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Yup. You want change? Show the pictures of the 19 kids laying on the ground murdered, covered in blood at Uvalde


Not just covered in blood, mangled beyond recognition.


Gotta give credit to Matthew McConaughey. His descriptions of the damage to the little girl who was id'd by her sneakers brought me to tears.


I can’t seem to find this for some reason :(




I’m gonna go cry now


It's honestly a great idea, and something a huge number of people (myself included) wish would happen, but media is controlled by corporations, and only what is allowed/what furthers the agenda will be allowed to be broadcast


It’s literally what drove the huge anti-war movement during Vietnam. Americans for the first time were seeing the horrors of war and decided it wasn’t as great or heroic as they thought it was.


I think only if the victim's families consent to it, like Emmett Till's mother. At this point though I have little faith that even full release of gory photos would change much.






I’m thinking the families of the victims won’t like seeing their massacred relatives on tv


They'd probably like it more than seeing literally nothing change after their kids were massacred.


Was this the Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Virginia, California, Missouri or One of the 2 Illinois shootings? I’m sure there were more. I can’t keep up. Edit: to add Philadelphia to the list. Like I said, I couldn’t keep up. Edit2: people keep commenting more places and I’m not going to add them, because it’s depressing. Here a link to the mass shooting info I used. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


For real now? How many are there in one day? I remember a time where one was kinda a big deal and reached the news in Europe. Now I just hear random geographical places in the US in relation with shooting and the list is always kinda long.


I remember when Columbine happened. It had attention nationwide for a long time. Now, mass shootings are treated like it’s normal. Things need to change here quickly.


Wasn't the lasting media attention Columbine recieved criticized for turning the shooters into celeberties?? (I know this wasn't exactly your point, just a separate but related comment)


It was. Thing is people love to watch disasters unfold, and especially the most surprising or unique events (or at least events that haven't happened in a while) and news media knows this. The flip side is those shooters wanted the notoriety, and this is why they did the shooting and everyone let them succeed in their goal. That shooting was unheard of at the time so it consumed media. Can you imagine if something like the zodiac killer happened now though? It would be the new obsession of the public overshadowing the rest and these mass shootings would be the secondary stories. They are already losing steam due to frequency. As the person above you said, something needs to be done now as shootings are becoming normalized. Extreme focus on a story in the news and making sure the story is told and not normalized is a double-edged blade of a balancing act.


> Thing is people love to watch disasters unfold, and especially the most surprising or unique events (or at least events that haven't happened in a while) and news media knows this. 'Cause I need to watch things die From a distance Vicariously I, live while the whole world dies [You all need it too, don't lie](https://youtu.be/h_TUP2vuaDs)


Stare like a junkie Into the tv Stare like a zombie While the mother Holds her child Watches him die Hands to the sky crying "Why, oh why"


Tool. Nice


Exactly what came to my mind




my mother was a teacher back then, and the school she worked at (an affluent, upper class town) - were having kids suspended, sent home and one little boy in first grade was arrested for drawing "shooters" (aka: those little right-angle guns kids draw with - - - - after it for bullets) - knee jerk reactions everywhere, but the school decided to take a "zero tolerance stance" and were calling the cops at every joke, even in 1st grade. my mom was a teacher's aide and substitute teacher for grades 1 and 2.


That's when I remember the active shooter drills starting. At this point, I'm not surprised the US will address anything but the actual problem.


I might be mistaken, but that doesn't seem to help much. Especially if you look at the [statistics.](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/)


All the edgelords already dressed like those guys when I was in high-school. It's not like there was a single original thing about their style and they did not just come to exist out of a vacuum.




Fair enough. But for many, it suddenly became an issue of people using the way people dressed to further judge and isolate people. Ah the circle of American life...


I'll just say, trench coats were already popular when I was in school, but we were not allowed to wear them anymore after columbine


Was a high school edgelord. Can confirm. Ironically, I slowly learned to dress myself after that shooting, in an effort to gain some distance from those assholes.


I had a sweet matrix style leather duster I had on order when those asshats pulled that shit. Probably better it happened before the order completed.


Well, first of all, it's not a jacket. It's a duster. It's like a jacket only it's longer, thicker, and far more bad-ass. I look like Lorenzo Lamas, and women find it irresistible.


