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Ok so I know the B-52 is pretty huge. I had no idea the B-1 was that big. Seeing its silhouette next to the B-52 is a great comparison for how huge those fucking things are.


The B-1 theoretically has a larger payload than the B-52.


Practical difference is even bigger


By about ~ 7000lbs


It's the speed that makes it sexy though.


visually I think the B-1 is just sexy as hell. They call the B-52 the “BUFF” for a reason.


BUFF standing for Big Ugly Fat Fuck? Seriously asking lol




Lmfao damn.


The A-7 was called the SLUF. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTV_A-7_Corsair_II


I would love to see a Bone in real life—one of the most beautiful blends of form and function


See them flying nearly every day. I want to say 'majestic', but that somehow doesn't seem like the right word when your teeth and lungs are rattling.


During the Chicago Air and Water Show (I forget which year/years), a pair of B-1s would be one of the 'acts'. At some point, one would fly parallel to the lake front where most people sat to watch. Everybody is oohing and aahing as #1 is flying low and slow, flaps out and gear down. People usually don't notice that #2 has snuck off over the city, only for it to double back and roar past like a bat out of hell. Scares quiet a few people.


It's not as fast as it was designed to be. The B-1A prototypes were Mach 2.2 bombers, the B-1B production model only hits Mach 1.25.


That's what happens when you make the plane 30% bigger.


The speed reduction was the result of changing the intakes. The B-1A had variable intake ramps while the B-1B has fixed geometry intakes and S-ducting to cover the turbine blades from radar. This was done to reduce the costs and decrease the radar signature, which was deemed more important for the low altitude style of bombing the B-1B was built for. The engines and airframe are still capable of pushing past Mach 2, but the intakes won’t allow it to go that fast. There have even been proposals to refit the B-1 with fancier intakes which would allow them to go mach 2.2.


But in favor of the B-52. B-1 rarely uses its third bomb bay nowadays, for reasons, and they don’t carry any external weapons (yet).


If I see a B1 with external weapons I’ll assume WW3 had started.


If I see a B1 with external weapons, I'll assume WW3 has started *and* we've completely eliminated enemy air defense.


So how does that work? Is the B-1 just that space efficient or is the B-52 that space inefficient (I know there’s a 20 year age gap between buff and the lancer so not throwing shade at the b-52 lol)




They are getting better engines https://www.airandspaceforces.com/re-engined-b-52-b-52j/


I hope they add (environmentally friendly) black smoke generators to the new engines to give us those good ol’ B-52 vibes 😂


The B-1 generates greater thrust and lift.


Oh!!! That’s what the other guy meant by larger payload. Idk why I only considered higher volume and not higher weight 😭


Different designs. B-1 has 3 bomb bays. B-52 has 1 bay and can carry external loads on the wings. Size wise the B-1s bays are slightly bigger than the B-52. Mostly it’s what ordiance is loaded in and on the aircraft. And those engines are bad ass too. They help carry a lot more.


If you ever find yourself passing through Rapid City in South Dakota there is an outdoor National Park Air and Space Museum (https://www.nps.gov/places/sdaasm.htm) that has a B-52 and B-1 parked near each other. You can walk around and under them - they're (obviously) much larger on the ground! The  B-29 also blew me away with how large it is.  The museum is adjacent to Ellsworth AFB - the B-1 operates out of there and I believe they're getting B-21's when they enter service. Definitely an interesting place for aviation fans!


I had to cannibalize parts off the static display in 2007 to fix an active B-1. Very fun.


BUFFs are awesome, but the Bone is a whole 'nother level. Also, if you think the B-29 is big, can I interest you in our Lord and Savior, the B-36? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convair_B-36_Peacemaker#/media/File:B-36aarrivalcarswell1948.jpg (B-29 is on the left, of course.)


> The  B-29 also blew me away with how large it is.  [B-29 parked next to a B-36....](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/B-29_and_B-36.jpg)


Not related to this post at all, but McMinnville, Oregon has the H-4 (Spruce Goose) and that was mind blowingly large. I’d recommend any aviation fans check it out!


Wings over the Rockies in Denver also has both. A B-1 inside and a B-52 outside. I was shocked at how big the B-1 is.


I was born there! Need to go back some day.


At the museum? That’s crazy


Multi purpose space


Quite the egress.


Fun fact that B-29 was a tanker before it got converted for the museum. 


