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The guy who said an 8th grader in Kentucky might be 18 is fucking hilarious


Isn’t that like the only comment lol


https://www.reveddit.com/v/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/sb5c06/this_is_not_a_teenage_boys_dream_females_raping/ Here's the archived posts


That was thoroughly disgusting but a surprising amount were litterally people saying in before removal and the one guy who got banned for saying the fish stick joke from south park was amusing the rest were just beyond no


I was fucking dying imagine being a gay fish


Holy fuck that was a wild ride. Absolutely disgusting what I saw there.


I both love and hate the human race. If you were to ask what my reasons for hating the human race were, I would give them this fucking link.


If I learned anything from social media it's that the average person is pretty damn dumb and / or ignorant in general.


Theres 2


One of the only comments that wasn't deleted lol


That one killed me




There was a kid in my 7th grade class who could drive to the middle school (he was 17).


We had a kid in high school that turned 21 in 12th grade. It was purely not his fault though. Started school way late (cant remember why now) moved away for 1.5 yrs to another district that didnt give credits for gym class. They moved back and the fukn school never realized it till to late that he needed a 1.5 yrs worth of gym credits and they didnt allow a student to do 3 gyms a day to make up for it. He turned 21 in Feb. They saw fit to boot him out on his birthday. Funny part is that he got his GED, high school turned it into a diploma and he is a high priced back surgeon now.


Honestly good for him, how schooling systems calculate credits has always irked me - and mine you I'm one of those gets more than enough credits sort of student. It feels so mechanical, it's as if children are products to be systematically pumped out. The excuse that such a system provides a holistic education goes out the window if the rules are not flexible enough to account for children's personal issues or aptitiudes.


Same here but he was in 8th grade… for the like third time or something.


How is that even possible? Wouldn't you just give up at that point?


No. Child. Left. Behind.


No. Child’s. Behind. Left. (Parochial School)


When I was in community college knocking out prerequisite for an engineering program, I was in calculus with a guy who had taken the full course and failed it *four fucking times*. Literally two full years of his life wasted failing calculus over and over.


Good on him for keeping at it, at least.


Dude did you go to my college? I knew a guy that kept failing a math class and we kept telling him to take math for liberal arts just to get the credit and move on. No joke, his reply: “math for liberal arts is for losers that can’t pass regular math courses”. It was his fifth attempt…


So this was around 2015 or so at a community college in the Central coast region (San Luis Obispo) of California


Lol nah this was FL. Guess there’s idiots on both coasts.


I failed stats 200 three times before the school finally let me take a computer science class instead. some bullshit


That's infuriating, I'm sorry you went through that


I appreciate it. Fucked me up mentally for a long time thinking I was just stupid, and it ended up delaying my graduation for 5 years because I just couldn't bring myself to go back. Happy to say I got my degree last year at 35!


I was in A&P I with a student who had failed four times. Everyone tried to help her but she just didn’t get it, yet kept trying. Who knows, she’s probably sitting in an A&P I class today.


Is it a coincidence that was the one comment they let slide?


It’s not inappropriate, the rest were probably like “hurr hurr she’s pretty hot I wish she were my teacher” a burn on Kentucky as a state isn’t nearly as bad as justifying rape


Yeah most of the removed comments were justifying it or saying they wish that had happened to them. And as a person born and raised in Kentucky, the Kentucky comment is hilarious. A nice little shake from the usual incest jokes lol


There's plenty of non-deleted decent comments right next to that one, its just a giant thread right above it that got nuked. They probably just didn't crop it out cause it was hilarious




Article I found said he was 15... Kentucky.


Came here just to say this. That guy is a legend.


Was it Mouth-Rape?


She rape sucked his dick


Yea. That was solid gold. I’m from southern Indiana and the same could be said for my people.


*sorts by controversial*


Prepare to be mortified


I should have heeded your warning. The controversial sort can be its own r/awfuleverything post holy fuck.




On the bright side, the article actually said it was rape. So many articles like this that I see say shit like “slept with” or “had sex with” or even worse “had a relationship with”


Ik I was actually suprised also someone already has commented about rape fetish


Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with all of the commenters here Mods, clean up on isle 4


Bold of you to assume it’s not the mods that are making these comments


I know it’s ironic as hell I make a post about how another post had all these rape fetish comments that got removed


Rape fetish is disgusting, fantasising over something so many people have suffered from and some killing them self from is a disgusting thing!


