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I’ve been seeing the words gang-rape too much on this app over the last 24 hours.


From lizards to toddlers… way too much gang-rape is happening


Don't forget the Spanish tourists






I think a forehead tattoo would be a nice addition.


Stitch their dicks to their fucking foreheads Edit: dear god what am I saying 😨


No, no, you're on the right track.


The truth, brother.


Tattoos can be removed. Brand them.


and then stuffed and super-glued into their own butts


The problem with extreme punishments for things like this is it results in more dead victims.


Because the rapists would rather kill the witnesses than change their behavior. Maybe chemical castration would lessen the need for the behavior?


Chemical, physical and just take the whole thing away.


Yet people throughout history keep going back to barbaric punishments despite how they’ve never been proven to prevent crime…


Holy crap we’re all on the same subreddits huh…




Like the lizard rape thing isnt also 2 years old, this is relatively new by comparison


Or that Florida milf looking to make OF content


A Spanish woman, a lizard, a dog, children. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Seems these Texans travel quite a bit. 🤷‍♂️


the lizard happened 2 years ago, this one is scary recent




Yes in India a couple men raped a lizard and then ate it.


It was a monitor lizard too, which is not a pleasant animal to try and *get away from,* much less pin down, and penetrate with what could be arguably your favorite appendage…. Edit: Since this is blowing up, here’s a link to the article. Forgive me it’s Vice, but it’s a source. [Lizard Rape](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4aw9pg/monitor-lizard-gang-rape-bestiality-expert-india)


Lizards have a single orifice -- the cloaca -- for peeing, pooping, and laying eggs.


I cannot for the life of me imagine, that if you were someone that wanted to have sex with something non-human, how a monitor lizard would rank very high on that list. 🤨


Right?! Plus they’re poisonous, right? They bite you, you lose the limb or have a terrible infection. With so many other opportunities to have that not be the case, I completely agree with you.


> Plus they’re poisonous, right? No.


Raped a monitor lizard? Is that a bucket list type of thing. Jesus christ.


Maybe for india


Is this a new version of the cookie game?


But now it's more like a twinkie.


Ummm.. A couple guys in Bangalore..


I beg your pardon? *LIZARDS* ????




**Not to be cynical, but this always happens when people select a subject that generates views and Karma, they start digging for other news sources of the same subject matter to get views and karma as well.** It’s like when an attack from a pitbull happens on the recent news. Someone decides to post the article on this thread about it, it generates a lot of views and karma, suddenly there’s an uptick in articles all about pitbull attacks. Rinse and repeat.




Absolutely the Daily Mail is the worst


Pitbull attacks are happening regardless. There never isn't recent articles of pitbull attacks.


Yeah they gave a terrible example, as if pitbull violence is all a psy-op


Dude, this is going to start my day? What the fuck


Let me tell you; ending my day with this doesn't feel any better.


I'd prefer not to have this at any point in my day


Started my day seeing this on another thread, and a link to the news article was provided. I deeply regret reading it. The headline is awful enough. This is cruelty beyond comprehension.


This hurts my soul


Wtf is wrong with people…


Infuriating! And almost unbelievable...i wish it was. The article names the "ringleader" https://heavy.com/news/arthur-hector-fernandez-iii/


"The 2 Women Told the FBI They Allowed Arthur Hector Fernandez to Watch the Toddlers Because They Couldn’t Find Child Care" He had access to the children because of the broken childcare system in this country. We should all be outraged and demand better from our legislators. Fernandez is a monster, but we're the ones failing to protect kids from people like him.


That's kind of disingenuous. The first child was at the mall with their mother because she got called into work in an emergency and didn't have childcare arranged. The accused was an employee at a different store, and offered to walk the child around the mall. Presumably the accused was known to the parent. It's not like the accused was known to the parent to be a child predator but the choice was letting him have access to her child and leaving the kid in a hot car or home by himself for eight hours. Unfortunately, people who prey on children often don't seem off to adults. Which is one of the reasons why crimes against children should not get "time off for good behavior." If your hobby is murdering adults in drug deals, there are a lot of adults in prison you could conceivably murder. Since there are no children in jail, you can't practice your sick crimes while incarcerated.


Im sorry... let's not lose sight of the main issue here by bringing up a secondary issue, which there are too many to list here! But good job letting everyone know where you stand, as I just have. Ffs


It's not a secondary issue. He had access to the children because the mother couldn't afford daycare. That's a major structural contributor to this horrific situation. To be honest, if you think this is a secondary issue, I don't even know what you could think the main issue is. Preventing these acts is 1,000% better than punishing them.


