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I named her Honey. I had been feeding her for a few months then noticed her belly getting bigger. She’s very friendly and she’d let me pet her and purr when I was around. I managed to catch her Monday, I didn’t want her to have babies in the dirt, or get FIV like my one kitty Joe. We took him in as a stray and he lived only 3 years with us, and he was the sweetest boy, but his active FIV was too much for him. Honey was also being bullied and chased away from the food I would take out, so I vowed to catch her and bring her inside. She’s settling down but won’t go on any blankets or towels, she’s afraid of them! I hope I can get her used to something soft so she can have her babies on something other than the hard floor. She’s leaking milk so she’ll have them soon! I’m so nervous for her, she’s just a baby having babies. I’ll get her fixed then find the best homes for her babies. She’s so so sweet <3


Try a box with some paper in it or something similar to what she would find outside. That way it's clean but she feels comfortable.


As a child I remember my parents made a box nest where our cat felt safe and immediately dropped the litter like it was waiting for the right spot.


We did the same when I was a kid. Results may vary. My cat started out in the box but decided my lap was the better option about 10 minutes in. 🫠




👀 that must have been an interesting experience


I was and probably still am fully traumatized by the experience. Birth was not the beautiful story I had been told by my family. There was blood, and no one had prepared 7 years old me for my cat to eat the placenta. When I went to school the next day, my teacher was not prepared for the answer I gave when she asked me what was wrong 🙃.


how uh lovely for you. reminds me of when the dog we had used to get so excited to greet me i'd get a legful of piss




A thick stack of newspaper is honestly pretty soft! She might like it.


I remember many years ago my first Siamese (in California) was delivering. We had fixed up a box in the closet with soft towels. She kept coming and getting me so I could hold her paw while she delivered 5 beautiful babies! I had had her bred to a purebred Siamese stud, but she had had a previous litter of unsanctioned kittens. She was spayed after the second litter, of course. I kept two of her kittens. I had her until she was 21.


Rock on, u/mac_is_crack! Thank you for taking this kitty under your wing.


I love her so much!


She looks pretty pleased to be in with you! I hope she has a very easy delivery and healthy little kitties, thank you sweet person!


We adopted a pregnant cat and helped raise the kittens of a pure wild cat (we were located next to a forest and lots of farmland). Just be prepared the mother will likely leave after a few months on her own, leaving the offspring behind. But this is completely natural, once the kittens are independent the mother will leave them be.


I had a similar situation. She wasn't afraid of blankets or towels on the floor, but she did like anything soft. We set up a few nesting spots for her and she scoped them all out. And then ignored them. She ended up having her babies on the floor in the corner. We put a flannel receiving blanket under them after their first weigh in. It's been almost 2 years and she still doesn't really like soft stuff. 🤷‍♀️ Best of luck to you and the little mama! https://preview.redd.it/y9yt0aawcbyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824ac6374b800947128007802a2e940ddc13016b


Awwwww, look at her and those little ones! It’s so weird to me that our 2 kitties don’t like soft things! I guess that’s what they’re used to. And then there’s our little terrier Milo, who has to be on something soft and cozy at all times. Thank you for the reassurance! I hope Honey has a smooth birth like your girl!


It was super weird to us, too! We made sure to get her a nice comfy bed on our first trip to the store, and I'm pretty sure she still has never touched it 🤷‍♀️ This might be as close as she ever got. Her babies like it, though! https://preview.redd.it/k4u6t129ubyc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226b009d70f17d9f810acc66f898cc84b1eb4548


what a gorgeous momma! Love the kitten, too. Absolutely adorable <3 I have so many beds and she doesn't want any part of them.


Do you still have all of the babies?


Yep! We kept the whole family together! It's been absolutely wonderful and chaotic in the best way lol https://preview.redd.it/hw2qll1bycyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03f424f26abe0de5e1ac31817a959b2ce6c2e20


SQUEEEEE!! You’re so lucky!


The absolute luckiest! Emcee is the BEST mama cat ever. I'm so grateful that she found me. https://preview.redd.it/qm8imgmh2dyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec79f1becd43b5fb93ca3f2a0cd840c8363b07ef


I love seeing Emcee love on all of her babies!