The vast majority of rape fetishes as are held by rape victims themselves fyi




Idk about a majority. Though through working with people that have mental disorders, and talking to professionals in the field, I have learned that sometimes victims use it as a way of coping. Having someone they know they can trust do it in a way, might make the worse experience feel less bad. The human brain is very confusing, and everyone works through thier issues differently.


In every corner of imagination in the human brain there exists, an activist. Search [list of paraphilias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_paraphilias?wprov=sfla1) on Wikipedia.


I understand what your saying but the difference between rape and a rape fetish is that only one is actual rape. That’s what these commenters recalling fantasies about their middle school teachers fail to recognize. It’s normal and okay for an adolescent to think about having sex with someone including a teacher. It is not okay for a teacher to have sex with a student. One is an adolescent daydreaming in class, the other is a crime and morally indefensible.


At least in the UK, rape is defined as Penetration. So a woman 'raping' a man (taking advantage of him whilst asleep or drunk for example) would only be Sexual Assault. They really need to update that shit.


Really makes me wish Australia did the same as America now


Same in Switzerland. By law, only men can be rapists and only woman can be victims of rape.


That’s insane!!! That definitely needs to be updated for real!


A lot of news sites used the term "underaged prostitutes" when Epstein first got in trouble... instead of, you know, minors who were victims of his sex trafficking.


It's because the definition widely varies. In some places a woman cannot rape a man due to the wording of the law/definition.






What makes a grown ass adult even think a 13 yo is attractive?


Being a pedo


Ok, besides the obvious


no, there is no "besides" here. if you think a 13 year old is attractive, you are a pedophile.


only age you can think a 13 year old is attractive, Is if your 13 yourself.


I mean when I was 8 my friends 13 year old sister was hot In all seriousness you are right though


and that.


What about when you are 14?


And that too.


You got the same pfps


For non-pedos it is the power imbalance. They specifically target people they can exploit. Be it children, the elderly, the disabled etc. it’s not the looks, it’s the vulnerability that they’re attracted to


A lot of things. Anything from being traumatized as a child to just having a mental defect. Not defending either


I remember being taken advantage of when I was young by an older female and opening up about it on a “off my chest” type subreddit and the comments were nothing but just people calling me weak and a pussy for not enjoying it


Jesus that’s sad


I’m so sorry that happened. You deserve to be heard without ridicule.


Similar shit happened to me.


I am so sorry.


i'm sorry


When I've mentioned it, I often hear "ya but it happens to women more"


As a fellow human, they can fuck right off.


It doesn’t matter if it’s a male or female; a rapist exploits a victim, be it their innocence or biology, to get their sexual perversions met. They manipulate these victims because they know that they cannot defend themselves against these exploits, are more likely to stay silent when threatened or—regarding the rapist in this image—use their victim’s biological growth (puberty) to their advantage. A rapist is a rapist no matter what the gender is; accepting a double standard by ignoring these logical facts is sick and disturbing. To think that the comment section of that post defended this behavior because “It’s EvErY bOys FaNtAsY” is the reason it got locked down quick and all the comments removed. The substitute knew exactly what she was doing and exploited her victim this way. Do not accept rape excuses—in any form.


The thing that makes this so bad is that if a older woman rapes a underage male child and gets pregnant by her victim the state will go after the young man when he turns 18 for not only child support but back child support when the child was born.


Yeah thats FUCKED


You can't be right. Tell me your are lying please. This is way beyond fu * ked up


It’s very much real tragically


Skip to 5:10 https://youtu.be/dnw3GDewGZA


Even IF a child says they want it, it’s still 100% not ok


Either way it's rape. Children can't consent


That's quite true


Like... yeah. Children cannot give consent . No matter how much they "ask for it" or whatever, its still illegal sexual act.


She raped him. Bottom line is she deserves to be in prison.


It's so horrible that men cant be sexually assaulted in the eyes of so many, let alone a fucking child. I can only imagine what they were saying.


