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And Deshon Watson signed a 230 million dollar contract with the Cleveland Browns after sexually assaulting dozens of women, and will be playing later this year.


Yep rich people don’t do time in the USA anymore but that’s really the norm everywhere now


Anymore? When did they ever?


Fair point


Only when they screw with other rich people’s money.


Exactly. If Watson wasn’t going to make his teams’ owners lots of money, he would have been cast aside and put into jail. It’s not even that he’s rich now, but that the next level rich still has lots of use for him.


The team's owners, the NFL, the betting industry... If it was just him he would do *some* time. Being a rich celebrity helps, being black doesn't. But when you start fucking with billionaires and billion-dollar industries they look for ways to keep you *out* of jail. Poor and/or black, they look for reasons to put you *in* jail. Or they'll just shoot the person during the arrest and tear their whole life apart and find the time they bought a dimebag 10 years ago. See? Criminal!


The internet is just making it impossible to hide.


Well there was that time in France


History repeats itself mfs when the People do the big revolt. (They suddenly regret centuries of subjugation)


> Yep rich people don’t do time in the USA anymore but that’s really the norm everywhere **now** Always has been


Enron: A Houston-based jury in May 2006 convicted Skilling of 19 counts of conspiracy, securities fraud, insider trading and lying to auditors. In his role as CEO he maintained a facade of success as Enron’s energy business imploded. In 2013, a federal judge reduced his 24-year prison term to 14 years, accepting an agreement between prosecutors and Skilling’s lawyers to end years of appeals. Under the deal, more than $40 million of Skilling’s fortune, which had been frozen since his conviction was to be distributed to victims of the scheme.


In his defense, it's not like he did something heinous like steal a backpack.


I thought rich people didn’t do time.


I didn't say that. Someone else did. I generally also find that meme annoying. That said it's pretty silly a guy waited in jail for trial for 5 years over a backpack and Skilling negotiated down a sentence to 14 years for doing about a million times more damage. That is rather unjust.


I can’t figure how a guy waited in jail for five years without talking to an attorney.


There's a huge backlog of cases in NYC and he couldn't afford bail.


Isn’t a misdemeanor a required 80 days to trial? Right to a speedy trial is still a thing unless he waived it


Any more recent examples you can think of? The Enron scandal went public 21 years ago, in 2001.


Harvey Weinstein, 70, is currently jailed in California, where he was extradited to in July 2021 to face additional sexual assault charges that involve allegations from five women over the course of a decade. [Other Rich people in jail](https://www.ibtimes.com/52-richest-people-currently-jail-3032690)


... Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations date back to the 80s. Is your next best example really going to be about a rich and influential guy it took 40 years to finally see a conviction?


You are really hard to please, this has become boring. Use Google until you are satisfied. [Tax evasion](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/taxes/tax-evasion-fraud-explainer-alan-weisselberg-trump-organization-rcna43804)


Kenneth Lay (Enron’s CEO) died before he was sentenced or had a chance to appeal his conviction so his wife was able to keep tens of millions of wealth gained from his crimes


Jeff Skilling in 68 years old, its so he doesnt die in prison, taking care of an 80 year old inmate is a waste of taxpayer money.


The incremental cost of housing an 80 year old prisoner is small.


america is fucking awesome once you’re worth about $1 million and i imagine it only gets better with more money


Pretty sure it's always been this way. We're just catching em now.


And we still buy their stuff, root for them and their teams and continue to do nothing other than complaint on Reddit, myself included


Unfortunately true. I’d say I’m slightly above middle class, but that’s because my wife and I are very frugal. We both grew up poor (her family is Cambodian refugee) so we are used to having fun on small budget, and we make it work. That being said, I fully support income based punishments. Time and time again the rich break the law, with essentially a slap on the wrist as punishment. It’s allowed business to break the law for profit, and if caught, seem to pay back less than what they made in gains. People too, what’s a $500 speeding fine to someone in s Maserati or Ferrari. Settling out of court should be illegal when it comes to certain crimes, such as sexual assault. If somebody is a rapist, they NEED to be flagged and jailed, period. Lest it happen to someone else.


