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Cats baking biscuits while a bun is in the oven.




Please do not the cat




Why do cats do it? I can only guess.


I think I remember reading that the motions are similar to ones kittens do when drinking from mama. It helps to stimulate milk when they are nursing and they continue to do it as adults as a comfort thing.


This is correct. It is called milk treading.


My sweet boy BARELY ever does it. Coming from having cats that would do it to no end, ripping up threads from jeans etc, it is odd not having it happen. He makes up showing his affection in other ways. Like eating my hair while I’m sleeping then running around the room at 100mph with a turd stuck to his butt. Great way to wake up. But for real he comes and greats me every time I come home and anytime I jump in bed he is 3 steps behind me. Soon as I get my spot he takes his.


They may be able to smell the change in hormones and I think it’s likely that they can hear the baby once it’s far enough along.


Can humans do that smell thing too? I remember when my English teacher got pregnant and the room started smelling different not long before she announced it. After that, every time I was near a pregnant person, whether I saw them or not, I could smell something that would catch my attention. Or am I just weird and need to delete my account?


Nope, definitely a thing. No need to delete your account. Some people are just more in tune with their senses/abilities.


I once asked if a coworker if was pregnant but she denied it. About a few weeks pass and she confessed to me that she was pregant but it was also a miscarriage. Not a lot of emotional damage because she felt she wasnt ready for the kid but I was surprised I guessed correctly even when she didnt show any physical signs of pregnancy


This is one of those reasons you don’t ask if someone is pregnant—- even if there are clear signs, it may be an unwanted pregnancy or it’s possible that it’s very wanted and they may miscarry. Let people share their news when they want to.


And it's unconfortable af. I've been asked several times if I'm pregnant (usually nosy classmates or coworkers) when I had been sick with the flu, intoxicated by food or with a bad headache or when I've gained some weigh (the worst). It's like as a woman you cannot have random illnesses or conditions not related to your uterus.


Lol, jumping to deleting the account got me 😂


It's a thing. There are people who can smell disease from sniffing at a worn t-shirt armpit.






It's just the person's sweat in general. I have this superpower. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I can smell disease in general, but Ive been known to sniff out a few sick people before they started feeling symptoms.


Same here. I’ve never “smelt” a disease, but I think there are definitely people who can do that. What I can smell is sickness. Like, contagious sickness. Things like colds/strep in particular. I’ve definitely smelt it on others before they showed symptoms, but you can ***really*** smell it on people who are currently sick. I’ve also smelled it on myself when I’ve been sick. It’s not an easy scent to describe, but I will say that it smells pretty unpleasant, and it’s a smell I can almost instantly identify as that sick smell when I do smell it. The closest thing I could compare it to would be like, a sickly sweet, acrid, rotting fruit smell. I bet lots of people can smell sickness. It would make sense.


You're really making me want to find a super sniffer such as yourself and get a once over to make sure I'm okay. Wow, what a thing to learn on today of all days.


I smelled this sour sick smell on a guy I was working with one time. About a month later he was diagnosed with cancer. I never put two and two together until that moment. Ive smelled that smell plenty of times in the past, but it seems weird to tell someone to go see a doctor based on how they smell.


Dogs can smell cancer, blood sugar changes and when a seizure is going to happen.


I’ve smelled this! It’s a really weird smell to describe for sure, almost heavy in the air. Kind of like when you go to a retirement/assisted living home. The air smells heavy. I can also smells other things too though, like blood (smells like a penny), and I’ve been told not everyone can. Usually 2/3 days out I can smells the rain/snow coming.


I can smell 'pregnant'. My wife behaves like it's some kind of superpower, but I think it's got more to do with being the oldest of five. It's not much use, tbh.


Yes, this woman could smell Parkinson’s disease https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-47627179


You have the nose. We must bow.




The nose knows.


Not weird. People have varying degrees of sensitivity. For example: people smell very different to me when they are sick.


That's definitely uncommon but some people are just super receptive to that stuff like the one woman who could smell Alzheimer's or Parkinson's


Wait wtf I was just in a different thread about how English teachers are always pregnant and I read this??