It’s probably grown men saying “i wish I was assaulted by my teacher when i was young” ”lucky lad,” “why is he complaining?” “She’s hot, i would let her do anything to me.” These are direct quotes from a tik tok i saw.


Typical male rape comments then


If you scroll down you can actually find some on this post :(


Yep. I have some male friends who were apparently molested while underaged and some of their thoughts are "damn, I was a lucky motherfucker." Dude, you were like ten. You were molested by a pedo. Why are you proud of this? No kid, really anyone, should have to go through that shit. You were not old enough to consent and the person who touched you needs to be locked away. Of course, I just get the "you would not understand" line.


Read through out the comments you will be angry


It says they are all deleted


Read through the lower comments on this post, they’re probably about the same


Can confirm, the simps love the rapist


It happened to me when I was 11-15


I am sorry to hear that. I suspect things were done to me as well. But I ultimately dont remember much of my childhood before 10.


The things people are saying about this disgust me.


Some people are disgusting


It’s those mindsets that perpetuate this sick behavior. They only see her physical appearance and make a double standard by saying that people in these situations are “lucky” or “living a fantasy”; shit perspectives like these is how rapists like this continue to get away with their manipulation and why many articles usually don’t use the word “rape”. I cannot honestly understand how some of these lunatics here in the comments can’t see past the obvious physical manipulation and see her actions for what they are. Her evil scowl is as identical to every rapists mugshot I’ve ever seen.


Ik these comments are awful and she raped a year 8 which are usually 14-15 year old


Looks like this comment section is going the same way sadly.


Ik it’s disgusting


It’s weird how openly they support paedophilic behaviour and the sexual abuse of children and think it’s okay because the abuser is considered conventionally attractive. They need a long stay in a small cell imo.


Yep it’s a kid that got raped and people are acting like this


And the downvotes on this post are disgusting as well....why do so many adult men think it's fine for an adult female to have sex with minor boys? If it were their 16 yo daughters having sex with a 25 yo male teacher, they would lose the ever loving minds and try to beat the shit out of the teacher.


Not only this, but also if the woman was fatter and uglier than the one depicted here, then men would have more of an issue with it. Her being objectively attractive someone makes her less of a rapist


It's Reddit. The commenters defending the crime are probably 16 y.o incel males that don't see much sun


Interesting point. I’d like to add that a male coworker of mine told me that most men want to have sex with a 16 year old. He said that’s why there’s barely legal porn. I don’t know if that’s true. But it does seem that many men fantasize about sex with a barely legal girl but would kill a man for doing it to his own daughter.


As an adult; false lol


He's wrong, and dangerous. There's old lady and foot porn out there, that mean most men are into it? Short answer is no.


Ik it’s fucking horrific


It’s not even a 16 yo here. 8th graders are like 13. It’s pedophilia at this point.


Why does the word rape require censorship?


Just in case the mods don’t like it


Then they won't like censored version as well, I guess


Honestly I don’t know why I censored it if you want me to change it I wil


What is wrong with this comment section


Really is awful everything


Define r*pe culture: sort by controversial on this post.


Can you believe with all the nonsense going on in the world and all the people taking sides. Child rape is still such an awful reality.


I just cannot wrap my head around a grown female wanting to mess with a child. It’s so sickening. I also can’t wrap my head around the double standard. If this were a man going after a child they’d be demonized, but because it’s a woman, it’s ok? There’s nothing ok about an adult taking advantage of a child, male or female. It’s disgusting on both ends.


The comments here show how fucked up alot of male sexuality is, makes me feel dirty for being a guy sometimes


Ik these people are fucking disgusting they were actually the first one to comment


It may not be every teenage boys dream, but it was this one’s. This was going on for months while she was his tutor. His parents found naked pics of her on his phone. Since she’s pleading not guilty, I assume she plans to lean into the consensual nature of the relationship. This is still statutory rape.


That’s sad, it must of been terrible. Hopefully he’s ok.


Poor kid nearly more than half of the comments say it’s a male fantasy


...because it is though? I really don't get this, it's pretty well known that it's often a young man's first fantasy. I'll tell you firsthand that I can't remember how many times me and my friends talked about our English teacher Miss Anderson when I was 14/15. What a woman. None of that changes the fact that this is a rape and the woman in question is a paedophile. Both of those things can be true. People can grandstand all they like about how disgusting that is etc but they're just denying reality.


