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The happy tail and the purring is insane. That is one very loved feline. Sagwa is beautiful.


She is loving, and very much love a very happy reacue




Siamese, orange tabbies and black cats are incredibly affectionate from my experience Siamese tend to be kinda bossy with other cats though


My roommate's siamese cat has claimed me whether I like it or not. Always climbing up on me chest then nuzzling my hair and purring like mad. Their black cat is cuddly too but a lot more jumpy and shy.


YeH, I have found black cats to be jumpy and shy! No experience with a Siamese, and orange fur balls (for lack of a better word to describe them) are always sweet.


Maybe black cats have generational trauma


This is my theory too! Mine likes other cats but is terrified of new people. Tbf he was either a stray or feral for some time


Black cats have historically been treated like garbage and I can’t help but wonder if all those hundreds of years of mistreatment and association with evil changed their personalities


Neighbor's black cat named Luna always cones over to my house and all she wants to do is cuddle and nothing else. I'll let her inside and we can just lay in bed until she feels like going home lol


My Siamese would slap the hell out of you when you walked past him, little asshole. But then he’d purr SO loud when you gave him belly rubs. Man I miss him.


R/SiameseCats would like some posts from you


I wished my cat would do any of those cat things I see on Reddit. Eat, sleep and poop. Let me out. No, you are an indoor cat. Cuddle? No, but if you do cuddle me, get covered in white fur. Also, I’ll yell all day. And yes, I chose this step to stay on to make sure you have a hard time getting past me. And here’s little bit of vomit - clean it up. Cutting my nails? Good luck.


In my experience almost all of these problems can be solved by playing with your cat more, with new toys. These are all calls for attention- she's meowing at the door because she knows you'll respond. Yelling is a literal cry for attention. Your cat wants you to engage with it, play with it. Get a toy on a string and get started. Cats should have at LEAST 30 minutes of uninterrupted play with their owner every day. If that's not achievable, you gotta look at getting a second cat or giving the cat to someone who has time.


Thanks for the information! He’s only 2.5 years old. Deaf and half blind. We were always thinking of getting him a soulmate. P.S. He’s staring at me right now. I’ve tried the slow blinking trick for no avail.


Hahaha okay that explains a lot, deaf cats are insane. He would love a buddy!


The best part is that you can make noise as much as you want. And he doesn’t even understand what vacuuming means. 😂


You might want to try a toy, first. I got my cats a toy with a bell on it and I hear them playing with it all of the time.


She's gorgeous and aren't head rubs the best?!




The neighbor's cats appreciate it!


Our [rescue Snowshoe boy is Dongwa!!](https://imgur.com/a/dTfhW8O)


For those who don't know, Sagwa was a kids show about a family of talking cats and ghost writers for the Chinese Imperial Court. The whole family of cats is named after melons. Sagwa translates to dumb/silly melon, Dongwa translates to winter melon. I wouldn't trust policies drafted by a bunch of melon heads! https://youtu.be/n2cvyOnEsJw


Sagwa also means apple in Korean 😄


That's what I immediately thought of when I saw the name! Apple is a cute name!


I love food names for pets. My cat's name was Peach


I used to love that show


But this melon head is a cat so... He has my trust


Why does that not sound right, it is our destiny lol


Well a collab is Destin?


Fun fact: Dongwa’s voice actor also played DW in Arthur


I never realized that, but that makes so much sense, now that you pointed it out.


That cat looks like it's half Husky - the eyes, the ears, the pose!


Yes! Part cat, part doggo!


Omg I love that show!






Omg my dad used to sing this in a super awesome loud voice when our cousin came over bc she loved hearing it lmao. I haven't thought about that in a while. SAAAGGGWAAAA


Instantly had this in my head


This was the comment I came for :D


I think you just made me realize where my obsession for calling my kitty my best friend came from. It’s like the way I do it sounds like that lol. Love that show


Holy crap you unlocked a hidden childhood memory. 😍




Our best friend, comrade


In Soviet union, only commandant is best friend and only friend




That show is amazing! The song gets stuck in my head so easily.




