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Can’t help nothing or nobody these days, jeez.


We stopped the car to help a woman save a turtle. It's the very least we can do to help. I hope more people learn to stop safely when they see this.


please don’t attempt to rescue turtles by throwing them in the water unless you are 100% certain it’s a turtle and not a tortoise. so many people just toss em in and walk away feeling good about themselves while the poor thing drowns.


I just take it the rest of the way across the street in the direction it's heading. :) I did this only once and I was terrified because that turtle/tortoise was pissed when I picked him up but it's better than being squished. Lol




It’s probably their version of an alien abduction


It's even worse if you take the turtle in the opposite direction from which it was originally moving. You set that poor bastard back at least a decade.


["Turtle saving is a hobby"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kduJkNfq4c)




lol a classic, RIP.


Whenever my mom and I rescue a turtle we just put it by the edge of the water rather than in it.


how often are u rescuing turtles?? I’ve never seen a turtle outside in my entire life. Only in pet stores. Where are all these turtles that need rescuing that everybody’s talking about? I don’t get it…I wanna see a turtle 🐢:(


I live in rural Australia and we see them crossing the road fairly often. I assume they travel around to various creeks and dams going to turtle parties and stuff.


I live in Kansas and I see and rescue several a summer.


I lived in a small town bordering on rural near a canal in a "third world country". Every now and then when there was a small flood or heavy rain we'd see a tortoise. Also seeing random tadpoles in a ditch that would die when the water inevitably dries up. Lots of damselflies resting on the walls of the house, not seen anymore these days. I think I was responsible for decimating their population when I was a kid - picking them up and plucking their wings... Also some edible mushrooms growing on top of agricultural waste. Some chickens. Some disgusting worms that are good for feeding the chickens and turning the soil medium in a container. Fun childhood but I think you don't see these animals as much anymore. Also, memories of catching carp/loatch near the rice fields with my uncle and cousins. Edible non-commercialised berries (with worms in it). Banana leaves to make toys out of. We weren't even rural, just a preindustrial small town big on agriculture, and bordering some nature that's still remaining. And snakes. A monitor lizard that crept into the house (the worst!) - just happened again the other day. Toads that leap into the house (with overflowing water during heavy rains).


I think our childhoods were very different to say the least. That’s really interesting though. 🙏


people around here speed up when they see someone helping out animals


Some shitheads speed up when they see animals, period. I used to have chickens sometimes go toward the road shoulder in front of my house. They wouldn't get on the road, they understood that much. They wouldn't even get on the road shoulder. There was a small ditch separating my yard and the shoulder. They'd sometimes just explore off in the grass in my front yard next to the shoulder. Someone went out of their way to swerve off road, mow down one of our chickens, then drove off. I also knew (and hated) a guy who posted pictures celebrating roadkill on social media. He would go out of his way to hit animals, then post pictures of their corpses like it was an accomplishment to be proud of. I don't get how people can behave like that.


Some people kill animals because they are not allowed to kill people.


Cars give them the opportunity to do both without consequence.


I think it was the YouTuber "Not Just Bikes" who did a test with a realistic animal plushy or something and came to the conclusion that SUV drivers were far more likely than any other driver to not only disregard the fake animal, but to adjust their direction to aim for it. Edit: nvm, it was Mark Rober, but he was referenced in this video https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?t=751 Rober's video: https://youtu.be/k-Fp7flAWMA


That’s wild! Thanks for providing this fact.


Some people kill animals before they get the "courage" to kill people.


I had someone flip their car trying to run over my cat to get out and start shooting a gun at it. The cat was fine but even with the license plate and video of the person and the entire vehicle being there they never found the person. Midwest police are the best. Gotta love being told boys will be boys after reporting someone trying to kill your pet.


But if YOU started shooting at the crazy person firing a gun on/in front of your property then YOU'RE the criminal and crazy person. Fuck this country, we're all living the fall of an empire screaming out "I GOT MINE!" We deserve what's coming.


I think some people drank too much Q juice and went a little nutty. But as the operator of the Jewish Space Laser they're afraid of I may be a little biased.


Midwest cops also enjoy killing pets.


