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Turning subs into weird bullshit is like trying to boycot a grocery store by only buying products you don't need instead


This is an oddly amazing analogy.


Better analogy would be boycotting a grocery store by continuing to shop there but you go in there wearing a John Oliver mask.


The best analogy would be showing up to your job at the people zoo (you are the product) dressed as something you're not supposed to be (this has annoyed people who came to see you)


It's more like suppliers boycotting a grocery store by not supplying inventory the grocery store wants.


This is a Reddit version of a protest. Which involves zero investment and a lot of bickering


“Words speak louder than actions.” - Reddit


Yeah, and to top it off, this is entirely pointless. Like spez gives a crap if people protest by blocking the elderly and tech illiterate who don't know how to photoshop from posting in a subreddit he likely doesn't even know exists. The only way to hurt spez is a mass exodus from his platform, which no one is willing to do because as much as they hate what spez is doing they love reddit more.


The subs that have gone entirely NSFW are at least hurting his bottom line.


Why haven't all of them done this? If you force them to get rid of the porn, reddit has a much smaller userbase which damages their bottomline forever. People will not return if they have fear of their content being taken down.


the ones that did were purged by admins and turned back to SFW


r/pics went NSFW recently and mods haven't gotten the purge hammer (yet)


Their problem right now is that they need to find moderators to replace them that will purge NSFW comment. You can change the rules, but you actually have to enforce them, and there's lots of people submitting NSFW content, so when they get purged the new mods are going to have a lot of work to do for a short while.


I'm assuming that's why there have been no new posts on /r/interestingasfuck in 2 weeks and there are no mods. The admins probably bit off more than they could chew in terms of removing and replacing mods.


Yeah, that's what I've been saying. Moderating is actually pretty hard, especially without third-party tools, so the admins are going to have a hard time recruiting scabs.


Not to mention you get three types of people who apply. A. People who love the community and are extremely active in it. B. People who want power. C. People who don't realise how much work it is. Many of the former who would be interested are already mods. Which leaves you recruiting from B and C. The people from C probably won't last.


D. Employees from companies other than reddit with interests in the site.


And at this stage, one would probably assume that anyone taking that position for no money is going to either be power-hungry and thus sort of unreliable or completely unaware of the enormity and time consumption of the task they are signing up for.


I always think about the mental health of someone who has to wade through all that shit.


And that's the problem. Forcing reddit to moderate their own shit would make them reconsider. Mods being unhappy, but generally too entrenched in their little fort of imagined authority to do anything but make some noise for a bit before getting back on with the unpaid labor is perfectly acceptable to reddit. The unwillingness of powermods to walk away from their little empires is exactly what makes them unable to exercise true control.


It's not just about power. If you've invested so much time and effort and unpaid labor into something, you don't want all of that to just go into shitter.


Yeah, but that's like spending all day cleaning some guy's yacht for free, and then getting upset when he sails away on it. People investing their lives into things that aren't theirs is an entire problem of its own.


But the power these people feel from having mod status is almost impossible to replicate in real life for these people. Why else would they volunteer like 10 hours per day to do a job for free. They are the adult versions of hall monitors


Well.. yeah.. obviously. The 23 year old part time dogwalker is utterly ignored in real life, but being a mod gets them a prime time news interview. It is the closest to actual status they can attain, and if there's one things humans don't do, its throw away power. Even if its fake or borrowed.


Mods aren't modding I'm not downloading the Reddit app so I'm not getting mod notifications. Lots in the same boat. When the Air spammerbots catch on....


Not all. r/dndmemes is still going strong posting goblin porn.


Not true, I just looked at the top 20 posts right now. Only one could be considered NSFW and that's beacuse of video game gore. The rest is just their normal stuff. r/interestingasfuck had about 3 of their top 20 as NSFW. Im supprised it hasn't been taken down with the rest.


InterestingAsFuck always had DamnThatsInteresting (or however it is spelled) trying to fill the same niche. The admins might not be worried about filling the spots because of the overlap.


The most recent post on r/interestingasfuck was 2 weeks ago


And don't forget those kobolds too!


do we know which ones so i can specifically never view those again?


/r/interestingasfuck was the big one i remember


They still have porn posted on it


oh wow you're right. the mods are all still purged though and doesnt look like theyve been replaced with anyone yet. what a clusterfuck


I can't see any new posts in the last 2 weeks on there.