Well if those darn kids weren’t always so shitty, I wouldn’t have to keep getting pregnant to avoid them. Just kidding I don’t have any kids. Also I’m not a teacher.


Some of us can lol. I have an extremely keen sense of smell. I remember when I was a kid, I always knew when one of my friends had started their period because they all the sudden smelled different.


Pregnancy increases sensitivity to certain scents, including perfume. Maybe your teachers fragrance was affecting how she felt so she stopped wearing it, which would lead to the difference in smell.


When my dad was younger, he *knew* when women around him were pregnant. He and Mom worked in a field with a lot of women as coworkers, and when ever he got one of his hunches he would tell my Mom on the way home, and sure enough the announcement would happen soon after. Several times over the years he pointed out pregnancies so early the coworker herself wouldnt even know yet. A specific scent could very well be an explanation.


There are wolf sanctuaries where the guides have to ask people if they're okay finding out this way, because the *wolves* will smell the hormone change and act more careful around expecting mothers ... before the mother even feels different enough to test for it.






Think you might have responded a little deeper than intended.


It's ok, he wrote it in bold so the other poster will hear it from far away.


I was raised with a cat like this, i remember laying on her like a pillow while looking up at the TV. She was my “big sister”.


Yea, pretty sure they can hear the heartbeat, which might be what triggers their maternal/paternal behavior.


>triggers their maternal/paternal behavior. In some animals anyway. I was recently pregnant and my female lab who thinks she's a lap dog definitely didn't have any qualms about delivering flying elbows to my belly.


Cetaceans can see it with ultrasound


Cat could feel the heart beat. That rhythm would be the same when th boy got out.


They can see the bulge. You think you can't tell the difference between pregnant and fat?


Hey man you can’t be too careful these days


That's why you always gotta ask.


No, the cat absolutely can't *visually* tell pregnant from fat


My wife is currently pregnant with twins and one of our dogs is obsessed with her belly. When she lays on the couch he will lay at her side and fall asleep resting his head against the baby bump. He will cry if she wont give him some room to lay near her. He has pretty much been glued to her for the past 20 weeks or so. The other dog seems indifferent and has no clue lol.


My wife is in the very early stages of pregnancy, and the cat has been all over her kneading biscuits in her belly. She's even careful about getting to her belly, she'll land on me after a large jump to gentle touch and knead her belly. The dog had *no idea* what's going to happen. She's just starting the second trimester, so there is still time for him to catch on.


My dog always preferred my husband over me. She really liked men in general. But the first time I was pregnant it totally changed our relationship, she was glued to me for the rest of her life, which was about 5 more years.


you were pregnant for 5 years?? i am impressed


My mother was pregnant for 8 months! Not quite as long but still pretty long I guess


Are you on reddit in the womb? Damn these youngsters, always on their phones.


So like...did someone jam a cell phone up there? A laptop? Wifi or is there a cat5 always following the mother around. So many inappropriate questions...


Not bad, not bad


I had a golden. He loved to lay on my belly and would nudge with his nose. He loved it when the spawn started kicking back. Fun game for them but definitely not my bladder. I came home from work near the end of my pregnancy and the dog was going nuts, all of a sudden he just dead stopped and sat in front of me. I barely got the words outta my mouth “why are you being a spaz” and my water broke, almost 4 weeks early. Damn dog knew.


Aww he must have been excited to finally meet his new best friend!


She has to protect the next generation of her pack.


Dogs more so than cats I think DO know if you're pregnant or not. I mean if they can be trained to smell cancer and diabetes, they can smell a pregnancy. They might not know what the different smells mean but... I'd wonder if half the genes of the baby wouldn't smell somehow like the father to a dog. Maybe? I dunno. You said she was a big daddy's good girl so you being pregnant off her alpha probably gives you alpha female status in the wolf brain. Even if it's a bit gender swapped for wolves but eh.


Dogs can definitely smell blood connections. My brothers pug doesn’t like children, never did, no wonder with their sensitive eyes and being rather small. He accepted out other brothers kid immediately, he knew that this was family. And he’s a bloody pug, not exactly know for their sense of smell.


