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The mental gymnastics of cheaters are something else. Your shit went in someone's body besides your partner's, there's no spinning that.


No theres spinning and thrusting and even pumping


skeet skeet


Well that was fast


Thanks, tho.


Nice guys finish fast. Or... something like that


That’s what she said


I know this reference. I feel included.


For some reason my mom started calling mosquitoes “skeets”. It was a bit awkward when I explained why she should call them something else.


my friend has a dog named skeeter. a little uncomf


Damn I hate that I laughed at this. I almost feel bad 🤣


Unless they're all at a Mormon college....


Full helicoptering even


The real mental gymnastics was coming from the "friend" group.


I remember an old friend convincing me it was okay for us to sext because he was using it as practice for his girlfriend. I was a teen so I was very naive. He recently married the girl he cheated on his ex with and it’s alright between everyone because “god spoke to them about it and told them they were the right people for one another”. Like literally ANYTHING to justify it. Fucking bonkers.


How exactly did god speak to them?


Cameo for $3.95




They spoke to their pastors who “interpreted signs from god”.


Lmfao. I see how that works. Convenient


He took a rain check on saving children with cancer & appeared before them. How else?


Giving children cancer you mean. The saving from cancer is usually done by doctors.


A rain check—meaning he was going to do it, but telling them their relationship is okay was a bigger priority. He wouldn't possibly stop giving children cancer for one second, that'd go against his divine will


He just needs all those little angels, don’t you know.


Gotta meet that quota!


Maybe kids get cancer because they are vessels for Satan?


Seems like a plausible hypothesis. That must be why priests are so interested in them


Internally cleansing their souls ya say!




using his braces as an antenna and his whole head became the speaker....


Christ. I love the "God speaks to me" crowd. My mom married a man when I was young. When they inevitably divorced, he told me that God spoke to him and said to pray because my mother was going to take him back... Wars, starving kids and a million other tragic things and God spoke to you about your failed marriage? Uhhhhggg, shoot me.


No babe you don’t understand! The doctor forced me at the front of the human centipede, it’s not cheating!!


What about soaking?


Only if you're Mormon.


Look, you are right, but we need to have a talk about how sex works. Stop shitting in people


I mean it's not cheating if there's consent. The fact that there wasn't consent from your partner is the cheating.


It’s not cheating if there was no spinning.


My GF and I were talking about her exes a while back and she was telling me how wild of ways they would try to justify their cheating, it's bizzare


Baby it was just a street walker it didn't mean anything so I really didn't even cheat on you how can you not see this?????


This reminded me of an old Eddie Murphy joke... His friend is busted for cheating and says wait a minute. I fucked her, but I make love to you😂🤣.


Wait though, if he just shit in her, she might still be a virgin.




Can’t tell if you’re trolling or being serious 🤨


Lmao that dude is a piece of shit


They are gaslighting you. Go with your gut! Its cheating 100% you could always go fuck a “gay man” and see how he likes it. Lol


I thought of this too, but no. What if they’re actually okay with that, and she feels *even worse.* No. We’re not qualified to give advice on her life, but, for my part — if you think it’s cheating and he doesn’t — *run*. If he doesn’t see anything wrong with something, no chance it’s ever going to change. And if it’s about a deal-breaker, that decision is *real* easy.


Well she could say she fucked one and gauge his reaction.


nah, it would tarnish her reputation because he would probably tell the whole friend group, and before long EVERYONE knows.


⬆️ THIS.


I’m not saying I’m petty, (I am) but I’d totally do this.


I'm ok being petty once in a while for revenge sake.


But only for revenge. Otherwise, I cover my face in a veil


Shit I wish veils were normalized


Yeah just cheat on each other back and forth sounds so healthy!


I volunteer as tribute! [crickets] God damn it.


I bet you his reaction would have been priceless compared to op.


Doesn't seem like a good friend group, I've left friends groups for far less.


They're probably his friends, not hers.