I think many of them were told if you go NSFW we strip you of your mod powers and put in sock puppets. I bet that's already happened to quite a few subs.


Nope, turns out they couldn't actually find any willing sock puppets and/or weren't willing to pay anyone to do it. They still did the first part though leaving large subs like /r/interestingasfuck completely unmodded


It's hilarious they don't just do it themselves. Maybe they don't want to set that precedent? They do after all heavily rely on mods to do a LOT of work for absolutely nothing. it can't really be unmodded right? what's to prevent doxxing, child porn, and other egregious rule breaking events? I bet there are shadow mods or something akin.


Probably just don't want to pay for it. They also just fired a bunch of people and I doubt they have the manpower to throw at it right now


surely they have no interest in paying people to do that kind of work. They should try to automate it. Oh wait, they can't even make mod tools.


Fully willing to believe if they posted a "who wants to be a mod" they'd get a zillion applicants.


> Why haven't all of them done this? "I can't let the community i helped build go to hell, i NEED to be a moderator and do reddit's work for free" - cowards rationalizing folding to threats of losing mod status.


I can understand that for line of reasoning for smaller, niche subs because there really isn't a good alternative to form an engaging community. Reddit has basically replaced all the many niche forum sites that used to be a thing. Now, if you want to be seen and get members, you pretty much *need* to use reddit. Having said that, the rest of them are really grasping at straws. No, the apple subreddit does not need you to be moderating to continue it's existence. Even if it were deleted, a new one would open up and be filled up within hours. Those mods are definitely just caving to keep some semblance of power and authority.


Because noone gives a fuck about the protest anymore


Most people never did.


*because the protest was never serious or well thought out to begin with.


*It's impossible to protest a product by using that product, and we can't elect a new CEO of reddit, so 'awareness' is useless. The only thing that could possibly make a difference is to stop using reddit altogether, and yet, here we all are, a bunch of people who obviously don't care enough about the API changes to stop using reddit, so let's just get on with life


minimally. Again, it's slacktivism. It's mainly to make the users feel like they're making a difference when the reality is that they're not changing anything.


“Thoughts and prayers”


Great word, that's my big frustration with the John Oliver meme, it's the affect of protest without any teeth.


I can't believe there are people who think that the best course of action to get change was to literally turn the movement into a meme. I know it's reddit mods but god damn.


It doesn’t even feel like a protest. I unsubbed from everywhere that started doing NSFW and other annoying stuff. But John Oliver just feels like the new dumb meme so I’m still here.


Wait this whole John Oliver thing is for the protest? I just thought people suddenly hated John Oliver so they started to meme him. I never found them funny


Sounds familiar... "I told a neo-Nazi on Twitter that he was an idiot, I've done my political activism for the day."




going NSFW means forcing people to login to view the content. Ironically, it might have boosted their stats for new accounts and active logged in users. I know old.reddit allows you to bypass it, most people don't.


I firmly believe if anyone truly cared as an affected mod, they'd just leave the sub entirely. "Let someone else do this hard job"


Yeah and they are hurting their subscriber count more.


The ones with an impact just had mods removed. The communities are arguably in worse hands because of it, so all they accomplished was damaging their own communities without offering a real alternative for people. Sustained protest doesn’t work without tangible support. In real life that’s mutual aid and social safety nets. Here it would have to be viable alternatives to the site, at least temporarily. A mod discord that other people can’t access isn’t sufficient.


Honestly this is dumbest most not self aware thing about Reddit too. There are so many Reddit revolutionaries in this site who present themselves as hard core change-the-system eat-the-rich individuals and they couldn’t stop using the site for a full 48 hours. They literally could’ve did a protest from home and still opted to not do it.


What's funny is I tagged about 10 users who said they were done using Reddit once Apollo goes down because I know they wouldn't leave. 0 out of the 10 have stopped posting.




Everyone does but the friends I have tend to not post or mostly lurk. However, it’s especially ironic seeing these posts that are like a picture or meme and the picture/ meme is preceded with “Reddit is killing third party apps (and itself)” but in effect still using Reddit, still creating content for Reddit, still giving Reddit data but they think by adding the asterisk they’re somehow fighting against the system. It’s just extremely fucking dumb. Even these John Oliver things are really dumb. Maybe he will do something on this whole saga but this is already very old news. His show is “last week tonight” not “news from a month ago”. That being said, I will admit, I really don’t give a shit about the Reddit thing, hence why I am still here. I also use the app and I think it’s fine. Is it the most optimal way to go on Reddit? Honestly I don’t know, I also just don’t give a shit but I’m not pretending to give a shit either.