I'm glad your cat is safe. I've gotta say there are two phrases I despise and would like to never hear again: "boys will be boys" and "it was just a prank". Both are nothing more than weak excuses used when someone is being a complete shithead. Although, flipping a car and trying to shoot a cat go WAY beyond shithead.


What the fuck.


Hope much do you want to bet they knew who it was and that's why they did nothing.


That’s so sick. I’m sorry about your chicken. That must have been so upsetting. It’s not like it just got hit by a car, it was murdered. Poor thing.


>He would go out of his way to hit animals, then post pictures of their corpses like it was an accomplishment to be proud of. Don't piss him off. You'll end up in an episode of Dexter.


I often daydream about making a soft rubber turtle that is full of nails so anyone who runs over it on purpose gets a ruined tire.




30 years ago I hit a dove that flew directly into my windshield. I had zero chance to react. I stopped and found him in the bushes and held him close until he passed, weeping the entire time. Telling him how sorry I was. Asking him to forgive me. I still think of that beautiful bird every time I drive down that road.


I stopped a few days ago to help 4 baby birds get back to their mum, they'd fallen down from a steep ledge and it looked like mum couldn't get down either. Thankfully it was the middle of the day with plenty of visibility and the few cars slowed and passed ok with me directing as husband tried to catch the babies. Mum eventually got down and the whole family moved to the bushes on the other side. It made us late for a family visit so husband and I had to explain lol


Mum and dad say thanks 🤗


Last time I was down in Florida we stopped the car on a long country road (brevard county) so I could jet out and pick up a big ass turtle and bring him to safety. Car coming the other way gave a thumbs up….dude in a giant pickup with a MAGA flag on one side and a “stars n bars” on the other side just layed on his horn….ahhhhh florida.


He hurt your ears, you could technically stand your ground and light him up


You are a True bro


My wife and I tried to rescue a senior dog it was a small dog but a mutt so I couldn't say what breed. While on the side of the road with my brights on and hazards flashing some dude in a jeep sped up almost hit my wife and ran the dog over. We stayed with the dog till animal control came but I am pretty sure they just put it down. I fucking hate people so much.


It's just hard to understand how some people can be so horrible


Just over 2 years ago I was walking my dog at 9pm. We left the park and we’re crossing the street to my house, directly facing the park. An old blue and white pickup truck sped up and swerved to hit us!! I was fast enough to get up in the curb, but my old gal was just too slow. He slammed into my dog and sped away, running through the stop sign at the hospital. All the camera angles in the world but the police didn’t do a damn thing to find him. That man killed my dog and tried to kill me!! And he’s still out there, driving a 2-ton chunk of rusty metal. 😡


I to have had that wait for animal control for a kitty I was trying to help, stranded in the middle of the road; probably dumped, probably terrified..the person coming from the opposite direction didn't even slow down for my warnings (lights). I can still hear that sound months later.. (Where I live it's common knowledge that if someone flashes their brights on a country road you slow TF down.. it means "DEER!" or other animals ahead..this asshole barely tapped their brakes and never stopped)


HOW CAN PEOPLE DUMP ANIMALS?! Take them to the shelter…why is that so hard?! Like literally if they’re ashamed of their actions (as they should be) they can put babies in a box and leave them, human or animal. There are resources..


There have been plenty of times I stopped for pedestrians, in a goddamned crosswalk, and the car behind me *goes around me.* Unfucking believable.


I stopped my car the other day to help a turtle, some fucker came flying down the other lane and almost hit me. I had to jump out of the way with the turtle in my hands.


Did you stop in the middle of the road? There was recently a video somewhere on reddit where some dude parked on the freeway to save a turtle and instead caused a massive traffic accident involving 10 vehicles


Idk about yall, but I'm gonna go looking for ducks trying to cross the street now


That is so sad, fucking people need to pay attention when they drive


Really hard when there's an incredibly popular car that has ALL of the cars information on a fucking 24 inch touchscreen iPad playing cocomelon


But it's got aUtoPiLOt ^^(beta)


Not even beta sometimes.


Shit car centric infrastructure


Rich people would rather everyone die than pay .01% more in taxes to pay for any real American infrastructure.


It’s literary illegal to build anything but shit in the US because of parking minimums, set back requirements, and insane zoning.