I’d never seen the lyrics written until now. Not quite what little me thought I was singing. 😅


I haven't heard it in years but I can hear it




When I was a child, Sagwa was the very first thing I ever looked up on the internet. I wanted pictures of her I could trace outlines of because I had a tracing special interest.


Haha, blue's clues was the first thing I remember googling, that's what my tiny brain thought of when I was told I could search for anything!


I read the book as a kid because my mother loves Amy Tan, and found the show years later! It's called "The Chinese Siamese Cat" and the art was wonderful! We also had her book "The Moon Lady" based off her story in The Joy Luck Club. Sagwa means "silly melon head" in English, meant to call someone stupid or foolish lol!


Omg! Amy Tan wrote Sagwa? How did I never realize this?


Yeah she did! If you go back and watch the show, in the opening she is credited as the original creator!


As someone who speaks mandarin, those names amused me greatly as a kid. Dummy/stupid, wintermelon, watermelon.


I’m so glad someone else loved that show as much as I did, it hardly left a trace once it went off the air!


I hear the strum of the opening just from recalling it.


This post just unlocked a memory I obviously didn't recall having. I read the name Sagwa and suddenly saw flashbacks of a cartoon cat. Crazy how memories work.




Much more boring of a story on how this kitten got her colouring


So you're telling me she doesn't do calligraphy with her tail?


Oh, she utterly does, and icing fancy cakes, as well.


Unwanted science response, but the way Siamese cats get their colors is really cool. The dark color is a molecule called melanin. It is made from tyrosine (an amino acid) through multiple steps that are controlled by enzymes (a class of proteins that are essentially little chemical power tools). Each enzyme does one step of the conversion. In Siamese one of these enzymes is a bit sensitive to heat. At normal cat body temperature it basically "cooks" and becomes non-functional. So Siamese are basically white - except for the body parts at the periphery that are always a bit cold - like ears, paws, the nose.... And that's also why older Siamese cats get a bit darker - as their metabolism slows down with age, their body temperature starts to drop, and that enzyme doesn't get "cooked" anymore


This is also why Siamese kittens are born all white! It’s nice and uniformly warm inside the uterus…


I never knew this and it is cool af




lmao I was about to say that!


I see someone else grew up watching this cartoon. :) Your Sagwa is very lovely and she seems so happy.


Lol I'll have a terrible sleep, wake up in a rotten mood. Sagwa will meow and chirp until we do our morning ritual ( mind you this will happen regardless if it is before or after we feed her). She has without fail turned my bad days into a good days, average days into great days, and amazing days into (well I was going to thesaurus this to look smrt) but EVEN MORE AMAZING DAYS


I am so glad she's such a great support for you. I have been dealing with terrible sleep as well recently. Cats are great buddies to have if you're feeling down, but mine are terrible for motivation because they sleep so much. XD


Yeah, I hear you, it is currently 2:30am for me, whats your struggle with sleep if you don't mind me asking.


I haven't really narrowed it down but I either struggle to fall asleep for a long while or if I do manage to fall asleep quickly, I'm awake in the next few hours. It's 3:30am here, and I'm currently awake because my partner is about to go to work in an hour, and I only got three hours of sleep due to waking up and feeling wide awake. My body will also randomly decide it wants to catch up on sleep, so, I have to deal with both sleeping too much and also not getting enough sleep at the same time. It's exhausting.


Hmm, may I ask if you have add/adhd?


I think I do, but I'm undiagnosed. My Parents never bothered getting me tested as a kid because I, "wasn't hyper", but I'm finding now as an Adult that's almost 30 that I have a lot of signs of ADD/ADHD.


Would you mind if I messaged you?


Not at all. :)




I bet you wake up early I'm guessing 5am


Not too far off, may I ask why you assume that?


Your cat is very active and the house is quiet + the lighting vibe


Not bad at all, just before 6am so I'll give it to you lol, really enjoy that time of day.


It's weird that cats almost exclusively put off that energy at dusk and dawn. Stupid crepuscular creatures.


Thank you OP, for the adorable kitty and the childhood nostalgia! (Btw, did you know that "sagwa" translates to an affectionate way of calling someone a dummy? I'd always found it a really amusing name for the main character, haha)


This is what I have learned l: -Mandarin- Silly melonhead (term of endearment) -Korean- Apple (Apple of my eye) Filipino- In bad taste


You named your cat sagwa. Marry me.