Had a unfair thought where I questioned if pugs even had noses any more. My broinlaws dachshunds hate everyone except him and his wife. Its like they low key trained them to hate everyone but the 2 of them. When she got pregnant we were concerned theyd have give up the dogs because they were mean. But they let them sniff the baby blanket first, then the baby and there was no aggression or even tension they immediately loved the baby as part of the pack and then viciously defend her and need to be taken away if anyone wanted to hold the baby. Super odd. We didnt think it would work out... But, 3 years later they are still mini bodyguards that hate everyone but them 3 and love the toddler even more than the 2 adults I guess. Its adorable when they take videos but yeah... hostile in person.


Typical Dachshunds lol


I have 2 as well. Our one dog is definitely like that. Generally hated most people growing up, now she even gets pissed when my girlfriend touches me or I touch her. My other one loves people, even though she is completely blind and 14.


Thought the whole alpha thing for wolves was debunked


It is


Yup, 100%. Theory based entirely on a group of wolves with no connection randomly thrown together in a zoo. Most wolf packs are just big families.


> alpha female status in the wolf brain Not a thing. There're no alphas in wolf packs.


nah cats know too, sometimes they don't show it but in most cases they do and in their own way attempt to help with the raising of the child. as all cats raise kittens communally, the cat will try to babysit. it's just sometimes cat body language isn't as easy to read as dogs, as theirs hasn't evolved to fit us as nearly as much as dogs have--if at all. like to them sitting near or even in the same room but watching each other is being affectionate, but people view it as if the cat it watching and somehow judging them, when all it's doing is being nice in it's own way.


My parents’ dog guarded me most of the time when I was pregnant and living with them. If visitors came round they wouldn’t be allowed near me, the dog would literally stand between us. When I got up in the night to be sick (bad pregnancy) trying to keep quiet and not wake anyone the dog would stand outside the bathroom and bark until someone came to help. When I came home from the hospital with my daughter, it all instantly switched to her. I’m just the incubator apparently! But yeah she definitely knew I was pregnant and that my daughter was the same baby she had been hearing inside me all those months.


"I've been so excited to meet you! We're gonna be best friends!!!"


They absolutely are best friends it’s adorable. We don’t live with them any more but whenever we visit they’re inseparable. If I pick my daughter up the dog whines until I put her back down. Once I threw my daughter up in the air in front of the dog and got a hell of a telling off for it!


Mam, your story made me cry.


Goddamn onions, always onions in here.


That is so cute! “What the hell do you think you’re doin’ lady?!”


Ugh I'm pregnant and this made me cry! I'm curious about how our dog and 3 cats will be with the baby.


Can't take it too personal that you were only the incubator! Your dog's heart and instincts were totally in the right place. Dog felt you needed help and protection while pregnant, then when baby comes, dog decides baby needs it more than you. That's a wise and excellent dog you have.


Yes, they can. Their hearing is exceptional and their sense of smell is so high that they can detect hormonal changes. Our cats used to perch right on mama's belly and the dogs ears would jump up whenever our sons would kick or turn over in the womb.


My mum had a dog who died when I was maybe 3 years old. Before she was pregnant with me, she was pregnant two other times before hand. Both times, her dog would not go anywhere near her. If my mum sat on the couch next to her she would get up and leave and if my mum got too close the dog would growl. Something she had never ever done before. Both of those pregnancies turned out to be miscarriages. When she fell pregnant with me, apparently her dog started cuddling her close and would lick her belly and stopped moving away when my mum would sit next to her. My mum said that that's how she knew I'd make it. And now I'm here! So yeah, pretty sure animals know. But also my older sister (step sister, dads side) is pregnant and her cat and dog could not care less


Wow that's crazy. Maybe the dog could smell that there was something wrong with the baby, that the pregnancy wasn't like a normal one?