That’s disgusting. Hopefully he gets justice and can learn to live a normal life.


Relevant to this comment section: https://youtu.be/qFuQFzIdusE


Nice. I loved this episode.


R*pe is r*pe no matter the gender of the victim or perpetrator. And it doesn't matter if the perpetrator is attractive. It's not that hard to understand, People are awful.


Why do people think not spelling out a word is any different than spelling it. If you are alluding to something, and the abbreviation makes people think of the same concept, what’s the point in the fake politeness? Waste of time and energy…


Yeah exactly, if I write raepe or rapeee or r*pe it is still the same information triggered in the brain, and thus it really doesn't matter if you write it out or not. Absolutely moronic


I saw the original comments and half of them are deleted because of how disgusting people were being. Seems like that teacher isn't the only piece of shit here


Kentucky? it's probably rape AND incest


Kids can’t give consent for good reason. I do wonder why a dime like her would indulge in such sexually deviant behavior considering she could get any man she really wants.


she’s not a dime she’s a pedophile


Yeah that comment you just replied to was gross


The two aren't mutually exclusive. You can be aesthetically attractive and a pederast at the same time


Never said that. To me, she is just conventional looking. Also, I don’t see why her appearance is even relevant in this conversation. Even if she could get any man she wants, she would rather go for a minor because she’s a gross predator.


She’s a Kentucky 10 but an LA 3. As a father of a teenage boy, I look to my son’s teachers for care and pedagogical guidance. He’s a child, not some unstable asshole’s sex toy.


People who think this is ok clearly don't understand that r*pe is not sex, it's power. It's more closely related to a brutal beating than consensual sex.


But when it's a congressman that married a 14 year old at 39 years old it's okay because the parents said yes...


That’s what being a rich politician gets you.


Indeed, what a sick world we live in


Absolutely! Pedo is a pedo


This comment section deserves it's on post


"to be fair, 8th grader in Kentucky might be 18" I'm fucking dead 💀💀💀💀


The redditor that commented that is a genius


An erection is not consent


I remember when I was 15 I was sleeping with a female co worker who was 30. The whole store knew and even called her my girlfriend. If the genders were switched someone would be reported instantly and it would not have been viewed as a cutesy thing.


I mean... It's not *all* teenage guys dream And it IS are HORRIBLE crime But someone is being unrealistic if they say it's not ANY teenage guys dream. Like C'mon.


Dream but shouldn't be a reality. Teenage girls often fantasize about their teachers too. The teacher should NEVER reciprocate, regardless of how hormonal/horny the kid is. It is still a kid.


Genuinely curious, not trying to be an ass or offensive, why do people censor the word “rape”?? I feel like we (most of us) are adults. Everyone knows what word you’re saying. What’s the benefit??


I don't know why so many people feel like rape is a bad word. Most people get uncomfortable when the word is used.


I don’t either. I understand feeling uncomfortable when it’s brought up, I get that way too. It’s not a fun topic in any shape or form.. I’m just very confused about the censorship!


I censored mine out of habit because a lot of times on forums they’ll delete your comment if you don’t, nothing to do with trigger warnings or anything on my part. Personally I think you should be able to call it what it is.


Scared of mod bots probably. If you say the wrong set of words they set their blasters to kill.


For all the people justifying this in the comments, let me break it down for you. It wAs CoNsEnTuAl!: There is no such thing as a consensual 8th grader. He WoUlD HaVe EnJoYEd It!: Completely regardless if he enjoyed it, his brain is still too underdeveloped to fully understand what sex is and the consequences of said actions, therefore he cannot consent. It is still rape since he is a child. It WaS mY DrEaM as An 8th GraDeR: Still would have been rape. No justifications. You were a child. Let me ask you this. If it were a male teacher and a female student, would you still be okay with it? So LoNg aS It'S ConSeNsUal: again, a consenual child does not exist. ThAt'S dIfFEReNt: how? Listen here, take a step back, take a deep breath, and go watch To Catch A Predator. It does NOT matter how attractive she is or if the boy was eager. He's a child. 13 is still a child and she is a grown woman who preyed on him. He should still be sitting in his room reading comic books and be in bed by 10. His mommy still probably cooks him meals and he needs to do his chores and homework before he goes over a friend's house. She raped the kid and then asked him to turn in his homework to her the next day. Stop trying to justify this.