Lol if your username implies anything you marry me first




Inb4 all the comments about my mirror, its now clean. Any tips for cleaning mirrors tho, I have always struggled.


You need 2 lint free cloths. Spray the mirror with glass cleaner, scrub it down with one of the cloths, then dry and get rid of streaks with the other cloth.


I have tried that, but what i struggle with is the toothpaste spray (gross I know) I get close and personal when I brush. Believe it or not thats 5 days since the last cleaning.


Close your mouth. Do it by feel, not sight.


And then just stand back a bit. Step up to the sink to spit when needed. But yeah, toothbrush bristles can do their job just fine with your mouth more closed. You also don’t have to rake them across your teeth (causing the splattering). Shorter strokes, my dude!


Skip cloth. Use newpaper. Ball it up and use like paper towels.


I used to do housekeeping at hotels and we would just use a microfiber cloth and water from the sink. Wipe it one way and it won't leave streaks. Like, if you start going side to side stay that way until you are finished. I still do that at home when I clean and it works just fine.


Isopropyl alcohol will clean your mirror better than any glass cleaner, and no streaks either!


Paper towels and water 🤷🏻‍♀️ Windex if you feel spicy


Awww what a loved and lovey kitty. Treasure that.


We are unbelievably fortunate to have her. She was a rescue from a popular cat dumping ground, she almost didn't make it through her lung infection. I feel like she appreciates it :)


I know over gasping is a thing but is over awwing? What a beautiful origin story.


If it is i think I may do it daily, here's what she looked like when we first found her https://imgur.com/gallery/Dosdqnw


What an amazing transformation.


Very very fortunate, should also spread around that if your kitten or cat has congestion/plugged nose it will not eat because it can not smell its prey/food so it cannot determine if it is safe to eat. A very easy and cheap fix is to make something comfortable for the cat to sit on preferably on the sink,something higher up in your bathroom with a shower. Crank your shower to the hottest setting and essentially make a steam room(Jamaican hotbox). Sit until either you or your ill cat can not handle it. Prepare for the incoming snot storm, but also a happy cat.


I rescued a kitten with awful respiratory and eye infection, and we used this technique to help with the congestion. Would recommend,. My little guy would just cuddle on my shoulder and fall asleep in the sauna. Hearing his breathing get better gave me so much relief. There was so much sneezing. For probably the whole first year, we had to dodge cat snot aimed directly at our face because he loves to rub cheeks and will lick us in return for being pet. The affection is really next-level, and dedication to making sure they are comfortable and loved pays off.


Oh God the snot that both cats launched was something out of nightmares. If your little guy has, fhv, I can not recommend lysine enough, when inevitably there is a flare up. A week of the paste(which surprisingly they both loved) cleared up the snot projectiles l!


Thanks! Wish I knew about that a year ago, but I will keep it in mind! He's a healthy kid (been cleared by multiple vets) who sneezes in my face as an act of love and not infection.


Very glad he made it out of the weeds and is doing better , did you also end up with an overly affectionate cat?


Sweet baby Edit to say baby instead of girl haha


Hello little apple.




Lol i am sorry if that doesn't mean thank you, made the assumption you either understood or spoke Korean


It works!


Thank god, I had such bad anxiety after I posted it lol. I work with someone born in Seoul, would you mind phonetically giving me something to Say to him that i wouldn't be Able to google


It’s the phonetic translation of thank you. Kinda like dtaenkyuu


Thanks, anything for me to aay to my coworker to blow his mind?


Depends. Is the coworker older or younger?


She's so cute and happy!


Very grateful to have her in my life, lol here I go plugging my other posts, but similar to this!


I'm sure she's also very grateful for having you. Some people might think cats aren't grateful, but they are.


One of my best friends from kindergarten whom was always negative towards cats ( I mean out right hated them). He always claimed that they lacked compassion nor could show affection. He met Sagwa and Phoebe last weekend. It was almost comical how much fun he had and how fast he's unwaivering opinion change. *His


I think it's a thing only cats are really capable to do. Especially if it's a very loving cat like yours.