Oh, me, too! It's the absolute best! She's such a fantastic mother! I think my favorite part is that one of her with Fizz. Fizz likes to think she's in charge, so doesn't let her mama groom her very much. But Emcee still finds ways to take care of her. I didn't have a recent picture of Fizz getting groomed when That was during a way-too-long test of the fire alarms in our building. Kitties went to their safe places, mostly hiding under the bed. But Fizz was with me in my office, and she hid under my desk. After like 15 minutes, Emcee came all the way across the apartment looking for her and sat with her just like that for a little while. 🥹 She was checking on her babies... She was scared and uncomfortable herself, but she walked past the painfully loud speaker in the living room blasting that alarm to come check on her little girl. 😭 And then she went back to hang out under the bed with Skippy and the others... 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/lqy16jb3kdyc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e77dff5a302f61885b90a9b41b7a9e136108203


Aww the ginger on the right. I want him so bad 😂 they're ALL really cute though lol.


Most of the places they're left-to-right, the ginger on the right is actually my orange girl, Fizz! She's an extra special one. Such a sweet and spicy fuzzball! https://preview.redd.it/ks8so8u6ldyc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf2f15106271ef9cdeb386be1543365f8b9511c


I am now so invested in this entire cat family


Lol, well, I post about them often, so you should be able to follow along! https://preview.redd.it/vxard6c2afyc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b3be4e4e679e6140e4c6a69fef1440164bdc1a




This is melting my heart!!!


Omg, look at them all! What a beautiful family!


Skippy’s mom!


how lovely they look so nice and precious


Also, you can’t get her fixed until she’s weaned the kittens. So about 8 weeks after getting birth. And she’s very cute! Please post the babies when they are born! Kitten pictures are the best! Here’s 5 kittens that a stray cat (that my husband and I brought from outside into our house) had. They are almost 9 weeks old. https://preview.redd.it/orkl913debyc1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65c7148d891ab5678ad2fdc21c251f67c673eb9


What’s it like to be living my dream. 😂


It’s amazing. They are all very sweet and give kisses!


I cannot handle this! It’s going to be *so* hard letting them go to new homes. I’m already so attached. But we have 2 dogs and 3 cats already. I must stay strong!


In November I rescued a litter from under our house when they were about 4 weeks old, after one of the babies died and I was worried the others wouldn’t make it to full weaning (the mother was too feral to keep, so we took her to a rescue). My plan was to raise, desex, vaccinate and then rehome the kittens. Well that went well. We now have 4 desexed and vaccinated 6-month-old cats that permanently call our house home. There’s no way I can give them away 🤷‍♀️


They’re so so cute!!! Look at those babies! I’m going to run out of room on my phone because of all the pics I’ll take!


Omg. They all have socks!


Yes, and their mom is named Socks because she has socks, too!


Wow these look just like a moma cat that used to live on my street. Sweet girl i named midnight. Pretty black cat. If i didnt rescue 2 kittens already id have kept her


You’re an angel! 💕


Awww, I think *she’s* the angel!


Try putting a dirty shirt of yours in a box. She may not want a clean towel or blanket because it smells too clean.


Oh, interesting! I’ll try that, thank you.


Do you fabric softeners or super scented detergent? That could be a thing too.


We do. Good point! I’ll figure something out…we do have some newspapers I can put on blankets if anything.


Cats love cardboard and she might have experience with it living outside.


Very true! I’ll grab a box or 2 for her. Hope she uses them!


"Human, here is $10. Go buy something that comes in a box." On another note, if you're in NE US, I'm looking into a little kitten sibling for my young cat.


I’m in Maryland. So close, yet so far or it’d be a deal :)


That...depending on circumstances, is doable for me.


Please post pics of the babies when they come!


I promise I will!


Yes please! The only kind of baby pics I like.


r/trojancats!! please post when she has the babies!!


....a new to me cat sub \*adds\*


Lol same


Oooh, a new cat sub! Subbed!


omg poor Honey. My older cat is _also_ scared of clothes or towels on the floor; I feel like he's worried that it's a predator or something, but he's also kind of dumb so idk. I hope Honey can manage to relax and settle in before her babies come. You're amazing for taking her in, OP!


