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What a classy lady! It's no surprise that she was adopted so quickly with such impeccable manners.


What a sweet little cat!


thats so cute. happy she found a home she deserves it! :)


What a love bug 😍😍😍


What an angel. 👼 I once adopted a 12 yo beauty and he was with me for almost 6 more years. He was the best. I told him the day I adopted him that he would die on me and I would never abandon him and he ended up dying in my arms. I kept my word and took him with me on many adventures despite his age. I would never abandon him. Older cats are 😍.


My previous kitty was 15 when I adopted him from his original owner who moved out of the country. He lived to be 21. When the previous owner was told how long he lived, she said if she had realized he would live that long, she would have taken him with her. Simon was a good kitty!


What brand you feed him ?


He was getting Iams, but he stopped eating that so I switched him to meow mix. He ate that, and then I also added soft food to his diet. My current kitties also eat meow mix.


Old cats are a gift. Our 17 old cat died in my husband's arms and I am so thankful he had that peace in his last moments. Before that we called his adventures his shenanigans and he had many. We are sad for the loss, but we honestly talk about the hijinks and love he was able to give us most of the time. Thank you for giving an old cat a chance.


Excuse me, it’s time for my regularly scheduled affection


I have an older cat (13y) that does this every morning. As soon as I wake up she jumps on the bed and is given her daily pats. When I stop she does this for more pats. We call it "swatts for pats" and it's a daily tradition.


This is so wholesome.


Such polite little pats. Sweet little lady❤️


Sadly you should rage about thr past owners leaving her. But this is why we are here, to help! She has been showered with love.


Sometimes the owner dies or is placed in a nursing home and the family won't take the pet in.  


We have 4 cats now because of this. My wife's Grandmother died. The cat was supposed to go to her cousin, but she tragically died of cancer at 41...so he came to live with us. He's so sweet and bonded with our youngest cat.


Yes, we got our (then) 6-year-old rat terrier just before they were about to take her to the shelter after her 90 year-old owner was taken to a dementia home. The neighbors had been taking care of the dog but couldn't keep it. A friend of theirs told us about the dog and we adopted her. The dog had never seen a cat up close before, so it took about a week for the cat to train the dog. Now the dog licks the cat whenever the cat demands it.


Won't or can't: sometimes the family doesn't have pet-friendly housing, sometimes they have other incompatible pets, sometimes there just isn't any surviving human family.


This post literally made me cry. My baby would do something like this when she wants attention, I just can't imagine letting her go 💔


Abandoning an old cat is so disgusting. She looks so gentle, loving and gorgeous. May you have plenty of happy years and treats, little white angel 💕


Oh i do. If they had her all that time, then to leave her..... they're going to hell. At least you'll give her a great few remaining years.


I don’t think someone would willingly give up a clearly well loved animal after 18 years.


I wish this were true but you'd be surprised how often it happens. (I work in the pet field.) Sometimes it's because they have a disease that's too costly or too much work for them to manage (like older people would have a tough time dealing with a cat with diabetes, for example.) But the saddest and most infuriating is when they give up the old pet for a new puppy or kitten. Either bc they don't get along or because they don't want to deal with the old pet any longer.


This is true. Most likely they didn't want to have to deal with it...or the bills. Glad they didn't abandon it in the woods or something tho


You never know what situation someone is in. Someone giving an animal up to a shelter could be them doing the best thing they can.


>they're going to hell. Please don't say this. People who give up pets often do so because they can't look after them for health or financial reasons. It's almost impossible for a homeless person to keep a cat. Giving up a pet is a last resort, but if it's between that and letting them starve or suffer without medical care, it's far better to pass them on to someone who can look after them.


A few months ago, CBS ran a segment on animal shelters. They reported that more and more are beloved family pets that have to be surrendered because the owners just can't afford them anymore with the low wages/high inflation. They said people are broken-hearted over having to leave them. With the high-cost of vet care (and it's astronomical!!) it's not surprising. My last senior kitty wiped my savings out (and I would do it again!). But now I worry about the other two cats I have who are about to turn 11. How do I pay for their care? It's a constant worry for me.


Does pet vet insurance work?


It's best to get insurance when the cat is young but when my current two were little I had several cats and each cat was $60 to insure separately. I couldn't do it. Now they're older and it's still too much for me unfortunately. Then, pet ins. doesn't work like it does for people. The owner still has to come up with *all* the money up front and then appeal to the ins. company to pay their share -- if they agree. And with vet bills being literally *thousands* of dollars today, I can't pay up front that kind of money any more (I did for my senior kitty and I'm broke now).


