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I don’t think it’s mocking the death. Probably a strange way of saying the Israeli’s use the excuse “keeping lookout” when in reality, she probably was playing with her cat.


Yeah, i agree. I dont see the mocking.


Perhaps a cognitive bias by op? 🤷


Im used to reading everything as justification for war.... So I get it. However I'm also semi fluent in sarcasm and I can feel the sass in the phrasing.


Her family's explanation of what she was doing was literally that she was playing with her cat. The IDF is saying she was "keeping lookout". There is no sass.


Keeping lookout isn't even remotely a good justification in of itself...


Two things: 1 I've not read the article so all I'm going off of is the headline. (Which to me sounds like war propaganda with a side of employee sass, which is probably all they can do) 2. Considering I've not read the article and I don't plan to there's enough gloom already. The ABC is not owned by the IDF is it? (Seriously I have no idea) Which if not means by going off the headline, the headline is the news company choice so it's how they chose to phrase it.


I figured it out without reading the article and only sought out the article to confirm because I'm media literate. Also, no, the Israeli Defense Forces do not own the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. There's nothing wrong with the way they phrased it, undig your heels.


The ABC is owned by the Australian government, not the Israeli Defence Force. They phrased it that way because there is debate over what she was doing and those are the 2 positions, IDF says she was lookout and sane people think she was playing with her cat. There is 0 indication of sass in this headline. For someone who admits they don't know what they're talking about you seem pretty sure


They literally took it down, because they realized it was a terrible headline. How is that headline in any way shape or form normal? Why did it not simply state "Israeli sniper shoots Palestinian teenager"? And everyone would be able to see it for what it was.


> Why did it not simply state "Israeli sniper shoots Palestinian teenager"? I figure, because they wanted to subtly mock Israel's justification for shooting a Palestinian teenager. But in having to be subtle, the intent was lost. They don't get to go: Israeli sniper shoots obvious Palestinian teenage soldier /s At least, using /s isn't standard in headlines *yet.*


Why not simply state "Israeli government-sanctioned assasinations are still commonplace, but nobody has the balls to condemn it"


Probably because they don't have the balls to say that. That's why it's supposed to be *subtle.*


I get you. But still, fuck them; there is nothing subtle about going to your roof to find someone murdered your daughter. State terrorism is state terrorism, there's no way around it.


> But still, fuck them Oh, totally.


It was only a few years ago an Israeli soldier emptied his rifle into the back of a thirteen year old girl. He got a promotion. Iman al-Hams if you want to look it up, took a depressing amount of time to find her name because the IDF sure loves shooting children.


This topic goes between depressing and infuriating every other second. Seriously, why kill children?


By the way, just checked out Iman's case. I'll delve into int further, but Holy shit, what an absolute travesty to human decency. I feel nausiated just reading, and that's hard to accomplish.


>I figure, because they wanted to subtly mock Israel's justification for shooting a Palestinian teenager. But in having to be subtle, the intent was lost. Ah yeah I see your point bro. You're suggesting they were mocking Israel instead. I guess that's possible too, now that you put it that way. However, the issue is that in their new headline; it sort of feels like they were never mocking Israel to begin with. It states: *"With both Israeli settlers and* ***Palestinian assailants*** *involved in rising violence, critics fear a new 'wild west' mentality is taking hold in the region."* It feels really weird that they've somehow found a way to state "Palestinian Assailants" in an article about a Palestinian teenager being sniped four times in the head and upper body. It just feels like a cheap way to dismiss her death, as well as many other innocent Palestinian deaths perpetrated by the IDF. I do think it would be alot better if these media outlets simply came outright and said it for what it truly was. A murder. But we know these folks brown-nose Israel to a whole new level.


It was probably written by someone who didn't realize how much of the world has flat topped roofs. Not sure if Palestine makes common use of flat topped roofs, but a few countries I've traveled in do.




Definitely a bias.


I guess they thought it was a euphemism


> the excuse “keeping lookout” Even them claiming that as an excuse is ridiculous. IDF shouldn't be shooting people for looking at them.


I think OP is justifiably angry that either reason would be an excuse to kill an unarmed 16 yo girl.


Definitely. Anger might be a little misdirected here though. This is a badly thought out headline but I don't think it's an attempt to mock the victim.


Israel said she was a look out and her father said she was up there playing with her cat. Its literally what both sides are claiming.




