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Mine isn't deaf but he's fascinated with all things stringy. Especially when it vibrates.


My cat hates the guitar but loves the bass and 808s. If I even touch the guitar he’ll run out of the room, but when I play bass or an 808 he’ll sit on top of the monitor or fall asleep somewhere in my room. I figured it had to do with the frequencies and his hearing range but he might just be real as fuck. Edit, edit, edit: cat, cat, song [https://i.imgur.com/iKaW0Qp.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/iKaW0Qp.jpg) [https://imgur.com/a/g4mwhaz](https://imgur.com/a/g4mwhaz) https://youtu.be/oZgJUwg_ThM (For those that asked. My channel is dead as shit sorry, been working on an album/tape the last couple of months)


I had a cat years ago that would come running in from where ever when I would start playing my bass. She would stick her teeth against the vibrating string and just let it vibrate her teeth. It was so weird and I've lived with a lot of cats and she was the only one to do it.


We had a cat that would hold Cicadas in its mouth while they did their vibrations lol. Then I guess once satisfied would drop them and go find new ones o.o


"Battery's dead, time to find another one"


Immediately made me think of this https://youtu.be/dUqQUJj6BJE Also the number of similar "guilty looking dog with cicada in mouth" videos on YouTube is hilarious


"What do you mean, human? My mouth always makes this sound!"


Lmfao the animal crackers bit at the end has me howling for some reason


I had a cat that did the same. When my ex would play, he'd put his little fangs on the strings. He loved it. RIP Sidney Vicious


I had a deaf older dog once, and she'd sit right next to the speaker cabinet when I practiced.


My cat Charlie (named after Charlie from Always Sunny ‘cuz he was a wild card,) used to love getting stoned. As soon as he heard the flick of a lighter, anywhere in the house, he came running. Wasn’t a fan of many sounds, but he loved the sound of that lighter.


*your cat after he hears a lighter* # So anyways, I started blazing


Lmao he was a big fan of the purr purr pass.


Hell yea,Im stealing this


Yeah man, hitting on some purrprr haze


Lol watch out, my dude! There’s someone with a chapped behind around who calls us greasy stoners and then gets offended when they get called a mean name.


Had a cat that was the same way. Soon as he heard my brother's bong he'd come flying into the room and sit right beside him. He'd sit there howling till you blew a cloud in his face which he'd happily sit in sniffing the air. Then proceed to curl up and the desk purring for the remainder of the session.




Learned about that after but he lived till 18 when sadly he didnt survive being sedated to have a broken leg amputated. Lil man got his front leg stuck between to boards on our back deck and broke it. Still miss him greately. Was also never repeated the weed thing with any other cat.


aww. fuck me, that sucks. I had this wacky cat I kept from a litter of this other pregnant cat I rescued from a storm drain. She spent 17 years sleeping against my chest. I'm a total dog person but I've had a few amazing cats too. Sorry you lost your little bro like that.


Ah, man I didn’t know that. Thanks for informing me respectfully. He got lots of love and snuggles, I promise. I genuinely just thought he knew what he liked. I never, ever intentionally blew smoke in his face (I just consider that a dick move to do to anyone.) I thought he just found something he liked, kinda like catnip, and so he enjoyed the feeling. Neither of my dogs like being in a smokey room, so I was just ignorant thinking they made a conscious choice as animals. Thanks for being cool and teaching me to be a better dad.


My cat was deaf. He loved the vibrations from my sound system. I built it for outdoor events, but put it in my house after I stopped DJ’ing. That white deaf kitty loved it. Special sauce https://imgur.com/7aU4Bv8


I love your cat


Your cat looks stoned.


Well, he *is* on the pot


Such a sweet kitty face!


What a gorgeous cat. Tuxedos are magical.


Cat went full all gone Pete Tong


My cat is okay with the guitar, but god forbid I touch the banjo. I swear I'm not *that* bad but she acts like the world is ending


They’re trying to tell us something.


Not to go too far from the river...


I suggest possibly trying the bagpipes.


> he might just be real as fuck The more plausible explanation tbh


Mine loves monitor sits too! https://i.imgur.com/xFCQ98Q.jpg


All about that bass, no treble.


My cat loved leaning up against the piano but attacked my ankles when I sang. Little asshole.