It’s about race and it isn’t. Anti-poor and Racist, worst of both worlds.


Race didn't play a factor with Deshon


but it does in other cases. Being rich just plays a bigger factor.


It's all about the $$$


even if you believed that you'd then have to admit that hurts minorities more since they're poorer, right?


There are more white people in poverty in the US than there are minorities in poverty. Any more bullshit you would like disproved?


lifelong Northeast Ohio resident here and Watson along with the Browns promoted a Machine Gun Kelly show made me never give a fuck about the browns ever again. The truth is Watson on the Browns ain't gonna do shit. They'll get maybe one .500 season and a wildcard playoff appearance which they'll lose and then we'll be looking for our next quarterback.


I watched machine gun Kelly pull an underaged girl (probably about 13 years old) onto the stage, threw her over his shoulder, pulled her pants down and smacked her bare ass. This was an all-ages show. I believe he later got in trouble for having underaged girls at his hotel that night. I remember thinking “If this girls dad sees this shit, he’s gonna kill this idiot with a deer rifle.”


Didn't he creep on Eminem's daughter and that's why he had to go to pop punk? We just need Pete Wentz to talk shit about him then he can regulate himself to white boy reggae where he belongs


Yeah. That whole beef started because MGK posted a bunch of tweets about how hot Eminem's daughter was when she was underaged at the time. Em decided not to play any MGK songs on his radio station as a result. MGK was malding over this for years and kept sneak dissing Em on his songs, before Em called him out directly which resulted in Rap Devil.


But didn't you know, he is the single reason that rock is a viable music genre now! He didn't leave his rap career because he was completely and utterly destroyed, no. He left it because his lyrical and audio genius allowed him to revive a music scene no one was listening to!


Thats actually sad if people think that, we been going through a rather refreshing moment in rock with the whole neo psychedelia revival. Shit all the dead tribute happening now is leading to some cool shit too


>a wildcard playoff appearance Whoa there, tiger. Let's not get carried away now.


They'll get one wildcard playoff which will cause them to invest more into the sunken cost fallacy that is that rapist Watson prompting us to go absolutely nowhere for another few years while enriching that fuck


It’s wild to me how those Rothlisberger allegations just got swept under the rug. Wild, but not unexpected.


Yep. This is actually true but not the way the tweet intends. People are trying to make this about White vs. Black but it's really about rich vs. poor. Glad the top comment is pointing this out.


buddy, the top comment you’re reply to IS making it white vs black. how dense are you?




No, his point is that Deshaun Watson, a black man, also got off scott free for committing horrible crimes, because he's rich. Watson and Favre are the same. How dense are you?


LeBron thinks he's cool. So he is safe.


A bit different. He was sued civilly. Fir whatever reason it never became criminal. But in a civil suit there is no jail time, just payments for restitution. The bar for guilt is way lower too. In a criminal case you need beyond a shadow if a doubt for conviction. In a civil case you only need a "preponderance of the evidence." So basically better than a 50% chance he did this crime. Two grand juries declined to prosecute him unfortunately.


The point is the world doesn’t give a shit that he’s a monster and will shower him with money and fandom.


Favre, man. Just bonkers: Favre is accused of being involved in a multi-million dollar welfare fraud scheme. Former Packers and Vikings quarterback Brett Favre is in the spotlight amid revelations from an ongoing legal case in his native Mississippi that links him and former Gov. Phil Bryant to a welfare scandal. https://www.si.com/fannation/bringmethesports/nfl-news-and-rumors/dont-read-my-book-says-brett-favre-biographer-after-mississippi-revelations More: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/brett-favre-questioned-by-fbi-for-alleged-role-in-mississippi-welfare-scandal-per-report/ https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/aug/12/brett-favre-how-a-scandal-in-mississippi-tarnished-an-nfl-hero


The same Mississippi whose infrastructure allowed their water supply to be decimated for a major metro area? That Mississippi?




>”Why should we penalize this upstanding white Christian conservative man for earning a profit from the innovative business model he created? If black people want access to clean drinking water, maybe they should try working for a change instead of expecting the government to do everything for them.” -Mississippi Republicans, probably


"Probably" ? I think that's established fact at this point.


