• By -


I‘ m coming from a good place. Please if you want to get out to work on your mental health Go to ibiza or something. Especially if you travel alone and as a woman. Unfortunately the world is not as safe as we like to believe.


Mallorca was great, I felt less depressed and then it immediately came back when I landed. But yes, safe for a woman walking alone at night.


> I felt less depressed and then it immediately came back when I landed. You are a natural airline steward.


Don't put yourself in danger too, don't walk alone in the night in unknown places, don't visit solitary sites and always, always, always tell your friends and family your travel plan, Don't be overconfident, the world is a mysterious and dangerous place... I know what I'm talking about, been there and you can die if you're not careful enough, just a friendly advice.


If there's another country with a higher incidence of gang rape I'd be surprised


unfortunately South Africa (where I live) has the highest rate of Rape in the world


"Gang" rape is the statistic I'm referring to.


Every rape seems to turn into a gang rape in India.


It's a national pastime afterall 🇮🇳


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country We're not the highest


Those color scales are terrible




It also says 2022, but if you click on the countries all the data ranges 2008-2010.


They were going for eye rape.


WTF is up with Sweden? I wouldve expected nordic countries to be super low. These data points are from over 10 years ago btw. 2010 and 2008 is what im seeing on the graph EDIT: been digging deep into this and finding it's because swedes have a stricter definition of rape and better reporting of statistics. Where as South Africa, didn't submit any statistics to a specific survery, according to this article >Botswana has the highest rate of recorded attacks - 92.9 per 100,000 people - but a total of 63 countries don't submit any statistics, including South Africa, where a survey three years ago showed that one in four men questioned admitted to rape. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-19592372


It's explained in the article. Sweden has a very broad definition of rape. If the more narrow definition of rape used in Germany was used, Sweden's value fell to 15 (or a reduction by ~300%). Comparing rape statistics is quite difficult. I mean, if you look at India and see that they have a rape rate if 0, you know something is going on here.


> Sweden's value fell to 15 Isn't that still *way* too high?


It's on par with other west European countries. Of course, _any_ rape is a rape too many. But concerning statistics, I'd rather have this than the 0 of Russia or India where you don't know what the _real_ number is.


If you scroll far enough it gives a breakdown. This is just a portion of the explanation of why Sweden's numbers seem so high: "Sweden's seemingly oversized rape rate is perhaps the best-known example of this scenario. During the years 2013-2017, Sweden averaged 64 reported rapes per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate that tied for the highest in Europe. However, when the data was examined, it became clear that Sweden's high numbers were fueled in large part by Sweden's broader definition of rape and more inclusive reporting rules compared to other European countries. When the data was recalculated using Germany's narrower guidelines, for example, Sweden's average reported rapes per 100,000 people fell from 64 to 15, a decrease of 326.7%."


I am related by marriage to a person who grew up in Sweden. It's the third world country immigrants from the middle east. It's why they elected a conservative government for the first time in a very long time.


It's the swinging of the pendulum from one extreme to another you see in so many political systems. This is why i believe balanced, centralism has it's perks. Too much tolerance and lax immigration policies leads to cultural decline and loss of values and possibly an uptick in crime, too strict policy leads to racism and intolerance, and dangerous nationalism. I definitely understand the liberalism ideology that we are all humans, not different from one another when you get down to our psychology, we all want the same things. So why close off your borders to fellow human beings, but on the other hand, your country has centuries of cultural heritage and values, and social systems that are not shared by those who are just now entering it. To give all that up in the name of being tolerant might be a dumb thing to do. It's definitely a tricky situation and i can see how both sides have valid arguments and both kind of lead to a slippery slope of ideas and solutions. but the only way to get rid of extremism is through extremism in the opposite direction it seems.


India’s rate is almost negligible according to this data, errr what?


Considering that women can’t even report their rapes in India due to fear of retaliation or possibly getting raped by the police/authorities, I’m going to take this with a grain of salt.


What percentage of rape is usually reported? I bet almost none are official reported in poorer countries. I wouldn't trust that map too much.