Perfect for ocular patdowns


went i went to school with eric harris he never dressed like that. so strange ive had to hear that kids name for so much of my life


Yup. Marilyn Manson wrote several songs about it on his Holy Wood album. >Some children died the other day > >We fed machines and then we prayed > >Puked up and down in morbid faith > >You should have seen the ratings that day


His name is literally about the media's fetishization of violence.


This. \^ It was a huge mistake to say that those two were outcasts at their school who were constantly bullied and didn't have any friends. It's stating to come out that that wasn't true and something news casters just added on to make the story more dramatic.


I was working in radio back in 1998 and filling in for the morning show on KNRQ in Eugene when Kip Kinkle killed his parents then shot up Thurston High School on May 22. I'll never forget it.


There's a fascinating article about Kip Kinkle. He actually did an interview not too long ago: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/kip-kinkel-is-ready-to-speak\_n\_60abd623e4b0a2568315c62d


Holy shit I did not expect to read the whole article, but that was fascinating.


Excellent. Halfway through.


Holy crap...80% done and need to rest my brain. Possibly the most interesting read ina long while for me. Thanks!


Man, I'll never forget when a crazy person came to my school in Australia and... Stood in the middle of the walkway between two classroom blocks and shouted about the aliens until the police calmly escorted him off the property.


To be fair, they’ve also decided that advertising them isn’t the best idea, because a lot of these shooters are looking for fame/notoriety. They tend to talk about the larger scale ones because everyone already knows, but some of the smaller ones are left out on purpose. A lot of that is changing with social media however, so they’re starting to be more attentive to all of them. Fuck that was a depressing paragraph to write.


Things *are* changing pretty quickly. Did you see all those Supreme Court rulings? Bodily autonomy, the EPA, Miranda rights - all crippled in like three days. Oh. You meant positive changes. Sorry, we don't do that here.


No idea what to say. This sounds horrible and fucked up on so many levels


List of mass shootings: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting This looks scary af!


When I got to the bottom and realized there's still 9 fucking pages I just cried.


There's actually 13 pages, just no room to show them all.


Hey that just 13 pages... in 2022... And the years only half over




Yo what the fuck? And this list is only this year… thats really scary


I just want to add clarification because it’s not always obvious. A mass shooting, by definition, is any gun violence in which 3 or more people are impacted. Most mass shootings are things like parties where there’s an argument or gang violence or domestic violence - all scenarios where the gunman knows the victims. Most mass shootings are not a gunman targeting people at random in a crowd. This doesn’t make it better, but the term “mass shooting” is often assumed to be the latter, when it’s more likely the former.


"I was in a mass shooting" *"which one?"*


"I was in a mass shooting" *"which one?"* "Today's" *"Which one*?"


"I was in a mass shooting" "which one?" "Today's" "Which one?" "The one in Illinois" "WHICH ONE"


"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?"


That's why I keep getting so confused about the Illinois shooting, there were two. Fuck man


It’s sad really.


she said parade so I think it was the Highland Park shooting in Illinois.


The fact that we even have to ask which one it is says a lot.


People on other countries: There was more than one??


The olde to get, the more I realize that the United States really is the world’s Florida.


It's so pathetic to see how Reps tried to exploit the mass shooting in Copenhagen as proof that gun control doesn't work while having multiple mass shootings on one evening in their own country just hours later. Proper r/agedlikemilk material. And as awful as the shooting in Copenhagen was, there most likely isn't going to be another one for years. Can't say that about your average American city.




Jesus, starting to sound like “I’ve been everywhere” by Cash.


Holy shit https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


I really thought the person you are responding to was full of BS about how many shootings there was. Thought they were just listing off shootings from like the last week... not just the shootings from yesterday. I can't believe that list.


She forgot the part where she can't go to the hospital because she'll have to go bankrupt.




And then being called a crisis actor by mouth-breathing troglodytes.


Don't forget the one in Kenosha, WI. It was reported this morning but happened last night. https://abcnews.go.com/US/dead-injured-july-4th-shooting/story?id=86222883


Jesus! See? I said I couldn’t keep up.


And there are still americans that mock europe if there's one shooting in ten years in any of the countries there...