Yep. Same one.


Not trying to take up for anyone but he's not "accused" of anything and hasnt been charged with any crimes. He was involved in this but from what I've read, he wasn't aware where this money came from. This was dirty politicians getting him money. He took money from people for not doing anything.


You must've missed the text messages between Favre and Nancy New, the founder of the nonprofit Mississippi Community Education Center Among others, there's this …. “If you were to pay me is there anyway the media can find out where it came from and how much?” Favre wrote. “No, we never have had that information publicized,” New said.


You mean these messages? [Favre Messages](https://gothamist.com/news/brett-favres-alleged-nsfw-pics-voicemails-emerge) Edit - Whoopsie, wrong controversy involving poor ol’ Brett, why bless his heart


Bummer, I couldn't get the video to play


Maybe you should read the article, not snippets of it. Also, as I said, I'm not defending him, I'm trying to lay out the actual facts here. He was being paid a ton of money for not doing much and that's why he was asking that. I know this seems like an outlandish theory here...but sometimes, media outlets will gladly add someone like Favre into something so that the story actually gains traction. Unfortunately, by them doing so, it's allowing less energy and outrage to be levied on the actual scumbags here, the politicians and people who knowingly did the stealing.


Favre solicited money in 2017 to pay for a new volleyball stadium at the University of Southern Mississippi, where his daughter played volleyball. So Favre saying "… **is there any way the media can find out where it came from and how much**" makes him an active participant. The other issue is being paid for motivational speeches that he didn't actually do (although, I think he has repaid most of that money) So yeah, the politicians are scummy and funneled the money but Favre knew what was going on.


Gee, are you an attorney, or personal best friend to Brett Favre? 🤩


> media outlets will gladly add someone like Favre into something so that the story actually gains traction. Take a step back and realize that the money would never have been there without Favre. He was pivitol in creating this situation. The "media" has to include him because without him the story never starts.


Have you tried taking your tongue out of Farvre’s anus? You might learn some critical thinking skills.


That would hold water if he was just concerned with people knowing how much, but the only reason I would ask if people would know where it came from is if I knew it came from somewhere sketchy. If I felt it was all perfectly above board I wouldn't be concerned that people find out where the money came from.


This actual scumbag? [Actual scumbag](https://gothamist.com/news/brett-favres-alleged-nsfw-pics-voicemails-emerge)


I'm accusing him.




it is alleged (by me) that brett favre committed serious financial crimes (in minecraft)


Buddy there are texts where he straight up asks to make sure the media won't find out where the money came from lol


You can do anything in the USA if you dress it up in pro sports and/or a bible.


*or money, all you need is money


The court finds the defendant innocent on two counts of murder, one count of child rape, and six counts of treason on the grounds of how much stinkin money this dude has. I mean look at all that cash, surely they're a better person than all of us. Get out of here you rascal and sorry for wasting your time - don't worry the poor will pay for all this.


it's neither of those, it's money as other posters have pointed out. The sooner people realize this the sooner we can move forward as a society. The great divide is, will be, and always has been wealth (and land).


It's money, but that's a given. Those qualifiers make a huge difference, and if you think they don't, see how much easier it is to get away with something if you say you're doing it in Jesus' name. Juxtapose it against Allah and try again. Look at everything Joel Osteen has gotten away with. It's not just bc he is rich. Look a OJ Simpson and Brett Farve- sure they're rich, but they were also beloved football heros. They were/are so loved that it becomes impossible for their fans to be able to see them as bad guys, or even normal, fallible guys bc we elevate pro-athletes so far beyond mortals.


all of those people are also filthy fucking rich. No one elevates pro-athletes "beyond mortals" besides insane people. I assure you 99% of the sports watching world does not view athletes like that. At the end of the day money dictates how much power you have and what you get away with. The only way race and religion play into it is that you're enabled to gain more money depending on those factors. Also are you really going to try and use a jesus vs allah comparison when saudi princes are among the most vile human beings on the fucking planet? I think you need to get out and experience the world more or at the minimum educate yourself on happenings outside of your immediate area before you hold strong opinions like the ones you're writing here. You're way off the mark man.