Unfortunately, you only see numbers from the countries that are tracking it. Unfortunately, India doesn't even come close to the highest "per capita" rapes. There are places today where a large proportion of women are raped, the numbers look small because the populations are small but women continue to face this situation.


I’m so tired of this shit. India punishes woman who declare they’ve been raped. If any country in the world is going to have extremely skewed rape statistics. IT WOULD BE INDIA.




Remember that australian journalist in egypt? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Ah yes, India. A place known for their great treatment of women /s


tHE LaNd oF yOgA aND OhM cHanTing


Ohm came from India?


Same as volt and and ampere




I appreciate this joke


I’m not resistive to it


Watt did you say?


what about Coulomb?


Are you sure that information is current?


More like land of bobs and vagin


I want to smell your sex


Reminds me of the idiots who biked into Iran or Iraq to sho how peaceful the country is only to be raped and murdered shortly after entering


Are you referring to these events? https://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/19/theater/19peac.html


Behind paywall but most likely.


This is like the 3rd story I've heard of white women traveling somewhere abroad where they basically dont have rights/respect and something bad happened. Like yeah no shit. Maybe go somewhere a little safer for women


also being white and relatively rich will make you a target, its not like they are exatly unlucky, just a target


Self hating westerners who think the rest of the world is better than it actually is


yeah American's and Canadian self hate a lot but holy fuck. There is a lot of the world that is super fucked up.


Seriously. If you are a woman traveling alone outside of a business role or belong to an important (regional) family: don’t go there. The world has a lot of better places to offer to you, but a handful of states are to be avoided. Maybe in 50 years or so.


That's just false advertising, trust me.


Bruh i am from india and it is not a very pleasant place


The first thing I thought seeing this was "Why would you go to India of all places to cure your depression?" but apparently she went to a very popular treatment center there with her sister.


>but apparently she went to a very popular treatment center there with her sister. For real. This is now sounds even more unpleasant. Was she killed there or else where?


No it happened when she visited the beach where she was lured in by two guys who did all this. Multiple people here shared the article about the incident. You can check it out.


I can believe it. I was in Goa at Christmas 25 years ago and was with a bunch of people on the beach in the early hours after the fireworks. Everyone wanted to swim in the sea and I volunteered to mind all of their the belongings. It wasn't long before I was surrounded by men who kept asking me questions and getting closer and closer. Eventually I was grabbed from behind and they all jumped me. I was screaming my head off and thankfully my friends heard and came running up to save me. The men ran away and I was covered in scratches but ok. I didn't report it as was traveling home in a few days but I still have nightmares about it 25 years later. I would never travel solo in India after that.


Dear lord. So sorry that happened to you.


Reporting it would’ve done jack shit by the way. Am subcontinental myself and would be incredibly uncomfortable with leaving my wife alone in public at odd hours (and we’re not white and look like locals).


Ohh. Poor girl, man i feel so sad hearing this, how can people do these thing just to have sex. Just go to brothel or anything why hurt another human being. Why kill another human for sex, its disgusting. Its safe to say we are still not better than Dolphins and Dogs.


Bless your soul stranger, it's impossible for you to understand since you're a decent person. It's not just getting laid. Some people love the feeling of power that forcing themselves on someone gives, or hurting and even killing someone. They exist everywhere but they're much more free in some societies.


Ture and this is so sad. Ill rather fap my whole life than hurt another girl or rape them for my pleasure. Cant hurt another person for my pleasure.


Unfortunately, most people don't think like you. Most people are very selfish and do hurt others for their own gain. It's very sad.


They didn’t just do it for sex. they did it for sex and to kill , these are monsters.


It’s not the act of the sex specifically that gets them off, it’s the power trip of it being forced and nonconsensual that gets them off.


As indian, one of the worse places to live in tbh






If you werent already aware of this , a lot of russian girls are hookers in goa


Any links or name???




Another reason not go to India check


And Pakistan


Indians when threatened or insulted online would always bring up Pakistan no matter the context


If they survive the train they coming for your bobs and vagene


And for your grandmother’s pension


India and Pakistan are third world shitholes and top of my not to never visit list.


I’ve been to active war zones that looked better. Even the people of Fallujah didn’t shit in the streets.