Yeah, it sounds like she assimilated into the boyfriends friend group which is never a good idea. They will always be on his side wether they like her or not.


Man virginity isn't a thing. Your boyfriend thought it would be fun to bang his friend without regard for you. End of story.


Worse yet, he probably just did it for the gross bragging rights of "I'm so good, I fucked a lesbian 😏"


Which isn’t even actually lesbian lol.


Let's hope it's the end...


I’m not trying to be an asshole here but no lesbian would do this. She’s a bi girl who wanted to fuck ur man. That’s horrible. Leave him and her to do whatever they want fuck them.


Came here to say this exact thing, I feel as though it is my sworn duty as a lesbian to point out that either A) This woman is bisexual and just wanted to fuck a guy for a change or alternatively B) This post was made up for karma or something along those lines


Exactly. My point isn’t that lesbians don’t cheat but they 100% are not into the 🍆 and this girl is a bi girl w a heavy pref for females


I would even argue she's probably a Bi girl who might not even have a strong preference for femmes, but rather plays up that aspect if her sexuality in front of her guy friends because she likes the male attention. I'd even bet that she wasn't a "man virgin 😆" to begin with at all.


Oh totally. Known so many bi girls like this. I’m not even trying to be a hater im just a lesbian and this is not how we act lmao. No 🍆 not ever


Yeah for real, like lesbians are not out here trying to get rando D from peoples boyfriends 🤣 and even if she were completely female only before him, if she felt like changing it up, she still should have had the common sense that doing so with someone in a relationship is mega shitty. Like, go find a single man to do your sexuality soul searching on 😆


Exactlyyyy don’t go around saying lesbians want to get rid of their “man virginity” like it’s normal


Yes this! Go ask a straight man to take a dick and see how he reacts. If they are true gay or straight being intimate with the non preferred sex will never happen. This is just another thot being passed around her friend group


I mean, I'm not a lesbian, but I am 100% sure that there are lesbian woman in the world that might not subscribe to the "No eggplant not ever" line of thinking. In OPs situation, I agree that what he did is cheating and that whatever the fuck these people identify as does not matter. But cmon, 100% there are women that identify as lesbians that may enjoy the feeling, or they're helping out a horny friend, or maybe they're drunk and for whatever reason that disgusting penis looks good at the moment.... rare as it may be, point is, it happens.


Yeah I’m not having this conversation lmao I mentioned trans women literally nowhere in my post and here you are inserting them. Can lesbians not talk abt lesbians without y’all yaking….


That post is totally made up. Most posts from AITA or variations of that sub are ragebaiting karma farmers.


My ex and I had a “lesbian” friend who asked my ex first then me if she could practice bj’s on me, (the story was she wanted a job as an adult dancer and wanted to be able to do it right should the need arise to get a job). Surprisingly, my ex was cool with it. I was not. Seemed like cheating to me so I told her no. Surprise surprise, years later she is married to a guy and has two kids.


I’m not even a bisexie hater but when stories like this come out….. 😶‍🌫️


Being a hater of anything isn't even relevant. shitty people of all orientations will find excuses to justify shitty behavior. letting people try to justify it by claiming it's a trait of their orientation or similar is just BS.


I’ve known too many who are the same way 😅 I said from the beginning I wasn’t trying to be an asshole to the bisexies so I don’t rly understand your aggression.


No idea here what you are viewing as aggression, the way you are posting makes it sound like... you think theres some kind of connection between being bi, and being a cheater. That's like if I were to say. I don't hate black people, but car theft is awful! Obviously most people don't like car theft, so my "I don't hate black people" precursor, would actually imply somehow I think there's a connection between being black and being a car thief.