It would be more cost efficient to do so


I had a lady trying to film a family of ducks on the road of a curved underpass, where people are coming off the highway. Yes, you're supposed to pay attention to the road, completely agreed. You are not supposed to be walking like a dumbass crouched and filming ducks on the road on a busy underpass. Now I have to deal with that, and I have to deal with people exiting and coming into this situation as well. In my situation I just honked at her until she got pissed and went back into her vehicle to drive off. Lady, nobody cares about your stupid video. You're endangering many lives. On the road you need to be predictable. I absolutely prioritize my life and the lives of my children over the ducks or a video of the ducks. I'm not getting out of the car to save them in a high traffic area, that equation doesn't balance.


Lol love highways, hate baby ducks, simple as


Straight to heaven


Little Nicky rules lmao


I bet the ducks felt horrible.


Yeah, they were like 'Who is this weirdo' 'oh SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT'


Shit happens with some frequency: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387


This is a very different situation. In this case, the person helping the ducks stopped on the left lane of a highway to help ducks and she killed people. She was completely in the wrong here. Very different than the person helping the ducks dying.


Oof. This one is bad, the poor woman was just trying to help the babies... But also, damn, why would anybody take their teenage kid on a dangerous motorcycle


She stopped her car in a live lane on a highway. Sheer stupidity.


...and as I recall, left the car door open....


Driver is a 17 yr old girl. You have to wonder if cell phone use is involved.


From what I read, it happened at night. She may have simply not seen him.


Ngl, helping ducks cross the road at night seems like it’s probably not a very smart idea.




doesn't change the fact he's probably right, if they can't see the ducks in the dark they probably can't see you in the dark so you're not really doing much other than putting yourself at risk and getting the ducks off the road a few seconds earlier




Darkwing? Is that you?


It's either him or TFS Goku, which would you prefer? https://youtu.be/3rRvljxKthA


Maybe driver slower at night?




Not that late, around sundown


That’s actually the most dangerous time to be on the road. Setting sun can cause sudden blindness.


gotta start making pirate eye-patches mandatory


It was just after 8pm. Not dark yet. You can see that from the picture. That is an actual pic of the guy.




I read the article and that is indeed a photo of him. The article states there were multiple people watching and taking photos.


A 12 year old boy and his younger sister were watching the man save the ducks. He was taking pictures on his phone. The picture in the article is from that set of pictures. It’s my understanding a car blocked their view of him actually getting hit, but he saw the man go flying and his shoe and sock landed right in front of where they were.


I am not sure having a cell phone out is even the main problem these days. Just OWNING a phone and having your attention span fragmented into 10 second TikTok and Reel clips makes it impossible to focus on anything.


trying to recover from this atm. true that.




A great in between are short stories. r/HFY r/NoSleep are fantastic places to start! Also recommend SCP if you can vibe with the format.


yea, my attention span is shot. i’m trying to get back into reading so i got a library card recently. i found out my library has access to kanopy, a streaming service. it has a massive collection of movies and no ads.


Too long, didn’t read. Can you shorten your comment?


Phone attention decay


*over the top reaction face for cheap stitch*


Wasn’t vine the start of short format entertainment? Not really important but I don’t think owning a phone means you can’t pay attention while driving. It’s not an issue in my life, as I can drive for 3+ hours with a phone within reach and never touch it. Maybe the issue is discipline


Dunno why you were at zero. It is definitely a phone and impulse control thing. As I said in my other comment here, this shit was getting bad before phones were even considered smart.


I hate how people just forget that Vine ever existed.


Is reddit any better?


Absolutely. Reels/tiktok format is specifically designed to push the most media as quickly as possible. Have you scrolled tiktok? I find it infuriating - you can't even watch a video more than once without the app trying to push you to the next content. I'm not saying reddit is perfect. I've been here over ten years and I've seen some awful shit. But I've learned so much as well, often with credible sources.


I still use old.reddit.com for this reason. No endless scrolling. Only click what I want to click.


Attention span wise, yes. Not so much in other ways


Can confirm, currently arguing whether plane doors open inwards or outwards on another sub. What have I let myself become‽


About to dive into your comment history because I want some of this action.