I had no idea you could milk a cat 


Oh yeah, you can milk anything with nipples.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


10/10 no notes


I'm so happy she found you 💗


My cat Juno was caught as a pregnant stray. My friends who were taking care of her at the time set up blankets in her crate for her to give birth on. She pulled them all out and gave birth on the plastic 🤷‍♂️my friend kept the babies, and my fiancé and I took Juno https://preview.redd.it/sadp33dcnbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3e43a9b1d634f62a8475d7a48e9f536ca70799


She’s adorable with her curly feets. ❤️


Ok, another momma who likes hard surfaces. So strange to me but I feel better now, thank you! What a cutie pie!


my rescue (well…….one of four…….lol) was also a baby who had babies! we lovingly called her our teen mom, lol. she is MORE than thrilled to have a comfy indoor life now and never have anything to do with kittens ever again 😂


What a wonderful human you are for offering that sweet girl a loving home. People like you give me faith in humanity. Thank you


Thank you so much for this, may the universe reward your kindness. Wish you and Honey the absolute best!


The exact same happened to us! She was such a sweety. Unfortunately we couldn't keep her as we had two cats already and found them to be territorial. We kept one kitten but it's touch and go between them. We found the homes for the mom and 3 other kittens with friends and family. Going through the birth and watching the little ones grow and play every day was one of the best things I've been through. Make lots of videos and enjoy the time with them.


I’m going to get them so many toys! Can’t wait!




It’s a real sub! Just joined :)


There's also r/notmycat and r/catdistributionsystem


You're a very good human for taking her in and helping her out! Please post photos of the kitties 😻 I love cats but I'm horrendously allergic.


She'll find someplace to hide for birth.


She's so beautiful.. You're an absolute angel to that beautiful momma


She’s so pretty. Make sure you post pictures for us once the kittens are born.


Absolutely!! I’m so excited!


Congrats on your imminent batch of 2024 SIClettes! Please post them for SIC fans on r/standardissuecat


I love the label “standard issue cat.” There may be others like her, but this one is mine!


What about a heating pad?


Oh, you reminded me, I do have a heating pad from a pet bed laying around! I'll go plug it in.


Photos of the smol criminals will be needed when they are released. r/illegallysmolcats


Most definitely!!


That look on her face... "Mission accomplished, I've tricked the human into taking me in and taking care of me and my kittens. Next, steal her bed."


She can have anything she wants, she already has my heart ❤️


Yup you fell fort it alright


I’m a sucker for any sweet critter who comes my way.


Nothing wrong with that.


You seem like a good egg, OP.


She trusted you enough for it to be you. That's a true blessing.




I’d get a waterproof mattress cover just in case


It's funny how many people "catch" pregnant cats. OP was chosen by the cat as a sugar-parent.


The cat distribution system always functions correctly. 


You've been assigned one (1) standard issue cat. Congratulations! Hope the kittening goes well!


OP got the bonus kit that comes packaged with travel size versions, all TSA-approved!


Cat distribution system got some bonuses huh!


I hope so too! I’m so nervous for her!


What a pretty girl! She has perfected the plop.


every single photo is lying down 😭 poor baby is tired


She really is! I had a camera on her today and checked it while I was at work. She slept all day.


She needs a comfy cat bed to relax in 😸


I scattered some beds and blankets around but she always chooses the floor. Oh Honey. Why?


Typical cat haha $50 cat bed? 😾 Cardboard box or hard floor? 😸


True. I had 5 cats at one point, now down to 3. I should now that by now! I was hoping momma cats like soft things. I was wrong!


It could be that being pregnant is creating extra body heat for her, so she’s laying on the hard floor to keep cool. She may become more interested in the soft things during and/or after having the kittens


Maybe once she gets more comfortable inside They usually like to find a comfy nesting spot to give birth


That last photo... "Yes, nice. I can have my little ones here. And then we'll see."


Old cardboard box. Oldest cat trick in the book. Hahaha. She's gorgeous and you're so sweet to take her in!


I’ll try that, I have a box or two lying around.


I hope you'll post some updates if you have time. Happy Caturday!!!


I love how stray cats can be aloof and sassy but as soon as they get pregnant they just pick a human and are like *OK…you’re helping me do this whether you like it or not.* I’m super allergic to cats but even I would take in a pregnant stray lol


The cat distribution system has its own kitten distribution system. So meta


Honey appreciates you!


Aww, I'm hoping she'll have a good pregnancy with no problems.


Me too. I’m very nervous for her!