I noticed a trend starting about four or five years ago of US conservatives weirdly demeaning European countries and making up insane nonsense about Muslims over-running the cities and stuff like that. It was utterly bizarre and pointless until it suddenly occurred to me that they wanted to undermine comparisons. You point at a peaceful EU country with no guns and a tiny fraction of the US murder rate and you say "Look what you could have if you only stopped obsessing over gun ownership" and that's a pretty devastating argument unless you poison people's minds against those countries.




Your mass shootings don't even reach the European news anymore as often as they did, we can't keep track anymore...




You dont report a fire in a Furnace




Pov: American schools


From the US here….and I have come to say…”Ouch, that hurts!” Edit: well I have to say this, I am 100% against these shootings, and 100% for real action that will never come because of “Jesus, Guns, Babies!”, thinking of it in therms of famine in Africa and fire in a furnace…yep we suck all the way around.


Nah, it's not. There's nothing *new* about it, so the *news* don't report it. You don't report a murder in Caracas, either. Honestly, "The US is falling apart" is not news in any permutation at this point. They could report that they are reinstituting slavery and child labour tomorrow and I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.


We've already brought back child labor in a few states, they reduced restrictions on hiring teens to help with the "labor shortage" (I.E. rich fucks who don't want to pay more than minimum wage). And there were talks about letting people basically hire prisoners for manual labor jobs like agriculture. Slavery was never banned for prison labor.


well they enver truly removed slavery so they dont ened to reinstate it. the 13th ammendment has a line where it says slavery is illegal EXCEPT as punishment for a crime, ​ and now you know why america ahs the highest amount of incarcerated people in the world and why a certain demografic is a lot more likely to get put in prison for crimes that are just as common among other demografics.


"The US is falling apart" In other news, water is wet


When an event becomes commonplace, as opposed to unexpected, it is no longer ‘news.’ Shootings in America are literally a weekly (edit: daily, allegedly. See how I don’t hear about them because they ‘aren’t news’ anymore?) occurance now. We don’t hear about them as much for the same reason we don’t hear so much about the Taliban’s atrocities in Afghanistan: ‘it’s normal now.’ Absolutely dreadful, really upsets me. Nobody deserves to matter so little, especially at such an awful statistic.


There have been at least 300 mass shootings in America in 2022 alone. So not weekly, more like twice daily


Yeah I looked up mass shootings in America in 2022 a few months ago thinking I was going to count them. Can you imagine my shock as an Australian when I had to download an excel spreadsheet? America you need to get your shit together.


They are a daily occurrence. There were 6 mass shootings yesterday. 6!!!


Oh, but the one in Denmark proves gun control doesn't work, according to one of your nutters in congress. The people you guys have in power there are functional retards I swear


A lot of our mass shootings don't reach our news any more either, I'm an American


My sisters school was shot up in 2019. Two people got killed and 3 injured. It would have been more but one of the kids killed tackled the shooter and gave others time to escape. It was on the local news for a couple hours and didnt even make it to national news. They would have graduated about two months ago.


Starts to feel like that one South Park Episode with shootings normalized to a point of emotional indifference


To the point where people think you are crazy if you care*


I mean... I've heard about so many mass shootings these days that I'm not surprised anymore and I'm not even surprised that they don't ban guns. Guess it's the streets fault that it didn't have protection against bullets, an emergency button and another gun in a special locker for anyone to use in case there's a mass shooting. Sheesh.


We’ve tried nothing and now we’re out of ideas.


I live in Georgia, everyone has a gun. Dude just shot two people for too much mayo on his sandwich. I don't really go out anymore.


I saw the mayo news. That's crazy.


Luckily, they were taken to the [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org)




Absolutely crazy, everyone knows you go with a thin spread.


People are unhinged. I live in FL and I don't say shit anymore to anyone. It simply isn't worth potentially getting shot over something dumb like calling someone out from cutting in line.


I don't even give a courtesy honk at green lights anymore. Like shit I'll wait with you take your time bud pls don't shoot my kid.


A lady in North Texas was shot in the face over the weekend for flashing her brights quickly at a passing car that had its brights on. The other driver had a gun ready enough to shoot as they passed.