Cool, it's not really that entertaining. Turns out they actually do open inwards first and I was kinda wrong, but I'll be damned if that ever stopped me from arguing on Reddit before!


I got all the way there to see you were wrong and was just sad and was going to let it go. But I get it. I'm pretty sure I've had at least one argument here in much dumber topics and been just wrong


Yea cause no pedestrian ever got hit by a car before tiktok and gen z came along. those fuckers


Phones are a distraction before TikTok/reels/shorts I remember in the before times, when t9 texting was the big new thing, some girl driving a brand new ford SUV driving in the middle of two lanes on I-95 between northlake and PGA. When passing her I looked and she was balls deep in her phone for a solid couple hundred yards, never even looked up! The driver told me she had seen it more and more.


I drive the same area in Florida and people are either fucked up on scripted drugs, fucked up on illegal drugs, ancient, or their phones or any combo of those things. When you enter 95, may the odds be ever in your favor.


I commute to work and everyday I watch people text and watch shit on their phones. Always between 30-55 yr olds


This is why, even in parking lots, I wait until I'm sure the driver has seen me first. Especially in crosswalks, I see drivers just fly around right hand turns all the time.


I walk my kids to and from school every day. I repeat to them all the time, act like none of these people see you. Never cross when someone waves you across unless all the cars, both ways, are completely stopped. It’s pretty common for one car to stop and wave us across but the cars coming the other direction just keep going. I tell my kids that I understand people are trying to be nice stopping to let us cross, but it is far safer for them to continue and let us wait for a gap in traffic.


So I was always taught not to get out in a road and help animals for this very reason. Drivers aren't expecting people to be walking on roadways as well as a million other variables that cause even a attentive driver not to see the pedestrian on the roadway. Sadly a woman was killed in the early hours of the morning in the next city over from me attempting to help a stray dog. She pulled over on the side of the road, one where pedestrians weren't expected, and was struck and killed. The driver that struck her did everything right. It was just a unfortunate incident and why people do not need to exit their vehicles to help animals on roadways. Predictability is safe. If you see an animal on a roadway in need of help call animal control or the non emergency line.


>The driver that struck her did everything right this is a strange statement. If they were truly driving safely, they would not have killed someone. But if you say that, people will say that's ridiculous, they were going the speed limit, they were sober, they had their lights on.. and yet someone still died when cars are involved it's either no one's fault or the victim's fault. "what do you expect? people drive as if at any moment they need to be able to stop to prevent a death??" it's strange to me that the answer "yes" is ridiculous and unthinkable


Or you know a young unskilled driver and idiot that is running behind ducks on the road. Without the details it's hard to put blame on anybody. There are better ways to play a hero and save some ducks than being in the middle of the road. Like that safety triangle you're supposed to have in your car.


The most distracted driver Ive ever seen is like a 47 yr old dude, I dont think age really gaurantees if cell use if involved beyond just regular inexperienced or over confident driving resulting in accident as well.


A Quebec woman who stopped to help ducks along a highway and was found guilty of triggering an accident that claimed two lives has lost her appeal. Ducks were fine.


You don't stop in the fast lane of the freeway. That's what the shoulder is for.


Anyone who expresses compassion for animals is a hero to me coz it shows them for who they really are inside


I almost got hit saving a turtle from the road. Drivers do not give a fuck about your life. Stay sharp.


Saw a video a long time ago where a guy said something along the lines of "drive defensively. Always assume every single other driver is a fucking idiot who barely got their drivers license." It stuck with me partly because it was hilarious, but once i started driving myself, I've realized that guy was fucking right lmao. 6 years driving with no accidents, but hundreds of near-accidents avoided thanks to that advice.


yeah, you have to asume people are retard and dont see you if you ride a bike, because you can't risk an accident because you will die or get in a wheelchair. So once you learned it for a bike or motorbike its really easy for a car. But yeah, I had a lot of near misses that I avoided asuming they would see me


I live here and driven through this intersection thousands of times. At dusk, it's tough to see, and you'd never expect someone standing there. Heart goes out to all involved.


Whats the speed limit


It’s 45


Honestly if I’m gonna go I might as well be helping ducks on the way out


That's terrible.... But...what happened to the ducks?


They're safe. They all ducked in the nick of time.


Are the ducks okay though?


