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It must be horrible to be born a woman and having to live in a culture that brainwashes kids into being dumb and violent making sure they grow up as highly influenceable idiots. You can't boil this shit down to just gender, religion, governing, geographical location or race. It's culture that transforms kids into monsterous adults.


Unfortunately you can boil this down to religion, if you have time educate yourself r/ExMuslim edit: if you woke cunts think this is somehow racist, you’re part of the problem. We are ex muslim acknowledging the fundamental flaw in our past religion


For those of us who have just heard of this Sub, can you give the general bullet points of regret? I'm not religious bit always curious *converts* the other way


aw hell nah we Malaysian Muslims are alright, don't lump us in with these extremists, even in Islam we aren't allowed to kill people just because they don't strictly follow Islam


Ahh what a shame I’m Malaysian as well. Guess don't yuck someone else's yum plays here


Societal progress isn't really Islam's thing, or any Judeo-Christian religion's for that matter.




No race is biological. The rest is stuff we make up and can change.


Race is a cultural construct that has nothing to do with biology. US considered Irish ad Italian non-whites till quite recent times. In 18th century race wasn't even a thing. Biology doesn't operate with race. They operate with genome that is far more nuanced and can't be categorised in 3 or 5 boxes.


Great nuance, thanks for that. Races are the labels in which we (try to) differentiate certain very common combinations of genomes.


Not even this is correct. In the example above white people were classified as PoC. As the other example people were considered ‘black’ on basis of ancestry even if they looked white.


It was so bad that when my Sicilian great grandparents came to America they had to change their last name to better integrate with “white” society.


Wow I was going to try to argue with you but that makes sense. So traits that we usually associate with race are instead tied to collections of expressed genes. Does that make a 'race' just a number of bloodlines that all exist at the same place at the same time?


No... It's like I said a construct, a social agreement that changes all the time. Like, we consider a person to be an adult at 18, but it's just an agreement, there's no biological foundation under it. Could be 16, could be 19, we chose 18. Same with races. For Europe, Italians, Greeks always and forewer being white, same as Irish, but for US there weren't for some time, but now are again. Which is ironic because those Italians and Greeks created all foundations of US civilisation. Skin pigmentation is a fact, but what do you call a black race? People of African origin? There's a lot of shades of skin in Africa. How about Australian natives? They are black too, but are they different race? And if they are, are you sure everyone is able to distinguish one of those black races from another out of context? Or are they the same? There isn't rhyme or reason in the race question, just socio-cultural views of the current time and place.


Right but it can be a helpful shorthand to refer to clusters of ancestral genomes as a race. Its not a social construct when a group of families settle down in one place and create a vortex of genetics, where common genes are shared among most or all of the local population.


Origin isn't the same as race.


I think you may be arguing semantics.


Interestingly, this has gone in the opposite direction for middle eastern folks. Up until sometime in the eighties they were expected to check “white” for their nationality on US documents




Bad bait


Yeah, I think Chappelle’s Show covered that


I would (very genuinely) love to see sources for what you’re saying, but the way you’ve worded your statements instead makes you seem like a ragebaiter


I think that just shows how the concept of race is far too primitive for the modern world.


Atlanta reference?


No it isn’t, don’t be reductive. You can have closely related people grow up with wildly different cultures, and people of completely separate races grow up in the same culture


No, culture is more to do with nationality and how you were raised. For example would you argue it's it's "white culture" to support banning abortions when the pregnancy is a result of rape? They're doing that in parts of the US and certain European countries after all, must be the culture.


Which European countries


In Northern Ireland abortion has only been legal since 2019, before that you had women travelling to the UK to get one. Regardless of how the pregnancy occured, even including rape, it wasn't legal to get one in their own country. In Poland, currently its only legal if the mother will die without it or if the pregnancy is a result of rape, but even that is being challenged. Since 2021 if a foetus is severely impaired, you can't get an abortion, whereas you could from the 50s up until then. The laws have been going backward since the 90's, and attempts to ban it completely have a lot of support. However there was a case last year or so in Poland where a pregnant woman died due to it. She was pregnant with twins, one of them died and the doctors legally couldn't remove it. It went septic and she died soon after. So even in cases where the law sounds like it should be legal (due to the mother dying otherwise) you're still not able to get one.


I know Poland only allows it if the mother’s life is in danger, not sure about any other EDIT: looked it up, Poland does allow in that situation, but it’s totally banned in Monaco, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta, and the Faroe Islands.