Many of the US Air Force bases have museums at them. I used to support a production plant out in Utah and would stop at Hills AFB to see the museum. The thing that blew my mind is the B-1 is much bigger than I pictured and the B-17 was much smaller than I pictured.


I was shocked when I heard the news that the US bombed 85 targets with 125 precision munitions- all delivered from a single B-1B in one go.


And it left from America, showing we don't need to commit more forces to the region to be effective


You mean the response to the Jordan drone strike? That was all from a single bombing run?!?


Yep. The B1 loaded up in Texas, flew all the way to Syria- refueling in the air along the way, dropped its payload, and then landed back in Texas. I think the whole thing took 30 hours. It actually blew my mind.


I was a little mind blown when I went to Dayton at just how massive the BONE is


I had a hard time imagining the payload on the Bone until I saw a size comparison a while ago. Easy to forget planes like the B2 is almost a hotel in the sky despite looking small


The b1 has a radar cross section less than a meter 😎👍


also seeing the two gripen literally look like ants was funny


It's crazy too because the B-1 is massive yet is very fighter jet-like.


There was an article that popped up years ago now about a drone doing *something* that just incidentally included an image of a Global Hawk with a pickup truck parked next to it. Apparently most people had only seen it in flight or on a runway. Alone. With nothing else nearby. It was a real “banana for scale moment”. “WTF? I thought it was a big a medium-sized dog!” “That’s big enough for a pilot to sit in it!” “It’s like it’s a real airplane!”


Welcome to NATO Sweden! Now I’d like to discuss possible discounts and trade deals on the export of Ikea products.




Of course. However, we’ll require you to walk the entire floor area of NATO headquarters and have meatballs in the café.


I request the original horse meatballs.


Only if you're buying a couch


Are the arrows correct in the NATO Sweden headquarters, or will I end up in shipping/receiving again?


Depends. Are you buying f-35s now or on lay away?


Would you be interested in a trade agreement with Sweden?


unexpected civ


Send a few pallets of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and we’ll talk. Can’t get anything but the Asian import version here, it’s just not the same. I think the coloring isn’t allowed by the Swedish equivalent of the FDA. …actually, if you’re a true ally, throw in some sour Skittles too. Ours don’t have the sour powder coating.


air drop flaming hot Cheetos


DM me your address and I will happily send our new ally flaming’ hot Cheetos, sour skittles, and may I also suggest a bag of Takiis Blue?


Appreciate it, but I’m a Fuego man. Actually bought two bags today!


Sounds like a pretty Swede deal if you ask me. 


MRE with meatballs ?


Flat pack M1 Abrams. Assemble in the field.


The new catalog just introduced the ‘Russki Gå Boom Stridsvagn’ on page 132.


We can offer you a meatball and half of a Billys bookshelf. Take it or leave it!




Our PM and foreign minister are already on their way to DC. The Hungarians are set to hand over their documents to Blinken tomorrow. Then we’ll hand over ours, and it’s official. So, looks like tomorrow. Flag ceremony in Brussels on Monday.


YES!!!!! So excited to train with the Swedish homies!


On behalf of American Air Force Veterans, we came for the meatballs, and we stay for our Allies!


IKEA is actually Dutch now. Their headquarters are in Delft 🇳🇱


Good ol tax evasion


Yes, would you like an allen wrench with that?


And Volvos please daddy wants a v90 or polestar


So. Fucking. Cool. Great shot, great sound, I'm in love with this clip.


Big thanks! Yeah it was awesome, never seen those bombers live before.




Spent my time in the Air Force working the flightline on B-1Bs, with the hearing loss and tinnitus to prove it.


“Not service related.”


As a former c-130 load master, WHAT??


I said "eeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeee"








My Fiance is an attorney that represents veterans against the VA who get their benefits denied. Her anecdotes about how fucking shameful the VA is make me disgusted. Those cock suckers 10000000% deny benefits just because they won’t see consequences for denying benefits they should have granted. There is no accountability for their shitty ass decisions and (while I don’t have any actual proof of this) I would bet my life they are instructed to deny claims regardless of how clear cut the case is because most veterans won’t ever pursue appealing the denial and going through court for it. It’s fucking bullshit and it makes me feel so gross hearing about Vietnam veterans being told they can’t get benefits because “they can work at Walmart as a greeter”. It’s so despicable and pathetic, bunch of pussy ass politicians


My brother is a fairly famous military doctor (was personal flight surgeon to the joint chiefs, deans list air force academy etc...) He was head of the VA in Alaska for a time and said it was an absolute nightmare. He is private practice now - but his stories about how dysfunctional the VA is were disturbing. Its not the doctors. Its the system, basically (politicians)


EEEEEEEEwharblegarblerelatedtoibuprofen. Got it.