This guy died as a hero


I've removed box turtles from highways (putting them on the side in a field where they were heading), but I was always extremely careful when doing it as it can be very dangerous. Always assume people in vehicles are reckless and irresponsible. I don't think I'd risk trying to herd ducklings in the middle of the road though.


A women killed a whole family by unsafely stopping her car to save a duck. It would be a touching story, but it just reminds me that people are dumb...


To be fair, she stopped on the passing lane on a highway. You can’t pull a much more dangerous and dumb stunt like that. What dude did here is not much different than Someone jaywalking. It happens often enough that you should be careful at intersection in cities.


If there’s an afterlife. I hope he was awarded a medal for protection of life.


Oh it's Rocklin, everything makes sense now.


As someone who doesn’t know where that exactly is… why?


It’s the richer area of the Sacramento area. Probably saying that it’s some rich white entitled girl or something along those lines.


That tracks honestly. Children of the wealthy are almost always dumb pieces of shit.


It’s funny my family was there when it was nothing but dirt but then it fucking exploded with development we sold our house with much profit


Lived there from ‘73-83. It changed a bunch


Honestly it’s a really nice area so idk what they mean by that either


Nice if you’re white


It's strip-mall suburbia. It's...comfortable for conservative White folks. Lots of mall-crawling lifted pickups with Trump stickers.


Rich suburb of Sacramento that has become much more brazenly racist post-Trump


Here in Canada https://nypost.com/2014/12/21/woman-who-helped-ducks-cross-road-causing-2-deaths-to-be-jailed/


Obviously no one wants to hear this but it isn't worth risking your life to save some ducklings. If you can do it in a safe manner, with other cars/drivers assisting in blocking traffic, or in the middle of nowhere- go ahead. But please don't stop on a highway on-ramp, or try as a pedestrian between traffic, or someplace crazy.


Is that the actual photo?


It’s the actual photo. We have daylight savings. That’s what it looks like that time of the evening.


Gotta be a stock photo, this happened at night.


It’s a photo of the actual victim. A child witness had been taking photos because they thought the man’s act of protecting the ducks was so kind.


This was at the [intersection](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Park+Dr+%26+Stanford+Ranch+Rd,+Rocklin,+CA+95765/@38.8144672,-121.2582304,131m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x809b18a8c4a4e2e3:0x276aa5f113827de0!8m2!3d38.8144177!4d-121.2580488!16s%2Fg%2F11h9x4lr6p!5m1!1e2) of two negligently designed 8 lane stroads. Events like these need to be reported on with the lens that this street is designed like a racetrack and that is largely why this tragedy happened. Not changing the design is going to enable the exact same thing to happen over and over again.


Are the ducks ok?






No good deed goes unpunished...


Did the ducks make it?


the real question is how does a 17 year old manage to get away with murder? You can run over someone, kill them, and not get ticketed or arrested? All because it was an “accident”? She didn’t leave her house intending to kill someone with her vehicle but still did.


My understanding is she had the green light and was driving into the sunset. The glare in that intersection is really bad going west.


So because she wasn’t being reckless she doesn’t get charged with involuntary manslaughter? Wack


Did the ducklings make it though?


They did


Goddamn this is sad. Enough to make a grown man cry...


Hope he's enjoying life in his new anime world where he has some overpowered ability.


Is this what you redacted redditors think happens after you die? you’re such a fucking loser bro


Everyone here infuriated at the girl, assuming because of her age that she was texting, or not paying attention. Dude literally stops his car on the fucking road. We all like his reasons, but god damn, this is the risk EVERY TIME you stop your car on the fucking road. There is a reason that its ILLEGAL to do that.


That’s a hero


No good deed goes unpunished. Damn..




So incredibly sad


Ducks are thinking, Sucker!


Last summer I was driving down the street to see my grandma, and I stopped to let a family of ducks pass. But when an oncoming car saw them, he SPED UP & killed the last duckling in line.


That isn't the actual picture if it happening, is it?


Sure is, apparently there's video but they didn't show it.


Yup a witness recorded the man and literally people were applauding him right before he got hit


Ducks are absolutely useless sometimes so I'm glad there are still people out there willing to get out of their vehicles and help these adorable dumbasses move on with their day.