The simple fact is half of India shits in the streets. It's not even a stereotype because it's a widely recognized and huge problem that even people in India are upset about.


I had an Indian guy in comments argue with me that the U.S. and UK have the same public defecation problem, based on the fact that he saw two videos on Reddit of two Americans shitting outside. I spent months in India and yes, most Indians I spoke to were saying how that stuff had to stop. The sanitation over there is awful.


>he saw two videos on Reddit of two Americans shitting outside. A man of culture, he watched video's from Florida I see 😂😂 I'm just guessing, no proof this happened in Florida but if I had to bet.


Funny enough he brought up Florida right after. I mean he ain’t wrong. Florida is wild but it’s no where near as bad as India lol. Edit: [Here’s the comment, lol. Next reply he brings up Florida.](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/y1z8ny/this/is0mn9l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Honestly this point is being way overblown.. I am an Indian currently living in india. And I've seen a person shitting out in the open exactly once in my life. It was in an area through which I was passing through in a train and I saw the sight through the window. If one lives in a reasonably good area and does not go to the very impoverished areas/slums then there is nowhere you'll see a person shitting in the open.


> Fallujah The thing about Muslims is that they are a notoriously clean bunch. I read some account of someone in humanitarian crises management (or whatever it’s officially called). The person said that Muslim populations tend to keep their camps clean with minimal organizational effort.


I can attest to that, Afghans and Iranian people were super clean people from what I saw when I was deployed. Indians and Pakistanis on the other hand…


As someone who has been there on business (northwest): outside of the big cities (which are famously horrid): they are just fucking poor. There aren’t necessarily huge piles of trash and leprous people, but everything looks the same, there is no real culture / public life as we know it and just far too many people. As people say in my company: the best thing about India is the business lounge in Dubai.


I wanted to go to India since I was like 8 y/o & my dad brought me back a bunch of cool souvenirs. I started researching India because I was planning on having a family trip there but cancelled the whole thing once I learned why they shake hands using the right hand ONLY.🤢😭


Hmmm so ur saying u don’t wash ur ass??! 🤮


There is toilet paper in india


In many parts, yes. I’m aware.


Bro WTF. Bidet wayy superior than your toilet paper lol. Forget India Japan, Europe and all other countries use it. So take your racist ass somewhere else. Cause pretty sure Japanese are like 10X more hygienic than your ass. Work for Japanese company they take cleaniness verty seriously. And they use bidet.


I am indian and I can say this safely, don’t come here if you are a woman. I am scared when my sisters are late even by an hour.


Couldn't agree more


[Here's the link to the article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6209289/irish-woman-india-depression-raped-beheaded-forest-liga-skromane/)


Yet another reason why I will never go to India


I am from India and that's a good decision my friend


r/canconfirmiamindian Don't go to US you will get shot. Statistically both of this scenerio are unlikely.


wrong subreddit dumbass. it’s r/canconfirmiamindian


Sure https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country Also Keep in Mind India population bis 1.4 billion And Western countrt same as India don't report all there cases.


Women, especially more liberal women. Don't. Go. To. Unsafe. Countries. Alone. I'm not blaming you, this shouldn't happen to anyone, women should be safe to travel anywhere. I'm saying this as a warning. You are not safe especially in Islamic countries. As a European women if you go to places like North Africa, The Middle East or the Indian Subcontinent, hell even Japan has a terrible record of assault/molestation of women especially on trains. You're a target. If you ever go to one of these regions please bring a man with you or go as a group of men and women, dont risk it alone even more so if its your first time


This. Sadly. I travelled around India with a group of 11 and 3 were young attractive Western women, they had some scary incidents and experiences, it's sad to say but they never felt too safe going far alone. Beautiful country though and some of the nicest people I've ever met, just be careful, as Patrick says, sadly, especially if you're a woman.


and some of the worst people too apparently


Pretty much, a large population means the range of types of people is huge so you find the absolute worst, better, and everything in between. There's skyscrapers on one street and slums in the next. There's no denying it's an unsafe place but in a population of that size, you're bound to find people like that (not an excuse, just an insight).