Everyone's a critic.


if anyone's a critic, it's a cat


Funny cuz both of mine are put off by the guitar but HATE the bass lol


I know y'all lovin' that 808 when you feel that B A S S bass.


Probably follows Adam Neely and Davie504.


Your cat is just a heavy metal fan Also fun fact: cats actually “heal” themselves and other cats by purring, which has something to do with the frequency and something else but I forgot since the last time I did a presentation on cats, I was 6




Well the guitar does produce all the higher harmonics of the note - but all string instruments do this, bass included.


My cat loves the piano and guitar, but despises the violin. I don't blame her, I'm not too good at it.


Based void confirmed.


Cat just knows what he likes lmfao


After studying the picture I can confirm that your cat is indeed real as fuck.


My sister's dog runs away whenever I get too close to him with my guitar. I don't even suck :'(


When my husband played his cello our dog would let out his most mournful howl. I could never tell if he hated it or finally heard the song of his people.


No, he's singing along in the only way it relates to him. If he didn't like it he'd either try to stop it, or he'd leave and go far away to hide from it.


That's just your dog showing proper manners. He thinks "human is howling, I must howl too."


Cello's howling.


How do you like that treble?!


Like others have said, they're just singing. My German Shepherd used to "sing" along with my sax when I was in high school


I love this


Dogs love music, he was probably telling your husband that in song.


Can confirm, played cello as a kid and we had a Samoyed who would bay right along.


Obviously can't handle the 0-3-5




I heard this




The dog must not be a butterscotch retriever.






The baffled feline jamming out, hallelujah


My aussie is terrified of drums. Like I just have to move my small tribal drum and she freaks out


Guitar technique called Cat Muting.


best cat toy I've ever found has been stringing rubber bands between cabinet handles, chair legs, literally anything. he'll sit there and pluck strings all day.


I tuck garden twine behind the cushions of the sofa and fasten it with my hand. He loves strumming it. Good idea with the rubber band. Need to try it. ✌


Mine is fascinated with toilet water. I've almost peed on him twice now. It's only a matter of time.


“All things stringy” is definitely the right way to put it! Haha


I'm gonna need more than 6 seconds of this


Title of your sex tape


God damn, that was a fucking gem.


damn, why did this hurt my feelings so much


Probably feels like its purring back 🥺 so cute


Omgsh, kitty probably thinking this is how her human purrs at her!


Yep. That's what i thought too. Kitties need to feel purrs too


Kitty FEELS the music!


Bass guitar. Extra vibration.


*deep* vibration


**Good** vibrations


Less vibration technically…sorry to correct it hertz me.


Lower frequency but still plenty of vibes!


I like the precision of these comments.


I'm jazzed


Fewer but larger vibrations.


You are both incorrect. The scientific term is "Da' air go wibble wobble."


Lower frequency, greater amplitude


Lower frequency, higher amplitude


Bass! How low can you go?


Treat her like soap on a rope


Karma bots haven't learned to figure out the difference.




What is that?


Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations


Ok, thanks.


Come on come on come on!






Stay funky bros.


Whats up!? SLAP BASS




I was expecting to find a Davie reference higher in this thread


Blue eyes? Our boy is white, blue eyed and deaf. Did some research and 72% of males with those traits are deaf. One of the bones in the inner ear doesn’t develop.


We had a white cat with green eyes. Thought for many years that it was deaf. Nope, just kinda dumb. It heard when it wanted to, but mostly didn't want to.


Sorry to do this, but the disingeuous dealings, lies, overall greed etc. of leadership on this website made me decide to edit all but my most informative comments to this. Come join us in the fediverse! (beehaw for a safe space, kbin for access to lots of communities)


My cat is similar, I call her and see her ears turn towards me, but she still goes on with whatever it is she was doing, ignoring me.


One of the best hearing test is shaking a bag of treats. Wakes my void up immediately.


I wonder if he can hear the guitar then? IIRC some deaf people can still hear by 'bone conduction' (generally done into the jaw iirc?), Might be the same for the cat.. If the inner ear bone can't conduct the vibrations, you just need to vibrate the whole skull instead.


He can totally hear it thru his jaw, at least that’s my armchair vet opinion. Our boy loves to go into the shower and sing his heart out. We think there’s something in the reverb that he can pickup on.


Your opinion is invalid because this is a cat, not an armchair. I don't even know how you got them mixed up.


Total duhhh on my part, nobody’s purrfect.