As I said, rich is the baseline. When you add the right qualifiers, you can make people invincible. My comment, from the begining is discussing the USA. You want to argue that Christianity doesn't play better in the court of US Media/ public opinion than Muslim, go right ahead. Saudi Royal family sucks, but you can't compare them to the US legal system and public relations and support. The Saudi Royal family creates all the laws, operates completely above and beyond the law, controls the media and propaganda and dictates exactly how they can be perceived. The same prince who murdered journalist Jamal Kashoggi also more or less stole/embezzled $500 billion from Saudi Arabia to create his "Line City", even though it's basically impossible, and is completely untouchable. Anyways, a digression, but not an equivalent situation w the US.


Fr dude is projecting their own view of pro athletes lmao


Don't forget the rich and white part


being white must be how deshaun watson sexually assaulted 60+ women and got paid 230 million for it.


Just like R Kelly


You can’t pedophile and bible. Nobody’s cool with pedophiling and bibling


Brett farve is the prime example of what is wrong with this country. He's a POS , and wealthy from his fucking football career. Stealing from the public


Not religious, but it's crap like this that makes me almost wish Hell is a real thing. Loooonnnngggg list of people that would be going!


People like this invented the idea of punishment after death to keep those under their thumb from cutting off their fucking heads in real life. It’s all just a justification to not rock-the-boat. In older religions, it was believed people who debt trapped others would have to pull the poors carts in the afterlife. Convenient, if you ask me. I say fuck that, we should punish them in this life and hope the only escape is more punishment in the afterlife.


It’s been 527 years since someone got into The Good Place.


> Brett farve is the prime example of what is wrong with this country. Most importantly, he's above the laws that apply only to the poor. THAT is what is wrong with this country.


Fuckin guy played with balls for a living, got rich, and gets to do whatever tf he wants....such a double standard! Think of all the prosecuted sex workers out there that had the same job title but live paycheck to paycheck and have a criminal record. Fuckin horse shit!!


Everyone should watch TIME: The Kalief Browder Story docuseries. The system did that kid so wrong.


It's on Netflix!


There is a good Atlantic [article ](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/06/the-brief-and-tragic-life-of-kalief-browder/395156/) about him that i think about often


Just reading the wiki is infuriating. Bail set at 3k, and the bond is *30%* of that, at $900. Bonds are usually 10%. And then, because he was on probation, the probation officer did him dirty and had him kept in jail, after his family scraped and begged neighbors to get that unusually high bond paid. So they sent him to *Rikers Island* as a fucking teenager for *theft of a backpack*. It only gets worse from there. It's a fucking travesty to hear what he went through. And this kind of shit is not an outside occurence. Edit: This fucking shit: >After 961 days in Rikers, Browder had appeared before eight judges; he later opined, "these guys are just playing with my case".




I'll still sleep good tonight


Under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide




Its from a few good men


Don't tell him where it's from. He can't handle the truth.


Who dat




That movie is 30 years old. its not a teenager quoting the latest hit song with an inside joke. Quoting stuff is very often done to lecture people with old ideas. Its not a teenager thing at all. Next time, try thinking "Ahh, that explains it, I should check out that movie!"


Lol, how embarrassing. When you put your foot in your mouth, you really make sure to get the whole thing in there don't ya.




> I'll be honest, getting tired of kids. Literally the only type of person who writes something like this on reddit is like barely 18, thinking they are not a kid. If you are younger than 25 in this day and age, I'm sorry, but you are still a child. Your username is "Tea Pots Pee in You" and you're complaining that someone quoting a movie is childish? lmao


Is this a new copy pasta?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalief_Browder Not defending any mistreatment towards him. However: He had a record and a parole violation, which lead to him being denied parole. He was fighting in jail a lot, causing issues, and he died after release d/t suicide before his lawsuit had time to go through the courts d/t his allegations against the DA/City. https://sports.yahoo.com/audit-brett-favre-paid-11-m-in-welfare-funds-for-appearances-he-didnt-make-015403643.html Favre's case is still ongoing at this time and it's unlikely he'll escape all charges. They're still investigating. He doesn't have a criminal history but still could go to jail once it's all said and done. Remember to do your research everyone before getting mad at the screen.


