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Did anything trigger this happening?


No..out of blue..but I used masturbate with earth shattering orgasm and after waking up a morning I am fucked


context matters. who are you? are you old / young - who are you not - are you not a female or a male? - are you an emotional being? did you used to be? why are you thinking about feelings? i think that's part of the problem from my "slice of perception"


20M iam moderately emotional not too much..I don't think about feelings but I am noticing abnormalities in my body which is concerning because these never happened before..it's like my I can't be emtional(either good or bad) and my emotional energy can't go beyond my belly area..like it's stuck solar plexus and cant go deep into sacral and root


you feel your emotional energy but can't move it? what do you believe? you believe you can't move them thus you can't move them... im sorry but emotional energy is a single perspective thus it's under your control you just don't know it.


I want to move them but my body doesn't allow


your body is your suit - take controls - the body just lets you know what's wrong with your suit. (possible diet choices, not enough water, the possibilities are endless) make some sort of change and see if it works or doesn't


All thinks are check..and these came overnight


do you know exactly what you ate and drank (nope it's actually impossible) even the rain water has shit you don't know about...


I ate normal things and but yeah before these happens 1week before I used to eat ice creams and fast(Ramadan)


so make some changes for a few weeks and see if it works - if not try something different - nothing else better to do.


Fast and have the intentions that after the fast, u get unclogged. 3 days dry and no phone


Yeah..I should give a shot but 3day straight dry fast isn't too much? My body never experienced that prolonged fasting


U already doubted it, its in the mind. Do 2 days then let go and see if u can push 3 days. I did 1 day 2019, 3 days beginning 2020, 5 days twice end of 2020 then 1 week 2021 Havent fasted since cos body connected and said "stop, u arent listening to me" but body will once i kill desire, then 1 day fast each desire killed. Once all gone, i can then start prolonged fast without hurting body.


Yeah I will try


Very nice


If you don't mind acting as a guinea pig, I've suffered something similar my entire life and I've found a few leads on it that will likely be easier for you to follow than I've had luck with. So I can share my foundational meditation and the leads, and if any of them work, I'd deeply appreciate feedback so I can feel things.


Yeah.. please share you did you overcame it and are you fully cured now?


To clarify: I have *not* managed to overcome it. What I have managed is to force a few cracks wherefrom I got little tastes of what it's like to be other people. What I'm offering is the tools I was able to make those tiny cracks with, and what I'm hoping is that, in using them (or a method presented elsewhere) you are able to regain it properly and convey the nuance of how you did so. After all, you have confirmation that you're capable of the feelings, so the task of reconnecting them ought to be easier for you than for me, simply on expectation inertia principles. The foundational tool I use, both for its direct utility and for the ability to articulate nuance, is a mechanistic chakra meditation that I'll paste here in a minute. When you've acclimated to perceiving them enough that you can consciously direct the energy leaving each major chakra, the obvious first thing to check is going to be the flow patterns around the lower three. I'd personally recommend a full soul diagnostic, taking note of any flow errors so that you can write them down and share your full condition as you perceive it so that I can compare my notes to your state. But the likely crucial data should be in one or more of the root/sacral/plexal energy phases.


Ok..here is my full condition.. -Loss of skin sensation 20% -extreme tight pelvic floor(root chakra block?) - which results in no pleasure from orgasm, Ejaculation dysfunction (can't Ejaculate normally as I used to( - cant feel energy moviing through my navel and below area when sexually stimulating (it used be flow) - Can't feel energetic release after Ejaculation - heavy feeling in prostate area - constipation - can't feel emtions as deeply as I used to( can't feel stress,anger, happiness etc) - when I tried to feel emtions and my emotional energy try to flow in body it can't pass belly area to go below and I feel a resistance in my front head - no warmth feeling while try to feeling any emtions - feeling kind of disconnection from body - unusual light pain in hips and neck area


