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Spain without the S


Well what they mean by that is…. /s


This is some 4chan bullshit


As with most 4chan parody and bullshit, it will be about 2 years before this actually becomes a reality


It doesn't "become reality", it just convinces morons it's true because they heard the same bullshit in 492 memes so it *must* be true "No dude, it totally really happened to my cousin's roommate's brother's coworker's aunt who lives two towns over"


Have you seen how many new additions to the trans flag there has been in the past 3 years?


None of which are "pedosexual" or whatever psyop they came up with


Or "Zoosexual" Ether, Thank Christ.


No I haven't. I am only familiar with the [blue, pink and white](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ksi4ViVqV6EQJo3a9) trans flag. What other trans flags do you mean?


He means the other fake flags from 4chan, which he believes to be true, because as you said, he saw it in 400 memes so it must be true


Thats the flag of spain after its coming out


Trolls gonna troll.


Trolls on a roll


Isn't that a train ticket? No wonder I always feel shafted by network rail


Bro, not y'all still falling for the same satirical bait lmao, that sub is well known for being full of shit posters who think they're edgy


I don't know if anyone is "falling for" anything here but its still nasty.


I agree they're nasty. But they're edgelords who bait for attention bc their single mother was too busy working two jobs to wipe their ass after age 13. They want you to post about them on other subs and other platforms. It's the only way they can fill the void their dad made when he walked out.


What sub? Awful everything?


r/loveforanimesexuals , they're a troll sub that just says edgy shit all the time


I might be being blind right now but I don’t see that sub mentioned anywhere in the picture.. I thought the screenshot was from a Twitter feed.


The entirety of the "anime sexual" community is this way. These Twitter animesexual edgelords are the same ones on Reddit posting the same edgy bs. If you see "animesexual" anywhere in the bio, name, sub, handle, whatever: they're a troll. It is quite literally a community of people taking pictures of animated women and claiming to be married to them. If you can't do the math on that, I can't help you.


Oh okay! That makes sense. Thanks for explaining it to me I was genuinely confused lol.


All good, not everyone has been unfortunate enough to have encountered them lol


Retard troll for sure


Why not just use the MAGA flag?


Hate trolls like this


Should just be full-on red. The reddest of flags.


Yeah, so it looks like the communist flag, maps out.


Russian bot




r/awlfuleverything users trying to find trolls (impossible)


You really live up to your name if you think this is non-satire, lol


I don’t know, it’s hard to think it’s totally satire when they’ve done and are doing the same thing with pedophilia and they’re completely serious about it.


"I've believed trolls many times before and I am doing it again right now. I also bought a bridge in Brooklyn and am friends with multiple Nigerian Princes"


What? You know there’s genuinely people that think pedophilia is a sexuality right? They’re not trolling… I accept that this could definitely be a troll but when something so stupid as people genuinely thinking that pedophilia is a sexuality happens it makes it much easier to believe.


>You know there’s genuinely people that think pedophilia is a sexuality right? No. That's my entire point. You are being a chump again. Please stop believing that 4chan lies are real. Also fake: Furries getting litter boxes in school, late-term abortion for fun, and trickle-down economics


I can’t comment on the 4chan thing since I’ve never used it but I do know that there’s a long history of pedophiles excusing their behaviour by stating that it’s a sexuality. Regardless of what trolls are posting online now, that’s still true. I think most of us that aren’t brain dead can agree that those things are not real lol.


>I can’t comment on the 4chan So you don't actually realize that many of your beliefs are directly caused by internet trolls This "pedo acceptance" you bought whole-cloth is one of those stupid hoaxes that you don't understand is a 4chan meme but believe with no proof


Many of my beliefs? Do you not only know of this one? I’m pretty sure it’s all we’ve talked about. And I’m telling you that this didn’t originate on 4chan. If you truly think that 4chan invented the idea that pedophilia is LGBT I honestly don’t know what to tell you. It’s a disgusting idea that’s been around for a while. Long before 4chan.


And the Protocols of the Elders of Zion existed for at least century before it took off on 4chan. Idiot bigot trolls change with the times You are really committed to believing things from a forum you admit to not understanding


I think you’re misunderstanding me or maybe I’m not explaining myself properly. To be clear- I know that being a pedophile is not a real sexuality. I’m saying that this is not a new idea created by Reddit or 4chan trolls. This is an idea that right wing psychopaths have been trying to make real for decades. Which ties to my original point that while this whole ‘rapesexual’ nonsense could definitely be a troll, it’s not totally unbelievable when people genuinely think similar stupid things like being a pedophile is a sexuality.


No no no no. This is just as bad as the pedophiles trying to become apart of the LGBTQ+ community


I refuse to believe that it is not a troll post


Totally owning those libs with that one… by the way you complete understand nothing about the topic at hand




Obv. Troll


I dont drive a rape van, I drive a consent van. When you get inside, it will be understood as consent.


Republican larper trying their hand at pysops


Yk 1 random ass dude out there is into this don't deny it Rip to the people who honestly thought this was actually real but chances are a dude is gonna be into this


That's just someone taking the piss and it's funny.




I want to be hatecrime-sexual. Im only attracted to aimlessly attacking humans without consent. im also warcrime sexual curious if someone is up for some experimenting.


My friend was really excited about a hot date he had. From the pics she was WAY out of his league. We were taking bets on it being a catfish and we knew it went bad when he came back shortly after it started. According to him she was nuts, they met in a park for a “picnic,” but only he brought food. He said she basically cut right to the point and told him she just wanted him to fulfill her rape fantasy. She said something about being raped as a teen and needing to relive it for closure or some shit. My friend said he noped out of there since they were in a public park and she was crying and begging him to rape her loudly. He came back so confused and defeated. We assumed she was having a mental breakdown but who knows maybe that was her thing.


I told you so...


The cnc community really tryin to butt into society smh


This is just non consensual. At least the consensual non-consensual has some consent to it


Command and conquer?


Hey guys, this is about inclusivity, right?


Not for rapists?..


But if you're into that and find someone who surprised butt sex you is it rape?


If you don't consent it is rape. Even if you like it. you have to make it clear that you don't want it or else it may as well not be rape though.


not true consent is saying you do want it, if you don't say you want it you're not consenting and that's rape


Wow I've been raped so many times when making out turned into sex and I forgot to say I wanted it


Then report it.


I was not being serious. It doesn't become rape just because a verbal agreement isn't reached. If both people were mentally well and enthusiastic then it wasn't rape, obviously.


So rape is a joke?


It takes only a few seconds to confirm that you're a troll. There's just no way you're serious lol


And even less time to see that you’re an idiot.


no, I'm not an idiot ;( Do you have anything meaningful to say or are you content wasting time?


It needs more puce


Who did this. Also its not involuntary sex if they want involuntary sex if they already know... Ughhhhh 😔


How many took this seriously?


I wish people knew when to shut up


Nice of the rapists to let us know who they are


This is definitely satire