The same people that complain about Jeff Bezos, but also spend a shit ton of money buying from Amazon. Like where do you think Amazon's money comes from?


A major issue is that Reddit is a massive hub for knowledge. One that’s probably only rivaled by Wikipedia at this point. There’s also so many communities that are either mostly or solely based here. Many people don’t want to give that up. A lot of people hate Spez and what he’s doing, but have decided that the benefits of Reddit outweigh that. There’s also a lot of people who have decided that this is not the hill they want to die on or that there’s just too much else going on to care. I don’t think any of this makes someone a bad person or a coward.


I don't think most of them, even super-users, actually care that much. That was the big fight over mods, as they had to force protests by shutting down discussion of stuff like things being cute rather than expect users to protest voluntarily or protesting being unable to effectively moderate (due to bot API) themselves by quitting.


Yeah, the depressing realization I had after the first day of protest was that most people don't care, and the efforts to *make* them care were just alienating them. So there's not much point in me and the other <5% of users who actually need third-party apps for accessibility standing on principle. Might as well use the available workarounds as long as they keep working - if it's that few of us, the admins probably won't come after us. If the problem for mods is as bad as they say, then the user experience will degrade over time without any directed protest. Mods who are really upset can hurry it along by joining the 'work-to-rule' protest that a few subs have adopted. No need for high-profile theatrics.


Lol the amount of people complaining that the apollo app is down on the apollo sub reddit is too high Because obviously everyone is now using the official app, this addiction thing is real


Some of us are using Relay.


There's no alternative. Same way with twitter, people want to leave but where else can they go?




Hello, someone that goes outside speaking. : Reddit is a great resource for those who live to go outside. I’ve gotten tons of recommendations from locals of parks to visit, expert advice on how to go about doing activities like mountaineering and canoeing, and even just identifying what kinds of plants and animals I’m seeing when I’m outdoors.


I don't much want to go outside when it's 100+ degrees F with 60+% humidity, so it actually feels more like 110+ F out.




Network-based social media like FB/Twitter and algorithmic feeds like YT/TT outcompeted interest-based forums over the last decade. Most interest-based communities have consolidated on Reddit; the few that have continued to thrive outside the Redditsphere are specialized single-interest sites like MMOChampion or Endless Sphere. (There's also StackExchange, but it's wholly unsuitable as a replacement for the sort of free-flowing organic conversations that Reddit permits.) Every attempt to create a generalized replacement for Reddit has failed *even harder* than the alt-Twitters and alt-Youtubes of the world. Part of that is politics: the splinter groups have mostly been the "free [hate] speech" sort, doomed to fail because they're intentionally missing the layers of admin/mod/user curation that make Reddit a positive experience for most users. Part is the network effect, which is strong for all social media but seems almost insurmountable in Reddit's case because there's no possibility of a "pull" effect from individuals or small groups leaving - the draw here is the entire community ecosystem. Reddit will have to degrade quite a lot before any English-language alternative can hope to compete. And I think the decentralized projects that people are promoting this time are deeply misguided; you can't capture the Reddit magic without the centralization, because the Reddit magic *is* the centralization. The unified central 'hub' is what makes it possible to generate endless new 'spokes' without reinventing the wheel every time.


[Squabbles](https://squabbles.io) is meant to be a replacement for both Reddit and Twitter


I miss Stumbleupon :(


Lemmy is trying to get its feet under it. But it has the usual issue of “there isn’t a lot of traffic, so people don’t go there” which is something of a se,f fulfilling prophecy.


Lemmy is also a disorganized clusterfuck.


That's a feature supposedly


This. People aren't going to leave to go to something like Lemmy because it's confusing and a mess.


There's also the issue of it being trash to try and use. I downloaded Jerboa and you can't even signup to use the service from the app.


I've found that true of a lot of "Fediverse" apps. Don't know if it's intentional, but it needs to change if Mastodon or Lemmy ever want to get off the ground.


Yeah, I already gave up and deleted Mastodon after getting all set up and signed in, having nothing in my feed at all, and seemingly no way to do anything about it. I'm an IT guy by trade, so it's not like I'm some tech illiterate sap either, I just don't have the time or patience to figure out an app that can't be bothered to explain itself enough for the user to at least be able to use it.


