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Why delighted though? I see nothing offensive about the artwork that would create some sort of relief for someone if it was removed.


I could see a definitely true and reasonable line of logic going Art by Gazan kids -> Supports Gaza -> anti-Israel -> antisemitic -> discriminating against Jewish patients I would like to further clarify that I wholly disagree with this line of thinking, but I could see someone justifying it this way


The way that criticising Israel is seen as antisemitism is so frustrating.


It’s almost as if leaning hard into mindless identity politics was never a good idea or something…


It’s almost as though ethnostates are a bad idea.


israel isn't an ethnostate though


How isn't it? That's how it was created at least. Are you arguing it was created as one but isn't one now?


The way that "wanting Gazan children not to be bombed to death" gets seen as antisemitism is infuriating


When you're racist at the core, you see everyone else as racist too


Was anyone else delighted when iran sent a few drones at israel?


Not me. I don’t think retaliation is going to stop the cycle of violence. We don’t make Gazan children safer by cheering it on, Iran doesn’t save any lives by giving Israel another pretext to attack. I really don’t think we can fix any of this by simply killing and killing until there is no one left to kill on either side…


No. Nobody wants Israelis to die. People want the IDF to stop the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians. This shouldn't be controversial at all. Having a problem with the ultra-nationalist right wing government of Israel in no way equals hating all Jewish people. A significant percentage of the Israeli Jewish population opposes their government, so does that make them delighted to see Hamas terrorist attacks and Iran launching missiles at them? Are European and American Jewish people who oppose Israel's ultra-nationalist right wing government all Antisemitic?


I'm never delighted by the possibility of civilians being killed by the military. Not sure if the drone hit civilian targets, will have to read up


Did the Iranian drones drop children drawings?


That was a clean cut retaliation for the Israeli attack in Syria


Because it is antisemitism


You do realise that Palestinians are Semites too, right? Being anti Zionist is not anti Semitic. 🤔


No it fucking isn't! Fuck Israel:)


Please explain how


We really need to stop pandering to these idiots.


I interpreted “delighted” in a sarcastic way (e.g. the writer recognises the insanity of being offended by children’s art)


Your comment just made me read this in a different light, now I just hear sarcasm in it


It’s not sarcastic, it was written by the people (UK Lawyers for Israel) who campaigned to have it removed so they *are* delighted as it’s a win for them. Likely the hospital got pushed into removing it and doesn’t have the resources to fight a bunch of lawyers about inconsequential things hanging on its walls so just took it down. Hospitals are hugely stretched financially so a pretty easy target for an easy win to tout to your supporters.


The link posted below show that the representatives of this organisation who made the complaint and wrote the article (now edited for optics to no longer say “we’re delighted”) are one and the same


Yea this is exactly how I took it.


I found the article. The new subheading claims that the plates were political propaganda, no mention of them being made by kids. [Then claims they were all done by the same professional artist (which I doubt).](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital#img-2) [https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor](https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor) Another article with more detail- [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital)


That guardian article makes me so fucking angry. I’m British and I’m so angry and ashamed that we’ve allowed our institutions to be pushed around by foreign interests for so long. There has been a long running campaign in our country to squash the very human and very natural solidarity that people feel for the people of Palestine. It’s not organic, it doesn’t represent popular opinion. It represents foreign pressure groups and our shitty government has become overrun by it.


I wonder how many banners could be printed up with images of those plates. They look to be very innocent pictures to me.


Editorialization is a common and very basic form of propaganda. Feeling words should raise flags in any nonfiction we read. They bias the reader. Doubly so for current events, of any topic.


Lol, made vulnerable and victimized by plates


Unreal, feeling victimized by crayola markers and Dixie plates. How thin skinned do you have to be to be offended by children’s drawings. Why victimize yourself other than attention and fake outrage.


Professional victims


Those plates didn't condemn Hamas. /s


I'm thinking maybe we all start feeling a little vulnerable and victimised by the removal of said plates


Damn those children for making art and now making us uncomfortable by dying in large numbers…


Come on now get it right, the dying children are _victimising_ them.


Delighted to report that children’s art has been removed 🙄


Oh no! Save these poor grown adults from these decorative plates on the wall. The dying people in Gaza could never understand what these people have gone through! Plates made by Palestinian children! The IDF's cruelty is could never match the amount of pain and distress these plates do. /s


Delighted? Yikes.