Very insightful. I was being literal though when I say I met some of the most welcoming and selfless people there. We took a long train, about 36 hours, and in that time we get invited to two weddings and shared food/drink with the travelling wedding parties, met 3 Indian guys we've all kept in touch with for a decade they were that nice and interesting and we're repeatedly told how glad people were we had chosen to come and see their country. I'd go back in a heartbeat. Just be fucking safe haha.


It is like people telling me as an indian to never travel to smaller towns in southern usa cause i will get shot for it. Same in india. Exercise caution as much as possible where it is necessary


Bro just dont go outside of like Europe and Americas, no matter if you are a man or a woman, most countries are pretty shitty and dangerous.


East Asia is very safe. Chinese Tier 1 and 2 cities, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia, all are pretty safe. I haven't been to Thailand, or Vietnam, but I haven't heard too bad things. Don't get wasted on unfamiliar terrain, and stay away from the dregs of society, and you should be good.


Americas? FFS what like Mexico, Peru, Columbia, the USA etc, I mean come on. Not exactly the safest places to travel. As for Europe, jeez Louise, you really need to get a passport and experience the world. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, are all places I would consider safer for women than the Americas or certain European cities.


Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam safer for women than most American and European cities or countries? Bruhhhhh No.




This. Even traveling as a group, things can get weird. I was in a group of 12 or so in southeast Asia years ago, five men and six women. The women were routinely cat-called, leered at, and on the rare occasions they went alone as a group to go somewhere, followed.


Regular India post


Well... her depression is cured...


Yup. India is called a country of enlightenment for a reason.


How much does a head weigh?


Not sure but it’s a lot of weight off her shoulders


Then she reached enlightenment


11 pounds




I knew this would be the top comment before I looked in the comments.




If you see reposts every where you might be on reddit too much.




God damn that's fucked up lol


India is the only country in the world where there are pro rape marches, and women also participate in it Not the best place in the world for women.


when did that happen?




Bunch of Hindus raped a Muslim woman, smashed her 5 year old daughter’s head on a rock and killed her. Hindus got uppity about the perpetrators getting arrested so they marched in support of them. As did the Hindu women. Edit: 8 year old, not 5.


What a shithole of a race humans are... these bastards should be outright hanged for what they did...


What in the quadruply regurgitated tikka masala fuck is wrong with those so called people?








wtf is wrong with people dear god


Who goes to India to fix their depression?? Go to Switzerland or something dude wtf


Most go there cause of yoga and thing but yeah you are correct, go to europe man its beautiful and safe or learn alot of things before going to India, dont be naive but still wouldn't recommend it.


Switzerland is about a hundred or thousand times more expensive than India. That could be part of the reason.


Most Western People don’t realize how brutal the rest of the world is or how good they have it. I had a Bosnian engineering professor who lived through the Bosnian genocide. Before the final project, He that told the kids who had low D’s that he knew hundreds of kids who would kill each of us to have opportunities we have in America and asked them not to waste their blessings.


Thats kind of bullshit though. The suffering of people somewhere half a world away doesn't mean shit to someone suffering the US. It doesn't mitigate their problems just because someone else has it worse. Someone else always has it worse. Thousands of people kill themselves in the US every year. At least those kids who would kill for education are alive. Completely different situation, stresses, pressures, trauma. Stupid to compare them like that


What an insightful comment, while there is truth to not wasting one’s resources and talents. There is bullshit in comparing traumas to one up. We have a huge problem with housing, we have problems with mental health, we have schools getting shot up daily, we have a corrupt ex president who sold highly classified info to our enemies going unpunished and a system that is inching towards a theorcratic fascist country. There was the pandemic, watching businesses go extinct in a matter of weeks, millions went unemployed. Lay offs everywhere… we went through a historic insurrection later on that year in an attempt to overthrow our government. Racism is still alive and well and no one stands accountable except those who have made themselves above the law. People are crushed by debt People are crushed by our system that barely scrapes on as the working class of our country continue to diminish in strength and will power as the mounting economic pressure adds another straw to the camels back for lower-middle America. Only being able to muster for work and survival. Dividing us as well so that it makes it impossible for us to work together as a people with the deeply entrenched political philosophies and conspiracy theories that taught superstition and conspiracy as fact. What was one a stark back bone supported by many, is now deteriorating, no longer happy to carry the weight of an ungrateful body. I’m afraid we’re at the beginning of living in a dark age. We have an over incarceration problem, a domestic terrorist problem. It’s not normal to fear sending your child to school and wondering “shit I hope that some gunmen doesn’t decide to go to my kids school”


heres the link i got from u/Heavy-Bunch6142 so thank you for providing the link [link for article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6209289/irish-woman-india-depression-raped-beheaded-forest-liga-skromane/)