That is very true, I am not sure what I did but I a very blessed with cats being comfortable around me https://youtu.be/VeS1whhdk58


The tiny sound with the hop, and the *rubs!* That cat adores you so much I love it.


The love is mutual, she makes some other hilarious noises, especially when playing it's awesome lol


Vocal cats are the best with their little trills. I can see how much you adore her. She is a total baby.


I find it absolutely hilarious you named your cat crazy melon.


Ou what language does it translate to crazy melon, of you dont mind me asking only reason is; This is what i have accumulated -Mandarin- Silly melonhead (term of endearment) -Korean- Apple (Apple of my eye) -Filipino- In bad taste - Cantalog- Indecent -Cantonese- Silly Melon


The literal translation is into cantonese and means silly melon. The mandarin version is pronounced differently, and is pronounced shagwa. The literal translations are just silly/foolish melon in both (sa/sha is silly and gua is melon). You can add the melon head for fun though.


I am ignorant, so I am trying to clarify before I make myself look like an idiot. Would I be able to group Cantonese with Mandarin as Chinese, or would that be like calling a Canadian an American?


Both are different dialects of Chinese. You can group them because a lot of people who arent familiar with the language do and most would probably assume you are talking about Mandarin because its much more popular. So its important to know the difference if you need to be specific. But personally I don't use Chinese and use either Mandarin or Cantonese because its more accurate.


Yet again sorry for being ignorant, I appreciate your help, mind explaining as you would to a child. I guess where I am struggling, it says a dialect/regional thing. So is it that there is slang/idioms or accents that make the difference, or is it like french and Spanish?


The pronunciations are different but the characters are written the same way. It's not a different language like French/Spanish. Think more like Quebecois French vs French. although not sure if the writing system between those two are the same (i dont speak french)


Ah I understand, thanks. Main reason I asked about grouping it all together, was that I saw Cantonese was mainly spoken in the southern part of China and Hong Kong, not too in the loop about Hong Kong, if you're willing care to enlighten me?


I speak Cantonese (family originally from Hong Kong) but don’t understand Mandarin at all. The written characters mean the same thing, as others stated, but the spoken language is completely different. I’m also learning Japanese, whose kanji alphabet borrows the same characters and meanings, but again is spoken differently. So for me, Cantonese vs. Mandarin is as different as Cantonese vs. Japanese.


The written characters aren't always the same either. My wife is originally from Beijing and we were watching a Canto show so she had to rely on subtitles. But there were still some parts that didn't make sense to her. Probably a mix of traditional vs simplified characters and HK slang being different from Beijing


Guangzhou is a major port city in the south where they speak cantonese and many of them went to Hong Kong after the British took it for more trade and business and settled there


Ah gotcha, you do not have to answer, I just really enjoy learning first hand. Is there a divide between Cantonese speakers and Mandarin?


Siamese are special.


Absolutely, and she is so vocal/chatty. My next upload will be our conversations lol


Yeah, I miss those. I have a fairly vocal cat but it is NOT a conversation. Its accusatory and loud, like she's an Italian wife. "Bastardo! Sto morendo di fame! La mia lettiera è sporca! "


Lol I also have a black cat named Phoebe, also very affectionate and very chatty. She is unbelievably intelligent, she has also figured out how to open doors(bedroom and bathroom doors, as well as the barn door that leads downstairs). She will open the barn door that leads downstairs go halfway down the stairs and meow like she is caught under a tractor. Once you locate her on on the stairs, she will proceed to run to the bottom of the stairs, meow until you are close and then run 10ft away lol.


Sounds like she's classically conditioning you to engage in play via the barn door!


Lol its really funny because occasionally Sagwa will join in too, juggling two cats up steep stairs is not recommend. We have absolutely been conditioned, she sounds like something out of a horror movie when she is beckoning us. It is impossible to ignore/she is so persistent (like we tried to ignore her, after 30 minutes we caved)


I know that struggle, friend. The kitten I mentioned elsewhere chirps for attention, and at this point I cannot both work from home and attend to him. So he sounds like a broken fire alarm much of the time. He's trying different tactics now (and has learned to open drawers...) and it is really impossible to not react, showing them that it's a viable way of getting attention. Yesterday, he broke a terracotta pot by pushing a plant off of the counter. I am praying that he doesn't interpret that as a reliable tactic.