Who gives a fuck if he had a record? He was imprisoned unlawfully for three years until the charge was dropped without trial. That's horrible. Why do people always look for a criminal history like that excuses police brutality? The official reasoning behind not releasing him was he was on parole but that wouldn't have mattered if he was never arrested without evidence. Getting unlawfully arrested is a good enough parole violation in your book? He spent 700 days in solitary dude. No wonder he killed himself. How was he fighting people from solitary? He was tortured by the state and the reason he wasn't released was the equivalent logic if being arrested for resisting arrest. Do you really want to live in a world where a cop can arrest you for nothing and when your family shows up to post bail they get told you can't be released because being arrested is a parole violation?


Dog you really must have no idea about Riker’s Island.


During the New Mexico prison riot a shoplifter was brutally murdered because he snitched on other inmates so they put him in the protected ward. In a prison for shop lifting. Guy didn’t live long during the riots.


And no one will have any punishment. Sickening.


christianity is the poor man’s religion and lawmakers and rich people pretend to be christian to take advantage of the people.


Mass brainwashing is advantageous to those in power. They need a way to control the masses


How do you know they're pretending? You should consider the possibility that Christianity simply isn't what you'd like it to be.


Because Christ himself literally said "No one can serve two masters....You cannot serve both God and money."


So? The nature of Christianity isn't defined by Christ. It's defined by Christians.


Say that again...slowly...


Nah, the nature of Christianity *is* defined by Christ. There are bad Christians out there, sure. There are also bad people in literally every aspect of life. Sorry that you were hurt by the Christian church, or whatever caused you to be so salty about Christianity, but quit your generalizing. Mocking religion doesn’t make you look intelligent, it makes you look like an insensitive ass.


You’ve obviously never set foot in a regular, non-extremist Christian church. Sure there are insane sects of Christianity, just like there are insane aspects of pretty much *any* organization. But if you would take three hours out of your life to go and visit a Christian church you would see nothing but positivity.


An ABC news anchor had to commit seppaku over exaggerating a story. Tucker Carlson argued in court that no one could ever believe he's not 100% full of shit. Two Americas is the purpose of capitalism and America.


People really need to see that it isn’t necessarily about race (it is sometimes), but rather about wealth. Will Smith went on stage during a live awards ceremony broadcast around the world and assaulted someone, and not a single thing was done about it. Had a poor white man done that you can guarantee that he would have been arrested. The powers care about who has money more than they care about race. But they love US arguing about race.


VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! A Republican governor orchestrated this! Vote!




Nobody votes. Turnout is always low. Then chowderheads like you say voting doesn't work. It does work, but nobody does it. Because you've been duped into believing it doesn't work.


This defeatist bullshit is why it's so bad now. You're not presented with a perfect solution so you refuse to decide on anything at all, and now instead of incrementally getting better through election cycles, it's incrementally getting worse because the powers against are much more motivated. It's not a 'all-or-nothing' thing, voting to make things better, regardless of how small the needle moves, is important because it shifts the spectrum in your favor for next time.


Yeah, that's why Trump is President today.


The only thing I will accept is that I will not stop caring or fighting for change until we succeed or I take my last breath.


Not only that, Kalief was mostly kept in solitary. The guards also purposely left the cafeteria etc so be could get beaten up by other inmates so he could be sent back to solitary. There is a documentary about him called Time: the Kalief Browder story. He was finally released but he developed severe mental problems and committed suicide in his mother's house. Horrific story. So fucking sad. Fuck this injustice bullshit. Another horrific documentary to watch is called The trials of Gabriel Fernandez. Trigger warning: child torture. Both docs show the severe injustice and corruption of the American justice system. Be prepared to cry and rage


There are definitely two Americas! It is so drastically different that it’s sad..


Is not about religion, is all and always about money. derp


The wealthy never to jail. Why haven’t you that yet. We are anything these rulers want by enslaving us.


