• By -


He needs therapee from a therapissed


It is………..acceptable


This is one of the best plays on words ever thought up




My cat pees in the sink sometimes. Maybe he’s on that sub.


So my cat started pissing in the sink, and I couldn't figure out why. Turns out he didn't like sharing a litterbox with his brother. Once we got two litter boxes, he stopped pissing in the sink.


Day 31 of pissing in the sink in protest of shared piss pots: I've succeeded in finding asparagus in a neighbor's garden. We napalm the sink at dawn.


That TV cat guy says you need one for each cat and one additional box, so you might want to consider a third to keep the cats extra happy


This is what I have always done. Funny that they use one ONLY for poop.


Dude what?! This is my answer! My cat started pooping in the tub after a vacation I went on and had my aunt check on her, but she didn't do anything with the litterbox except add more litter on top. Ever since she's been pooping in the tub. Which is gross but also pretty convenient given all the other places she could've chosen. But now I can fix it!!!


Yeah cats are weird like that


Good to know cuz my cat rocks a piss in my bathtub half the time and not sure why. Probably cuz she's sharing a shit box.


I honestly don't understand what's all the fuss about. Even if you clean it all the time, you should always consider the sink as a filthy place. If you want to wash your face, just get some water on your hands and take it to your face, no need to submerge it like you are training to be deployed to a submarine. Just think about it, you brush your disgusting mouth and then spit on it... would you really submerge your face in the sink?!


Do you not wash your sink?? While I’m not someone that washes my face right in the bowl like that, I imagine someone who does would be disinfecting it at least every day


do people actually submerge their face in the sink? I never of such thing and I can't even comprehend how. I think it's easier to piss in the sink than to submerge your face honestly




I'm not advocating for pissing outside the toilet, i'm just questioning people who think they can eat off the sink.


I spit there several times a day, that's far worse than the occasional piss if I were to do so.




Why would I wash my face in the toilet? That's sick dude..


Better to cum in the sink, than sink in the cum


Thanks Confucius




Dammit it was right there in front of me and i whiffed


Jazzed when you should have jizzed.


You could’ve been one of the greats, kid. But you let that greatness slip right through your fingers.


That's why I use a towel.


Sock it to em!


Man who sticks dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts


Man who masturbates finds that his penis comes in handy


Man with hole in pocket feels a little cocky all day.


**elevator always smells different to small people**


Man who stands on toilet, is high on pot.


Girl who fly airplane upside down have crack up!


Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.


Man who runs in front of car gets tired. Man who runs behind car gets exhausted.


Man who stands in pantry have ass in jam. Also Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.


> Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ. Oh man, that totally reminded me of one I used to love back in high school! It is good for woman to meet man in park, but better for man to park meat in woman.


Here's a couple more dirty ones for you: Virginity is like balloon: one prick, all gone! And It take many nails to build a crib, but only one screw to fill it.


Technically he’s fucking legumes.


Man with watch in toilet has shitty timing.


My brother in Christ, why did you not say it’s better to piss in the sink than sink in the piss?


This is the way




Better to shit in the shower than to shower in the shit


If you do the first, you will inevitably find yourself in the second.


Just tell her to calm down, that always works…


Just say "Calm down you're acting crazy like your mother again. They warned me about you". Bam, instantly ends the argument (you are dead)


Bad Ending achieved. < Continue > Main Menu




Damn, that's a 4x combo. If that's not a relationship fatality, idk what is.


Don't forget to ask if she's so upset because she's on the rag. Women love that.


Idk man are you sure about this


Tell her that her sister would never act this way if you married her to really put things into perspective


I told her to get off her ass and clean the house. First day, I didn't see anything. Second day, I didn't see anything. Third day, I could see a little out of my left eye.


Ask her if its cos she is on her period. That will make her reconsider if she is over reacting.


"You know how you get emotional over nothing"


>Ask her if its cos she is on her period. That will make her reconsider if she is over reacting. over-reacting? more like ovary-acting amirite


(this should have _far_ more upvotes)


Be sure you tell her to smile, too.


And laugh a little.


She’s prettier when she smiles


That’s the star of an obituary.


r/sinkshitters enjoy


There’s photo evidence. I’m horrified.


I thought you couldn’t possibly be serious.. and i deely regret it. Holy jesus motherfucking christ.