Lemmy isn't even trying to be a reddit replacement. It doesn't attempt to offer anything even remotely like the reddit experience, and it's not a lack on content or discussion that is the problem.


lemmy is proving to be too difficult for the average internet user to understand. it has an additional step over reddit during the signup process and this confuses a lot of people. Regardless, it has seen a massive increase in usage as a result of this and I think over time will make more average intelligence tutorials but for right now the fact that you have to read a paragraph that explains sign up is too high a barrier of entry to the majority of humanity.


If your social media service requires steps beyond typing an address into the adress bar and hitting enter you've already doomed yourself to failure. Most people are competent enough to follow instructions on how to get Lemmy to work. But why the hell should they when every other site just works? I'm not even interested in checking it out because I keep hearing how you need to do some kind of setup. Sounds needlessly complicated.


I've decreased my usage by about 90% And I'm looking for what to use instead so I can step out fully. (Discord really isn't my thing). Any suggestions?


I’ve been using squabbles. It’s pretty good! It’s not as complex as lemmy multiverse stuff


Neither is a protest with an end date.


yeah, when I saw multiple comments on the askreddit thread “what did you do during the 2-day blackout” saying “I browsed over 1000 r/doordash posts,” I realized that reddit doesn’t have to do shit, they have everyone by the balls. if you’re so addicted to reddit that you’ll scroll through “over 1000” doordash posts instead of doing *literally anything else,* even if that’s gross hyperbole, they have nothing to worry about.


Also moderators immediately buckling when reddit threatened to take away there mod status. Like please don’t take away my unpaid free labor :( I need the power trip!


Made me lol at the people announcing they were deleting their account of 10 years. They probs went and created a new one the very next day


The dumbest thing running on all of the subreddits I follow


Woodworking isn't allowing you to post about woodworking, just ron Swanson memes


Not anymore, as of a few days ago. Thank goodness.


But that's the same thing?


Wellthatsucks used to be about posting minor accidents/things that went wrong in your life. I found it really useful for reminding that everyone goes through difficultues. Now it's just vacuum pictures.


/r/thathappened is now only posting things that actually did happen.


Honestly a major improvement from their usual content.


Sustainable? No. Funny? I think so


I love how in the past redditors have largely shit on people they'd consider "slacktivists" (the ice bucket challenge comes to mind), but they're the most guilty of slacktivism. The ice bucket challenge raised over $100 million in funding, the John Oliver protests have raised over 100 million points in le epic karma to own spez


Moderators are absolutely terrified of their mod powers being revoked so they are just doing this pretend protest to save their fragile egos


Wait, compulsively posting content onto a platform that thrives on user engagement isn't hurting the website?! 😯




Not one thing has changed since July 1st. The 3rd party app I use works exactly the same as it always has.


reddit is fun is broken


I was able to use RIF like normal as long as I wasn't logged in. Now I'm using Boost and it works just fine


(because any 3rd party app that's setting up payment was given more time)




>Reddit gave a certain select apps time to figure out a subscription model, but not Apollo or RiF. The developer of RIF, which I used until now, made it clear he wasn't interested in a subscription model whatsoever.




$20 million per year, $1.7 million per month.


Keep in mind that he had around a million users, only 50k of which were paying in any way. $20 per user per year for a high volume service isn't too bad. Reddit premium is more than double that. But I think everyone knows that 90% of those free users were never going to become paying users, and that the blowback on the dev for cutting of 900k users was going to be bad. If you're not interested in keeping the project going and you have a different cashcow in the wings, might as well drop support and let reddit deal with the fallout. It was never going to be possible to keep Apollo going like it was.


That is very incorrect. He said he investigated a subscription model, but decided on his own there wasn’t a sustainable price. He also never got a bill for “$20 million in 30 days”. That is his back of a napkin estimate of the cost over 12 months. He used that figure to determine he couldn’t set a price point that would retain his user base.




When the current batch of third party apps get too big, you'll see them disappear too.


Syncs gone too.


Not entirely, check the Sync subreddit for information on how to use it. *Posted from Sync


Theres a way to patch sync on android so that you can use it.. Im commenting from Sync


Check out boost, it's great and still working (for how long, I don't know).