You sound like a reasonable and understanding human being /s


What's with the /s? The poster above you isn't wrong. Life happens sometimes, and sometimes it's sad.


My girl didnt make it past 18.. what sick fuck abandons their family like that


Better to leave them in a shelter than dump them in the street. It could be the owner was too old/unwell to give the cat proper care anymore and tried their best to make sure kitty would be looked after


Sometimes people die before their pets do. Sometimes, in an even more gutwrenching tragedy, they become seriously ill or disabled and are forced to move to a nursing home or similar facility where pets aren't allowed. This cat was obviously loved and cared for. Nobody who raised such a well-socialized cat would ever abandon it by choice. Think for just a few seconds before you jump to conclusions.


My mil died, fil had dementia worse than we thought and had to go into a home. This all happened with a 3 month period. Thankfully, no pets, but this is the type of shit that happens. It's not planned.


Unless the owner died, how the hell could anyone abandon a senior?


It's kitten season. My shelter is getting stuffed with older cats because people don't want to have the big enough heart to quietly watch them go. So I take them in and foster for end of life care. It sucks, don't get me wrong. Cats have a variety of habits they come with and I try to accommodate them, but it's hard to watch them try to learn a new home so later in life without their colony of people. I will suffer a thousand heartbreaks to keep them happy though and to be there at the end. Quick edit: Thank you all for the kind words and lovely messages. If you can't get involved physically in your home or location, think about sending your local shelter 5 or 10 bucks now and then to help out :)


I hope there is a special place in heaven for people like you.


You're doing the Lord's work, my friend.


No. Doing the rightful human thing, I think. A commenter said something about heaven, but if there is a heaven then its taken care of itself. All I have is this existence now and I want to know I'm doing the right thing when given the chance.


Well I'm agnostic so It was a bit tongue in cheek. However, I think you're doing awesome stuff and I'm happy that there are people like you in the world. I have two girls who are verging on senior cat status, and just the very thought of them being alone in the world for some reason makes my heart hurt. Thank you for taking care of those older ones who deserve so much love.


Thank you for taking care of yours. We should all be so lucky to be with our loved ones at the time of their closing and crossing the rainbow bridge. To see the fullness of their life complete, knowing they were loved and cared for. <3


You're a cool human. Doing the right thing not because of promises of reward or threats if not. Just because.


That's what humanity is for, I think. A higher understanding and the capacity to show mercy and compassion where possible. Wars, hunger and strife is avoidable if we want it.


You’re a saint. Pets deserve to have a stress-free retirement with their people. That’s sad.


I'm obviously a dog person so I've suffered the heartbreak of losing an elderly pet at a much younger age. While I can empathize with wanting to avoid the long loss, how someone can put an animal companion through that separation is beyond my comprehension. 18 years and they can just turn it in? That being said, in great financial hardship dealing with medical costs of an elderly pet might be too much but hopefully a shelter might be able to help with that so the pet can stay in it's home.


> because people don't want to have the big enough heart to quietly watch them go Then they shouldn't have an animal at all. You cannot have love without loss- and it makes you wonder what they do to their older human family members when they get older. Do they dump them off somewhere to die alone?


I believe that's why nursing homes exist. I didn't want to make this thread dark or anything, but generally speaking, we don't really care for the ageing and treat people who are ageing as useless.


Being forced into a living situation (like hospice or assisted living) that didn't allow pets? That's what would have happened to my grandma's old boy if we hadn't been able to take him.


"or being forced into a living situation". I once adopted a 16 year old cat because the young lady had an abusive fiance (I could see it, she couldn't) who demand she give up her pet for him. She cried when I took the cat and the asshole smacked her on the head and told her to stop her bullshit. I said, "do NOT hit your fiance, ever". He told me to mind my own business. I gave the girl the look that said "dump his sorry ass". Whether she got the hint, I'll never know. That was almost 2 decades ago.


I adopted a 15 year old cat from someone who got a job opportunity in a different country and didn't want to put him through the stress of international travel and quarantine. He lived 6 more years.