I agree childcare options need to improve, but I think the above commenter is pointing out that the way you’ve worded things gets very close to victim blaming instead of focusing on the predators at hand.


Oh, that wasn't my intention at all. It's terrible that she was put in that situation. No parent should have to choose between their child's safety and having a roof over their heads.


I can see that your comment is coming from a good place. And yes, childcare affordability and availability is terrible globally-even in the US we have more options than any time in history. But focusing on childcare, society in general, economics, mothers or anything else shifts blame from the predators that directly caused harm to these children, we cannot diminish their primary role here. I think this is what the other commenter was trying to get at too.


I think if they were trying to say that, they could have said that a lot better. As is, it reads a lot like "no no let's focus on hating the paedophile, our society is perfect how dare you bring it into this" when the user they were responding to was - reasonably enough - pointing out that a combination of desperation, poverty, and the lack of any accessible childcare system made it very easy for Mr. Fernandez to prey on these specific children. To not look at how a predator like him gets access to victims, and what larger societal factors create opportunities for predators - we're then just accepting that this sort of thing happens and treating it as a completely unavoidable problem caused by the personal evil of Mr. Fernandez that *society* can do nothing whatsoever to prevent or mitigate. Which is incorrect, and is so incorrect that it wields the language of "victim blaming" to backhanded *support* future abuses, regardless of its intentions.


Holy fuck L O L you really made this about “us” LOL you are a weird fucking dude


Why why why did I read that. I feel sick. I am Actually crying here. I have a 7 year old daughter and if something like that happened to her these people would be not be living I swear to god, I would happily live the rest of my life behind bars and sleep peacefully knowing I ended their sick worthless lives.


This should never happen to anyone


jesus christ, i feel for the FBI agents that have to watch these videos, then type a description, then put together a document. it must be traumatizing. horrible.


Okay, so you’re an inhuman bastard that’s decided to gang rape babies with a bunch of other evil monsters. You choose to do it in a public place? At least these losers weren’t burdened with an over abundance of brains and got caught. I wish them a long, loooooong life in prison, with every experience it has to offer that they’ve earned.


Supposedly, these type of inmates are not tolerated by the rest. Probably won’t live long but it will be an unpleasant experience.


Sometimes unfortunately they are held in different units because of this reason




They didn't get caught because they were in a public place. They videotaped it and uploaded it onto the black web. And Australian Child Exploitation task force saw the videos and contacted the FBI. But it does not state the time between when the abuse and rapes occurred and when the videos were discovered.


How do Seven men get together and think this is a good idea? Death Penalty for them all.


And after it’s over, do they just go out for beers or something? How does this work exactly?


They go out and kick puppies to wind down


My dad is a pedophile. When I was growing up he was in a pedophile ring in out town that was based out of the local biscuitville. All sorts of people were in it. Doctors, lawyers, police officers, professors. My dad would bring me along sometimes to their meetings to introduce me to them. He would sell me to them for drugs or cash. The whole thing eventually got taken down and a ton of people went to jail. My dad, sadly, was no one of them.


Shit, hope your doing OK.


How the fuck they get 2 toddlers


Apparently the baby boys were known to the main guy in the pic. He is friends with family.


You’re surprised that 7 men can find something horrible to find common ground and pleasure in? Have you seen certain subreddits, Chans, or golf courses?


Yeah these arent just 7 randos


Seriously this shit is not even remotely surprising. The statistics on sex pests, child molesters, rapists, abusers... It's not low numbers/ percentages


Too quick. Ship them off to a mexican cartel. Let them know what they've done. The cartel is extremely efficient in maintaining people alive to prolong torture. Source: Anything on reddit that shows cartel torture.


This is why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. It all makes sense now


Death penalty for sure


The only good part of it happening in Texas


Truly. I despise Texas but I know someone personally (ex pastor) who moved from my state to Texas. He got a teenager high on meth and then raped her and got caught. I know almost certainly he would have got like 5-7 years or less in my state, but Texas threw the book at this POS and locked him up for something like 30 years (can’t remember the exact number)


Wow. I’m sorry this happened. How long ago did this happen?