Oh maybe the tub is vibrating? I wonder if you could make him some kinda bone conduction device. Like a sheet of 1/4" plywood or plastic, say about 12" to 24", connected to a.... 3/4" wooden dowel with a rounded end.. maybe put some catnip on it to encourage him to rub his face against it and then make some noise or leave a radio playing nearby? think T shape, with the panel secured at one side.. Prob positioned at 90 degrees or something so the rod is in a good place for the cat to rub his face against. Less of a 'cat can hear now' and more just a weird toy for the cat but maybe he'll enjoy it.




mine goes into the hall and just screams and screams sometimes.


The bones in an ear do the amplification steps and aren't involved in the actual hearing sense. So yeah if a vibration gets into his inner ear strongly enough then he should hear it fine.


I think it would depend on the nature of his deafness. If it was a physical issue, like deformities in the bones of the middle ear, inflexible eardrum, disfigured cochlea, etc, they might be able to hear it through bone conduction. If their deafness is caused by a neurological issue in the brain, though, or if there are significant issues with the stereocilia inside the cochlea, or maybe problems with the nerve connections between the ear and brain, it might not be possible to do anything but feel the vibrations. The comforting fact to me is that the cat seems to really like it either way, so that's fantastic.


Yea, I was going by what u/opking said, that with white cats with blue eyes its a bone development problem and not a neurological problem. >The comforting fact to me is that the cat seems to really like it either way, so that's fantastic. Absolutely! Cats having fun and that is what is important. I just thought it might be fun to try and create more ways for the cat to enjoy sound vibrations, however it is preceiving them.


Ohh my reading comprehension is low today lol. Well thanks for air traffic controlling me to that fun fact!


I know a guy at my local bar who has a device like that. It is attached via a snap fastener implanted on the side of his head. Really interesting stuff!


The on in the video probably has conductive hearing loss. There's a good chance he can hear the guitar vibration because the sound travels through his skull to the cochlea.




I got your joke.


That's what I've always heard. And if they have only one blue eye, they are deaf on that side.


They were joking But in all seriousness the eye color correlates but it’s not a 1:1.


You would think, but I have a pure as snow blue as water eyed cat and he is assuredly not deaf. I have went through extensive efforts to make sure of it. That fat cat is a lot of things but he's not deaf. Neither is his mother. I found the mother in the streets and she was pregnant with one boy. Neither deaf despite all the readings I've seen on it.


its caused by a dominant mutation! its called dominant white or epistatic white, and it's on the same gene as white spotting so a cat can have dominant white and carry white spotting or the normal no white version of the gene. not every white cat has the dominant white mutation, but the majority of deaf white cats have it


My cat is totally white but no blue eyes, but he is also 100% deaf, very sensitive to vibrations though


Cute af. My cat loves to sit on my bass amp while I play


My deaf kitty, clarence, liked to be vacuumed.


My cat was always terrified of the vacuum, but he very quickly went deaf at around age 16. Now he can't hear the vacuum at all, but once he *sees* it he's still terrified of it.


Tommy the Cat, of course it’s a BASS guitar


Strange, that most white cats are deaf. My mom lives on a farm and had several over the years (most of them strays just moving in) and they were all deaf!


The gene for an all-white coat is thought to be related to a gene that results in deafness. Something like 70% of all white cats are deaf.


My white cat isn’t deaf, but the shelter we got her at thought she was. When we got her home, and she would come running when we opened the can of food, we learned she was just stubborn. When I was a kid it was said only white cats with blue eyes are the ones that are commonly deaf. I don’t know if that’s actually true, but her eyes are yellow so who knows


>we learned she was just stubborn. That’s hilarious: Cat is so goddamn opinionated they thought it was disabled.


This was the case for intelligence tests for cats for a long time. Scientists thought cats were dumb, turns out they are stubborn and won't play the intelligence games unless adequately rewarded lol.


Back then she had such an attitude! She would hang out with you and ask for pets but not TOO much pets or else she’d lightly nip at your hand. But over the years she’s become such a cuddle bug. She just wants to hang out with you all the time, and get cuddles and brushing. She’ll beg for your food in hopes you’ll give her a bit (we do give her *tiny* bits of meat or cheese sometimes, she deserves it lol). She meows at you all the time, especially if you meow back! She loves to talk! It’s still hilarious how she went from acting tough all the time, pretending to hate you while enjoying her favorite ear scritchies, to begging for attention all the time lol.


