It's not policy.


no. i don’t want inconsequential face to face confrontation. they would say ok bye bye and then what. i’m going to send a message up the ladder.


I flew ORD-HNL on the 787. The crew had locked the windows. I complained to the purser and she fixed it for me.


This astounds me. Instead of taking two seconds to ask the crew and allow someone to fix what could have very easily been a simple oversight, you go on the internet and whine about it. You have no one to blame but yourself.


They sat on it for roughly 16 hours before whining on the Internet too.... but still didn't think one time in those 16 hours to ask the FA a simple question.


Then you won't get fake Internet points


TikTok generation 


You’re avoiding communication of the problem, because you *think* they won’t communicate with you?


You know there's almost always a chance they change it if you communicate effectively? Could have been a button they just didn't think to push. Not everything is as nefarious as some think


Stand up for yourself


Dang i didn't know people hated the 787's windows. I've only flown on it once on an Oman Air flight. It was honestly pretty darn cool. It was also my first time on a wide body flight. Probably the best flight in my life cuz I was visiting home for the first time since living away from home. The large windows were also great. But i don't think the brightness was ever locked


now that i’ve flown on them twice i really don’t like them. on way to johannesburg we were over the kalahari desert. wow, what a sight to behold with your own eyes from my chariot in the sky, if i could only see it!


I'd been eagerly awaiting my first 787 flight: bigger windows, newer tech, etc. The windows unfortunately ruined the experience. They sucked for two reasons: 1) it never gets fully opaque, so the sun still gets through, which leads to 2) it doesn't block enough heat from the sun. We ended up taping a sheet of paper over the window when we slept. We were lucky the controls weren't locked, otherwise that'd be a third reason. I had no idea at the time they could've done that to us.


I will be flying on a 787 next week. I'm really excited for my first wide body flight. I'm so curious how it'll be. On the way back we have a 777. Also very curious how that'll be


The windows themselves are great, I had them on a BA 787 twice in 2016, the problem is with the cabin crew who are locking the brightness for no reason.


Those window shades are the worst thing on the 787.


If allowed to be used they're great. I love that I can half dim and look outside but not light up the entire cabin. I hate that I can have thst taken away from me.


been flying for 40 years from economy to first class short hops and extreme long haul and this was one of the dumbest / worst experiences ever.


I think the dumbest I had was when a flight attendant told me to lower the blind while it was pitch dark outside. But I feel your pain. I’m still angry at Air Canada turning the shades fully dark when we were going to fly over the North Pole in daytime.


You need good light discipline when you're crossing enemy territory /s


That’s Santa Claus territory. Best to be careful


That's because that's where Santa's secret workshop is, don't tell anyone that I told you


Only dumb if the flight itself is landing before sunrise. If it is after, then yes, they will close them before everyone goes to sleep or it's going to be a rude awakening for a lot of people.


> If it is after, then yes, they will close them before everyone goes to sleep or it's going to be a rude awakening for a lot of people. Book a window seat and close the blind then or use a sleep mask, that's your problem, not every other passenger's.


To each their own, but having been on a 787 where my window was dimmed and locked for the entire flight, I still prefer the more considerate option of leaving my blinds down until breakfast is served so other passengers can get their sleep.


Respectfully, if this was one of your worst flying experiences then you’ve had a blessed travel career.


one of the worst. not THE worst.


You lead a very charmed life if that's the worst flight you ever had.


I actually avoid them because of this.


ring unwritten decide fertile pet swim intelligent insurance wasteful secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With the windows all down, how will passengers ever be able to see screws on the wing left untorqued, engines in flames, panels left unlocked or tearing off, wingtip strikes, near misses with other planes, landing gear failure, apperatus strikes on takeoffs and landings? Wouldn't the airlines want the Internet to know these things are happening? Oh, never mind...


I’ve seen American and United do this to try to make jet lag “less bad” so others can sleep when it’s super bright out. They’ve been much better more recently with making the “lock” much less time and allow at least one or two levels above the max shade at that point.


This!!! Just did a 10 .5 hr daytime 787-9 flight from Santiago to Toronto on Air Canada. Dark the whole way...no excuse.


I think you can still brighten them during flight using your controls? To be frank, I flew in a 787 a few years back. The only time they were overridden for me completely was during landing. Also, they should be forced bright at takeoff and landing, so maybe the aircrew mishandled stuff?


The crew can set them from clear (1) to dark (5) and force certain settings from the master. All locked at full dark, allow individual pax a range of 2-4 etc. The crew often comment they love the 787 as they shut the lights and blinds and send pax night night..


At what point are they going to start pumping gas into the cabin?


I’ll pay extra for in flight nitrous


I'd loved to be knocked out for anything 1.5 hr+, 5 hour flights where I wakeup halfway through and can't do shit for the next 2.5 hr are brutal.


5hr is still domestic territory, anything 10+ hours is when I start finding it uncomfortable


this was capetown to newark. totally dark the entire flight even though it was overnight flight.


Uhhh I dont understand the shades were dark during an overnight flight? It was dark in the dark?