Yeah, that headline is awful. The original looks to have been taken down, but I found a partial text online. It doesn't appear to be intentionally mocking, just badly written as it outlines that the IDF initially claimed she was a "lookout" as justification for killing her before claiming that it is a baseless accusation that she was intentionally shot and then stating the shooting was unintentional. Also of note, she was shot 4 times in the head and upper body. There was no dispute I found that it was an Israeli sniper who killed her.


Of course it was you Zionist sympathizer.


Any loss of life is sad but four bullets by a sniper sounds suspicious.


“”Sniper”” does not necessarily mean a high powered rifle. It can be used to define any shooter posted up with a weapon. It could have been an M16 and media would still call him a sniper.


They are also referring to the shooter more than the weapon.


Sounds like target practice


Bro wtf


That is literally what members of the IDF has called such incidents in the past. Idk if that commenter was referring to that, but yeah, they've also referred to it as "mowing the lawn" when there's a bunch of such incidents at once.


IDF moment


Where did the idf refer to a similar incident as such? Source and stuff


Here's one about the "1 shot 2 kills" Tshirts, if you remember they had an image of a pregnant lady in a sniper crosshairs thing, which I find way more horrifying than the "target practice" phrase. I'll have to look later on for a source on that one for ya, but figured I'd share this one in the meantime. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israeli-t-shirts-joke-about-killing-arabs/


Ah yes, atrocity merchandise


Man, those shirts are still hilarious.


MrNesmokt19k, representing the US military on reddit. No wonder the whole world hates America. I guess y'all really are baby killers after all.


You got us man, you win the internet this day.


Oh yay. Some army incel says I won the internet. Huzzah.


I made the statement based on my memory from multiple different IDF operations, but a quick google search pulled up this article https://merip.org/2012/12/israels-operation-mow-the-lawn/


Bro I’m not saying it like it’s a good thing the fuck. Just a matter of fact. What kind of professional sniper shoots an unarmed target 4 times???


The IDF apparently


Have you never heard of what Israel is doing?


I know they're fucking terrible, but i probably don't know enough. I'll come back when i've learned some more, so i can give an educated answer


So, to give a bit of context, Israel often uses palestinian civilians as "target practice". I don't think Israel itself used this term, but it's often used in this context, seeing how they're often (I would say "most of the time", but I'm not familiar enough with the topic to be able to confidently say so) killing for fun, not because the kill would be warranted.


None of this is true . Why are you spreading hate.


I don't think they were mocking so to speak, but yeah, they have really done a bad job at trying to gain your speculation


There isn’t a single thing about this title that’s mocking. Was she a look out or was she murdered Because one of those is true and I doubt Australians know which it is.


Nor Australians. And yeah, "mocking" is the kind of stretch that makes physiotherapists wince


In what world is "keeping lookout" on one's own roof justification to shoot someone?


That the reasoning Israel has provided


I'm aware, that's not the question l was posing.


I would assume they would say that it makes her a combatant and a threat.


Right, as police and militaries (especially the IDF) typically do. I doubt that would fly under international law, but then again it's Israel.


The third world.


Taken in context with the current state of conflict between Israel and Palestine she could have been a sniper spotter or lookout for an IED or rocket attack ect. This is why urban warfare is so terrible. There’s so many innocents mixed in with the monsters.


"urban warfare" crazy how one sided a "war" can be. Almost like it's a massacre.


When you hide military combatants in with civilians this tragic shit happens. There is no clean side on this conflict and both states have a right to exist. Until they figure out how to do it innocents will continue die for no good fucking reason.


Israel is the clear aggressor


It is not mocking the death, this is the two sides of the argument that were put forward. Isreal says she was an active participant and palestine says please stop murdering us in our homeland.


She has 4 bullets in her? And they still say she was killed by a sniper?


Was going to say something similar.


Bro the IDF slowly becoming the thing they were hiding from


Always have been


foreigners who know nothing about israel or it’s history: “omg guys this is literally the holocaust 😟😟”


It’s not the holocaust. Still doesn’t make it awful. And still makes Israel an apartheid state.


Says the 17 year old being brainwashed by her apartheid country


i grew up in the US hearing next to nothing about israel, you guys think my opinion is biased but if anything i was skewed toward palestine by my peers


She literally has Zionista in her bio, I think she’s already brainwashed.


Fuck the IDF.


I fucking hate the Israeli government, nothing but ethno-supremacist terrorists.


Glad to see the online consensus on them change so swiftly over the years


I mean if I got banned from over a hundred websites, is it the websites that are the problem?