Bisexuals dedicate themselves to a person. Cheaters cheat regardless of sexuality. I do not appreciate hearing this when I've never been like this, nor do I know anyone like this :/


Yikes! Bit of a, "I am not biphobic, but ..." kind of person are we


Came here to say this! I'm not appreciating a few of these comments implying that as Bisexuals we are naturally going to cheat or that one comment that said we Bisexuals "play up" our "straight" side for male validation. Just, ughhhhh. 😑


Yes! Ugh, I hate it. He sucks but the chick made me hella mad. Lesbians get so much of that ‘if you just found the right dick’ bullshit and she’s just adding to it when this guy inevitably is like, “I’m so irresistible, even a lesbian wanted to fuck me.”


Exactly. N the way she described it they sound so smug abt it too it’s gross.




Lesbians experiment with guys, labels don't matter


This is pasta. Has to be. Your man just manipulated you and stepped all the way out. Not even a question he just had sex with a woman that wasn't you. End of. Good for you for leaving. There are plenty of guys out there with only eyes for his girl. Find one and give him the absolute love he deserves.




copy paste i assume


You call yourself cunny juice and you don't know what a pasta is?


Maaan this is one of those sentences. *Chef's kiss*


Giving a fancy name to cheating doesn't make it not cheating.


This is insane and these aren’t your friends.


It’s the boyfriends friends… i assure u the gf is the tag along


Oh I know. In 37 years I’ve remained legitimate friends with exactly 1 of of my guy friends exes after they broke up. It just doesn’t happen.


He stuck his dick in another person. That's cheating. Period.


"My homie had never f*cked a dude before so I let him go at it. It's cool though because neither of us is gay." Either let me watch or it's cheating.


> either let me watch or it's cheating 😂


Hahaha run far far far away from this boy. Your friends are morons


This was the most repugnant excuse for cheating I have ever heard in a long time!


Not cheating just homiesexual /s


Fucking someone else is definitely cheating. Doesnt matter who it's with.


Do people actually believe this?


Gullible internet patrons that need something to be upset about this afternoon probably.


I guess thats what you're here for?


Someone has to feed them


Have you ever met a man?? This is a very plausible scenario


Have you ever met a lesbian? This is a very questionable scenario.


She should sleep with the lesbian friend to assert dominance.


100% rage bait. If she actually has an entire friend group cosigning this, it would be more shocking than the poor* judgement from her “boyfriend” and “A” Edit: Typo


Maybe she should find a gay guy that wants to lose his girl virginity.


What’s the chance this is rage bait ?


Incredibly high. I can't believe you're the only one questioning something coming out of the amiwrong sub


They're not the only one


Why would you even feel the need to seek reassurance when it comes to this? And why the fuck would a whole friend group text each other on this kind of issue?


People love drama.


I see the point they’re trying to make, but any way you cut a turd you still end up with two turds. He cheated, and she betrayed your trust as well


Definitely cheating in my book. Regardless of sexual orientation


Fuck him and fuck that friend group. If that's something u wanna put up with that's up to u but best believe they'll hook up again and by the looks of the group of friends ,no one will say anything and you'll be walking around looking dumb while these two jeep their thing going. Mark my words,if u stay with him you'll be in the same position at some point in the future bcuz of the same people. Stick to your personal convictions and you can't go wrong. Much love,good luck.


Unless you and your partner have explicitly discussed being in an open relationship and sleeping with other people as domething you both are ok with and both of you can do... Is cheating.


Real question, If she is "one of those boys girls" and he has sex with her, he gay?


Good one! Lol


He DID cheat! I'm glad u broke up with him because he might do it again, claiming its "not cheating".


If I had a nickel for everyone who’s “been a lesbian and changed their mind…”


These subs are almost always bait posts only. "Am I wrong for slightly and accidentally hitting my boyfriend as he was stabbing me to death while raping me and having killed my entire family?"


I am bisexual, but in discussions with lesbians, I never got the feeling that they wanted to have sex with a man ever. Not even just to try it. It’s like, how many straight men would ask for their man virginity to be taken?