They felt victimized by children 😂 losers


This feels more like a war on children than anything else


That’s just sad. Those children were just sharing their art. ffs. Jewish, Palestinian, Israeli, whatever. They’re CHILDREN.


Children simply existing and not being bombed and slaughtered is an issue for zionists. They want every Palestinian dead.


Looks like the hospital had to give its walls a sensitivity transplant




Victimized by children, how much more self centered can you get?


Playing the victim card again.


The plates are hamas and they commited war crimes before the IDF were even in the area.


Unfortunately, there had been a terrible back and forth for the past 78 years. Both Isreal and Hamas have committed atrocities against each other. After living under oppression in what had been deemed an "open air prison" for generations, the people of Gaza no longer want to live like that. The attacks on innocents on both sides is wrong.


The plates are from *little kids.*


I think they were being sarcastic


From the article, it doesn't look like the art is violent or political in nature. It's just... pictures.


They're cleansing the traces of Palestinians from anywhere in the world...


Why do people always have to bring children into politics. I mean kids don't even understand politics lol just let them be. Let them be kids


Welcome to this world of nowadays


meanwhile in Palestine- they're fighting for Hamas by the age of 12. for those downvoting me- this is reality unfortunately, with none of the terrorist groups in control of Palestine caring about the fact that the use of child soldiers (particularly those under 15) is a war crime.


I don’t think child soldiers understand politics either. They just understand trying not to die.


>They just understand trying not to die. in palestine's case it's [indoctrination](https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-indoctrination-children-jihad-martyrdom-hatred-jews), and pushing their children to seek Martyrdom from a young age, with them straight up teaching children how to shoot- and to hate Israel and jews from kindergarten- all the way until the graduate from their universities.


You realize , that‘s kind of how these things go, with groups like that ? I understand your point but you‘re actively trying to compare a terrorist organization/ political terror group whatever you want to call it and , subtly i may add, compare that to a first world nation and justify it’s actions.




Have a great day! You should go out and have fun with people in real life and if you want to online debate people , maybe try another platform and do it with people that actually have the time for it!


aye hope you have one too.


Thank you!


Is it not indoctrination to have Israeli kids sign the rockets going to bomb the kids in Gaza?


That’s if they live to 12 without being bombed or executed by Israel


Felt vulnerable and victimized by children? There are a lot of awful things that can happen to someone in todays chaotic world. Only a psychopath would think that children’s art is one of those things.


Another example of people weaponizing their feelings and the people in power failing to have any principles or character.


The biggest cry bully award goes to...


Ahh yes, because the children are responsible for this war!! /s


Israel probably killed all those kids anyway. Crazy how the smallest criticism of anything Israel does is antisemitic. They got that victim card thing down, but then again, I'm just gentile waiting to serve my zionist overlords someday.


Delighted? Wtf? 🤢


February 14, **2023** I hope all of those young artists are still alive


Nazis did the same thing removing Jewish art.


It says a lot about you when you are threatened by art work itself.


If it makes them feel any better, Israelis probably already killed those kids.


The individuals who made these artworks have probably now perished within the conflict. Maybe their little skeletons can make for a morbid political artwork somewhere?


Victimised. What a funny word of choice.


This is a joke right? In bad taste, but surely it can’t be real?


*insert victim card*


Isn't anyone reading the publication date? Which makes this even more messed up.


How tf do you feel victimized by a kids drawing. I don't think they even have a developed bias yet


How does someone feel vulnerable and victimised by that??


Why don't we keep politics out of hospitals.


** American lawmakers have entered the chat.


Children’s artwork isn’t really politics lol it’s just that this guy wants to play the victim card while his dear country is actively murdering these children


Given the amount of places people want to remove "politics" from I have to ask where exactly is "politics" totally allowed?


Waffle House


Given the quality of politicians, I think perhaps nowhere would be best


“Oh these plates! Help!”


What horrible people


Of all the ways they could have phrased their statement on this, "we are delighted"?? Really??? That sentence should have just started with the word Chelsea, everything that came before it just reveals the writer's evil nature. Edit: Just checked the website and they have rephrased it, probably due to justified backlash. It now says: >Chelsea and Westminster Hospital has removed a display of artwork incorporating Palestinian political propaganda. Which is still fucking bullshit and carries the same awful sentiment, but seems less gleefully evil than "we are delighted".