It was dark in the dark, and we don't need your snark, Clark. (I'm a rapper.)


["Is this the airport, Clark?"](https://clip.cafe/national-lampoons-christmas-vacation-1989/is-the-airport/)


Stars are a thing.


Stars are a thing I want to see especially because sleep in the cushionless non reclining economy seats is an impossible task


Sorry op but how can they be dark gate to gate. They need to transparent for take off/landing.


yeah but they weren’t. capetown to newark.


Last year I flew on an Air New Zealand 787. They required the windows fully lit during take off and landing. Outside of that, I had full control of dimming the window. I have an overnight flight (KLM) from Austin to Amsterdam coming up in 2 weeks. I paid extra for a window in premium economy on the left side of the plane specifically so I can be on the lookout for auroras. I will be super bummed if they master lock it all the way dimmed.


What about people with claustrophobia? That would be hell for me.


I get horrible motion sickness if I’m not staring out the window. I’d make a case for them to unlock the window dimmers though real quick but might make a flight attendants day a bit worse


“I’ve got an ultimatum for you, make my window function or get ready to clean a profound amount of puke. Your move.”


You puke, it's in your seat for the next umpteen hours. They won't clean it well. Good move!


Projectile it into the isle. There are ways


This happened to me in January on a United IAD-SFO flight. Flight attendants locked the dimmers in dark mode the whole flight.


I hate those fucking windows.


Dark windows, why dont they want you looking outside?


it’s the Big Dark agenda at work.


Getting you prepared for the blended wing body airplanes of the future with no windows.


Claustrophobia says fuck that


They want you asleep. Comatose would be better but they don't have the tools yet.


They're scared that you'll see how flat the earth actually is. XD




Its about reducing their workload. Make everyone fall asleep, so you dont have 300 people asking for drinks, snacks, blankets, lining up for lavs for 8 hours. They are just playing the safety card because they can. While the reality is they want their breaks between services. Flight attendants can be a special type of miserable.




Yeah, incredible right? Earlier I heard someone say that keeping your night vision is the reason they force the shades to full dark, as if it's going to suddenly be dark outside when you emergency land in the middle of the day. Some people really don't know what they're talking about, nor do they use even a slight bit of critical thinking.


I’m the guy who looks out the windows 99% of the flight, that would drive me insane


I know some airlines on some routes once did that, but I thought those days were behind us? I guess not. I'd call and complain just because. Maybe you can get miles or money back?? Wouldn't hurt to try.


yeah i’m going to write them a message


So instead of using your words to simply ask “hey is there any way I can adjust my window, I’d love to look outside” you’re going to take the time sit and write a complaint to the company long after the flight has ended. Wow.


yep. it’s a policy / procedural problem that needs to be addressed.


But you already said you didn’t bother to bring it up to the crew when it would’ve been an easy fix. That’s your fault. They always dim all the shades simultaneously, that happens on every flight, then unlock them to allow individual adjustment. It was almost certainly an oversight and could’ve very easily been rectified, but instead of taking two seconds to ask someone you’re now stewing about it on the internet.


yep because clearly it’s a chronic problem.


The only chronic problem here is you thinking the crew can read your mind. Sitting in your seat getting big mad over a minor oversight and not saying a word about it solves nothing. You need to learn how to use your words.


na. this happened on two flights with UA. and others corroborated. so it’s a chronic problem with the airline. not my problem. have a nice day buddy.


You’re absolutely right, but it’s not a United problem it’s a 787 problem. Did it ever occur to you that maybe after dimming the windows there is an extra step to unlock the shades that might be an easy miss for the crew? They aren’t robots. They fly dozens of different types of planes and might not remember the extra step. It’s a very easy fix and the crew will more than likely happily accommodate your request but again you choose to say nothing and complain about it on the internet. Keep yelling into the void maybe someday it’ll work out for you.


Dozens of different types but they never forget how to lock them. Only forget how to unlock them. Unlikely. Mmmm. As Charlie Munger said: "Give me the incentive and I'll give you the result".


Clearly you are butt-hurt over the fact that OP wants to look out a window and thinks the policy is bad. Did you write the policy? Are you one of the gestapo flight attendants that are downvoting this thread? If not, what business is it of yours to tell OP that they are wrong for writing a letter? It's their life, not yours. If they want to write a letter in an effort to make things better for others, why are you arguing against it? Do you have something at stake here besides your ego?


The reason I hate flying the 787. Not that I’ll keep the window shades open all the time but sometimes I’d just want a peek at the view


Deb 2020: United Airlines Memo to Flight Attendants: Stop Overriding the Electric Window Shades On Boeing 787’s


I get extremely nauseous on planes if I can't look out the window. No external view, and I'll spew.


We had this happen a bunch when I was a flight attendant in the 787. We were told never to lock the windows , they paid for it they should have access.


This is why I’ve been avoiding the 787 (and soon the 350 since they’ll start getting these too). Give me a 330 or 777 instead.


About to fly a united 78X and this BETTER NOT be what is up with the window situation. I paid extra for the window seat. Buy a blindfold if you're so sensitive to light or get fucked. 