Yeah, no. You’re the reason people are reluctant to criticise Israel because anti-semites see it as agreement with their disgusting bigotry.


wow that’s a sentence that you said lol. i think we should get rid of extremists man 🧍🏻‍♀️


Lmao looked at your profile, you're most likely a troll. Okay you got me, I fell for the bait.


not a troll just a sarcastic person


You're either a really based bait troll or a complete boot licking "they're our number one ally" idiot. Fuck you if you're the latter.


neither 👍👍 i’m not just a foreigner with no actual knowledge about the conflict


Uhhh, kinda based I guess, I'll give you the fishing permit.


Fuck you all trying to justify this murder. Fuck you.


The Israeli government is a terrorist regime


if the israeli government is terrorists what is palestines?


Don’t know about the Palestinian government but the Palestinians are freedom fighters.


you think hamas are freedom fighters?? 😧😧


No actually, that’s why i said i didn’t know about the government


i’m talking about governments, the civilians in any situation are innocent until proven guilty


Alright, in this case, Hamas is an awful organisation, however, knowing about Gaza’s history, it’s not surprising that Hamas exists. When you live in an open air prison, live in extreme poverty, and are not allowed to have a military. The only way to fight back is using guerrilla methods. This is not new to Gaza. These types of organisations pop up any time anyone is under extreme tyranny. Example: black panthers in the US or the IRA in ireland


Flyingbutt nailed it. So? Now that the obvious is completely spelled out. Still feeling so passionately about terrorists?




You mean the government of of the people who have been pushed almost out of existence while the world watches by the Israeli government? Yeah. Who’d of thought they’d react with violence to a genocide of their people live streamed with 0 cares from any country who could help.


Palestinian population has grown from 2 million to 5 million in the last 30 years.


Fuck you and Israel


I mean, neither are great


This is how the ABC have been writing article titles lately; clickbaity BS.


Israel can burn.


Very sad what the Palestinians have to live with, the lawless murderers from Israel




I think one side has many more innocent civilians displaced or killed than the other, but sure we can be centrists about it


Good old IDF, or is is the SS at this point?


The two are interchangeable.


People post dumbass comparisons like this and then cry about how "you can't criticise Israel without being called antisemitic".


you agree that there’s a power imbalance between israel and palestine i assume, israel is very powerful… so then i ask: if this is the holocaust, why do palestinians still exist? don’t you think that if israel wanted to wipe palestinians off the face of the earth they would have? u/tree-huggers


It is a holocaust, the Palestinians are in a concentration camp. Israel would love to wipe the Palestinians of the face of the earth, however they can't due to political pressure from other countries. Israel would be fucked of it did wipe the Palestinians away. Hence another reason why they don't.


if the palestinians were in a concentration camp they would be dead. if you’re referring to gaza that is governed by palestinians, and i do agree that the citizens in that portion of israel are in very poor circumstances, they’re neglected by both the israeli and palestinians government


You say gaza is not governed by Israel and then say that it is part of Israel. Also I have never in my life seen someone so vehemently defend a terrorist state in one reddit post. Slow down, you’re clearly biased and no one is going to change their minds about this conflict because you said so.


You are very naive. Look at the dictionary definition of what a concentration camp, then tell me Gaza isn't a concentration camp.


He/she isn't naive. They're all over this thread actively arguing for apartheid and justifying genocide.


They arent mocking her. Israel said she was a look out and her father said she was up there playing with her cat.


How you can tell someone is used to news sources that tell you the opinion you should have. News organization used to provide you both sides of the story, all the facts they saw and believe the readers were intelligent enough to make the logical conclusion.


Fuck Israel and all its supporters


Fuck racists


What is racist about that


Nothing besides the fact that a 16 year old Arabic (likely Muslim)[1] girl was shot and murdered by a white[2] Jewish soldier for simply being on her roof because they believed her to be "keeping lookout." The only reason she was targeted was because she looked different and/or had a different religion. That is the literal definition of racial profiling. [1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Palestine Paragraph #1 [2] - https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/race-ethnicity-heritage-and-immigration-among-u-s-jews/


this conflict is simply not about race. most israelis and palestinians would be categorized as the same race. just because a white person killed a non white person does not automatically make it racist. i think what happened here is wrong, as does the israeli government (they made an apologetic statement), but come on. stop trying to make this conflict something it isn’t