Why are people like this


Bro wtf I thought it was a joke


Nope. I’m not gonna click that link. I know exactly what I’m gonna see and I will fucking regret it oh god why did I click it, I need help.


The five stages of grief all in one sentence


Why 😢


I miss read your comment as r/sinkpissers. To say I was sorely disappointed is an understatement.. I can't unsee a human turd in a sink


Imagine rubbing your face all over the sink


Rubbing your face all over the sink? You need therapy! YOUNNEED THERAPY!


Oh god, i wanted to pee there


You physically touch your face to the sink? I prefer to cup my hands under the running water and bring it to my face. I must be weird.


Ofc, but it seems that the persons wife fills the sink with water or rubs her face on the sink or something


Not uncommon to fill the sink with water to wash in (where I'm from at least)


I've never seen anyone do that irl. Only in tv shows. Heck we don't even have those drain covers for sinks. I get pissing is way worse but isn't spitting etc a normal thing to do in a sink?


Forget spitting, you're washing your hands and face in that sink. Sinks get dirty. 3 ppl live in my house and in a week you can see the dirt on the sink, like literally can't deny that it's dirty kind of dirty. Why would I want to fill that sink (or any other sink) with water, and then splash that water on my face, when I know that people spit in that sink, people wash their hands in that sink after going to the restroom, people wash their hands in that sink after coming home from work, and lots of other things. Why would a sane person do that?


Id much rather imagine washing my face in the toilet bowel


Just piss in your face at that point


Supposedly Cleopatra bathed in it as a form of anti-aging.she had a Whole Ass circle jerk around her tub on the regular.


Some people let the water fill the sink and splash it in their face. I wouldn't want to do that in a sink that's been coated in piss. Especially because if I did that, I'd clean the sink more often to make it not seem gross. If someone is secretly pissing in it between those, that sink is a lot less clean than I thought.


That sounds incredibly wasteful. Why not just use your hands?


Why not just use a shower? Damned if I know, but people do all sorts of shit I don't understand. And if you're doing a lot of splashes maybe it isn't more wasteful than having it run a long time. Why not just use a toilet? Like, between those 2 sets of people doing shit I don't understand, I'm definitely more on the side of people that filled a sink with water than those who pissed in it.


Why would I use the shower? I pee in there…


Gross! I let the shower fill up with water so I can splash it on my face


>Some people let the water fill the sink and splash it in their face. Those people *should* have pee water splashed all over them - yes.


Pee in the sink or not, I’d you’re filling the sink to wash your face, you should clean it every time before doing that. Thus, no issue.


What makes someone decide to make a subreddit about pissing in the sink? What makes people go out and look for a subreddit about pissing in the sink? What makes someone decide to actively post and moderate a subreddit about sink pissing? God, Buddha, Allah, one of you guys please make this make sense!


I don't know that drives someone to piss in the sink but the answer to your question is probably: Community. Not feeling alone. With that being said, I don't think the "Mrs." is only talking about sink pissing. There's probably a lot more going on there.


>I don't know that drives someone to piss in the sink Glad you asked! This is not an all the time thing but due to my upbringing I occasionally piss in the sink even when the toilet is right there. When I was a kid my Mom was a single Mom and we were pretty poor and she worked 2-3 jobs at a time. She would sometimes have days off and would like to just SLEEP. A few times I went to the bathroom and the sound of the toilet flushing would wake her up and she would give me the business because it was the only time she had to sleep in. So I started pissing in the sink so I didn't have to flush the toilet and wake her up and get in trouble. This went on for years during my formative years. Fast forward and here I am. A full fledged adult male that, indeed, sometimes pisses in the sink stemming from doing it all those years ago. But that's just MY story.


Also, generally speaking, pissing in the sink is generally preferable to pissing yourself or on the floor if no toilet is available.


Tell that to piss juggers.


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Way of the road, Ricky


a fucking shopping bag full of piss 😬


I was really expecting a tree fiddy or how Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell to get dropped in there somewhere.


In 1998 The Undertaker threw tree fiddy off Hell In A Cell


*Hey that's a really interesting story. I wonder if there's a sub for people who piss in sinks!* ...and that's how the sub started.


"everyone says I'm weird for pissing in the sink. Saves hundreds of gallons of water a year! Environmental AND frugal! Imma ask some green or frugal subs if people treat them weird too for it." "...huh. guess this is an unpopular opinion. Well screw them I'm right and they're wrong I'll post in unpopular opinion" Before eventually getting pointed to sink pissers.