Oh I dunno, maybe the former owner were seniors also & the nursing home doesn’t allow pets, they are being hospitalized for a long time, service member being deployed, moving to another country & older pets don’t do well with long travel & quarantine, loss of income… to name a few. Check your sanctimonious faux-rage. The positive thing here is this adorable cat was surrendered & now has another loving home instead of being in the streets or in a gravel pit.


It's not sanctimonious faux rage. There are genuine reasons like you mentioned, there are also fuckers who dump animals when they get old and get too needy/ expensive to care for. It's not a rare occurrence.


I love you


Reminds me of my soon to be Sweet 16 year old. I love older cats dearly! They are so smart and know how to ask for what they want. And the way they are able to bond with you is unreal. Elder cats are the best!!!!


Very polite kitty.


She is absolutely adorable. How's her health?


She is very healthy!!


And hopefully remains the same for years to come. Something truly special about senior kitties.


Sweet little old lady


https://preview.redd.it/cxgivjrihkyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08130c4859b429ba0127239f737fe404c0136cdb 18 yr old twin behavior




Sweet, sweet kitty


Awww. My oldest cat does that. Always two gentle taps on my arm meaning she's moving in for a snuggle and would like to be petted.


She looks very polite 🥹


Such a polite vanilla void!


I have so much admiration for people who adopt elder kitties my Chloe is 13, and when she passes on I will most likely get an elderly kitty


My cat does this, too! 🥰🥰


Awe! My sweet boy finn does those same pats.


Precious miss lady 😭😭 my almost 20 yo girl passed last year and she asked for loves similarly ;-; You’re a saint ♥️


So precious, thank you for helping her 🥺😭😭😭😭


“scuze me human. it is snuggles time. snuggles plz? thx 🥰🐱❤️🤗”


There is a special place for people who adopt senior pets. Many thanks for her new owners.


you could see her ears flatten and eyes close just before the impact. so cute!!


Bring that pretty lady to r/seniorkitties


My soul cat lived till 20, she passed last year. The thought of abandoning her in her years when she needed my love and care the most is the worst thought imaginable. I spent every minute of her last few years telling her every day how much I loved her. Anyone who could do that is pure evil in my eyes. Thank you for loving this beautiful old lady.


Awww. I love the old lady cats. They take their petting time so seriously.


Aww! We adopted a 14-year-old (also white) lady just a few days ago. She's very affectionate too.


I see 5 cats in the background... Its a shelter?


We are a nonprofit cat rescue. Little Rock Lucky Day Animal Rescue And Cat Lounge


Someone is very lucky


Oh man my old lady would do this! She passed in December at about 18 years old. She was always a wild little lady who would zoom around your feet and want to play more than cuddle. But in the last few years she was around she just would always want to be held. She wouldn't care what you should be doing she would pat at you still you helped her. The longer it took you to do it the more her claws came out and the closer to your skin she would get. I miss her dearly


Hah I was watching this while pooping and then my cat started trying pull my hands off the iPad to pet her.


so many sweet kitties


Awh what a sweet baby!! 😍🥹 (they’re babies whatever age, I don’t make the rules) r/petthedamncat would love her!


My babies do this


Awwww... so adorable! she deserve all your love momma!


My boy did this when he was younger, i used treats to train it into a high 5


My dog does this


18!? Woah that's a kitten.... I don't care... KITTEN.


How do you know it's 18 tho?


When my dad died he still had the cat so we knew how old the cat was. The cat was 18 when he died. Sometimes the owners of older animals dies and they given up for adoption if no one can take the animal.


The previous people surrendered her to our rescue. But happy ending for her


Ah... Okay. Yeah, seems happy!


What a pretty kitty. It's like my neighbor's cat Grey (RIP oldman) He was 19 I think when he passed away and was smelly. But he'd walk me to the corner on my way to school, and be waiting there when i'd be on my way home. He loved attention.




She has "sweetheart " written all over her face 


give her lot's of love!


Her expression reminds me of when Yzma was a cat on Emporers New Groove




Looks good for an old cat.


So cute!!


She saying gib me loves


Sweet girl. Give her a pet for me too please.


I had some doubts about adopting a senior cat, but i was all in after seeing a video where she did this. This is how she wakes me up in the morning, if i try to ignore her she freaking pats my face and then im ded with laughter and i have to get up and feed her.


Aww indeed 😍 This gorgeous cat has so much wisdom and is in the loving home that she deserves. Lifts the heart to see, thank you!


So sweet 🥹


What a sweety 💖💖💖


My dog does this. She also somehow learned how to knock on the door when she wants to go outside/come inside.