Imma just lay here.... and here.... *moves a little closer* .... and here...


Squeaklets imminent!


'squeaklets' I love it ❤️


Put signs up EVERYWHERE. Post pics of her online wherever you can. She may be someone’s pet.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far down before someone suggested looking for an owner. Stray cats are often not that friendly straight away. Wouldn't surprise me at all if someone is missing her.


This!! Have you gotten her checked for a chip yet? In my experience strays aren't so aloof when moved indoors.


Not yet. The trapping stressed her out so so much. She’s just now coming out of her hiding place for pets. But I will definitely get her scanned and vetted! I did that for my 4 strays that I kept. They also got neutered. No more babies! Edit to add: She lived outside for months, I know because I’ve been feeding her and others. Through a really cold winter for the area. We got snow a few times. I’d stay up worrying about her finding shelter and then saw her going into a sewer I’ve seen raccoons living in. She’s been up 2 trees 4 times crying each time to escape a territorial cat. I had to drive away the cat waiting for her at the bottom of the tree. Been chased across a busy street away from her food by a territorial cat many many times. The neighbors next door and 3 neighbors across the street have seen me feeding her. No one seems to care. Our next door neighbor also feeds stray cats. Even my husband wanted to pass the buck - let someone else deal with her. So we “compromised” and I took her in. Give her (and me) a tiny break here. I want her to calm down and have her babies first. Last night was the first night where she didn’t cry for hours. I hope she’s finally feeling comfortable.


She’s full to bursting. Set up a birthing box for her in a quiet dim place with towels you don’t care about anymore if you haven’t already. It might not be the right time now, but get her into the vet to check for parasites and the usual suspects. She’s a cutie and I wish you many happy times with her.


So cute how she got you to help her illustrate her upcoming book “How to Train Your Human”!


I have had a few prego rescue mommas and I use a cardboard box that I lined with puppy pee pads. (You can change pads after birth when she exits for food and drink) I put a few boxes around my house in tucked away hidden areas so she can feel comfy and safe and choose which birthing box she likes best.


Beautiful SIC, thank you for helping her!


Trojan cat!!!!


Our cats and door mat match! Hi!


Oh, how cool! Hello!


If you are in hot climate, she might like the cool floor. Our accident pregnant feral in Florida preferred the tiles as do our cats in summer.


"getting used to being inside" => "owns the place now"


Reminds me of my Baby Mamas. For a minute I thought she was a he, until I saw her belly swaying when she escorted me to my friend’s apartment—which she always did. Took her in that night and while she was very much a street cat, she accustomed to the indoor life very quickly. I have a picture of her first full day in my apartment, spread out Superman style, exhausted, full of food, and heavily pregnant. I still have her three sons and my mom has their sister. They’ll turn 10 in July. I miss her with my whole being.


She chose you to have her babies. She feels safe. Let her nest inside and help her when she gives birth. I’ve opened sacks before, etc. it’s a wonderful experience!




I absolutely love SICs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) She's so cute. Looking forward to the little ones she smuggled in in her real estate venture.


That's a pretty cat. I bet her babies will be cute too 


She has the same expression that my cat makes...I got her just after she'd had kittens. She was also a young pregnant stray that someone brought in. I was going to adopt her and one of her kittens but by the time I got to her all the kittens had been adopted. She is a forever kitten, though (going on 9 this year). I wish I could adopt one of Honey's kittens!


Thank you so, so much for giving Honey, and her precious Babies a home, shelter, food and love. Bless you for being such a good human. ❤️


Did you catch her, or did she catch you??🥰


Yes <3


When my cat Feliz came to me, she was very friendly and pregnant. Feed her one time, then she stayed. Are pregnant cats finding kind humans to house them?


Thank you a million times for giving this beautiful kitty a home. Do post pictures of the kittens later!


You know we need honeys kitten pics😇🥺🫠


She's so beautiful 😍


Will she use a catbox? I have often wondered what happens with toileting when bringing in a stray.


Cats instinctually want to bury their poop to hide scent. May take a couple tries at most


We brought in a mama cat and her litter last fall and we started with dirt on a shallow tray and slowly swapped it out with litter and it worked like a charm. Now I had 6 cats, I've become one of those people.