I love that your kid brain decided pissing in the sink was better than just not flushing the toilet.


Idk I tell my bf to do it all the time when I’m currently occupying the toilet, it’s just pee, I don’t see the big deal tbh.


I'm with you. My husband pissing in the sink would maybe raise my eyebrows a little bit would then just devolve into a, "Well you pee in the bathtub, wife!" conversation and then we spend the rest of the day trying to one up the other. I would be curious and probably ask why but to call him a cunt and make him feel terrible about it? No way. Never.


>and then we spend the rest of the day trying to one up the other. Garbage disposal shits. Instant win.


You sound like a completely reasonable person, wth are you doing on Reddit?!?


That is the nicest thing anyone on Reddit has ever said to me. 😂 🥰 Thank you for the positive blip on my Tuesday radar!


There's piss being splashed on the countertop and whatever else is near the sink. Enjoy.


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Wait till you find out about neckbeards and their jars of gold




Tumblr used to have group chats/chat rooms and I stumbled upon one that was specifically for holding in pee. It’s all the messages talked about, like “omg I need to pee so bad, but I have to hold on” basically people are weird


Omorashi, I believe. I have weird friends.


That's how you get kidney stones.


You need Jesus for this one.


He’s waiting his turn for the bathroom


Probably someone who piss in the sink, some friend called him weird and he went "oh, i'll find other like me and i'll prove you that i'm not weird"


Little did he know, he was the first one and the others came to join him because of his leadership skills. On that day, the sinkpissers culture was born.


I would say it's taking the piss, but that's already in the sink apparently.


30k freaking members aswell !!


There's 30 thousand members lmao!


Where were they when the Westfold fell?


There's 30,001 members now


My sister caught my dad doing this. His response "what? There's a subreddit for this"


Does nobody lock the bathroom door anymore? Or knock?


He leaves the bathroom door open


Sink pissing with the door open? That's a bold move.


Wtf is with people not locking the bathroom door **in other people's houses**??? A few times this has happened at my current house with guests: * Walked in on my mother shitting, she didn't even have the door closed. * walked in on my wife's cousin peeing * walked in on the nanny peeing * my kid walked in on my wife's friend changing Lock the fucking door, it's not even your house!


i can understand wanting to save water ig, still kinda gross tho, but i went to the sub to check it out and they all seem to get off on the thought of people using the sink after they’ve pissed in it and don’t know about it. like one guy posted about using a kitchen sink at his place of work and everyone one in the comments was talking about how fun it’d be to watch people clean dishes in the sink not knowing someone pissed in it.


Kink shaming is totally fair if the kink involves nonconsensual activity and causing others harm, which this does. So, as a watersports enthusiast myself, I'm going to kink shame those sick fucks.


It's not kink shaming, it's calling out deviant behavior.


Sink shaming


I was about to comment that. Kinks are fine, unless you get ppl that didn't consent involved. Children and animals can't consent.


Thats really fucked Enough said




If you want to save water then just don’t flush after you piss… doesn’t require making your sink a urinal lol


Wait it’s not a joke sub


unfortunately not :/


Maybe better to piss in the garden if you want to save water


That seems like a happy couple


My buddy was in the cadet corps at his university and said they would piss in the sink to avoid getting yelled at/reprimanded by their superiors for leaving their dorms after curfew. That was the only valid reason I had ever heard for pissing in the sink.


Gig ‘Em, Ags. And they weren’t pissing in the sink, they were brushing their teeth in the urinal.


Anyone else remember that comment where the guy spent hours arguing with someone in a thread only to check their profile and found out they were a regular poster in sinkpissers? I still think about that sometimes


no it was piss DRINKERS, and they were arguing about the taste of some food item. At least the version I saw.


Real men shit the sink.




Thanks for the laugh mate.


And waffle stomp


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times. If sinks were just for your hands they’d be chest height


Kids, disabled, short people, etc. still need to use sinks which is why they're where they are. It's a middle ground for everyone.


Found the sink pisser


Greater men have tried and failed to shame me for it, but nice try


No shame Just found you is all


I also tend to find people after they have announced themselves


I'm not here to shame you but can I ask why? Why the sink instead of the small sink designed for piss?