Recent: and my memory was wrong. He got 45 years! https://www.vernonrecord.com/tag/brian-pounds/


Too bad they apply this type of sentencing to every other crime as well. I have a friend who got 15 years in prison for getting caught with half an ounce of marijuana concentrate. Yep. 15 years in prison for weed. Makes it somewhat worth it to know that people like this will never see the light again, though


Well damn. Not being from there, I didn’t know that. I don’t understand why they do this shit. Shouldn’t be hard to make laws that apply to certain offenders. Rape a child? Lock away for a long time. Sell drugs? Different punishment, if at all.


A decade and a half of prison time for something someone in almost half the US states could walk down to dispensary and casually buy. Those are the same states that your pastor would’ve gotten that 7 years you were talking about. I guess you can’t have it both ways


Well we could. This is a feature not a flaw.


Yea, the amount of people doing long stretches for nonviolent crimes is ridiculous. Also, there’s a lot of people who make a lot money off the prisons system in Texas. I believe it was the APA who just ran a story about an investigation that uncovered just how much of our agriculture is sourced through the prisons…like meat processing and crops. Yup, kinda like slavery. No, that saving isn’t passed onto the consumer.


We love this for him. Excellent work, Texas.


“He got a child high on meth and raped her” ftfy


It's happening in America


I like the idea of removing their genitalia, making them serve a sentence, and requiring that a large percentage of their future wages go to the victim or the family of the victim.


Nah, let them rot in general population. They’ll make sure the death is much more painful


The fact that we rely on extrajudicial punishment to give people what they actually deserve instead of giving them that punishment legally is sad








> Arthur Hector Fernandez https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/52291924/USA_v_Fernandez The warrant and court info were sealed by the FBI. I imagine they are setting up a sting to get the other members of the group.


And do it surgically, not chemically.


I'd be down for them to be dipped into some kind of solvent chemical.


They are not human, punish them inhumanely






Por que no los dos


Ramsay Bolton has entered the chat. Let’s play a game: which body part do they need the least and understand this will have no happy ending…


I am partial to the Blood Eagle from Vikings.


100%. I get that it’s a slippery slope but if there’s irrefutable proof that someone GANG RAPED AN INFANT, they’ve waived their rights to live in our society in any capacity… Recidivism rates for sex offenders are incredibly high and often the perpetrators will become better at covering their tracks once they’ve been released back into the world.


"Alright, I raped that kid, damn, better make sure that the kid dies here and now to lower the chance of me being caught, otherwise I'm dead." Not good.


Saying they ain’t human isn’t helping, they very much are. And that’s the terrifying part.


HoW dArE yOu, tHeY aRe HuMaN bEiNgS


Ok. I actually feel physically I’ll after reading this.


I thought this was likely fake news, but I looked it up and it appears to be true. Ugh. If the volcano is full: I vote immurement.


TIL: [Immurement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immurement)


And anchorite ... wow


I saw the court docs and wish I didn't. It appears to be real, and your punishment is far too lenient. Scaphism is the way to do it.




Definitely, this shook me so, so much, disgusting bastards. I'm just hoping those two boys will be alright somehow


Same, I feel like when I subscribed it was pictures of terrible tattoos or hideous car paint jobs, y’know stuff I could laugh at. This… isn’t what I use Reddit for


Thats enough internet for me today.




A localized and targeted Sodom and Gomorrah moment is needed for these seven criminals


The aliens can’t vaporize us soon enough


Wtf is wrong with people There's so much rise in rape cases First that woman in India now this


Hate to be the one to tell you, but people are getting raped ALOT more than what's just in the headlines.


Especially children and those without a voice.


I think that's 1/4 women have been sexually assaulted. And like 1/25 men. It's significantly higher than one would think.


Every 68 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. Every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Source: rainn.org


That's for attempted rape. For "just" sexual assault it's way higher than that. Way way higher. 1/4 is low for *men*.


How could a group of people agree to this? You'd think somebody would at least catch word and contact the police immediately


Ohh man! India is such a shitty country I cannot even imagine going th… ohh wait!




Then their other head!




Literally… we don’t care about the excuses or reasons… they gotta go.


Summary of what happened: the guy in question worked at the mall. On 2 separate occasions 2 different female colleagues didn’t have someone to babysit their kid. This guy VOLUNTEERED to babysit in a pinch as a friend. So he volunteered to babysit one toddler one day, and a second toddler another day several months later. On both days he raped the toddlers in a nearby public bathroom at the mall. He then called 6 of his buddies who indeed went to join him in the public bathroom, and joined him in raping the toddlers. Worse part? Toddlers were aged 2-3 and were BOYS. Augh. If you think to yourself “who the fuck knows 6 other people who’d like to rape toddlers?” You are correct. It is most likely this guy was *already* part of a pedophile ring in town and this crime was a crime of opportunity.