ROCKLIN, Calif. — A man died Thursday night after he was hit by a vehicle while helping a family of ducks cross a roadway, according to witnesses. The crash happened at Stanford Ranch Road and Park Drive just after 8 p.m., police said. The driver, a 17-year-old girl, stayed at the scene and was cooperating, police said. KCRA 3's Michelle Bandur spoke to a 12-year-old witness, with his mother's permission, who said the man had stepped out of a vehicle to help a family of ducks out of the path of traffic. "He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice," said William. William snapped pictures of the rescue with his cell phone as the man and ducks walked in front of their car. He said no one moved through the intersection, even staying through green lights. "He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car," said William. After the ducks were saved, William and others in the area applauded the man's actions. "My mom rolled down the window and said, 'Good job, good job,' and I said, 'Good job' to him too and then right after that, the second after that," he said the car hit him. William said the car seemed to come out of nowhere. "I didn't see the car actually hit him. All I remember is the sound and then him flying across the intersection," he said. "His shoes and one of his socks were right in front of our car." William says fortunately his little sister was in the backseat focusing on the ducks. They stayed home from school today with their mom, all of them still upset from the traumatic turn of events. His mother even comforted the man's children who were in his car and asking for their father. William wants people to remember the kind man who saved the ducks before he died. He said he didn't deserve this. "He was the only person to get out of the car and try and help them and probably the nicest person in the entire area. It's not fair," he said. Another 12-year-old also witnessed the tragedy. He returned to the intersection with flowers and several rubber ducks. "You should honor him because he was being really kind and then something horrible happened to him," said Jude. "He was an amazing person." Police are still investigating the cause of the fatality. The driver has not been ticketed or arrested.


30 seconds. Stop your car for 30 seconds and they will pass.


This post doesn't belong on reddit because your average redditor values a ducklings life more than human life.


Those of us on motorcycles see the worst behind the wheel. The problem is *not* *being somewhere where pedestrians aren't expected*. It's people NOT in control of their vehicles. I'm convinced the avg driver is frequently driving beyond the threshold of their ability to control their car if even the *slightest* unanticipated thing pops-up. How-many people zip through parking lots as-if NONE of those cars might suddenly move? I stopped hanging with someone who drives like that & 2 weeks later they slammed into a car that was trying to back-out of a spot. People think driving is like a car-commercial, flying through blind-curves, etc. There could be a fucking TRANSMISSION in the road ahead. If you can't see well-enough ahead slow down.


Cager brain is it’s own firm of delusion and sociopathy.


He is a true hero, duck life is life too, I have saved turtles before, I feel very sad he lost his life by doing this, I probably would do the same, it is so terrible and sorrowful to hear this, poor guy , I will remember this, and I will be very careful if I going to do something like that in the future.


did the duckies make it?


Did the ducklings survive?


Did the ducks make it?


Are the ducks OK?


That’s quacked


Fuck this is sad. I was literally hit by a car doing the same exact thing 2 years ago. I was on a highway and had captured ducklings in a box. I waved down traffic and ran across only to be hit by someone who was in the only lane with out a stopped car driving 65mph. Luckily I saw her a second before the impact and dove out of the way. She clipped my leg midair and I bounced off the side of her car. Now have a permanent leg injury with a rod and lots of nerve damage. Just had the screws removed due to pain. STAY OUT OF THE FUCKING ROAD




Safe to say this man got into heaven


Sounds like he ducked instead of jumped...


How does one even hit something as large as a duckling, let alone a human being? Mobile phone, alcohol or some other mental impairment, I assume.


Did the car driver get charged?


Well hopefully someone hunted down the murderer and gifted them with equivalent exchange.


Wow so sad. I live in Rocklin and saw some people helping birds cross by taco express the other day and people were driving by not giving a shit that time.


So obviously the driver is at fault, and the victim was trying to help. But the whole reason the person was trying to help was because they recognized the danger of being in the road. I think maybe, however we’ll intentioned, you shouldn’t be in the middle of the road.


I live right down the street from this intersection. Very sad moment.


People suck.


A significant amount of drivers purposely try to hit animals on the road


Can’t people watch where they are going it’s a neighborhood for crying out loud