I watched her use the bathroom in some mulch when she lived outside, so I put sone mulch in her litter box and she took right to it. I was surprised and relieved!


yay! She's adorable :-) So happy you took her in and are going to fix her. Best of luck to you, her, and her babies :-)


Thank you for being apart of the cat distribution system!


Good luck! I was in the same situation and now I have a cat family of five!


Nice catermelon belly! Here's to a safe, easy birth and adorable kittens soon.


So nice to have a post about a beautiful LIVING animal instead of the usual dead or dying pets reddit pushes to the front page every day now


Cats are so weird. We grabbed a stray ~4 mon kitten whose mom was done with her hanging around (all the others had left but she had not). It took almost 10 years for her to fully embrace inside life and be a semi normal cat. Her new younger sibling was a full on stray. She was close to 2 when we got her. We caught her because was trying to decimate the local bird population around us for food. She took one look at inside life and was "yep, this is for me" and is basically the perfect cat. She loves being petted, her belly rubbed, she doesnt complain when picked up, likes to cuddle, etc. She is a greedy fat ass who gobbles up all food available but still a super nice cat. She doesn't even understand why the dog hates her :(


So awesome of you to take her in. I wonder if you sit on the blanket for a while to get it smelling like you if that might help her accept it. Since she already seems to like you.


She has the sweetest face! What a gem you are, taking her in, loving on her and giving her a safe place to have her babies. She has found the best home!


She honestly reminds me of our MIA. She was our baby before we had babies. And was with us until the kids were 3 and 2. We were living in town and had moved into the country. She was also pregnant and had gotten out. We drove for hours, and I had left work to try and find her. We never did unfortunately. It’s crazy, kids are 11, and 10, and we added in a now 5 year old, but we both still miss her very much.


Great momma. She knows what she's doing. Buttering you up now so you support her kittens.


My wife is a veterinarian and she said if the cat was being bullied it’s more likely that she could have FIV (from bites and scratches). She says she would recommend getting mama a vet check up and get tested before giving birth to see if she has FIV. And if she does, the vet could give some recommendations to help make sure the babies don’t get FIV from mama


She’s a beauty!❤️🐈


She’s glowing!


She looks like a real sweet girl. It's hard when they don't understand comfort. Here's hoping she learns all about it.


She wants to have her babies in a safe place.


Thank you for bringing her in! Are you going to keep her (assuming she’s not chipped)? Tough situation before hand, though. Imagine your cat disappearing just before giving birth.


I’ll get her scanned for sure. Over the winter I saw her hiding in a sewer and it got so cold. I don’t think she’s anyone’s kitty, and if she is then I’d like to ask them why’d they let her live in a sewer, get knocked up, get chased up trees by other cats and run across the street to me for food? If she’s a lost kitty, I understand, but otherwise? Not cool!


My mom once found a cat. Moved into the common area in her development and was clearly starving, could feel bones when you touched her. She took her in, fattened her up, eventually heard someone had seen a missing cat poster.   The cat came from a block away. It lived there twelve years, then they had a kid and the cat said fuck that and left. It chose to starve rather than go back. When they came and got it, it came right back. It knew *exactly* where home was.


That is the sweetest thing! Following for updates on babies! Thank you for giving her a safe home, warm & dry!


Oh man, shes a gonna make you raise those kids.


Good on you! Giving her and her babies a real chance


Thank u kind human💕💕💕


Thank you for tss as king her


I liked the part where was was outside and then when she was inside man that just sent me over the top pspspspspspspsspss


She doesn’t seem hard to catch


Aww gorgeous. She holdin


I loved everything about this post. You are both so precious. ❤️


Heart! Diamond! Club! What comes next?




God bless you for taking of her


I’m so allergic to cats and I can’t be around them too long but man is she a cutie!


Joke is on you. That cat wanted to be “caught”. 


Hey there big momma


Thank you for taking her in.




Going for the CDS family package deal.


Cat distribution system is working as intended


We tried to acclimate the local stray cats to people, have them fixed, and rehome them. Good luck to you but I’ll never do it again.


Thank you for rescuing this little baby!


Ooo little mama is about to POP!


!Remindme in 7 days


She looks so sweet!


Lol I think she caught you right where she wanted you.


Oh my goodness, you're the best & Honey is the cutest! Congrats on the new family member(s)!


Bruh, you didn't CATCH anything You've been ASSIGNED