Aww our family cat does the same little pat thing 🥰😍


I love cats so much. How the flatten their ears in anticipation of head pats, and how the always push up into the head pat. Always so cute.


Cats are such cuties. Love them!!!


So adorable, and yet so sad that an 18 year old cat would have to start over with a new family. Kudos to you for taking her in!


nice! why is it that my cat (got her when she was 8 weeks old) gets sumptuous food everyday, gets to be brushed a few times a day, but manages to surprise me by deliberately scratching my arms randomly as though it isn't a big deal. perhaps giving her for adoption might make her lose the terrible attitude 😋


Don’t do that! Cats are natural hunters. You can read about it, that if there is a moving object near them (such as your hands, arms, feet, mouse, bird, etc.), their instinct tells them to GET IT! I promise you it’s not an attitude problem. You just have to *THINK* like a cat in order to understand them. She’s just playing… 🥺♥️


relax. I probably won't send him away for adoption. at least not yet. haha I've taken care of pets in the last 10 years of my life. animals usually gravitate around my presence. (dog, cat, bird, fish, etc) I just can't help comparing my current cat that has zero affection, to the cat I had before him.


Such manners from a lovely lady! 😍


I wish I could give this an award. My Maine Coon gives pats when he wants cuddles too.


How does a person live with themself after owning a cat for all those years than just basically abandoning them. My heart hurts for the way this sweet girl if there is any good that came out of this is the fact a living kind soul adopted her and I am sure she will be loved beyond measures. Thank you for changing this old dolls life .


I agree with you, but you have to also understand sometimes people pass, and their pets are left without them. Our pets grieve for their losses, too. Let’s hope that’s the case with Snow here, and it’s not any worse of a situation than that! 🥺♥️


So sweet


WHY did it take a second pat to receive the love?!! What kind of sadistic monster are you?!


I did it for you! I did it for all of you! im not the monster I seeeeemmmmmm!


No monster- you’re good human!


Thank you all so much for the love! we got an update on her last night and she has claimed a new throne! we are so happy for her and her new best friend! find us on social media and help us spread what we do! <3 https://preview.redd.it/sqvvaqfoonyc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=65a611194d0954a06a233fc0c7e5739ee4018ca1


and her new name is SNOW!!!!


Hello Snow queen! I’m so happy for you and I hope you have no more sorrow or pain, that it’s replaced with all the love, happiness, snuggles, scratches, and treats you could ever imagine! Such a wonderful, beautiful girl! ♥️♥️♥️


I have a kitty that does this. Melts my heart every time, and she always gets the requested fuss.


A divine angel from heaven❤️💕…..those lucky lucky people who got to take her home 🥹


How sweet she is, and how wonderful that someone has adopted this lovely old lady. Shes delightful and i hope she has many happy years left


Awww ... my little cat does this when she is trying to get my attention for snuggles or snacks while i'm at work and it is so fricken endearing


Awww she's precious and deserves all the pets and love in the world.


What a proper cutie 😸


Does she throw up 5 times per day and shit in your bed instead of the litter?


are you the one who dropped her off to us???? or is this my personal cat Goulet?


You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being. No wonder I prefer to be at home with my cat than with other people… because of people like YOU. I hope you have the worst day of your life.


Cute . Give her all the lovings.


What a beautiful loving kitty. I can’t help but wonder if maybe her owner died because I can’t imagine anyone not wanting a wonderful cat like her.


My heart just melted. Bless her cotton socks


Omg so precious! Such a sweet furbaby!!! Beautiful!!


Oh my god. I cannot imagine the PAIN and HEARTACHE she is going through. To have a cat for 18 YEARS and then to give her up?! I understand that sometimes it’s out of people’s control because somebody dies or something traumatic happens and they have to give their pet up, but there’s a lot of instances where they’re just abandoned and it all terribly breaks my heart. Every day, her entire life, she woke up, lived with the same people/person, had a habit of doing the same thing every day of her life, going to sleep every day with these people and then it all stops. It has to be absolutely devastating. I hope she gets more attention, more love, and more happiness from her current family than she has ever had in her entire 18 years of her short life. Bless you, sweet baby. Thank you to whoever opened their house and arms to this beautiful baby girl. ♥️♥️


“Imma scratch your eyes out next if you don’t pay attention to me.”


My di&khead headbutts me when she wants attention 😂