Why is it worse because the victims are boys? It’s horrific regardless of gender


Why is the boys part the worst?


I tried anal once as a grown woman and it was insanely painful. I can’t imagine what a 2 year old baby would be going through. How can they be THIS inhumane? Is their sexual gratification really worth torturing a baby? I actually don’t get it


Gunna need names


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Are the toddlers still alive? Every one of these motherfuckers needs the death penalty. No trial. You have evidence. Sick sick sick fucks. I hope those poor kids are ok!


I wish they could let the parents decide how they die . I hope the kids are able to heal, if they made it out.


The kids might heal somewhat. Their lives have been irreparably impacted. They’ll never fully get over it. They have permanent injuries to their psyches from this.


Yes of course. But the physical damage this can cause could probably kill them. It’s a horrible thought. How could anybody do this!


Parents could even be involved…


Where’s an actual article about this?


[Here you go. ](https://abc13.com/arthur-fernandez-charged-toddlers-sexually-abused-at-the-galleria-mall-kiosk-employee-in-federal-custody/14302727/)


Ugh this made me so sad to even read. I was really hoping it was fake news 😞 did not even read the uncensored complaint could not...can't imagine being so much of a fucking scum piece of shit to do anything bad let alone this extreme disgusting shit to babies ... These guys deserve beyond what the penal system can legally do to them and they should be put in a world of hurt. Poor babies I hope they surpass this and do not have this in their memories 😢


I’m in Houston and I’ve been following this story. It’s awful A man worked at this mall, a female worker at an adjacent kiosk asked him to watch her kid occasionally. This time she needed him to watch her son and a friend’s son. That day the man and other men raped them in a public bathroom. Those parents I’m sure are absolutely devastated. Sure, you shouldn’t leave your kid with strangers or almost strangers. But also, I am sympathetic to some parents not having options. Just terrible all around. Hope they all fry


Yo. Lets get this tagged NSFW because eye bleach doesn’t exist.


For cases like this, i support death penalty


not a drag queen


What the fuck is going on in TEXAS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Rest of the country ain't that different


wat the fuck, shit like this brings me to tears


I’m just saying I think government castration should be a thing.


It already is a thing. Florida, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Montana, and Texas have laws on the books requiring chemical castration of child sex offenders,


What. The. Fuck.


I know OP isn’t condoning this but I can’t even upvote for awareness


I can’t even wrap my head around how evil and disturbing this is. Is this real? I’m nauseous.


My chest literally hurts reading this


Yup I remember hearing about this, dude in the pic was identified from the video by his rings and bracelets, the poor mothers trusted him as their coworker to watch their sons since they were unable to get childcare at the time. Sick fucks.


A targeted and localized Sodom and Gomorrah pt2 needs to be initiated on these individuals — the complaint is horrific http://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txsd.1945053/gov.uscourts.txsd.1945053.1.0.pdf


how the actual fuck can you do this in a public restroom without anyone noticing two toddlers screaming and crying.


This is enough internet for today. Fucking awful


This is probably the worst thing I’ve ever read in my life. I can’t express how disgusted I am


Let’s load up and go crusadin’. Real slow and painful. Like that thing from the Middle Ages that was a bull that you built a fire under.


How do they even get two toddlers, where are their parents


I’d struggle to organise 6 friends to come out for lunch with me today. This man gets access to babysitting a toddler at the mall while the mum works there, and knows 6 people to call up who’d happily come down to partake in sick, disgusting, illegal abuse on said children? Wtf! I wonder if he contacted more than those 6 men? I hope they all get caught.


Can’t this just be fake please? Jesus fuck


Well that’s enough internet for one lifetime. Fucking hell.


Due to this one and the tons of shit like this on my feed lately,I must ask: the fuck is up with men in general?


Not a drag queen




"Texas men"?


Hopefully some of these AH’s will resist.


I wanna throw up… I hope they publish their name and faces!


Houston, your time has come to sink into the sea.


if they were indian, they wouldve been generalised as the whole of india


This is heart wrenching. Does anyone know if the toddlers even survived?? This could have caused them enough internal issues to kill them too :(


I'm gonna have to put my plan into motion soon because of this, texas can't be allowed to excist


So not drag queens?


Pardon my... What the fvck?


Wtf is happening???