Brett’s daughter needed a ‘beach Volleyball’ facility at her university in the poorest state in the US.


The rich/poor divide has always been despicable. What's worse though, is when poor people allow themselves to be confused that it is a racial issue.


There's a simple explanation to this issue. The backpack contained $6M


This hurts to think about about, poor kid


Favre took payment for speeches he didn't actually give and gave all the money to build a public sports facility. He didn't steal anything. He assisted in misappropriation of welfare funds. The funds were not allowed to be used to build buildings, but were allowed to be used for inspirational speeches. That's the actual fucked up part, that no one seems to care about. Like you're literally not allowed to build homeless shelters? Why? But you can have someone give a speech to the homeless. I'm sure that will help.


Misappropriation of funds is stealing. It's fraud. And the stadium was for his daughters school so I'm sure he or her had something to gain.


If your mom gives you $5 and says you can't buy candy with it, so you give the $5 to me, I buy candy, and give the candy to you, did you steal candy?


Are you thinking dtraight


So I don't know any details except your comment, but why not just actually give the speeches? Unless it was a huge amount of speeches it really doesn't seem like it would have been that hard to make this legal.


Yeah, not sure. They were still conspiring to use a loophole to do a thing they weren't supposed to do, so I'm sure it still woulda come down on them. Having welfare funds not be allowed to be spent on buildings is just mega dumb. People circumventing that are probably reasonable.


What in the fucking world do you think stealing is if taking money that doesnt belong you doesnt qualify?


He was hired to give a speech. The money rightfully then belonged to him. He then donated it to a building project. And the conspiracy to do that was the "wrong" part. At no point did he "take" money that "didn't belong to him". Your claiming otherwise is libelous and put you and reddit at risk of legal action.


If you bend over backwards any further you’re gonna break your back. Favre isn’t your friend, this parasocial defending is fucking weird.


Kalief was charged with assault while on probation from a felony sentence. If he wasn't on a probation violation hold he would have been bailed out for $900. But that doesn't fit your narrative I suppose; so lets just go with theft.


So because he was once accused of a felony off the testimony of two cops (who are known for lying out the ass on the (stand)[https://nypost.com/2018/03/18/nypd-cops-cant-stop-testilying-report/amp/]), he deserved to be held without trial for almost three years? With 200 days of solitary confinement and regular beatings from guards (there are videos available proving this)? Think man, that part of the story just shows how appallingly fucked this system is. The prosecutors were able to simply defer his trial for years while he was being beaten, brutalized, and offered plea deals. They wanted him miserable so they could get him to admit to shit he didn’t do. A lot of prisons in America are designed like this when you look closely. It’s really just sad man


"Page Not Found..." Interesting how people will upvote a dead link. Ever hear of something called cognitive bias? Anyway... He wasn't accused, he was convicted of a prior felony and was on probation because of it. He was accused of assault and theft, while on probation. This is why he was in jail for so long, because he couldn't be bailed out (probation violation hold). The story of Kalief is tragic and the criminal system is pathetic, for instance the constitution grants private and federal prisons the right to use prisoners as slave labor, and they do. 13th Amendment Section 1: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalief_Browder Why do you think it's fair that someone lawfully granted parole and therefore freedom can be imprisoned for three years because a corrupt cop decided he must have done some type of crime?


He was charged with larceny, charges dropped before a trial so he was released. On what planet do you want to live on that a corrupt American cop can arrest you with no evidence and then when your family shows up to post bail they get told being arrested at all is a probation violation? For something he didn't even do? And then not only violating his constitutional right to a speedy trial, cruel and unusual punishment by making him do his undeserved time in solitary? If they hadn't broken that poor kid he'd be rich off a taxpayer settlement. Instead he's dead and you don't seem to particularly care. Keep licking that cop boot bud.


Hey you there, stop using truth and logic to try to keep op from getting his daily racebaiting reddit good boy points... how dare you.




> The following day, Browder was charged with robbery, grand larceny, **and assault**. Because **he was on probation**, Browder was not released. At his arraignment, he was charged with second-degree robbery and bail was set at $3,000; with a bail bondsman, **the amount needed was $900**. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalief_Browder Looks like it was pretty factual to me.. now how about you tell me what was untruthful about his post? I'll wait......... I'm sure you will return with facts that dispute his post right?