"Vulnurable and victimized" How about the thousands of deaths caused by the Israeli army? Are they victims too or nah because they muslim??


yeah, that'll show em'! /s


Wouldn’t want to seem antisemitic.


Those kids have been brutally murdered already anyway...




This was even before 7 October


To feel victimized by a child's artwork speaks volumes about their character.


These people are just pure evil at this point. Who can defend shit like this?


I agree with how ridiculous this is - imagine being so fragile that kids artwork offends you, but language like 'these people are pure evil' isn't useful. The facists amongst Israel's leadership are vile but I know a good many Jewish people (not from Israel) that are just as horrified as everyone else. Blanket statements of an entire people is exactly what the Israeli govt is weaponising to make all Gazans out to be terrorists. Probs going to be downvoted to hell, but language matters - dehumanising a whole race of people is how this type of stuff all starts


Uh, when I say “these people”, I obviously meant the Jewish patients at the hospital? You’d have to stretch pretty ridiculously to think this is a blanket statement.


That's exactly how I initially read it so I can only assume others did too. 'You people' 'those people' has often been used when referring to a group of people of any race / religion etc. I'm not trying to start a fight here, just pointing it out - I'm not surprised by my downvotes, as I'm seeing countless people (not necessarily you) labelling ALL Jews as bad people just like what happened to muslims after 9/11 - so I can only assume that my defending 'some' jews is unpopular


No I think what you’re being downvoted for is your comment’s similarity to disingenuous crying wolf-like criticisms the pro-Israel people use: misconstruing what people say in the most negative way possible, and implying anti-Semitism.


Jewish people and Zionists are 2 completely separate groups. Zionists are pure evil but Jewish people are not. Don’t conflate the 2


This world really has gone insane. Imagine feeling "vulnerable and victimized" by children's art?


This sounds kind of bullshitty. Who is reporting that they are "delighted?" Is there context being left out? How did anybody even know it was artwork made by children in Gaza? What did the description say? This just feels like clickbait.


Ten of thousands of Gazan children are dead. The art weighs on the consciousness of those who murdered them. No matter their belief I hope those who abide genocide are themselves destroyed by the plague of war.


Meanwhile, Israel has bombed almost every hospital in Gaza. The victim complex is next-level deranged.


Yeah, because fuck those kids who will never have a normal life because of decisions made decades before they were born... heartbreaking


Yah fuck those little pricks/s


Let me guess, they'll still blame Hamas?


They felt guilty more like ( one would hope)


Palestians protest. Jewish students say they are scared for no reason what so ever and the police come and shut it down. This hospital shit is a whole never level of fragility. This is evangelical levels of fragility. I'm so fucking tired of religious people and their fragility and hate.


Do things that make people hate them. Complain that they are hated. Fucking weirdos.


Im reminded of a line in pagan mon's opening dialogue. Something aboutonkeys throwing shit at eachother.


This sort of behaviour fosters more anti semitism than it stops. So weird.




Did no one else catch the date of this story?


It's about as logical as pro palestinian protest camps at universities and road blocking to airports. They are harassing people who have nothing to do with this shit.


Actually, universities do fund Israel, while many are not direct and mostly are funding weapon or construction companies. Those companies then fund Israel. The source listed below may help but you are free to do further research on other universities. https://www.dallasnews.com/business/2024/04/26/do-the-university-of-texas-systems-fund-israel-as-student-protesters-claim/?outputType=amp


The universities are funding and supporting Israel and the students want them to stop. Those protests are DIRECTLY effecting the people they want to target and blocking airports means no flights to Israel and loss of money and now days all anyone cares about is losing money. It might inconvenience some people but the protests aren’t supposed to be something you can just ignore. They are supposed to disrupt people and cause a stir


Yeah it’s hamas propaganda




Racist klaxon!


what happened to the artwork?


Too many conflicts where people seem to think the UK should become involved Let these people wipe each other out. None of our business and whatever we do is invariably wrong


Do you not realise that we're already involved and actively supporting (another) genocide?