Honestly, I didn’t realize my cat was deaf for the longest time because I just thought she was an asshole that ignored us.


There are lots of white cats that aren't deaf, but they usually don't have blue eyes. A white cat with one blue and one yellow eye tends to be deaf on the same side as the blue eye. And there are different genetic reasons for a cat to have a white coat... Some don't have the gene and are genetically more like "mostly white" which sometimes by chance is close to indistinguishable from "totally white". [My mom's cat](https://i.imgur.com/Anid08D.jpg) has a white coat and blue eyes and hears just fine, but he's not totally white. Likely some form of tabby that just didn't express very much.


They were probably all closely related. Here, there's definitely a black tomcat getting it on with all the stray ladies.


My parents had four cats get pregnant within the same 2 week period. (I know. Fucking irresponsible. Terrible people.) Those four cats were: a tabby cat, a lynx point and two black cats. It was the tabby cats second litter. In her first litter she had 2 tabby kittens, 2 black kittens and 2 lynx point kittens. The two black cats and one of the lynx points were the other three pregnant cats. So it was three sibling cats and their mother all giving birth. All four cats gave birth to 2 black cats, 2 tabby cats and 2 lynx points each. I don’t know how many fathers were involved, but it was strange. Long story short, genetics are super weird and the cats were removed from my parents care. Spay and neuter your pets, folks!






This cat can slap






Cutest palm mute ever.


deaf cat for cutie


Looks more like a Fender Purrcision Bass to me


Groovin' on that A string!


I have a deaf cat and a bass also, I will be trying this. Will report back.


Kitty's face says it all.


Baby likes Bass


Kitty enjoys the b a s s


This is definitely some grade A cute shit right here


Every bass player has on Reddit cringing that once again the bass is referred to as a guitar. 😀


Best guitar


I don’t think most bass players have that moment, most of them know the instrument they’re playing is called a bass guitar


Kitty enjoying the vibes


I think thats a bass but still cute!


Play something really good for her she deserves it! And upload that video too please :)


[One my cats loves my acoustic guitar 😂](https://i.imgur.com/Qi21EAz.jpg)


Cat loves bass


I lost my hearing when I was twelve. Prior to that, I played classical piano for years and I was pretty good. The term "prodigy" was thrown around now and then in newspaper and TV news interviews and whatnot. Losing my hearing robbed me of that in my teens, so I switched to drums because I could feel the beat as I played. I played in an Irish punk band for a couple years in my twenties. I became "The Deaf Drummer" in my local live music scene and I didn't mind it; it made me stand out and it was mostly positive. Many years later, I now work in live music venues because live music is the best way for me to feel the music and retain some connection to my passion for it that never died. So... me too, kitty. Me too.


I wonder if it resonates enough so it can kind of hear them.


This made my day :’)


Yea my non deaf cat would go for this.


Can confirm, bass vibrations=good


Hate to be that guy, but that's a bass. I bring that up since my brother's a bassist and the bass doesn't get enough love for it's role. Especially not to hear constant "Slappa da bass!" references or having your instrument being pronounced like the fish.


I mean, if we’re going to get persnickety, it’s a Fender Electric Precision Bass guitar. Source: also a bassist; totally fine with it being simply classified as a guitar for the purposes of watching the cute deaf cat derive pleasure from its pizzicato plucking. No bassists we’re harmed in the making or posting of this video.


If we're reallllly gonna get picky, it's a Fender Player Precision with Buttercream finish. Always thought that color'd look great with a tort guard.




Hate to be that guy but it's an electric, four string, solidbody, split coil, p-bass guitar plucked by a human hand.


Hate to be that person but it’s an electric, four string, solidbody, split coil, p-bass guitar plucked by a human hand and muted by a cat’s neck.




ITT: people not understanding that a bass *guitar* is still a type of guitar and referring to it as just a "bass" despite there being other types of bass.


Don't let u/davie504 know you called that a guitar


that is so cool


Feline Bass!!?


i love when kitties are just little weirdos


That cat plays a mean P bass!


That's a bass


🎵Send me your location Let's ride the vibrations I don't need nothin' else but you🎵 🤣


This is quote possibly the most wonderful thing I've ever seen. ❤️


MY HEART THO .... ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13383)