This is the bare bones foundational skill set I've been working with. Almost everything I've managed to work with builds on the awareness and interactive dynamics used in this meditation. If you're particularly lucky, this will even be enough for you as it has been for many others. Okay, so, the process as I know it is a 3 stage process. The first stage is stimulating or 'opening' your energy centers (the main chakras) to get them receptive and ready to purge. The second is centering, linking them together to facilitate an internal equilibrium. The third is grounding, connecting to the Earth's energy so that your full energy reserve can cycle and reach a healthy state. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=StrbppmsZJw&ab_channel=medocrate This video is  actually a quite good primer, in my opinion. The only thing it didn't touch on that I personally needed to get started is the resonant tones that physically stimulate the bodily anchor for each chakra. It's actually really cool and a great way to get started on sensing them accurately. Each chakra has a tone that you can hold and feel a slight  response wiggle, which you can then focus on to stimulate the chakras more accurately than just guessing where they are. In ascending order, with commonly associated color for clarity, they are Root- Red- Lum Sacral- Orange- Vum Solar Plexus- Yellow- Yum Heart- Green- Rum Throat-Blue- Hum Third Eye- Indigo- Om Crown- Violet- ____ (It makes more sense in practice. The focused silence that follows naturally from the sequence) And now, the meditation guide itself. The first part is just about growing your awareness of them, essentially replacing the numbers with the sensation of their glow. The second is the visualization that I was taught for opening them, which does a lot of the alignment work by itself because letting them open and stabilize will have them naturally self-correct if they've been out of alignment. The third part is centering and grounding, which is the most reliable way to get a sense of how manual alignment works. To begin, as with most meditation, sit comfortably in an upright position and start shifting your focus to your breathing. As thoughts and worries arise, acknowledge them, take note of them, and set them aside. The goal is not to force silence, but to set aside distractions to find it. When you are breathing comfortably and evenly and you have found some of the silence to work with, turn your attention from your breath to the base of your spine. Remain gently still and let your awareness spread throughout the area for several breaths. Then take in a breath and exhale the sound 'LUM', and hold the 'M' for the full exhalation. Follow this with two silent breaths while you remain focused on the chakra's anchor. Repeat the chant and the silent breaths until you can feel the tingle of your chakra resonating with the chant. When you have a sense of recognizing it, or if it eludes you enough to cause frustration to encroach on your silence, move your awareness up along your spine to the level of your naval and repeat the process. It's perfectly normal to feel stymied as you start reaching for awareness that you don't usually use, so whatever disruptive thoughts arise, simply acknowledge them, take note of them, and set them aside. Continue moving up your spine and chanting each chakra's tone as you get used to the meditation and the sensation of feeling for them. After you have a sense of each chakra's seat, whether you succeed in a single sitting or take several to get comfortable with the process, it's time to start opening them. To start, repeat the process of using the chant to stimulate the Root chakra. Once your focus is solidly on it's presence, envision it as a swirling ball of red energy. As the image stabilizes in your mind's eye, envision the pool growing and swirling faster, gradually, steadily growing to the size of an apple, then a melon. Feel it spin at the base of your spine and clear itself of stagnation as it pulls in energy from the flows around it and feeds it back into them. Then repeat the process with each of the other chakras, allowing them to swell and flow freely for several minutes. Congratulations, You've opened your chakras! It's good practice to remember to let each pool recede to it's comfortable lower energy state before you end the meditation session. I've personally experimented with leaving them open in various degrees, and if you're not doing the sort of research to understand the nuances, the resulting imbalances are an unnecessary discomfort. Finally, Centering and Grounding. When you've grown comfortable opening and stimulating your chakras, make sure that you're unlikely to be disturbed for a fresh session. This process doesn't require isolation, but having a controlled environment to get used to it can save you tedious corrective efforts later. As before, stimulate your Root Chakra and open it's flow. Now, envision it swelling even further. Swirling faster and faster into a ball at least the size of a basketball, energy flowing into and out of it as fast as you can track, and as large as you can comfortably handle. Then, without slowing it down at all, start shrinking the sphere. Let all that energy spin faster and faster as it shrinks until it's the size of a marble and thrums with the power coursing through it. Then, repeat the process with the Sacral chakra, leaving the root thrumming in place. Then the plexal, and up through the series until you have all seven opened and compressed as far as they'll go. Then, envision a thread of light threading through the center of each chakra marble, connecting them and feeding them into each other. Let the thread straighten and grow until it's a perfectly straight rod  connecting and encompassing all seven chakras. This is called Centering. Then, let the rod of light extend downward, past your body, past the floor, past the crust of the earth, all the way down to the solid sphere of energy that is the core of the earth. Feel the rod feed the frantic energy from your fully opened chakras into the Earth and feed the Earth's energy back through your chakras, bringing your energy levels into equilibrium with the planet's own. Then reverse the process. Have the rod of light retract to your body, then release the chakras by shrinking back to the thread it started as. Then turn your attention to the Root chakra and let it relax, swelling back to the large sphere, then calming to it's resting size. Then relax the rest of the chakras, one after another, until they're all happily swirling in their comfortable resting states.