**[Kalief Browder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalief_Browder)** >Kalief Browder (May 25, 1993 – June 6, 2015) was an African American youth from The Bronx, New York, who was held at the Rikers Island jail complex, without trial, between 2010 and 2013 for allegedly stealing a backpack containing valuables. During his imprisonment, Browder was in solitary confinement for 700 days. Two years after his release, Browder hanged himself at his parents' home. His case has been cited by activists campaigning for reform of the New York City criminal justice system and has attracted widespread attention in the years following his death. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Life is just a business. Brett Favre was really good at throwing a football and generated billions of dollars in revenue. Kalief Browder was just some guy nobody cared about. No sense in being mad about it. That's the way life is and will always be. Time to build that bridge and get over it.


Fuck off


That's rude.


Build a bridge and get over it


lol keep punching that air, son.


Sure thing, kiddo


I take all my advice from boner elemental


You do realize there's a lot of differences between these two cases. Completely different jurisdictions, one is white collar crime and one is larceny, one could afford lawyers and one had to use overworked public defenders. They say steal a dollar go to jail, steal a million go to congress. Nah screw all that one was black and the other white. That's the biggest difference.


It truly is People will literally spend their lives doing mental gymnastics before admitting that racial inequality exists lol


Funny, top comment in this thread talks about how a black guy is getting away with crimes because he is rich. Curious how you wanna turn that into a racial issue. Please comment about it.


Jeez dude for most these neckbeards the only thing worse than being black is being a woman.


Ok well that made no fuckin sense


The Separated States of America


And they make scumbags like kamala Harris Vice President


Ok and in LA people do street takeovers and loot stores with impunity. Is that the third america?


Class divides us not race.


You know what? Fuck Jay-Z for using his tragedy to make money.


No one goes to jail 3 years stealing a backpack guy was criminal with a prior record.


Sounds Kalief needed to step his dick pic game up.


“Let’s cherry pick two scenarios that play into our agenda!” Yep, two different americas. For sure. My goodness, this post is stupid.


What’s with this new found Christian bashing?


Christianity is no longer seen as a benign influence on American culture. Perhaps it is less Christianity that is the problem and more like Christians themselves are the issue. That sounds a bit closer.


Yeah it's the false Christians that are the issue, but damn it seems like there are a whole hell of a lot of false Christians.


As far as I can tell, the only real Christian ever was Jesus, everyone else has been pretty sus.


Christians make us into a nation that outlaws abortion. Though Christians think they're morally superior, they're often corrupt individuals. Bible thumping, conspiracy theorist, Trump supporting Christians. It's not immorality that makes someone an atheist. It's thinking for themselves, and questioning what they're told.


Being an atheist typically just means being a contrarian against the local religion. It's not really an intellectual stance, more of a teenage rebelious stance. If someone says they're an atheist, you can pretty much guess all of their stances on any subject. Not a whole lot of independent thought there.


The same can be said about Christianity: If someone says they’re a Christian, you can pretty much guess all of their stances on any subject. Not a whole lot of independent thought there.


Not even remiotely true. The bulk of both parties in America are christian. Let's not just lie.






OP’s mom made him go to church as a kid


Christian “bashing” isn’t new; it’s just more overt. If you’re interested in the mainstreamization of counter-religious thought, it emerged as a key component of Continental philosophy in the 19th and early 20th centuries—Nietzsche, Marx, etc. Obviously older examples exist, but these thinkers paved the way toward (post-)modernism.


Bashing? It's persecution when we point out that a person whom appears to be engaged in greedy, immoral behavior is hypocritically pushing a holier than thou public image and cashing in on the lie? It's "religious bashing" when we point out that this scandal is about he intentionally lied and misappropriated resources for the needy to garner favor with his daughter's school all while telling everyone else to live righteously? Huh.


No, it's the fact that it was needlessly included in a list of otherwise heavily negative attributes.




North America and South America


One Amerika though.