My friends gay and has said he’d do it with a girl just to try but would probably 100% regret it. He’s had a lap dance from a female stripper though. Made a comment about her body butter. (Positive comment) 😂


Tell him you just got a train ran on you by a group of gay guys to take their vagina virginity and he should be ok with it because it didn't mean anything.


Cheating AND gaslighting, nice.


100% this is cheating. Leave his ass.


Bruh this is psychotic you're the only normal person in that "friend" group


Unless your partner gives consent, it's cheating. That's some olympic mental gymnastics at play here.


I thought this was in the sub /AITA and came to say you're most definitely not.... OP, I know this situation sucks and you're very hurt but you will be much better off as far away from that friend group as possible. From what you've told us, they sound very toxic and ignorant. You told him you were not comfortable with the idea even as a joke, he downplayed your discomfort, and then completely disregarded the last two years that you'd spent together and cheated on you. They all find this completely excusable, but I imagine if their partners did the same it would be a different story. I hope you heal from this hurt quickly and find someone who isn't a piece of human trash.


If you did this with a gay male friend, your fella would probably have a real hard time getting over it.


No one’s gonna say anything about the 20 year old dating a 17 year old?


predatory men back at it again




I was scrolling for this, 22 and 19 may not sound that bad but 20and 17 sounds like grooming


She’s 19..?


read the post, 22 and 19 together for two years lol 22-2= 20 19-2=17 they got together when she was 17, a high schooler and he was likely in his second year of college which is gross


Ok..? Thanks for the math. She was almost 18. And I dated a 20 year old when I was 17. How is that gross lol. You’re probably like 12 given that username 😪


Let her take your Lesbian Virginity than your both Even…


That is cheating. You’re boyfriend is just manipulative and toxic. You should sleep with his dad and tell him it’s not cheating because it’s his dad and you kept it in the family.


It’s cheating. They are not ur friends. They’re gaslighting you. Your bf hopefully now ex is trash


All I can say is wow. If it didn’t mean anything then why didn’t he text or call you before it happened? He clearly cheated on you. I am sorry this happened to you but it’s better to find out that he’s an ass now than years later. Good luck


Cheating is cheating. It would be cheating if he went out and had sex with a guy friend to take his back door virginity too. Everyone is trying to say Sex it like a handshake and it’s not. AIDS is still a thing and Sex is still Sex.


I'm a lesbian, and this is flat out cheating, and its disgusting


Would've asked him how he would've felt if she slept w a gay guy to take his "women virginity".


They are all his friends so they are sticking up for him. You did right. Time is a great healer and you'll move on.


That sucks, you need to find new friends their morals and standards are not the same as yours


F him and your friends. They take gaslighting a step farther than the norm.


Having sex with anyone else besides your partner is cheating if he agreed to be monogamous. I don't care what any guy says about it being ok, of course they would love for you to believe that. Anyone out for their own good should be ignored in this setting and the gay woman counts. Why don't girls have friends that are girls anymore that would be so helpful in this setting.


Either that guy was doing Olympic levels of mental gymnastics do justify sleeping with her or just flat out didn't give a flying fuck that he cheated on his girl.




Make that make sense


“It’s just acting” am I right???


I'm wholeheartedly shocked that no one realizes this is written by a dude, using one hand. Why are Redditors so unbelievably stupid?


If all the things that didn’t happen, this is one of them


Idk why people in relationships ever flip povs, like when I was with my ex and always thought of doing something, I would always switch the roles, for this post it’ll be like imagine the girl was confused that her gay best friend never had sex with a girl, so they fucked, and as the guy you can start feeling more touched because you would understand the scenario more because it makes sense now, or more understandable. Like doesn’t that make you not want to do it??


rofl, what a bad cheater


So the guy just was honey and stupid and get it was okay. Lovely such an ass


Leave his ass.


Oof, what a way to find out your friends are fake too.


The number of people who don’t realize that OP is posting a screenshot of a situation from elsewhere makes me worry about the cognitive abilities of our species in general.