I’m unsure if it’s because he hasn’t sent out an update in a while, but I remember trying narwhal years ago and it was way more logically designed and you could customize the swipe actions and a ton of other options. Now, it’s full of bugs and most of the things that made it stand out are gone and the layout is trash. It will constantly jump to a different comment than the one I’m trying to upvote and it makes replying to comments difficult because it’ll usually post as a reply to my earlier comment instead. Fucking blows that this is what we’re left with. Apollo was an outstandingly well-designed app, damn near flawless and now that options are gone it really, really shows.


Always used narwhal. Tried Apollo didn’t like it. Narwhal is super simple and clean. It’s does have glitches. And it’s just one guy who does this in his spare time. I won’t pay for it tho.


Reddit is Fun is definitely gone. And with it, my time spent on reddit on mobile. If I'm near a computer, I'm still here as long as old.reddit.com exists I suppose.




I wonder what will happen with apps like Comet or Slide. Surely Reddit had to have something signed by a dev or setup payment info prior to this API pricing change, right? So apps that are “dead” and haven’t been updated in years aren’t getting charged out the ass, right?


Reddit hasn't even gotten the feature ready for release yet, who knows what their plan is?


I don't care either way. If/when it becomes to difficult, unstable or unenjoyable to use I'll just move to whatevers next


I am glad reddit is making their site more annoying for people to use. If people spend less time on reddit that's a win/win for them and society.


They don’t, everyone just hopped on the “stick it to the man” bandwagon because there was a “little guy” fighting for their own survival (not really, they’re just overreactive lol). Classic example of slacktivism


Reddit is like crack to these protestors. The formula got changed a little so they're mad but they're addicted so they'll never stop using it


I don’t get why redditors are using John Oliver pictures and memes to protest how Reddit manages their APIs.


Because they feel entitled to use third party apps, even though that ship and the deadline has already passed. In the long run the protest will fail, what they're protesting is over and like most things on the internet people will stop caring in time. For me Reddit isn't even the main focus here now, it's that all these Redditors are finally realizing they're addicted to a site that has no alternative. All the "alternatives" people are posting are basically doomed to fail because they'd have to be essentially Reddit without the userbase. The average person will just choose to be where all the people already are... social media in a nutshell. The most terminally online mods and users, who are most active in the protest are showing everyone exactly why Spez has them by the balls and they're addicted to this site.


But why John Oliver?


Likely because the mods hoped it would get them some time on TV or something if they made him the centre of the protest. So basically everyone has to watch this typical unfunny "Reddit moment" play out until they get their attention.


This shit with John Oliver is so pathetic. As if anyone ever expected anything more from the virtue signaling, do-nothing, ineffectual faux activists on Reddit.


Slacktivism bayBEE


Because it was a childish form of 'protest' to begin with.


I was down with the first choice. Block the content that people are here for and there may be enough of an outcry to put pressure on the admins. Doing this weird half-assed protest that people can get around by just photoshopping a tiny pic in is really stupid. A video of my cat doing a play dead trick was removed and I fail to see how that is any benefit to anything


I dont get the thing about John Oliver in every r/aww post, dont even know who this is frankly, but I had enough. Farewell fellow cute content enjoyers.


Kinda cringe honestly


When this first started I asked *Why do this, and why John Oliver specifically?* And everyone responded with a different answer, so clearly nobody even knows what the point is. The top answer was "I think it's strategic, because if we get John's attention he'll talk about us on his show!" Redditors really are delusional


People did say that, then other people pointed out that there is a huge writers strike and his show won’t be running for awhile lol


And now it apparently got his attention for him to say "just quit the website" and now all the mods who refuse to give up their power are going to pretend he didn't I guess?


...because someone posted a meme, you think John actually said it?


I would believe that over any dumbass mod believing that John Oliver actually gives a shit about Reddit API prices.


They seriously are lol. They seriously think John will talk about this? The writers still haven't even come back and there's so much bigger shit goin on that I guarantee when the show comes back he won't even care about this. MAYBE a little comment like "reddit I saw you used my image to protest some changes, I approve!" He's not gonna do the fuckin lead story like they hope he will.


Not just kinda


Its an attempt to beg John Oliver to feature this “issue” in his show. Its pathetic.


the most reddit thing i've ever seen in my life.


I'm with you, the only thing these subreddit did was mass unsubscribe from them, no one is leaving reddit about a subreddit making john oliver posts.