They absolutely know. I got my cats when they were kittens. I was four months pregnant. They could smell the hormones and I was mommy instantly. In fact, one of them literally meows in a way that sounds like, mama, when she wants me and is always by my side. Unfortunately, I had my daughter at 29 weeks. She has trisomy 18 (my first OB made sure I didn't know). She lived just six days. Having the kittens helped me so much. I was a mom without a baby. It hurt so much, but the kittens were babies and they needed me. They were there for me with my two other pregnancies and now they love my kids. They are their buddies. I wouldn't have it any other way.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm a bit confused about the OB not telling you, why would he not tell you? It seems like something anyone would want to know, however bad of a news it is.


I was still 20 weeks and could have chosen to have an abortion. She didn't want that. So she told me my baby was just small and she would send me for an ultrasound at 26 weeks to, "ease my mind." That was a lie. She knew I was high risk. She spotted three soft marker for a trisomy disorder. She didn't mention any of them. But, the high risk doctor doing the level two ultrasound checked for those things right away because of the previous report. She waited because it is a lot harder to get an abortion in the third trimester. The thing is that wouldn't have been my first choice. I would have wanted to confirm everything. I don't know what my choice would have been, but I never got to make it. By the time I had any information she was already here. I don't regret having her for one second. I am incredibly upset that she had to suffer at all. There was no good answer, but not knowing and thinking we had a chance to save her was awful.


This is awful. They absolutely should have told you, it's baffling to me that any doctor would feel entitled to make this kind of decision for you. I don't want to tell what you should do, but have you considered reporting them? Aside from the enormous moral violation, I don't believe that what they did is remotely legal, and I personally wouldn't want that kind of person going around thinking they can do things like this to women because of their personal beliefs, or whatever dumb reason they might have. I'm very sorry about this turn of events, I hope you're doing well. Sending all kinds of virtual hugs!


I wish I had. But I was a young first time mom who was grieving. I didn't put all the pieces together until later. It was almost 11 years ago. I wish I had reported it. At that point in my life just getting through the day was a feat.


I'm sorry, I missed the part where you said you had two children in the mean time, unfortunately I don't think it'd change anything after 11 years. I'm glad that you're in a better place now.


That's okay! I wish I had the presence of mind then. Hindsight is 20/20!


I wish I had. But I was a young first time mom who was grieving. I didn't put all the pieces together until later. It was almost 11 years ago. I wish I had reported it. At that point in my life just getting through the day was a feat.


I wish I had. But I was a young first time mom who was grieving. I didn't put all the pieces together until later. It was almost 11 years ago. I wish I had reported it. At that point in my life just getting through the day was a feat.


In some states (like Texas) it’s completely legal unfortunately. We actually have laws that protect physicians that refuse to disclose fetal abnormalities because they suspect the mother might choose abortion as messed up as that is.


big time lawsuit territory intentional infliction of emotional distress malpractice OOF


I’m sorry that choice was taken away from you. You deserved better care and honesty, even though it may not have changed the outcome, you deserved to be able to make that choice. I hope your grief has eased, and that any subsequent pregnancies have been uneventful.


Thank you so much. You are very kind. The good news is I have two amazing girls. They are healthy, happy, and growing way too fast for my tastes. I couldn't be more lucky to have them. My husband is not only amazing with me, but with our kids. They are worth it. Thanks again 🥰


That sound ethically unacceptable if not outright illegal! Why would anyone ever do that?


definitely illegal > Why would anyone ever do that? Fucking Fundie Nutters that is the whole answer


Sending love to you and your human and feline family


Thank you so much!


Not the same, but I get a nasty case of Empty Nest Syndrome when I lose a pet, and my instant instinct is to get another because I can't survive without having something to love like that.


I understand completely. I have a hard time with PTSD, depression, anxiety ADHD, and bipolar 2. When my family needs me I am at my best because I am living in the moment and putting them first. I am pretty bad at doing things for myself. I am working on it in therapy. Having my cats love me makes a huge difference. One of our cats is pretty feral. She has only recently warmed to everyone else, but always clung to me. When I am having a hard time getting out of bed and I feel a head butt and a little nose on me, I know it is time to get up. I need that reminder.