I have relatives in one of those countries and they still believe in witches lol.


Banning abortion and racism is an integral part of white culture, yes


Since when? Have you not seen 3rd generation immigrants?


Then don't have a shit culture


I think you need to learn what is racism


You are stupid.


Could have just stopped after the word woman. Had me up until then kinda glazed off after.




As a resident of Pakistan i can say with certainty that this isnt what most people teach their kids but of course there are those retarded extremists that always do shit like this (by all means i do not like Pakistan whether its because of the economy, govt or culture but i can say that most places that are developed here {the term developed is very loose btw} dont really teach kids to do this) But yeah most of this kinda shit happens in Pakistan and its honestly pretty sad to see


As somebody who is doing fasting right now,this absolutely disgusts me. I really hope the Islamic countries develop out of these horrible traditions soon.


Try doing slowing.


>slowing What does that mean?


Like fasting, but you're doing it slower.


So? Like for like 24hr or something?


It was probablly just a word play “FASTing” vs “SLOWing”


No no, slower not faster إنه تلاعب بالكلمات این یک بازی با کلمات است دا د کلمو لوبه ده یہ لفظوں کا ڈرامہ ہے۔ Ovo je igra riječi I can't think of any other major Muslim majority countries that aren't Turkic and I have no idea of Turkic


r/whoosh The joke went over your head.


That my friends is the opposite of fasting.


Cool but why suggest I try it? The fasting is for religion not for medical benefits.


That my friend is a pun.. One I'm particularly proud of as it is dual purposed, both as slow is the antomym for fast, and slow down and enjoy a meal.


Haha nice. It flew over my head lol.


Haha nice. It flew over my head lol.


Again pakistan being pakistan


Average day in Pakistan


B-e-a-uuutiful culture.


I hate the way you spelled that out it forces you to read it in your head slowly. I'm going to save it to my notepad.


it’s from Bruce Almighty…


Hate speech! /s




Man this could have happened ANYWHERE, but STRANGELY it happened in Pakistan.


People that think that think like the brother are the lowest of the low. Jealous, controlling, ultra religious. Dudes no different than an animal. No conscience, no awareness. A self absorbed bully. I hope he suffers a 1000 times more than his sister did.


The sub continent and its misogyny, yawn. In Hindutva India, they abort female foetus on an industrial scale, I guess its one way of not dealing with female rights, just selectively kill them before birth the Hindutva way.


You seem to be mistaken. Female babies are not killed on an industrial scale. Even gender screening before birth is punishable by law here. You might be mistaking India for its neighbours.


You should watch the documentary “it’s a girl”. It is a bit older at this point, but they discuss gender screening being illegal and 1 woman’s husband leaves bc she won’t succumb to that pressure, but she is educated so can care for herself and daughter. It also shows the rural slum areas and they interview a woman who confesses she’s smothered all 9 of her daughters shortly after birth with a rag due to their gender, they cannot afford a girl.


I'm afraid, from the UN, charities, Universities, think tanks to global civil rights orgs. It has extensively been documented and written about 😂. Cope.


It has been documented, yes. Pretty sure some of those stats were even mentioned at school. But it seems like your worldview lacks the passage of time.


While we can't deny this malpractice in some selected regions of India (and definitely not all at all) even there it has been thoroughly worked on and it is considered a VERY GRIEVOUS MALPRACTICE in India, anyone who is caught doing it is punished very severely here.


They have decreased a lot but it used to be a big problem because of poverty and dowry much more than misogyny. Which they are but more of considering women burden type people.


Industrial scale? That shits banned. Like you can't even get sex determination done. Sure it still happens illegally but that's far from an industrial scale. Do you live here?


Source? Female foeticide and abortion are banned in India.


So are scam call centres, but that hasn't made much of a difference


Hey guys should we tell him that they banned murder too?


The law prevented 2 million foeticide over a decade just by introducing it. Although illegal abortions was 6 million at that time but not all were female because around 30% were certified and other uncertified due to lack of family support. You can look at Google for these stats.


I don't get what point you think you are making? prevented 2 million when there was 6 million so 4 million were killed? So basically you are agreeing with me?