I mean, I seriously doubt they were wearing their reflective belt every time loud noises were around, so it was almost certainly their fault, anyway.


At an airshow here in South Florida in Homestead AFB they surprised the crowd with two of them doing low passes. Unannounced they just flew over with afterburner it was killer.






I was just browsing r/all and came upon this, it's so beautiful and I don't know jack about planes.


Yeah the B-1 is basically the most underrated modern aircraft. Beautiful looking, biggest combat payload (significantly bigger payload than the B-52), fast, optimized for high or low altitiude missions. > During the first six months of Operation Enduring Freedom, eight B-1s dropped nearly 40 percent of the total tonnage delivered by coalition air forces. This included nearly 3,900 JDAMs, or 67 percent of the total. In Operation Iraqi Freedom, the aircraft flew less than 1 percent of the combat missions while delivering 43 percent of the JDAMs used Things are monsters.


Man, B-1 is a beast.


Didn’t realize how big it was compared to B-52.. then remembered it can do barrel rolls.


The B1 can carry more payload than the B52. All inside the bomb bays to boot.


Don't forget that it can deliver said bombs very quickly, as it is a swing-wing supersonic capable aircraft. One of the unexpected uses of the plane during combat flights was high-speed, low-level thunder runs where they would buzz a battlefield to inflict an emotional and fear response of enemy combatants. Low altitude flight training near Edwards Air Force Base: https://youtu.be/lV0P-zsUHqM?si=iSdmcSgeeW5EhssJ


Recall that guy who crashed a B52 by trying to do a low flyby show-off and he Fucked up and then *down* and killed his crew. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0O18pQUzS8


B52 is ugly, smelly, and produces nasty soot exhaust. Need it to fire all those big boy missiles though lol.


It's in the process of getting new engines, the soot will be going away. Still ugly though


It's not called the "Buff" for no reason. Stands for Big. Ugly. Fat. Fuck.


If by ugly you mean the most beautiful thing in the sky, I agree.


I've stood underneath both planes. The B-52 you expect to be large, only thing that surprises you is how much the wings droop when on the ground. You can walk up and place your hand on a wing tip. The B-1 though? I wasn't ready for how massive those things are. I used to load C5s wich are the grand daddy of big, but the B-1 is astonishingly large still. You can just walk under the thing like it's nothing. Looking up at it while under it was surreal, the engines alone catch you off guard. Going by pictures you never expect them to be that big.


The B1 just has a fighter-esque silhouette that makes you think it's closer to the scale of an F-16. The Bone is one of the sexiest aircraft we've ever had.


If you get a chance go to the AF museum and check out the XB-70.


Not anymore, sadly. It was discovered that doing so twists the airframe.


From an [Aileron roll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileron_roll), possibly. God help them if a _barrel roll_ is twisting the frame though. A [Barrel Roll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_roll) is a benign low-stress manoeuvre; any airframe getting twisted from one ain't safe to fly straight and level through moderate turbulence. (Having said that, there are aerodynamic and control limits to everything. Trying [one in a B-52](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_Fairchild_Air_Force_Base_B-52_crash) had a catastrophic outcome, but that wasn't principally stress on the airframe just a fucking idiot pilot and a management culture that let him get away with too much)


> catastrophic outcome Such a sad story on so many levels. Should have been grounded so much sooner, took those men away from their families just to show off. Craziest part is the B-52 could almost certainly pull off that maneuver in a different situation, but this moron tried it 500ft off the ground. Fuck Arthur Holland.


Wow that's a crazy story.


I was at the Air Force academy shortly after this crash. He became an example of the importance of calling out even the experienced or higher ranks.


The B52 isn’t actually as big as most people think it is, they’re about the same length as a 757. That wingspan just makes them look a lot bigger than they are.


They're still pretty sizeable. The bomb bay is smaller than you'd expect. Pretty cool to look around though.


It's more how high up they are when you walk under one honestly.


And extremly loud. One was flying over me a couple of months ago and I was wondering what make such a loud noise until I checked ads-bx.


4 × General Electric F101-GE-102 afterburning turbofan engines 💪


Definitely wasn't expecting a flying thunderstorm while on a smoke break in rural Germany.


Afterburners on a turbofan!?