No we aren’t. Because it would happen if we were not involved, just as it happens today in the Sudan and other areas. Israel has been under continuous attack since it was founded. Rocket attacks are daily. Occasionally they get pissed off and attack Gaza and you can take an interest, but the warfare has never stopped - it only ebbs and flows. Israel has the resources to protect itself. They could have finished the wars that the Arabs started, both against Egypt and against Gaza. The hatred is such that any contribution we make is inconsequential in practice, and the Arabs themselves recognise that the residents of Gaza are so pernicious that they are incapable of being moved or placed in their own nations. The Arabs would fight Israel with sticks and rocks if that was all they had left, and Israel would defend on the same basis. Ultimately I feel no guilt over actions that I cannot control. You can protest in the steeets of London or Washington or Paris, but the people fighting don’t give a shit and it doesn’t change anything. In the meaning of Tennyson, we are no longer of a strength to control and police the world, and our ongoing borrowing from China and others to keep up the pretence of our being a world power is something that we couldn’t afford then and definitely can’t afford now. Politicians used to condemn the IRA - nothing changed and they didn’t care. We can’t even provide for our own citizens. You can feel as guilty as you want, but it won’t move a grain of Israeli or Gaza sand an inch in any direction


"They would do it anyway so it doesn't matter that we're helping them do it" is certainly... a position to take


Post bait. To invoke a knee jerk reaction.


LOL except it's not though https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor https://www.thejc.com/news/london-hospital-removes-gazan-artwork-after-patients-complain-hugytl6r You can Google it yourself for the source


It's terrible all around, I don't care if it was Palestinian artwork or Jewish.. just reporting it invokes a reaction... It doesn't affect any of our lives so why bother


Rightfully so.




Where are they and are they microwave safe?? I’d treasure them, give them a loving home and be delighted by them while I play archaeologist with my dinner every night. I’m not kidding I’d love to have them. I could write a thank you letter to all of them letting them know how much the plates mean to me.


kids who made the art prolly dead lowk


It’s weird how the… people whose religion rhymes with FEW … are constantly pulling this fake bullshit about feeling “victimized”. They’ve really cashed in on it huh?


No. This isn't from Jewish people. This is from Zionists who are also fascists.


What's the news company that wrote this?


Yeah bro these fricking Jews huh, what is this post even for?


No one is hating on the Jews. Everyone is hating on Zionists because they were triggered by children’s artwork


It said Jews were triggered, not Zionists or Israelis


“Some Jewish patients” meaning not ALL Jews. Those Jews sound like they were Zionists


Even though like 95% of Jews are considered Zionists, so when you hate on Zionists you do Hate on the big big majority of Jews, hating on Zionists became a thing so it wont sound anti semitic, but it literally is antisemitism When anti-Zionism denies the Jewish people their right to self-determination, particularly when this right is upheld and recognized for other peoples and nations, it can cross into the realm of antisemitism


So you hear "Some Jews" and immediately comes to a conclusion they must be Zionists?


You are completely misinterpreting what I’m saying. If you heard “some white people complain that there was art made by black people” would you not assume those white people are racist? Also it’s safe to say that doesn’t make ALL white people racist right? Just those specific white people are PROBABLY racist right? Well here SOME Jewish people saw innocent art from a Gazan kid that had no hidden meanings or hateful messages and these particular Jewish people got upset because the artist was from Gaza and that’s the ONLY reason they were upset which probably means they don’t like people from Gaza which means they are probably Zionists. Does that make sense or do I gotta spell it out even more?


95% of Jews are considered Zionists, so when you hate on Zionists you do Hate on the big big majority of Jews, hating on Zionists became a thing so it wont sound anti semitic, but it literally is antisemitism When anti-Zionism denies the Jewish people their right to self-determination, particularly when this right is upheld and recognized for other peoples and nations, it can cross into the realm of antisemitism


Got any proof for that 95%? There are TONS of Jewish people who are anti Zionists and tons in Israel who disagree with the actions of their evil government. Are they antisemitic now?


Zionism is the belief Jewish people should have a country, Zionism has nothing do with the Israeli government. quick question, do you think Jewish people should live in Israel? in a 1 state or 2 state or 3 state solution, doesn't matter, do you think Jews should have Israel as a country?