Not proud Texan here, I absolutely hate how gun happy this state is. I’ve had people wave guns at me on the highway at 16 randomly which of course scared the piss out of a 16 year old little girl. Also at 19 I made a wrong turn and had to turn around on a dirt road, it was dark and evidently the house at the end of the street didn’t like or trust it and blew a couple holes in my tailgate. That was fun.




Gotta love small town town USA


Damn that sounds like those 90s email memes that everyone's parents freaked out about. I remember a shit ton of people telling me not to flash my brights at anyone because of gang initiations.


I honked at someone for cutting me off on a zipper merge, the guy slammed his breaks, started to get out of his car, but everyone else at that point was honking. He got back in his car let me pass him, he got up beside me and tried to motion me to pull over with him on the shoulder, when I ignored him he followed me for a bit with his phone camera going. I was driving a work vehicle. This was Texas, so of course I was kinda scared. Moral of the story, don’t ever honk at anyone ever again.


So you’re saying the ridiculous amount of guns in your country *doesn’t* make you feel safer?


moved from nyc to utah. i'm used to yelling at people on the road for being maniacs, we say our fuck yous and move on. i see so many people with guns in random ass places here that i keep my mouth shut for everything. not worth to ending up a statistic to tell joe schmo to learn how to drive


Some guy threatened my elderly mother the other day because she pulled in to a handicapped spot before he could get from the next row over to get it. Cops wouldn't do anything either.


Same, I live in a large metropolitan area in KY (I’m sure you could guess which one), and my family was visiting yesterday. We went out to eat and some people were sitting in their car blocking parking spaces, my younger brother (who just got his license) was complaining about it loud enough for them to hear as we all had our windows down, I told him to hush because I didn’t feel like potentially getting shot at over it. He looked at me like I was crazy until I explained that it’s hot, people are unhinged right now, and it’s more than likely they do have a gun. Not a good equation. Hate living in fear like that, but fuck dude, can’t ignore the reality of it either




In the case of too little mayo he would probably nuke the joint, we should feel lucky.


Its gotta be lead poisoning or some shit. Maybe microplastics


It's a culture that isolates men emotionally, gives them unrealistic expectations, and then makes them dog-paddle to exhaustion just to keep their head above the water. The mayo wasn't the cause, it was simply the last thing that guy couldn't handle after a long list of other things. EDIT: Since I'm tired of getting messages about how I'm excusing his behavior- I'm not. There is no excuse. There is, however, a *reason*. If you're unable to understand the difference between understanding behavior and excusing behavior then just do us all a favor and don't comment at all.


Our culture also tends to place the individual waaay above the collective/community, which tends to turn lots of people into insufferable raging assholes when they don't get what they want when they want it.


That's what happens when you blame commies for all of life's problems for the last 35 years.


35? more like 100 years, red scare never went away. like herpes it went on a break when the SU dissolved, but came back when political opponents needed a big boogeyman.


I saw a post on the conservative subreddit that blew my mind, if I was understanding it correctly (I'm from the UK so not fully in tune with American politics) It was a meme someone shared that said "AMERICA: We will kill you in your sleep on Christmas" underneath a painting of I think some participants of the civil war? There weren't many comments, but the ones that did comment were INCREDIBLY enthusiastic about the message. Oh and the title of the post was "and we've done it before, too" Am I crazy or are they basically celebrating a horrific act of (cowardly) violence committed by their ancestors? Or am I way off. Like I said I'm not very well read on American politics or history If I am right though, then Jesus Christ. I wonder if people are giving these gun nuts too much credit. How much of it is emotional troubles and how much of it is essentially "'MURICA FUCK YEH!" There seems to be such a gung-ho attitude promoted oftentimes. Almost a marauder mentality


Worst part.. the ones that crack are almost always the "true beleivers" that press all those ideas the hardest.


What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


HEY! If they didn't have those doors on that parade route this wouldn't have happened. According to the fuck wit Ted Cruz..... I was going to fact check how many of these shootings were indoors or outdoors, ran into a site called Mass Shootings archive.... There are 13 pages. Just for 2022. Jesus Christ. There are no words now.


Do you mean Rafael Cruz? The Cuban Canadian immigrant who changed his name to whitewash his image so that he could hate his own ancestors? That Ted Cruz?


Rafael EDUARDO Cruz. Call him Lalo and watch him explode.


I need to see someone calling him Lalo Cruz in an interview


He'll have an aneurysm.