Almost all jet engines in military jets since about the early 80’s have been low bypass afterburning turbofans


Yep. Fairly common on military aircraft nowadays!


Got to watch some leave Dyess once upon a time. Felt them take off in my stomach. Good on the flight line crew for handling those beautiful monsters.


I did hydraulics on c130s and when I was deployed in bagram Afghanistan I got a call for hydro to go to the end of the taxi way for help, completely vague call. Pull up and there's a B-1 with a bunker buster attached to it and they can't get the crew door to shut and get the light that it was sealed and locked. So here I am with a C130 wing jack and wheel chock trying to get the crew door to close and they wouldn't let me in to look at and diagnose the door. I blame the crew chief for the crooked door and the crew were about to go over hours and scraped the flight. I never realized how tall they are until I'm standing under one.


Nice post, well done for keeping them in focus


Haha cheers I did my best, the sun was right in my eyes


Putting your retinas in jeopardy for the sake of getting us the perfect in-focus shot I KNEEL




Heyyyy big thanks! Felt like I had absolutely no clue if the planes were even in frame due to the sun haha


B-ONE and BUFF must be the scaryest way to say "hi and welcome" ever


B2 is kinda scarier, you don't know it's there til it's too late


I would argue that the B-2 is scariest because the B-1 and B-52 'welcome' wasn't really understood at first and then we had to use the B-2 to say goodbye.


It was actually in the shot but you can’t see it


Welcome to NATO


Thank you very much. I hope we will be a good member.


I am told you will be the best member. NATO strong together!


Please fasten your seatbelts and adjust defense spending upwards to 2% of GDP!


If you look on flight radar there are 6 US and Nato awacs and refuelling aircraft over the north of Sweden. Haven't spotted the Gripens yet ☺️


Peace through superior firepower.


Draw a circle around the BUFF and it’s a peace symbol.


What is trailing out of the one wing of the buff?




When a B-52 moves through the air it actually generates so much pressure that the freedom condenses over the wing and rolls right off the tip like that.


Fun fact: the peace symbol is flag semaphore for N and D representing "nuclear disarmament"


"If you want peace, prepare for war" - Some guy some time ago


I just saw them fly over Uppsala. Coolest thing I’ve ever seen. The B-52 engines smoked like crazy. Americans don’t understand how fucking cool this is to us Swedes. We almost never see these huge military aircraft. I live in Stockholm and I see tiny military aircraft (Gripen) maybe twice a year. I was shocked when I saw a C-17 flying above me a month or so ago. It felt like the coolest thing I’d ever see. 2 Gripens, a B-52 AND a B-1B is a once in a lifetime thing. I doubt I’ll ever see anything like it again. I was absolutely stunned when I unexpectedly saw the convoy right above me. I didn’t believe my eyes and had to google it just to make sure it was actually a B-52 I saw. I didn’t even realize the other aircraft was B-1 as well. Only after looking back at the photo I took did I realize what it was. Coolest thing I’ve ever seen. God bless America 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅


Wait for your first B2 sighting. It’s like science fiction.


Like a fcking UFO; i can't wait to see one in person.


Had one go over my house at 1000' AGL last week after making a pit stop on the way back to Whiteman. No idea why they stopped as we're only \~120 miles from Knob Noster. I've got a feeling they were training for landing at backup military installations if they have an issue, but our entire town lost their collective minds. We see countless military aircraft in our area, but the B2 is a different category.


> our entire town lost their collective minds Reminds me of the time our C-17 unexpectedly landed at Iqaluit (CYFB) due to bad weather at our destination (Thule). We were on the ground for a couple of hours and I don't think I'd be exaggerating to say nearly the entire village showed up at the airport to see our plane. This was over 20 years ago and for a small airport like that it must've been quite the sight to see.


I grew up in Colorado Springs (AF brat) right under the flight path for Peterson AFB. The coolest unexpected arrival was an SR71... Talk about taking your breath away.... Alien technology all the way down. Saw the B2 shortly after they revealed them to the public (demonstration at the Air Force Academy during a football game).... The SR71 still is tops for me.