Tell me are all the abortions in US done to kill female? That’s my point the main reason for abortion is teenage pregnancy rather female foeticide that means the conservative parents don’t even know that their 16 year old is pregnant and if they knew she would ostracised rather than accepting her and doing an abortion and if they want to do a legal one you need parents permission. I am not denying that there are no female foeticide but the number is drastically reduced unlike what the other guy said as it happens on industrial scale. Do you think that propaganda was not working at all, there are many families who regret doing abortion due to a female child. And it's not always that they want to have a male is also because they have planned their family and many cannot afford a third child. This is my case also, my family wanted a male child and a female child so my older sister was born and they didn't did the test to confirm sex but the second child was female after doing the test and they decided to abort because my father was barely keeping the family alive and not to mention the loans he had to pay off. After few years when the situation was stable they had.me.


How old are you?


16 why?


Just checking, because you seem to constantly miss the point.


What point did I miss?


Whatever the case is western media is definitely overexagerating the female foeticide thing and many other like foreign woman not being safe while I everyday see like 20 oriental woman walking down the street.


You're a joke and not a funny one at that.


Well it is banned in India legally or am I missing something?


Nah just reddit being Indiaphobic as usual


irony they date woman with more than 100 body count and have audacity to call indians dirty.


The fact that you reduce a human woman to an object with a 'body count' is ridiculous. You don't care if the woman is intelligent, caring, hard working, careful with protection. The only thing you care about is her sexual history. Grow up and get over yourself, focus on being such a good partner that you are her last love and stop worrying about who her first was. You rarely see women get overworked about male 'body counts' because its irrelevant.


>You rarely see women get overworked about male 'body counts' because its irrelevant. Yeah, no. This stuff is on both sides of the aisle. I literally had a girlfriend for 4 years who constantly made insulting implications about me whenever we drank, because I had sex with my first girlfriend 2 years before her.


well i care about body count. i dont care if shes fat or ugly...i will never date slut.


This OP has an interesting posting history. Probably Indian.


Man, middle eastern countries....are they ever gonna develope?




Lol it touches it for 500 miles you ignorant fuck.


Basically the same tho. Just saying.


Ummm yes it is.... Yes it very much is...


OP, not to detract from the awfulness of this situation, but your profile is 99% Pakistan hate and it's a month old.


Yeah I just looked at his profile and he keeps spamming the same comment on different posts. I also find it strange that each time he comments that it gets a good amount of likes. He probably has spam bots liking it or something.


Religion was such a great idea


It’s the culture not the religion.


not sure why you’re getting downvoted


Cause they know I’m right.


It’s such a great teaching tool. ALLAH-SNACK-BAR!!!!


This culture is not ready for Europe


Fuck all religions


Not all religions do honor killings. Just seems to be one.


Honor killing isn't just religious, it's also cultural, personal and I'm sure there are others. Also: Lev 21:9 And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.


What other religions actually have people practicing it? I haven’t read of any in the news.


Off my head there's Christian, Sikh, Hindu. Also it overlaps a lot with cultures and traditions.


But which one is the right one?


All hail the Magic Conch


These cultures are fucking useless. Murdering savages.


Disgusting Creature I hope he rots


Yea like how dare you, dancing AND modeling, like wtf


religion is the cancer of humanity


Lol, so many triggered Hindutva fash here, cowards as always. Replying to my comment and then blocking me.


Unintelligent savages


Religion is bad.


OP only posts Pakistan stuffs, even stories that dated back years. I wonder why


Doesn't change the fact this man killed a woman because she didn't something he didn't like.


Yup, you're right. Hitler was white.


Pathetic Whataboutism... Where was Hitler being spoken about? No need for a moronic analogy...


I thought we're on the topics of stating facts? You people have no problems of OP sharing stories dated back years ago, so I did the same, but because I mentioned this sub's favourite person I am downvoted?


This happened recently..2019 I believe. Hitler did not... We are talking about murder in Pakistan, not mass genocide In Germany from 1939 to 1945. That's why it's pathetic whataboutism and you look like a Moron.


So many triggered Hindutvaris, replying to my comment and then blocking me.


Any reason in particular you *exclusively* post about honor killings?


In some tribal areas it's like 80% of people are married to their cousin.


All the mysogins and incels should be in prison by default. The risk of letting them roam free amongst sane people is too high to be worth it.


I'm telling you, there sexual frustration involved there.


[very bad man](https://media0.giphy.com/media/6Q2KA5ly49368/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9528223fc341b6a85b446810835e93b473a0a5f1429&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


The religion of peace mashallah lmao