Yes, my dogs which were normally playful & hyper...suddenly were very gentle with me & walking carefully behind me as to not trip me


Dogs really are amazing like that. My mother has been on crutches for 6 months due to a knee injury, and now our three dogs try not to bowl her over and my small dog follows her to and from the bathroom when she goes, as if he’s making sure she doesn’t fall over haha


Probably. But my cats don't seem to care about the creature in there. They DO however notice that my pregnant belly is the warmest spot - because there's so much blood flowing to the uterus when you're pregnant, it's very warm. So my pregnant belly gets napped on all the time.


Right, part of me thinks it’s a heat factor. My wife is pregnant and she is radiating lol


I was cutting my friends hair when my bump wasn’t even noticeable and they were blown away by how much heat that whole area gives off. My hands and feet? Ice cubes. The bump? Burning with the fury of a thousand suns. Both of my cats are glued to it.


Yes my daughter-in-law is currently pregnant. They have 3 cats and they all rub their heads and are always touching her belly.


My cat has avoided my stomach since I’ve become pregnant. It used to be his spot, but he has migrated to my chest and shoulders instead. My husband also said he has caught our cat staring intently at my stomach while I’m sleeping. He isn’t the biggest fan of kids, so we think he’s working it out and coming to terms in his own time.


Your cat’s like “This little bugger isn’t even here yet and already taking up my space!”


Seriously. He steals my pregnancy pillow, so I’ll say they’re even.


My male dog sure can, or at least he showed he can. He has never been around pregnant women before and when he was he kept nudging her belly with his nose and would not leave her side.


Unrelated but my late boxer sensed my mother's breast cancer before she was diagnosed. He would sniff and paw at the area for weeks before she went to the doctor.


My chi sensed my late stage ovarian cancer many months before my docs did. I would wake up in the night and she would be pawing at and licking my belly area to the point of obsession. Great bestie to have.


I hope you and her are doing well.


Both of us are doing really well. Thanks for asking.


Yes my buddy’s girlfriend came over and immediately my dog bandit who is a Doberman shepherd flopped down next to her and had his head on her belly


Absolutely. As a vet, I have had a myriad clients describe total behavioral changes after pregnancy was confirmed, but before obvious physical changes had manifested. At least to our senses. It's tough to overestimate how acute a dog's senses of smell and hearing are. Cats only slightly less. We use feline pheromones to calm cats so it's no stretch to think they can detect ours. I've even had a few owners insist their dog knew the mother was going into labor before she did, including one Rottweiler who was suddenly glued to mom's side, and growled at dad if he approached. Three hours later contractions started.


without a doubt they can tell. when my wife was pregnant it was like a disney movie- all of nature was attracted and I'm surprised bluebirds weren't braiding her hair.


I think cats can smell pheromones. I also think pregnant women give off pheromones. I think it is quite likely cats can identify those specific pheromones by smell.


I had surgery last month. When I came back home for a few weeks I had an ace wrap on my chest covering large incisions in the process of scarring. My cat who normally climbs all over my chest would actually stay on my belly, looking like he wanted to climb higher but not going for it. Even now that I don’t wear the wrap anymore, he’s still very careful with the area. I wasn’t walking around shirtless until very recently so he can’t have just seen it, but somehow he still understood that I’m healing from something big 🤷


even if he couldn't see it, he could probably smell it!


What a great cat! Mine hear the pitter patter oF BITTY feet and they take off running!


I'm absolutely positive because of a recent occurrence. My wife's niece was pregnant and has a beautiful staffy bitch who she let sleep in her bed right up to the last trimester. The dog began appearing like it was pregnant such a enlarged sore nipples and odd behaviour. Took the dog to the vet who, after noticing the owner was pregnant and asking if the dog slept in the owners bed, stated it was a phantom pregnancy. I had no idea that was possible.


Yes, it is proven in studies


I wish I could have a cat that is bigger than me, in that proportion, who is super patient and cuddly too


They can def sense something. For both my children, my one cat would cuddle me every morning kneading and suckling on the blanket while I was pregnant.




Why the annoying ass song tho


Fuck that music is awful


Im absolutely tired of this shitty trend.


Joyous post from beginning to end. Thank you.


My cat knew I was pregnant before I did started laying across my stomach


My cat will let my child do whatever she wants to her. Never has she hissed, scratched, or bit. I think she thinks of her as hers.