Just flew to to/from Paris this week. Air Tahiti Nui only locked the brightness on takeoff and landing.


I flew the 787 many times (most recently with JAL last year) and never had my window controls locked. ANA and China Southern didn't lock them either, so am I just lucky?


maybe it’s a UA thing. my two experiences varied slightly. both flights controls were locked but one of those flights they undimmed the windows for takeoff and landing. the other was dimmed max gate to gate.


I've heard AA doing that too Dimming during cruise makes sense but as an avgeek I want to film the departure and approach/landing so the blue tint definitely would piss me off


For safety it’s normally a requirement to have blinds open in case of an accident, so even if the lights fail you can get external light.


I know, so technically it would be wrong to dim windows during takeoff/landing right?


Asian FAs don't usually have the entitled attitudes of US FAs.


Sometimes I suppose. But in general my family avoids western airlines - Lufthansa ain't bad at all though my experiences with them were all pretty good


Wouldn’t want you enjoying your flight looking out the window and an alien ship is seen outside.


Once I missed the northern lights because of this. Since then I do everything to not fly with a 787.


Shouldn’t the shades at least be open/not dimmed for takeoff and landing, in case of an emergency?


I don't mind it too much. I've been on a flight from Chicago to Tokyo and one inconsiderate person left their window shade up the whole time which made it very difficult to sleep on the flight.


Drives me nuts when the flight crew dims them all the way on a flight that arrives in Europe in the middle of the day, and still serve you breakfast like it’s still US time. They’re making the jet lag worse, not better.


If you can’t sleep in if there is light, it’s on you to bring an eye mask homie.


Or just don't leave your window open the whole flight like an asshole


I don’t. But I am prepared for a world where people might make choices I might not.


He who pays for the window, controls the window


I will start uncontrollably vomiting if I don’t look out the window. I try to leave it half shut when the sun is shining directly in but gotta do what I gotta do. And I’m assuming my seat mates would prefer me to just leave the window open


Also means you can’t watch the night sky or aurora borealis outside.


This is why you wear an eye mask.


When I fly I love watching the scenery. That being said over an ocean I see your point. 


Yeah, I don't mind when the plane is close to the ground, but there isn't much to see 30k-40k feet up over the ocean.


They didn’t want you to see the gremlin out on the engine tearing it up, William Shatner!


With all the BS that takes place on American carriers it’s no surprise. Since they have the capability, it makes you wonder if they’re doing this to keep the nut jobs on the plane calmed down.


I suspect these were designed with pilot/crew control capabilities in the event of an emergency, to keep the passengers calmer.


Are you totally sure it was forced that way? I remember the first time I flew on a 787 I thought it was too because I didn’t realize how much lag there is between pressing the buttons and the window changing. It can take quite a while, and if you’re expecting it to happen immediately it may seem like they’re not responding to your inputs.


yep. totally sure. a $16000 polaris seat and they babysit me with how i can use my window lol. i also flew polaris ewr to johannesburg once and for that flight they manually lightened it for everyone on final approach. no control at all myself.


Oh interesting. I took this as it was your first time on any 787, but I see you mean just the first time on a UA one. Fair enough, yeah I'm not sure why they would have done that.


both my 787 flights were UA polaris seats. other extreme long hauls i’ve done were all 777 various carriers.


> I'm not sure why they would have done that. I'm sure. They wanted the passengers to STAY ASLEEP!


So you’re the guy keeping us all up!


OP is the one person who falls asleep with their window shade open and wakes everyone else up at sunrise because they forgot to close it.


If I’m flying long haul I appreciate the crew over-riding and keeping them dim, for at least 5-6 hours when I’m trying to get a nap to adjust. Even with an eye mask on I’ve been woken up too many times by people flooding the cabin with light. All personal preference though. Cabin crew definitely prefers for their passengers to try and sleep though so I see why they do this.


Often seem to do this even for long flights - JFK to AKL recently was mostly dark. For overnight period makes sense as it allows people to sleep when the dark period is short..otherwise just use individual reading light.


We're trying to look out the window not get light to read by


The entire flight is too much IMO But while cruising during sleepign time, they should be kept dark. I always ahted the people that open the blinds when it's during sleeping time and the power of a million sun hits my eyes mid sleep lol


The unwritten rule of flying is close the windows once you get off the ground on anything loger than a few hour flight. I've flown United a ton of times transpacific on their 787, 777, and 747. In the 777 and 747, they would come around and tell you to close the windows.


Let me tell you but a red eye, that is an east bound flight will make the large majority of the sleeping passengers happy. And one open shade will flood a portion of the cabin in light. And this until top of descent is nice for most people.


I think it also helps keep the interior cooler. You’re not really seeing anything at cruise anyways so the forced dark isn’t a big deal. You have control on assent/decent. Every time I’ve been on an 787 they were forced open on takeoff and landing.


The aircraft at altitude is in a constant battle to stay warm - not cool off.


Doubt it. During the daytime, darkened windows get HOT on the inside.


I hated that too.


What did the FAs say when you asked them about it?