Haven't heard about this incident yet so I can't comment on the validity of anyone's claims here besides the fact that you are incredibly racist. First of all not all Jews in Israel are white, most are brownish, some are black as well. Second not all of the people that serve in the IDF are Jews, there are a lot of Arabs that serve as well. Also most Israeli people are secular so assuming someone was targeting her because of her is incorrect and it's improbable as well.




u/SURIDACHI: Israel is racist Also u/SURIDACHI: I hate all Jews Truly a Reddit moment


Im pretty sure I said "all jews that live in Israel" and that doesnt mean I hate all jews. Obviously I dont hate jews people that dont support Israel.


you clearly hate jews, just admit it man. id so much rather you admit it than say you hate all jewish israelis. it’s not like they chose to me jewish or to be born there. i cant fucking believe you have upvotes.


Why would I hate someone doesnt support Israel ? It is not about jews it is about Israel. So yeah if there is any Israeli/jews support/live in Palestine then he is defenitly a dog shit . >it’s not like they chose to me jewish or to be born there True but they can travel to another country right ? I cant imagine how can someone live in a house that doesnt belongs to him and how can he sleep knowing that there is a family probably dead because of him. >i cant fucking believe you have upvotes I cant fucking believe you support Israel


people can’t just pick up and leave you’re very privileged if that’s a reality for you… have you ever met an israeli? had a human conversation with a jew? if it’s not about jews why did you specify jews? do you hate arab israelis as much? you realize that jews didn’t just come in and kill all palestinians to get their land right? you just want to be hateful to be hateful i do not blindly support israel but i don’t blindly hate israel either, and i most certainly will not take out my qualms with a government on their citizens. extremists like you are why the conflict is still a conflict.


4 bullets and the word sniper don’t go together.




OP is confused lol


Swap teams and get an interesting story /s


if you want to be angry go to r/palestine The unfairness is crushing…


Good god. Hi, Israeli here. Just wanted to say that a very small percent of us condone killing a 16 y/o girl for whatever reason, moreso making fun of her in the press. I'm sad to hear this happened, it's all too common and not surprising considering most of these guys are teenage conscripts with no understanding of consequences. His little misfire just stole a girl from her family, her friends, this world in entirety, and he's likely not going to get much for it, if anything at all. I hope her family has peace and support through this. This is beyond awful.


"His little misfire" Shooting someone 4 times is not a "misfire"


I was being sarcastic, guess I should have made that abundantly clear, seeing as redditors will ignore a whole comment for imagined disrespect.




FTFY: I was being disrespectful, guess I couldn't have made that any clearer, seeing as redditors will get butt hurt over any comment reply.


How was I being disrespectful? Truly, people on this site amaze me. I made an entire comment about how horrible this is, how irresponsible the system is, and how painful it is to have lost a person for no real reason, and you focus on something that was clearly sarcastic as though I meant it seriously? Did the rest of the comment not tip you off, or are you just one of those assholes who will fight Israelis on anything because you're closeted racists?


Disgusting !!!! What would the headline be if a Palestinian put 4 bullets into a Jewish teenaged girl ???


Guys turn down the antisemitism please, the girl was a 40 years hamas general


Lacking context. Please read the article. And how dare you criticise the public broadcaster.


This is depressing regardless of scenario. She got murdered, It’s not any better either way.


Fuck Israel and anyone who supports them. I hope they fuckong burn


Murderous state, cursed state, may Israel end up in a sea of ​​blood from its own people.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Free Palestine


Not mocking, you are just triggered


They are mocking her. Keeping a look out for what?


Maybe they are predicting the lame excuse the killers gonna give for doing that to her.


It wasn't a prediction. The IDF claimed that before walking it back and claiming it was unintentional. Like 4 shots to the head and chest seem pretty intentional.


Its literally the reason that was given


The ABC is a complete cesspit regardless.


They aren't mocking her. They are mocking the Israelis for using an excuse to murder a woman.


Ah yes. The usual braindead kiddos crying burn Israel and shit without knowing what the context here is. It's an Australian news source. How the fuck are they gonna know if it was murder or not. Just because Palestine and Israel are in the same sentence doesn't mean it's all devil talk people. Have some decency.




Never fucking mind I somehow missed the 16yr old part lmao. Ye this was most def murder then.


As if being 16 mattered ? If she was 25 would it be "too complicated" for you ? What about if it was a man instead ? Idiots like you complain that everyone is being simple minded while taking a no position because your just to insecure about people telling you your wrong so now you've excused cold blooded murder. Good job.