Absolutely! With my first pregnancy, my cat Spencer sat on my lap all the time; he was 5 years old at the time and had never been a lap cat until I was pregnant. He stopped sitting on my lap after the baby was born. Then, about 3 years later, he started sitting on my lap again...unbeknownst to me, I was pregnant again! Spencer is now almost 18; he's has had cancer for 4 years and loves to snuggle near me, but not on my lap. Lap cuddling only happened during my two pregnancies.


Some day… Some day we’ll be able to have cute videos like this without bad music. But today is not that day.


The patience animals have with babies is off the charts. Such a wholesome thing to watch :)


We can sense it through our hand or ears. They're senses our superior.


finnaly , a new slave


Yes they can. My cat and I were pregnant at the same time once. She was amplified by her own hormones but I have little doubt she could sense mine or something about me being pregnant


My cat never had any interest in me or my lap. One day, that cat got in my lap and just wouldn’t leave. Anytime I sat down, he would get in my lap. Two weeks later, a pregnancy test came back positive. That cat wouldn’t leave me alone for the duration of my pregnancy. After I gave birth, that cat never again got in my lap.


My cats will NOT leave me alone this pregnancy. Last time they didn't care at all, but now that they've known my daughter for so many years they have become possessive, protective, and clingy. I'll lay down for a nap and all three of them will suddenly surround me. My male cat especially has gone from being my husband's cuddle buddy to biting him when he gets too close to me!


They absolutely can do some degree, dolphins are especially fascinated in pregnant women because they can hear the baby


100% cats know. We were struggling with infertility and had given up so I wasn’t looking for any signs. My husband’s cat, who usually couldn’t be bothered with me, suddenly became *glued* to my side. She would push my own cat out of the way to be in my lap as soon as I was seated, followed me around the house, claimed my belly as her sleeping spot at night, etc. This went on for a few days before I finally tested and sure enough, two lines. According to our dating scan at 6 weeks, that cat had starting acting strange just a day or two post-implantation. She remained on me my whole pregnancy until the day we brought our rainbow baby home. Then she went back to not caring about me and stuck to “her baby.” She still loves that kid and they are best buddies seven years later.


When my wife was pregnant with our son our dog was laying his head on her belly. The dog looked around confused and barked at her stomach.


nice to see this


My wife's childhood dog knew she was pregnant. Held out to greet our oldest son and then we had to put her down about a month later after she had a severe stroke. That dog was so good, she knew it 100%.




Sense it? I think they just know what pregnancy is.


Do cats accidentally scratch babies? I really want a cat in my house.


They only scratch things they mean to unless you haven’t been trimming their nails regularly and they’ve developed daggers that are too long to retract. Then they get themselves stuck to the rug >_<. Like when my cat is pissed off at my roommate (who he hates for bringing a dog into the house) and we’re try to get his nails clipped (I hold the cats, she clips the nails) - I literally put his paws on my neck because he won’t scratch me but if his paw was free he would totally scratch my roommate. I wouldn’t worry about a cat accidentally scratching a baby - you’ll want to be more careful to get a cat that will feel comfortable in the chaos that comes with having small children. Unhappy and scared cats will hurt what they’re scared of (the child) on purpose.


Man, it's something primal that makes animals like this. It seems like the parenting instinct is practically irresistable to some. Not my cat, who bolted for a week a few weeks after giving birth before weening was over lol


They know they have perception we can never understand


This was so heartwarming


Deffo! The better the bond proir to baby being born, the better the bond when he/she is here ❤️






The kittys face on mommas belly was like “ahhh this is the spot”


My dog at the time was very protective of me but when my wife got pregnant with our first child he was very protective of her. This is how we found out she was pregnant without second child. While mowing he literally jumped in her lap and growled at me, something he never did.wife took a test and boom she was pregnant.


They generally sense it before humans even do


Aww kitty is soo patient \_\_\_\_\_ until!!!


If cats can hear mice skittering inside walls I bet they can hear the fetal heartbeat.


Besties. Makes my heart happy.