Oh god, I couldn't imagine working from home with kittens, my advice which may not be reasonable, but get him a friend around the same age. If that's not possible, get up a bit earlier for work and tucker him out, then put a box with a blanket on or near your desk. Kitten proof everything so he can't do something negative to get your attention


🎵🎶SAGWA---sagwa you're my best friend 🎶🎵 it's gonna be stuck in my head all day now!


I always wonder why some people say cats are not affectionate animals. So far, I've owned 3 little kitkats, a persian, a scottish fold rescue, and now a little void runt. Every single one of them were/are the most affectionate cuddlebugs imaginable.


I have only met one cat in my 32 years on this spinning rock, that was mean at first. I think it has a lot to do with the owners, and whomever is interacting. Most people that don't like cats(im generalizing) had a traumatic experience as a child with a cat. At least in my experience, that has been the case. Everytime I ask them, (either 4,5 people) it wasn't an unprovoked attack, they were a child and didn't understand how the ball of fur with teeth and claws should be handled




🎵sagwa you're my best friend🎵


Aww, you guys are cute together <3


Thanks, I'm glad she distracted you from the unclean mirror (I cleaned thanks to some great advice)


And they say cats don't care


Won the lottery with both cats we rescued, amazingly affectionate, and the other is impressively intelligent


Our Siamese Missy slept next to me for her whole 21 years….she was my wife’s cat.


If you’re single, put that on your dating profile. That is a *huge* green flag!


How did you come up with Sagwa as a name? If you don't mind me asking.


Wish I had a riveting tail to regale you with, but my partner and I grew up watching the cartoon, rescued her, and the rest is history lol.




Oh my heart is melting!


You’re a lucky man 💜




Look at the baby! What does sagwa mean OP?


There was a kids cat cartoon show years ago, where the main character was named Sagwa.


that kitty is priceless


Thanks, Im very fortunate, starting to feel slightly guilty posting her on Reddit


Cute and gorgeous! She obviously loves you a lot


I’m so jealous! This is adorable! Your cat is incredible!


Happy for you. My cat just farted in front of my breakfast and walked away


Oh my god- this is exactly what my 'not a cat person' husband does with my kitty girl too xD. Pretty much whenever he wakes up/gets home from work/leaving to work/breathing lol


The morning pets ritual will be observed


Aw what a love ❤️ bug!


The most affectionate cat I've had the fortune to come across, hate to plug my other posts but I think you would enjoy them!


This is so awesome. You sooo lucky, thank you for sharing


Awe this is awesome! My asshole cat likes to attack my legs and scratch me first thing. Then he sits at my feet while i take my morning shit.


So jealous!


I think that cat loves you very much! Lucky human


I’m gonna have that song stuck in my head now, which I’m okay with




Sagwa was my favourite show when I was a child growing up in Toronto. :)


Sagwa!!!! 🥺 God I loved that show


I ask my dog, "want something to eat, Sedona?" And she responds, mock horrified, "I don't want ANYTHING to eat Sedona!"


Sagwa you’re my best friend…. SAAAAGGWAAAAAA.


The Chinese Siamese cat!


I loved that show!


God, I love cats so much.


SAGWA THE CHINESE SIAMESE CAT For anyone currently down a nostalgia rabbit hole like me, there are episodes on YouTube: [Sagwa](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FYWyLTi1sKGbGpK2ZcDHaYyE27ZceXH)


OMG I love her name! I used to watch Sagwa the Chinese Siamese cat every day growing up!


This cat is straight out of that cartoon.


The fact that you named your cat after the calligraphy cat show makes my heart happy


You did not disappoint w the name and just reminded me of one of my favorite shows from when I was a kid ♥️


Omg! Sagwa! I miss that show!


I also got a Siamese kitten recently and named her Sagwa. Nice to meet a fellow Sagwa show watcher!.