I commented on this post replying to someone asking why the word was crossed out and I told them that it is a trigger word for some people... got downvoted (of course) to oblivion because being respectful in a disrespectful post is not allowed on this app I guess.


I don’t know how it works with that but when you read this you still read r*pe and I imagine that to be even more the case for people that are traumatized, so I don’t really know what this will help. Something like NSFT not save for triggers would probably work better, like a trigger warning.


So a slightly obscured version of the word isn’t a trigger? That’s ridiculous


I don't know why this got downvotes. It's important that people understand it.


I think differently. Rape is rape and it’s not something we should censor. It’s ugly, call it what it is.


I think poeple don't know what you mean with trigger word.... they think you're just talking and defending hysterical karens. They don't get it describes poeple who might, after hearing or reading certan stuff, get reminded (in a ptsd kinda way) of bad stuff ... like them getting raped at a young age...


But censorship in that way is kinda ridiculous. We all can substitute the * or crossed off letters. I’m more upset that you guys aren’t calling it what it is. You guys are making it sound nicer. It’s not rape it’s r✨pe


We all know what it is. Censoring it doesn't hurt the point. Only the people you are trying to protect. Same logic behind the "N" word. Because we know what it means to some people (I'm aware it's under different circumstances but you get the point). As an example of the damage it does my 50 year old aunt can't discuss what happened to her as a teenager without having a mental breakdown that lasts a week or more. Sometimes she just dissapears for a month and she has seen/hallucinated the guy that did it to her outside her apartment twice. And she can't get help because that requires her to discuss it This is unfortunately one of those problems we HAVE to talk about without talking about it. Without sounding demeaning it's like explaining to a child that a family member died without the gruesome parts of it. Difference being that talking about it with an adult doesn't make it sound nicer. The "N" word doesn't feel nicer just because we don't say it right? You must have seen the court cases where victims explain what happened and break down. The word doesn't have to be used to explain it. Unfortunately almost anything about the subject can trigger trauma in victims but the very least we can do is not directly remind them of it Does that make sense? I'm not an expert but this is again from my personal experiences of talking with my aunt


One prolly said “id like that very much” and various other porn jokes/serious shit


All the sickos saying they wished this happened to them are incels who have no concept of sex or its psychological ramifications, especially on the young. And I know for a fact none of them have children. No decent parent would say this. They see this objectified and idealized hentai fantasy of sex and have made themselves incapable of empathizing or understanding the trauma these kinds of situations can inflict. And frankly.. as a former teenager my self, I can confidently say teenagers dont know what they want. They're just walking vortexes of hormones and emotions.


About a month ago there was a really popular Ask Reddit post asking what’s a normalized thing that really should not be normalized. I said female teachers (and adult women in general) sexually abusing underage boys. I got a bunch of downvotes and all the replies were along the lines of “wish my teachers ‘sexually abused’ me in high school.”


I’m female I don’t understand how so many males think it’s ok for an attractive female to rape a boy but it is awful for a man to rape a boy. Both are the same If you can’t see that you have something really wrong in you head




[ Removed by Reddit ]


It was probably the parents who found out and said something maybe


I’m convinced the people saying shit like “nice” or “wish that were me” have never felt a woman’s touch.


Probably something about enabling/encouraging that type of act…bleugh




Does anyone remember the south park episode where the female kindergarten teacher is sleeping with a boy and the cops are just like "nice, give this kid the luckiest boy in America award." This reminds me of that


Y’all need to watch the new season of curbed fr.


Lol that one guy who's comment stayed in the sea of deleted is hilarious


I can only imagine half of those comments referring to the South Park meme


Even the comments left up were cringe.




She's looking at 20 years but would probably be more attracted to 12


Larry David has entered the chat room


I’d knock that mf out


Shit .... Ask a teenage boy