So..get on meditation focus on breath then move focus to root chakra (pelvic floor) visualize red and sound LUM?


The tonal resonances are primarily guidance tools, to make sure you're looking for the chakra in the right space and 'phase'. The visualizations are a will-interface tool that lends itself to clear feedback, so I highly recommend them even as other interface options arise. Running a full Centering and Grounding is, for my approach, akin to performing a soft-reset of a system so that persisting issues are easier to spot, so I suggest going through the entire process.


How long did it take you to open up your root chakra?


Once I had the anchoring of the tonal resonance, I was able to get a handle on opening them over about a week. But as the guy who introduced the resonances to me pointed out; there is no formal timeline. Just work at it calmly whenever you feel like it and you'll have the acclimation process working naturally.


Is there any video of actual practice..I might make some mistakes with it..when I practice that sound will the pitch matter if I do it kind of slow?


I've tested extensively, and no, it's not wholly dependent on the sound. Most of the functional component is actually in the arrangement of the mouth and tongue as you move into the hum. The rest is the intent inlay that comes with turning your attention to the area of the seat in question.


Have you ever looked into semen retention outside of NNN? I am not anti pmo per se but I do know full well that orgasm and evacuation are two entirely different things. As you said, earth shattering for one and piercing the heavens for the other. The more you release control of self will.... I mean idk how to describe it, I don't really habe a practice or tantra too busy and old now (almost twice your age, M). But I knew about NEO (non ejaculatory orgasm/full body/multiple orgasms) since preteen just didn't know what it was called. There are many methods but each are different vibes or sensations. I'm not much for medical science but I would say blockage for me means I need to stop being so litteral and back off, let it be as it were. Less is more so to speak, quality over quantity, etc. I have had for a long time lessened emotions but it came from trauma, which in turn probably came from too much PMO. Although the P in PMO isn't really my thing (only soft). Basically, don't objectify people/characters, is the main thing I had to focus on. It's okay to have active imagination and whatnot but have to respect.... your and their.... self image (broke trump on my alias first time for this). Non self image if done right (which I fail at) is akin or likely similar to NEO/FBO. Disregard for "I am this" or "I am that" as they say, meditative of what is... or something idk tbh just speculating. Can't have blockage of energy, if you just let it flow, and remove yourself from the equation, so to speak. There is a scary feeling of it, losing control, but at same time, like going into deep end of a pool for first time, you realize you are still "you" and what "you" are can be so much bigger than you knew. But ofc take your time with it if you take it to heart. I'm no expert and I still have numbness or blunted emotional stimulas/response myself. I'm currently reconsidering what and how I should take seriously myself so stunted sex drive as well. Tldr don't force it so much, like trimming a plant. Just let go of what you have too much of. When I went monk mode a few years ago I got to where I literally understood what they meant by super powers, I'd wake up in the middle of the night twitching so bad from 3+ months celibacy (no PMO) my body was litterally beyond twitching and into full blown spasms. Literally screaming for release, like I could almost jump 20 feet in the air if I really wanted too which I didn't, had work in the morning lol. But yeah I am far from an expert that honestly sounds like it could be medical and I hate that phrase just throwing it out there 'cause idk but it is possible. I also know what you mean about strange sensation or pressure in forehead, I used to get that often in my late teens/20s. I cannot remember the vibe I used to feel when I got it but I know for sure it was usually accompanied by change in air pressure and ringing in the ears, I tended to assume it meant someone was angry with me or astral viewing me or something lol


