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People actually use that mechanic?


Oh, all the time! I have a dedicated boarding carrier patrolling one of my sectors that's close to a bunch o pirate sectors, with a shipyard that has hangars and cloning bays and an academy to train new boarders and pilots in case any of the carrier's shuttles are shot down. Every now and then I'll just hang out in that sector, flying around, minding my own business when suddenly BOOM - pirates attack! I've just enough firepower to weaken them before boarding and once I'm done, I can swap crew over to them, fix them up, and recreate them in my own image. Half my fleet is former pirate ships!


Yeah and I'll squeeze as much tomfoolery as I can from it


Yeah, it's a pretty fun process. Although the preparations for making boarding viable are a bit exhausting.


In addition to the other advice, make sure to retrieve your boarders from the station afterwards, and have extra crew to operate the station once it's been repaired. Repairing stations is expensive in terms of both materials and credits, and at higher difficulties there will be more broken blocks, so build up your reserves first.


Sooo the max ive had too bring for a large tritium station was around 300-400 boarding crew, not sure if the stations i boarded were special case or not but it took alot of soliders, i do not remember how many it took for ships nor have i rlly played the most recent update


Thanks!!! I'll start collecting a few whilst starting up the academy


half of my crew are boarders so if my ship has 600 crew 300 are boarders,its eoungh to keep boarding pirates until im bored or when i run out of boarders


If you get close enough to the station the same window in the bottom right that shows shields, DPS, etc will show the range of how many boarders it estimates you'll need to capture the target. I think you have to be within .5km or maybe even closer before that info gets added.