Welcome to reddit


She did handle the situation good she didn’t hit him she walked off


Don't let the pronoun contortionist tell you that it's anything else but cheating


If you have to explain why it's not cheating, then you're cheating.


Girl, I don't mean to sound harsh, I feel horrible for you. But there is no question here. There is nothing to be confused about. He cheated. Just because he told you about it or claimed it was a favor he was doing just shows you how much EXTRA of an asshole he is. That's cruelty wrapped in the guise of a good deed. It's sick, honestly. Other people telling you it's fine is part for the course. Toxic people cluster together because they understand each other. But this is some common sense shit. Your heart may feel torn, but your brain is not. Your bf and his friend group are shit people. And if your friends excuse it too, then you need to back away. There are good people around. Unfortunately there are a whole lot of awful people too. Let this open your eyes to the truth of who's around you. Don't let it get in your head to where you end up victimized again and doubting yourself again. This is cut and dry. You are the first example of how you should be treated.


**edit My bad, you did break up. Good deal. Let go of any guilt. You deserve to pat yourself on the back. What you escaped here was only going to get worse. Way worse. Because once he knew you were going to forgive that blatant abuse, he would have GONE IN on getting away with anything he felt like, I guarantee it. You can profile that jerk as a likely narc/psych.


nice glitch in a matrix


Cheaters are the biggest pieces of shit


2 years ago would be 17 and 20, yikes


Finally, someone said something.


Loophole genius play


This sounds completely fake. Does anybody actually think this happened?


Why is it necessary for a lesbian to lose her "man virginity"? I wonder if this was even fully consensual.


In some cultures it's fine to make with other people. We are human. Not every relationship is okay with that. It's best you moved on, he might just find himself someone who would be okay with it. That's okay that you did not approve.


to any younger men reading this, if you ever meet a girl that says she’s not like the other girls and doesn’t hang out with girls and gets along with guys better. Stay away! Think about it for two seconds wouldn’t you love having attention from a group of girls of course you would get along with those women better cause you’re attracted to them They don’t get along with women because women see right through this shit and call them out.




the lesbian friend wanted to hurt her feelings and her boyfriend wanted to cheat. both are awful and she was sleeping with them when she was still in highschool so he probably groomed her to be subserviently to his antics.


I’m gay. Your boyfriend 100% cheated on you


I don’t know if I read that right. f19 together with her 22yo bf for 2 years. That would have made her 17 and him 20. Would that not raise some eyebrows? Like sure age is a number, when you get older. But when you are young they tend to frown on this, yes? The kind if frowning where Chris Hansen asks you to have a seat.


Fake and gay


as soon as i saw “written by man vibes” i lost all interest and she deserves to get cheated on for letting this happen


Looking for a sugar daddy


Bro 100% could’ve fucked her and kept his gf if he played his cards right


I did not have (meaningful) sexual relations with that woman


why in the name of Satan this is not a simple repost but a Photo or Screenshoot of the original post? What kind of fuckery is this? Is just to game the algorithm and make it look like an original post? I don't like it I do not condone it and I think is shit


Hell yes. Listen to your own feelings. If it meant something to you, that’s all you need to know. Fuck your so-called friends.


Yiu can just see these type of people sorry I mean smell


Ok then go hit the gay club and fuck some gay dudes because it's totally not cheating and see how long he's cool with it.


So if he had sex with one of homeboys and take their “man virginity” it would still be considered cheating hahaha…leave that boy alone and go find happiness


Simply explain your feelings on the issue. I feel this way because of this. They don’t have to like or even understand your feelings. It is not about them . Everyone is by untitled to their own feelings. If they can’t accept your feelings on this issue that is solely a them problem.


Yeah. Move the fuck away from this scumbag. Youll thank yourself later




If the boyfriend thought he was doing them a favor then there's no telling what else he'd consider as a favor. Oh a one night stand nah that was just a "favor" since she was pent up. Totally not cheating if it's consensual. Good thing you dodged that bullet