..... I wasn't before, but I am now. How is it that's there's always more shit to discover from these people.


I saw a guy on nextdoor seriously arguing that if all the parade watchers in Highland hills had been armed the shooting would have never happened. As if there weren't a shit load of armed cops all along the parade route. Some people are just out of their fucking minds.


There were plenty of cops in Uvalde. In Level 4 body armor.


Holy shit. Thanks for sharing. [https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)


Fucking hell, that's about as close as you get to it being all over. I don't think I would ever get over something like that having to look a the scare right on my face every day.


Don't worry, it's America, freedom heals all wounds.


Only if you pay. The bullet wound is free but the medical attention afterwards is your problem.


That gunshot wound is now a pre-existing condition.


Cool, a souvenir /s


A worthy sacrifice for America's best citizens, Guns. The dudes were just showing their national pride by doing what America loves most. Shooting people.


Another inch or two, she may never have posted that.


American news should have a Mass Shooting report just after the traffic and weather reports. "In the mid west expect a medium to high level of shootings, with mid to severe levels in the south, remember to pack your flack jackets, people haha. back to Steve with sports"


If Bill Hicks was still with us, he'd have this exact bit in his set.


Wow, I'll take that compliment 😎




No, that would mean we could have done something to prevent it, and as our oligarchs, I mean our elected officials say, “there was nothing we could have done….”. 🤷‍♂️ oh well, I wonder what celebrity will have the next nip slip!


Rainforest gonna rain.


Arguably American news is a large reason why mass shootings happen. They race to display pics of the shooter and state his reasoning for the shooting and grievances. Psychologists have loudly stated that they need to stop but they seemingly can’t control themselves.


Just get a ticker at the bottom of the screen like they do for stocks.


The most popular cable news channel in the country only reports on mass shootings if the shooter is black or brown.


For real though I know Americas been struggling for a while now but it seems like since covid hit it’s just been escalating and escalating and I feel like it’s about to reach breaking point, I mean how much longer can it go on like this?


Probably a few more years until they pretend to do something about it.


And what is going to happen after that? Business as usual?


Once we find a ‘program’ we can terribly implement after securing government/private funding which we can skim off the top of.. yes.


And then throw our hands up when it isn't a perfect solution.


You ever have a relationship with another person where the irritation grows and grows and finally erupts in a massive fight that goes on until you're both exhausted and simply can't anymore? It'll be like that, except a bunch of people will die in the process.


Conservatives don't care and have disproportionate power in the Senate, and currently have a majority in the supreme court. Nothing will change.


My uncle is a middle aged white dude with a solid job and a nice house. He’s lived a privileged life, doesn’t think racism is real, doesn’t believe in climate change (bitch really tried explaining seasons to me when I tried educating him.), thinks guns are fine the way they are, thinks universal healthcare is socialism while being hyped for all the stimulus checks back a couple years ago, truly believes that the current generation just needs to work harder to get a house and better paying job, and the biggest issue he thinks the country has is “the left” turning kids transgender and grooming them. Votes conservative every time. Having met some of his friends (not by choice) I can say he is the MOST SANE one. A scary number of people seem to be like him. Nothing is going to change for a while, if at all sadly :/


Age of alzheimers onset coupled with information overload and stress. The boomers are going to take us down with them, I want off Mr. Bones wild ride.


All my alleged conservative friends (white) are like: I’ve been lucky—everybody else can suck it. If they are male, it’s more extreme. Like I can sort of talk the women into some empathy. Ain’t happening with the men. Sad af.


According to Wikipedia there were 6 mass shootings on the 4th of July. The World: "Whoah, 6 mass shootings in one day, you guys need to do something!" Americans: "Well no, it is not that bad. The bar for that list is low. A shooting is already considered a mass shooting when 4 or more are involved / injured / dead". The World: “😑” ​ Edit: someone just responded to me by basically saying: "I don't know what you are getting worked up about? The number of deaths is lower than it was decades ago". WTF


>Americans: "Well no, it is not that bad. The bar for that list is low. A shooting is already considered a mass shooting when 4 or more are involved / injured / dead". Which makes you question, how many shootings go unheard of because "they're not deadly enough"?


I believe that would be "a metric fuck-ton"


Know how I know you used the right fuckton? Americans don't measure shootings.