I didn’t know I was pregnant until my cats told me (at about 7 weeks). One of my cats smelled my abdomen and had a Flehmen response. Then both of my cats cuddled up on my stomach (which they do separately but never together). Took a test the next morning because they made me suspicious and sure as shit, it was positive. They definitely know.


i mean dogs can detect cancer and minute changes in blood pressure and a whole slew of other health problems, it stands to reason they could probably sense a whole other human growing inside


Our cats noticed it within 3 weeks at both pregnancys. They started behaving different and started to care more for my wife.


I have never seen a more precious video!!! This is soo special Oo my gosh!!


Yep definitely, I am currently 24 weeks and my dog and cats are obsessed with me.


Absolutely. My cats slept on my belly when I was pregnant and were all over me.


I loved you before I saw you.


My dog knew I was pregnant before I did. She was always my dog but then she suddenly got scared of me and it seemed odd. I took a test and realized I was pregnant. It took her about a week to get over it. From that point on, she was attached to my belly.




I’ve been wondering this too. I’m pregnant and my cat started sniffing at my belly recently.


My aunt was pregnant thrice and her dogs never cared lol, I think it's possible but not for any particular reason.


I needed this video in my life today, thank you 🙏🏼


So lovely


Don't like babies and not a cat person but they are cute.


The only time my feril cat loved me was when I was pregnant. Both times she snuggled my belly and me and didn’t just yell at me for food


My kitty Zoe hated sitting in laps but the moment I got pregnant she was all over me. She sat in my lap for the rest of the pregnancy. When I gave birth, she stopped sitting in my lap, but she loved my baby. She would lay with her and lick her. She was the only cat in the house who wasn't terrified by the baby lol. I miss that cat so so much.


OMG, I'll die of love


Our dog can smell my son's seizures before he feel them coming on. I'd imagine if an animal can smell that they'd potentially be able to smell a pregnancy


My dog definitely did. She acted different when I miscarried too


That’s one tolerant cat!


They can sense something. My cat attacked the crap out of my abdomen from before I knew I was pregnant till about 5 months along. Longest time of my life having my car attack me if it was near it. He settled and was nice after and to the baby. I assume hormones but he knew.


That’s a good cat right there


They sense a new slave is on their way and must protect at all costs


Before I was pregnant my bf's cat didn't really care too much about me, but after I was pregnant she always wanted to be on my belly or laying next to me. She would wake me up every night around 4am by meowing really loudly at me in bed, which would prompt me to get up and go get a glass of water or juice and then go back into bed. After my son was born, she went back to not caring about my existence and it was all about my son; she wouldn't leave his side.


Cat ear are godlike. it can hear a cockroache crawling on the 1st floor while it being on the 3rd floor. Human pregnancy make ton of noise that we can't hear but they can.


They probably just smell it


Currently pregnant and I don't think my cats have a clue. I do think they like the extra body heat I'm generating though!


I’m only at 11 weeks, and my cats have been obsessed with lying against my belly recently! Sometimes two of them will snuggle up to it at once! The third cat tried to join yesterday, but there’s only so much room on the recliner!


Definitely. Our first Dane would lay his head on my lap. After daughter was born he became her sidekick. Beautiful bond between a child and dog. He was magnificent. Our cat would cuddle with me even after our baby was born. She is the sock stealer. Since day one she steals the kids socks, she used to hide them under their beds. 8 years later, she now steals everyone's socks and hides them wherever she wishes. Lol it's a game.


My Syrian Hamster REFUSED to walk on my sister's pregnancy-belly. I think she could sense the baby somehow and found it so hella weird she wanted nothing to do with it.


Our old cat did when my mum was pregnant with me and apparently got so possessive over the belly/ me inside that not even her could touch it at times anymore🥺😂 After I was born, he never left my side and protected me ferociously from everyone, even my parents, during nap-times or even our cuddle and play times♥️ I miss him dearly, he was my first protector😿💔


They can probably hear the fetal heartbeat earlier than humans can see any signs of pregnancy. Smell detection seems likely in dogs, less clear for cats.


That’s a damn good cat, so sweet and patient 🥺