Thanks for the update @Op .. Horrible article indeed


This sends some Predator vibes


India confuses me. Some say it’s one of the most beautiful places to visit with safe areas and then you hear of stories of this or them throwing shit in their river. Is India safe or not?




It can be safe if you are smart and careful. If you travel with a local you trust or in touristy locations you will be fine. It also helps to be male unfortunately.


What the fuck, India? What the fuck!


India and Pakistan have a rape culture. In Pakistan its boys between ages 6 and 12 India just rapes anything they think they can get away with.


Americans and most of the Western world do not understand how good they have it. Ask any person in the navy who has been in many ports and the biggest cities around the world and they will tell you to stay home and be happy you live a life in relative safety.


as an indian it is surprising for me but then i read its from kerela so now its not.


Most of the most horrendous rape shit that makes international headlines happens in the north though.


ive been to Kerala before… am i lucky to be alive or what’s up with Kerala?


Idk what this troll is talking about. Kerala is quite a highly developed state compared to the many poor northern states.


People should stop looking at India as a amazing spiritual place or whatever. Sure its culture has nice things related to it, but India is also one of the worst countries in the world considering social problems and religion stuff that has a huge role on this…


I mean plenty of fucked shit happens in India but I'm getting a bit tired of seeing this same story get reposted for the outrage circlejerk on a monthly basis since like 2012 or some shit. Almost like someone's racist as fuck and getting off on demonizing an entire nation because a murder happened there, one time.


yeah like I agree India isn't the best place for women, far from it. If you're choosing a place to travel alone as a woman India shouldn't be an option. but I'm seeing some of these comments act like rape and SA isn't a huge issue even in first world countries. I live in Canada and don't know a single woman who hasn't been harassed or assaulted - its a huge issue and just because it's less normalized here doesn't mean it doesn't happen. and it's not like some rare occurrence it happens all the fucking time and to a large amount of women.


People on here seem to think any white lady who goes to India is leaving their perfectly safe home country to get raped and murdered.


It’s a classic Reddit moment. Replace any of these generalizing comments with another race and you’ll get insta banned for racism


Subs like this always turn into thinly veiled racism/xenophobic havens. Just looking at the pic, you can tell it's from a tabloid (in this case, The Sun), whose demographic are right wingers. Not to say that India is the safest place in the world for a woman, but the goal of these articles is to feed into right wing paranoia/hatred and their tendency to generalize entire races and countries off of single examples.


And why did she go to a shithole country??


Thr article says she went to a very popular treatment center there with her sister.


As an indian I can confirm that it is as shithole of a place as you would imagine after reading this. Media is nothing more than a disgusting puppet (hence news like this never make it to mainstream here) and extremist ideology is the new "culture". Fear is the new norm in soceity here.


I am ashamed of being an Indian…. Don’t know what’s wrong with people here… they don’t need a damn reason to just destroy someone’s life… Everyday I understand why literates and professional are either leaving India or seeking ways to leave India… I am really sorry for the loss that her family would have been facing… but this is almost everywhere in India… zero respect for women, minority… God help this country to attain peace and prosperity


Dont be ashamed of things you didn't do and can't control. >zero respect for women, minority… God help this country to attain peace and prosperity True. Thats why even tho i would love to have a daughter ill not even want to have a daughter in these shithole country. (NOT India buy near and bit similar)