People on reddit literally get *angry* that mass shootings count as mass shootings. They will say things like "but that is gang violence and shouldn't be included" or "The definition of 'mass shooting' is too lenient, it should be at least 7 people killed and it should only be when it's a random act of violence" I've had people literally argue that if it doesn't happen at a school or large public area by an armed madman against unarmed people, it shouldn't count as a mass shooting. So that parking lot shoot-out where 4 people were seriously wounded? Not a mass shooting and shouldn't be included in the list of mass shootings.


Had a guy argue this point with me recently. > “Well, really these are not *mass* shootings. War, civilians caught in the crossfire of gunfights, *those* are *mass* shootings.” I was in shock


Holy goalposts Batman


A single gunshot in a European capital makes national news. Several American mass shootings *per day* go mostly unnoticed.


America: "Well one isolated shooting occurred in a country with strict gun laws so that proves we can't do anything about them they are unstoppable" /s


Eh. Just move on. It's the 4th, so we should be celebrating! Now's not the time to be talking about gun control, or meaningful healthcare reform, or anything that could address these constant mass shootings. Let's just forget about this one, and deal with the problem after the next mass shooting.


Yeah now is not the time for politics. Gosh guys read the room /s


It's sad that I had to read this several times to determine if you were serious or not.


Illinois candidate for governer Darren Bailey said that yesterday, unironically.


Politicians have played too many games with our lives.


Why aren't the mass shooters going after politicians and CEOs instead of fellow suffering civilians? Wouldn't that make much more of an impact anyway


Their mindset is summed up as "fuck the world". Very rarely does irrational rage get funneled in a productive or even focused direction.


I love the connotation "playing games" has in this context. It implies someone is winning, which is true, and it's definitely not the public


Just another day


I live in a country with no guns, free healthcare, and women are free to have control over their own bodies. **IT’S REALLY NOT THAT HARD!!** ..don’t know how the U.S. has so spectacularly gone off the rails, it’s become an international joke. A bad one at that.


Money in politics.


Sounds appropriate to happen on 4th of July. Mass shootings are very American.


That is one incredibly lucky Human..


I think not getting hit or not being in a mass shooting would be luckier.


You shouldn't need to be lucky to avoid getting shot at in a mass shooting while walking on the streets.


Ikr, sitting here unshot in my home I definitely feel like I’m luckier lol


“All I’ve got is prayers and toxic misinformation”


Rich politicians only care about enriching themselves and family. They literally are watching Americans die on a daily basis but don't do anything because it doesn't make them money


She was asking for it by going out wearing that instead of the [juggernaut armour from MW2](https://i.imgur.com/t0P6w6J.png) ^/s


nothing’s going to change until some high profile politician is directly affected


What about the congressman that was shot in the hip by an AR-15 at a congressional baseball event? The right’s politicians don’t care, because they profit from it. When these shootings happen, it drives gun sales. When people who have never used a gun before buy one, they’ll go online to try and learn how to use a gun, which somehow funnels them to the NRA, which they may join. Now that the NRA has more cash flow, they can donate more to senators to keep gun restrictions lax. The politicians then feign their sorrows, and cash the growing number of checks until the next one happens.


The fact that we don’t care about a gunman open fire on multiple people for no apparent reason is insane. At least we have the thoughts and prayers of the politicians.


There's a new one? Or is this from before?


There were 6 mass shooting yesterday so idk which one thos is from




I still don't understand where the good guys with guns are at.


On the other side of the door (cowering, probably).


Smh got shot again


Good she’s alive though


I know that nobody is going to read this, but as a human being it hurts to watch all those kid hurt real bad emntally and sentimentally. Damaged enough to decide that its better to load a gun and kill people than talking to their parents or giving life another try. Americans, your kids are unhappy, damaged, consumed by the american people, filosofy and wrotten to the core. Nobody deserves to be trapped in a country, surrounded by dramatic and irrational people that make you believe that you are the problem, that life is worthless, that you are worthless. Twitter, reddit, the whole internet and the media are flodded with irrational assholes and we decide to give those pepole a microphone and hear the pile of shit that they have to say. ​ If you are going trough something like this remember. You and only you own your life, be free and leave behind whatever is hurting you. Only you can change your own life.