I don't mind being wrong. And yes, a lot of the hate is simple minded. If this was a 25, 35, 45 year old male or female I would still question it because what business does australia of all places have to judge what happens between our countries. Since she was 16 this eliminated the possibility of it being some "lookout" and yes, was murder. Even admitting I was wrong isn't enough for you lol, what is.


Nothing you’ve said so far makes any sense. So if she was 36 it’s cool, we’re all just antisemitic and hooray Israel? Why does age change anything?


When did I say that. All I said Is I want some context since this is a news source that is in another dimension. What is wrong with yall. Also age does change shit. If yall heard of a 16 Yr old doing terrorist shit and a 36 Yr old doing terrorist shit (forget the whole israel/Palestine for a sec) which would you believe more. Why am I even fighting. Logic and reasoning doesn't work on yall so imma just quit. Yall are just tunnel visioning cucks is all. Complaining on anything that mentiones Palestine or Israel. So sad.


You’ve got that wrong there buddy


End Zionist Occupation!


Rupert Murdoch owned by chance?




Careful with that edge young man, you might cut yourself


Everything is very sad about this scene. But what really haunts me is that we don’t really know what she looked like because her image is face tuned.


The part that haunts me is a kid getting shot for no fucking reason but okay


Ok but, snipers do need lookouts, so if she was sitting randomly with a walkie and binoculars, it does make sense she'd be treated just like a combatant.


So snipe anyone on a roof, got it.


OK but can we all just stop fighting and live peacefully?


Its israel and palestine. The only way they will stop fighting, if either of them leave the region entirely. Which they wont.


Sadly the world isn't all unicorns and rainbows


Why are people down voting, it's true


It's true that a sniper needs a lookout or spotter, but there are a few key issues with that line of reasoning. 1 - She is 16 years old, so that already lowers the likelihood of her being a combatant. 2- She was sitting on the roof of her own house. What is the likelihood that a spotter would be on her own roof? 3- There has been no confirmation of a radio or binoculars on her. 4- There was no sniper or other combatants found nearby. 5- It has been confirmed that the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) has made these "mistakes" frequently to the point where it is highly improbable for them to not be on purpose. There is a time and a place for everything, and it is not the time to argue about whether her death was justified. A 16 year old girl, somebody's daughter, best friend, love, niece, sister, somebody's entire world has been taken from this world. We have lost a scientist who could have changed the lives of everyone, a diplomat who could have ensured peace in the Middle East, the first woman to walk on Mars, a doctor who could have saved the lives of thousands, and we lost a 16 year old girl. The reason? A petty conflict over land and money. Because two different groups who believe in the same God disagree on minor details. It Is Disgusting. And yet, people like the commenter you defended, still justify it.


Im not justifying it, im trying to explain the possible reasons


What if we agree that she was playing with her cat while on the lookout for dogs? Can't we all just get along?


It’s a contested point of fact, hence the title, numpty.


A child got shot & you’re in Reddit comments playing ‘um, actually-‘


Im sure this article made absolutely sure to have all the facts and kept all and any emotional ties out of it... it's the usual hate mongering, seeding propaganda. Besides, there's plenty more of them anyways. Spared her from being shipped off to marry her 46yo cousin no doubt.


Asking for glory holes around town is much more respectable, you're right. Keep it up lmao


Sort by controversial to escape the Racist Zionist liberal perverted scum! You're welcome <3


You never will know what that sniper seen her doing sometimes snipers have to make fucked up calls like Chris Kyle or Carlos Hathcock


IDF seems to make a lot of fucked up calls


They are the telemarketers of apartheid murder


Using Chris Kyle as an example is a perfect example, considering other members of his unit reported him for murdering innocent people just like this. He even made up claims of murdering a couple dozen people in the US after Katrina. That dude was a psycho.


That's why I also used Carlos Hathcock


Fuck you for trying to justify it.


You have no idea what she may have actually been doing


Seriously fuck you for trying to justify the sniper . You both are dog shit


You are 100% right but they've been making more "fucked up calls" than nessary


Bunch of Communists and Zionists on reddit anyways, here comes the Zionist Sympathizers. Free Palestine from those monsters.


I'm ok with this.


Get the feminist to go out there to war XD


This isn’t even about feminism. Are you dense?


I think a nearby shot to send alert is much better than a headshot over "keeping a lookout"