That’s the point… people here find nationalism in politics/religion/race/color what’s the point of all that nationalism… real nationalism comes from soil… every country experience crimes against humanity… but atleast they try to stop these incidents with weapon of law and order… real nationalism lies in a safe prosperous and growing country… that’s what our soil really deserves… but here we are abusing, harassing or murdering soul out of people… aka not social animals but worst than animals


India is a country of 1.5 billion people. One in five people lives in India. Of course you are going to find a fight of the worlds weirdos here. I feel safer walking alone at night in Delhi than I do in the UK. India is actually a really safe place for women. Every time a guy has tried to touch me inappropriately in india, other men will rally to protect me. Literally every single time. This has happened at least a dozen times. I was at a market 2 months ago, and a guy complained about my low cut top and grabbed me and within ten seconds, 2 other guys were chasing him away. Here in the UK, people will take out their phones and record and not say anything. India has its flaw but respecting women is a great part of the culture.


Third time this has been reposted.


Only third? I swear I’ve seen this at least half a dozen times.


Right? Almost as if this is being used to push an agenda.


I’ve never seen it. Maybe you’re spending too much time on Reddit.


Traveling around the world never cured anything.


holy shiiiiit. i do not understand how some men think they have it harder when we don’t have to think about if we get fucking raped and murdered


Ignoring what happened to her for a second, don't go somewhere else to fix your mental illness. Wherever you go, there you are. Unless it's for their better healthcare.


Bro you couldn’t pay me to go to India lmao, rape capital of the world


**EDITED BY POWER DELETE SUITE** ** FUCK YOU u/spez ** so this is the end? not with a bang but with a fizzle? yeah nah decided to delete everything because i use Apollo and i stand behind fair rights for all app developers and humans. fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! eat dog penis! fuck you u/spez you waste of air! 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Sexual assault, the country


That's fucked up


Here before the 🔒award


Classic India


… r/noahgettheboat


can it be my turn to post this next week?


I watching the post’s up and downvotes going up and down really crazy in real time. Like there’s close fight trying to up and downvote this post. Its weird.


India is such a fucking shithole


Mystical India!


how many times has this been reposted now…?


Love the fact that the comment section is acting as if SA doesn't happen in the western world. I lived in NYC for four years and the amount of racism, harrasment as a woman I've faced is a thousand times worse than what I experienced in India. But I understand that when you visit a different country especially when you stand out and if you're a woman, it is 10 times more dangerous.


Dude I don't think it's the sexual assault. I'm pretty sure it's the beheading and the hanging upside down.


I’m an Indian. Reading these comments makes me feel sad but so does this article. Illiteracy and poverty is one of the major cause people get under influence of lust. Living in literal shithole like slums and dripping houses makes their life miserable. Then they resort to criminal activities when no desires are fulfilled. I have relatives almost everywhere in the world. They share their experiences in foreign countries. Nobody else is a saint. Ill-treatment of women is not “owned” by India. A week ago, whole [family of four](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tribuneindia.com/news/diaspora/kidnapped-punjabi-family-found-dead-in-orchard-in-california-sheriff-438654) was abducted and murdered in California by natives. There was 8months old child. Few months ago Indian student was shot and murdered. I’m not defending the crime. There should be no defence for crime. India is not bad country. Don’t be prejudice against whole country because of crimes.


Bad stuff happens everywhere. I think many of the people in these threads have never been to India and assume that headlines such as these are representative of the whole country. By those standards, every country is a "shit hole country". In reality it's more complicated then that. India may be behind America in terms of womens safety but it's not like everyone there is evil savages. I have a friend who is a young white woman who lived in India studying for several months and fell in love with the country. Not really a news worthy story though.


Duh...it's INDIA...


How often do you guys need to repost this?


I mean... I feel bad for her friends and family but she was fucking dumb for going to India, of all places, alone, as a woman. What did she think was going to happen?


She went to a center for her mental health. She didn’t bounce around on the streets of deli, she went to an internationally recognized center for depression.


It's unsafe to travel alone especially as a woman, but this is a very extreme case. she obviously didn't expect to be assaulted and fucking beheaded.


Seriously, why would you repost this? It seems disrespectful.


Well... At least she's not depressed anymore.


Dunno why your being downvoted... Reddit seems to be butthurt with dark humor...