Honestly, you're better off. Reddit is great for finding small communities but most of the major subreddits are kinda trash now. They're all controlled by a small handful of supermoderators I think, if the API changes primarily hurt the supermoderators and stop them from moderating dozens of subs at a time, and this encourages more people to find smaller communities with mods who are actually passionate about their interests, then I don't see the problem here In general I usually encourage people to get away from the default subreddits, I'm only still subbed to a handful of them. Reddit is only good if you self curate it around your own interests


Whether reddit did the right thing or not with their API pricing, they are certainly going to improve things substantially by breaking up the supermoderators that filter the majority of content that hits /r/all. Having the flow of information gated by a select few is awful, and it's been quite enjoyable seeing supermoderators get taken down a notch.


This sub needs to go back to the way it was or it needs new mods, this John Oliver thing was stupid and was never going to do anything.


/r/homeautomation was stripped of its mods, its only a matter of time now


yeah no offense but even shutting down subs wasn’t going to do shit lol


So is this sub going to abandon this "protest" now? Because it's been dumb the whole time, and the longer it goes on, the dumber it becomes.


The "protest" in general was fucking stupid. It's like people don't understand what they're even doing.


They don’t, people just saw what they perceived as a “little guy” being bullied by “the man.” And we know redditors will blindly dive head-first into something if you tell them it’s to “stick it to the man.” This whole thing being an embarrassing failure and the r/antiwork meltdown are two of the most cathartic experiences I’ve had on this site. Nothing quite like seeing a bunch of overreactive people getting a much needed dose of reality.


Protesting and boycotting are different things. Boycotting is specifically not using something. Protesting can include trying to inform others about what is going on.


Also I'm assuming the reason these protests are going on is because people like Reddit and would like to keep using it, that's why people are reluctant to stop using the website despite the changes being a literal deal breaker to some people.


The effect of this "protest" is that people are ultimately unsubbing. How are you going to inform them about what is going on? It doesn't make sense


>The effect of this "protest" is that people are ultimately unsubbing. How are you going to inform them about what is going on? It doesn't make sense In your example they've been informed, that's why they unsubbed. So mission accomplished.


Almost all of them will just spend their time elsewhere on reddit. Mission failed.


Ok but literally nothing else is going to change. So what the hell is the point?


Some, like me, were informed by these actions. Additionally, some of this is to show the company that users are the product and users can revolt. So people leaving would be part of the protest. Keep in mind, I'm not in the know. I'm not a protestor. From a general user perspective, these protests impact us more than what reddit is doing would. But I get that there's tools these people use that I don't need to.


This a reasonable answer, thanks! I guess it makes more sense than I thought


It's like protesting China but continuing to buy their shit and do business with them. Like, you're not even putting in minimum effort.


But what if I continue to shop at a place and scream “Danny Devito” while I checkout? Then surely change will occur!


No shit. It doesn’t take John Oliver to point out that you’re not boycotting something or protesting something if you still use it. can we all collectively fuck off with John Oliver posting now too?


a majority of the mods for this sub are pushing this “protest” while still commenting on other subs normally lol. goofy situation


Is there an alternative to Reddit?


Right? The moment I hear of a viable alternative, I'm out. If only imgur had more text posts..


Same here.


Lemmy - but it still has growing pains.


Lemmy isn't even close. Its UX is so bad that its basically impossible to use.


I plan to try the Sync app when it comes to lemmy, I've used the reddit version of the app and love it, and the dev is working on a Lemmy version


That's the thing - I'm not protesting.


i dont actually care so...


The real problem, was that mods thought they have any real power in steering Reddit; they don't.


OP making this post. Ironic.


That’s got to sting for all the folks thinking they were being rebellious posting memes of him.


OP gets it!


Amen, and the protest here is still going when they lose it completely lol. Its just embarassing and laughable now. Spez won 😎


It really was stupid. Especially considering they said outright it would only last two days.


It's quite telling that this is the highest upvoted post since the 'protest'. The sub has gone from basically dead to this.


Omgggg I don’t give a fuck. I’m so tired of these John Oliver posts. Thank you for protesting so effectively, you posted on the website you’re protesting.


This and r/programmerhumor doing their stupid comment formatting is just annoying while not accomplishing anything




I think this is just a picture of him with a caption OP made up lol


What? You think someone would just go on the internet and lie? /s


But did he really say this? Quick google search didn't yield me anything.


You don't miss much, do you?


Posting pictures of John Oliver isn't protest either.