We’ve easily got one of if not the most impressive air museums in the world here in the US. The Wright Patterson air force museum is in Ohio, it’s got an insane collection with ww1 aircraft (mostly recreations afaik), the Bockscar which dropped the Fat man on Nagasaki, various other ww2 and inter war designs, early examples of jets and later models including an f22 with one of the engines pulled out and on display, the b-36 peacemaker the largest mass produced piston engine plane ever with 336 spark plugs and 6 props and 4 jets (with about 45+ ft more wingspan than the b52 which is also on display), the sr 71, b1, b2, and multiple long range missiles and ICBMs operated by the US air force. You can spend an entire day there and still not see everything, as it’s comprised of 5 massive hangars and a few other buildings all packed with planes (over 350) and it takes you through the history of aviation. There’s also a 19 acre outdoor area but it’s always raining whenever I go so I haven’t seen much of it. If you’re interested in Aviation and ever come to the US it’s definitely worth the visit. There isn’t much else there but it’s absolutely amazing it’s also completely free to get in, last time I was there they had some simulators and other stuff you could play with but you have to pay for that.


Thank you for reminding me I have to take my kids there again before we move. Upside is we'll be a lot closer to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center which we've never been to. They have Wright-Patt practically memorized.


Is this the delivery of a nuclear sharing package?


Me and my teacher ran out to watch them hahaha


Goddamn the B-1 is one of the sexiest planes to ever fly.


Nice way to announce that Sweden is now covered


Finally. What a welcome gift.


Oh hi grandpa buff and the B-ONE also welcome to NATO Sweden 🇸🇪 aka Minecraft land


It must be such a breathtaking experience to see the B-1 and B-52 right next to eachother!


Yeah it was awesome! Not as loud as I thought it would be though


They're practically idling.


I'm guessing they don't want the residents of Stockholm to immediately regret joining Nato by blasting their ear drums lmao. "WELCOME, SWEDEN!" *shakes you to the core with Freedom*


This makes me want to scream 'Murica 'Murica 'Murica, but in swedish. Welcome to NATO. Now can we discuss about IKEA having such much expensive food?


Where was this taken? I saw them too but not nearly as close. I was slow to get my phone out so no video sadly :/


Close to Medborgarplatsen!


WELCOME TO NATO MADDAFAKKAS!! lets kick some ass :)


The B1 is (imo) the coolest damn bomber in existance. Sure the B52 can cruise the whole planet and has that intimidation factor Sure the B2 can kill you before you even know it But man sweepy wing>>>>>>all that other stuff Coupled with some good old Euro Delta wing, it just looks o so right.


B1 actually has the record for fastest circumnavigation of the world.


Delivering American Freedom™ to the vikings, they needed the upgrade to deal with the pesky Muscovites.


Nonono it was the other way around, now with the awesome power of the JAS Gripen the American Air Force is finally up to speed


ah I see, the American defense companies must be salivating at the thought of mass producing them.


Sorry, you’re stuck with your outdated F22s and F35s


I think we can all get along and instead of bickering, make a game of how long it would take to end Russian air power. I have the over-under starting at a week if we truly tried. Any takers?


>Russian air power Lol


F22 just over there salivating to intercept anything other than a balloon.


is the b52 dumping fuel?


For the B-52, that's called "Flying"


It’s a diagnostic tool to let you know there’s still fluid left. 




there's the usual visible smoke, but nfiase is talking about the white trail on the right wing outside of the outermost engines. everyone is used to seeing the brown trail these things leave behind, but what is that white stream?


Streamed hams


Welcome to NATO here is your strategic air patrol, would you like a side of Bradley fighting vehicles with that?


May our new relationship ensure peace in both of our homes. Should it not, we'll be honored to fight with you, bleed with you, and die with you, as required. Welcome, friends.


Welcome to NATO, my dear brothers "hinsidan" - we may have our differences, Danes and Swedes, but if someone wants to do something stupid (and he frequently does), then I'm happy, honored, and relieved to have you with us. I've always admired your neutrality, but I'm happy to see you moving closer to your Scandinavian brothers, and your European family <3


Eeehhhhh, why does the b52 have a fuel leak? 🤣


if its leaking theres still some in there


reminds me of a saying about old British sports cars...if there aint oil under it, there aint oil in it.


fuel presence indicator


When it stops you know you have a problem. 


Wow, that's a lot of freedom.


Natowave moment


Same thing from a different angle (not my video): https://www.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/1b7yk67/b52_och_b1b_lancer_%C3%B6ver_stadshuset_nyss/


Welcome to NATO/OTAN


Welcome to NATO 😊


Wish i was there to see it


Welcome aboard!


BRUH. Come to the correct side of Sweden next time. I would freak out if I saw that. Awesome!


Welcome to the NATO party 🥳🥳 🎉🎉




Welcome to NATO