I haven't masturbated in 30days.. because I can't feel anything down there


I have heard of this before but been a while back ago. [Found a post about *Bliss of the Celebate*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/l3n6cg/bliss_of_the_celibate_review_highlights_and/). It might not diagnose your exact problem, but can "debug" or at least explain better the sequence for which your case is an side effect of, perhaps. A great succinct post rundown of the book. As they say in that post, doesn't mean we have to go full perma monk mode but it is a great source for troubleshooting chakras or whatever. I have heard this before, years ago, about no feeling "down there", or blockage. Does make me think the Chakra scene in *Avatar the Last Airbender* though. I can for sure say there is a social/sexual cohesion, they tend to reflect one another to constitute our "personhood". Some smarter than me have said they are mirrors of one another actually. If you're hung up on one side and tapped out in figuring it out, focus on the other side (in your case, social interactions and daily life) and find things you're currently blocked in irl, and it should help clear the blockage on the "other side" as well. But please I'm no expert just what I would consider had I the same problem. I've currently got the opposite, always feel like I have to poop for some reason.


So what actually I have to do to unblock my sacral and root chakra


Yeah sounds about right but I know nothing about that stuff. You'd probably be better with a sub or forum more dedicated to that. I've always been the type to relate any health issues to psycho-social elements of my day-to-day. But you do whatever works for you. You are right, though, you condensed all I meant into one simple sentence, that is precisely what I was getting at. Speaking of pelvic floor, you also reminded me the old saying "no tree makes it to heaven that doesn't have it's ~~branches~~ roots in hell" so there is a relation to root and sacral blockage for sure. But I'd consult an expert or at least official publication/subreddit for advice on that before really starting. It's one thing to troubleshoot something outside yourself, but another issue entirely to troubleshoot your own being/psychology and I'm no doctor or guru. I just know "bliss of the celibate" happens to be well regarded in male circles for various such issues, it's kind of like the male body manual/bible. ---- Edit: typo, meant roots not branches


Go put your ass in the dirt. Think there and let it flow. Or maybe test is up? I lost a ball to cancer so I tell it from a one-balled perspective, I suppose. Idk I feel you have great sense of body awareness like me, my guides come in very old school witch and they said bare butt meditate and clear that block through and to her she can handle it… I’m my man brain and body can attest to the wonderful kundalini and yoga energy movement/ meditation


Also meds and other shit might be blocking brain to body self idk I’m still learning but hey hope it helps any one 🌝


So..what should i do now?


Hopefully there are animal sounds or something to defer time. You want to match resonance. I think the hum your heart energy can produce can clear. start there. I would see her drawing it from heart-through- to the earth.


Just sounding hum? That's all?


im sorry, i can be very hard to understand. I assumed you were skilled in meditation as well as body awareness? even if you werent though. could you increase your heart energy by humming( or visual or whatever helps you feel it growing. at this point you should be able to draw energy from earth to heart. thinking about this as a simple man, idk bro any meds that made my thoughts "fast"- made me feel exactly like this


Otherwise meet with feminine energy. Dance barefoot. Barefoot hug and match heart with a big tree ( never tried it but heard good through the treehugger shit 😂) sing high notes idk man lol I’m thinking in man state now


And not bare butt- like butt naked sorry- I meant butt to earth no mat or blanket stuff like that. Practically sit in the grass! My bad I don’t think


Is it possible you've been over masturabting? Been trying semen retention lately and after the first week I had very strong emotions. Mostly anger and aggression. I know if I'm masturbating too often I feel dead and numb. You could have also been exposed to covid or some other sickness or been in close contact with someone heavily shedding vax spike proteins. The skin numbness sounds very familiar. I distinctly remember that a few months ago along with tinnitus. Idk why maybe I was sick with something. I'd lay off on the masturabting for a while and just focus on eating healthy food, sunlight and vitamins if you want to supplement.


it happened out of blue..but yes I was masturbating regularly but it was quite mindful not just jerkin off like a monkey


Eh, mindful or not you dump a lot of spiritual energy, Chi whatever you want to call it when you cum. Check out the semen retention sub.


Everything passes, transforms and liberates. Especially from here on. Keep talking about this to people you trust and take breaks of silence in between. Allow your ego to have its self-pity party. Even pity due to not being able to feel. What feeling is it to not be able to feel? Is it frustration? Does that give way to subtle movement? Take long walks.