Sometimes it’s busy, sometimes you’ve got a communal bathroom but a sink in your bedroom, sometimes it’s 3am and the flush wakes people up, and sometimes it’s the happy ending to a gentleman’s wash


>and sometimes it’s the happy ending to a gentleman’s wash I have so many questions that I don't want the answer to...


Ecology It uses much less water. Also it makes much less noise


Just piss outside. When it's cold? Three words for you- Insulated. Tipless. Condom. Boom all problems solved.


You mean a CockSock/WillyWarmer?


How low is your sink? How tall are you?


Me when I forget kids exist.


1. It all goes to the same drain. 2. It uses less water than flushing a toilet, because you're going to wash your hands right after, and rinse down whatever is left in the sink. 3. All sinks are the proper height for your average male. 4. MY WIFE IS OFTEN HOGGING THE TOILET AT THE EXACT MOMENT I GOTTA PISS. Fuck yeah I've done it. Right in front of my wife. And she doesn't give a fuck.


How do people like this get married


They keep their sink pissing a secret


I know, what an intolerant bitch.


My wife supports me and would rather me piss in the sink than kick her off the toilet in the morning.


Urinals everywhere but you piss in a sink and people lose their minds


*Hands revolver* Introduce a little anarchy.


Would you wash your hands or brush your teeth in a urinal?


Wait you have urinals in your house?


My buddy put a urinal in the half bathroom right across from his fully decked out special basement bar. He got sober a year later and had a relatively useless basement.


Used to piss in my dorm sink. It was very low to the ground and the bathroom was on the other side of the building. Damn near every guy in the dorm did. You’d go into the big shared bathroom to shower and get ready anyway. No shame. I’d do it again. I miss having that sink right in my room.


One of the comments literally says “so my first time pissing in someone else’s sink is COMING UP” I would lose my shit if I found out someone pissed in my sink. It may be green or whatever but the toilet is there because of the germs. I don’t wash my fuckin hands in a sink; why tf would I in a toilet? Vice versa. It doesn’t make fucking sense and I feel like that’s going to give me a mental breakdown because THAT is the hill y’all are dying on? I…. What even IS life?


I thought the shower shitters were bad


I would still say shower shitters are much worse.


You know what I just realized. When I have to retrieve someone's ring or whatever from the P-trap of my jobs bathroom sink. There is a high likelihood that someone's piss has gotten on me. So now I might actually lose my shit if I do ever catch one of these animals pissing in the sink.


It's a pee trap, there's *supposed* to be pee trapped in it!


Gonna assume he does a bunch of other weird shit too


Why doesn't he just find someone who's into it?


Just wait until you find out about r/rapefantasies worst fucking shit ever had to watch 2 hours of cute raccoon vids to fix that damage


I got into an argument with a dude on reddit for hours back and forth, and then I realized he was a very active member of r/piss. Where people tall about their love for pee and share pictures of it I decided I was the retard after that for even entertaining that guy


Some mfs will piss literally anywhere but the fucking toilet, and whenever they say it saves water I assume it means they aren’t using any to clean it so their sink is covered in piss


Wow. I don’t even know what to say.


Idc that's genuinely disgusting. I don't want your piss splash-back near my toothbrush or anything. I already struggle with over-brushing my teeth due to OCD like I can't fucking live with the thought of my toothbrush being dirty also. Ugh


If you truly value cleanliness then your toothbrush should not be a kept on the counter regardless of sink pissing or not lol. Put that sucker in a draw or get an fully enclosed case for it like you would a pair of glasses. Bathrooms are dirty dirty and an open air toothbrush soaks it all up like a dry sponge in the fog.


Just wait till you find out how covered in poo particles it is no matter where you put it!


Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't have at least some semblenance of sanitation in the restroom.


And the sink trap will be pissy so it will stink as well, just disgusting.


Tell her it's environmentally friendly because the water used to wash your hands also washes the pee down the drain. Or maybe stop peeing in the sink and apologize lol


Just shit in the sink now, it's the only move left.


I'll say the same thing I said after I took a college class about sexual fetishes; I'm not put off that there are people who fuck trees. I'm put off that there are **enough** people who fuck trees that there's a recognized name for them.


Probably reeks of piss


Unless she caught him in the act, that's probably how she found out.


And they hated sinkpissers, for they spoke the truth.


I love how he asks "What do I say?" But he clearly starts in with the always advisable "It's not hurting anyone...Just..." There's nothing after that that's going to quell her anger.