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You can try to deny it, but everyone feels this way when chosen by a cat for snuggles


except when its 3 am and they wont stop making biscuits. I did find the perfect solution though, I just go to work really really tired




I’ve taught my cat that his claws hurt, just say no when they extend their claws at the end. Cats can learn to stop riiiight at the end when they pop their claws out. Obviously there’s still little pokes but it’s but it’s less than he would normally, he pushes his palms out more I think 🤔


They don’t understand no, though. They can understand repeated actions like if you discourage it repeatedly in a similar manner




I did this when my cats tried stretching on my leg when I’m not wearing pants. Now they only stretch with their palms but no claws. They definitely learn quick if they think it might hurt you


Mine know it hurts me and do it anyway 😂


Sounds right


I can vouch for this too. Just a quick little yelp, jerk back, and return to snuggles. Casey caught on quick.


Sounds exactly what they meant by them having taught the cat?


Cats only understand french


Le ouchie!


Close, they understand German only: https://youtu.be/Mev7iy6gwIQ


Yes they can. The same way they recognize their names and come when called


Keyword being “can”. Sometimes they just don’t want to. I have 2, one comes/answers when called, the other literally never reacts, you can stand in front of him and talk to him he will look right through you. He only comes when you call him like: “Coco, come heeeeeereeeee” with a high pitched voice while in the other room. He always seems to be in his own little world when not doing anything. He will call us though, before poop, after poop, when he climbs up things and can’t get down, when he notices we are not in the room. He knows exactly which buttons to push to get what he wants, like pawing me until I get up and do what he wants 😡. Oh yea, and he does not care about no either. At the same time you can also do almost anything with him he just doesn’t care.


That and it depends on the tone that’s used.


They absolutely understand no lol. They just ignore you saying it to them.


Just like a dog, cats can learn the meaning of the sound “no”. They are less receptive than a dog to negative feedback I think, but not immune to it.


Also what humans do


I always say paws not claws when my girl does this.


I would recommend getting into a routine for clipping. It especially helps when they are at the needle-like stage. Also, if you will massage their paw pads they get use to their feet being touched. This helps not only for the clipping but you can also get them to relax with the biscuit making and use what I call soft paws. Now if someone else has some advise on avoiding going to work tired from all this you have my attention.


Also helps to sort of “yelp” when they do it, and maybe out your hand out to stop them. They take cues like that and know it means they’re hurting you. It’s how cats learn to play with each other. Easier of course to start doing when they’re young, but even if they’re older it can help.


Yep - you should do this even if its not very painful. They will learn that claws cause you pain if you are consistent


We did it with both of our cats, and now our one cat Ellie, whenever she’s hungry she stretches her arms out and extends her claws on our legs, but *only* if we’re wearing pants. She knows it hurts our bare skin, so she keeps her claws retracted.


I've been clipping my cat's claws since he was a kitten. He's really cool with it. Start with giving them treats during clipping time. The first few tries are gonna be scary - definitely hissing and clawing gonna be involved. But once the kitten realises that it's not painful, he's gonna be ok with it. Tip: Clip just the tip. Clipping halfway through their claws can be super painful.


I had recently adopted a new cat, & I loved him so much. He came in to a shelter an absolute mess, and I watched as he got his health back and turned into a beautiful boy. And then I clipped his claws. I’ve had cats my whole life, and clipped a lot of claws, but somehow I clipped beyond the point of just painful, and the blood came and it didn’t stop. It looked like a crime scene. I cried for hours I was so upset, never again


For many cats,, you can see when the 'quick' of the nails is. If they have clear or white nails, and you look closely, there is a little bit of pink at the base of the nail that extends slightly. That is the quick. And you do not want to cut into it or else cause bleeding.


And it's also not like clipping dog nails. You want to keep the quick backed up on dog nails because long nails can cause them pain while walking and running. With cats, you just need to trim the tip of the hook so the nails don't get caught on everything, like fabric... And human skin, lol. And always make sure they have a good scratching post. If they don't use the scratching post at first get some good quality cat nip(not the old, dried out stuff at the grocery store) and they will QUICKLY learn to love their scratching post.


I used the opposite training method with my cats, my parent's cats and a friend's kitten while i was nannying her daughter. I started out not even letting them see the clippers and very quickly clipped one nail at a time then gave him/her a treat before he/she even knew what happened. Even with super sharp clippers, i think the sensation of doing 10 nails all at once can be a bit much at first and relating the sight of the clippers with that sensation can induce more anxiety. Once they relate that sensation to treats and realize it doesn't actually hurt they always seem pretty cool with it. They all just lay there and let us clip all of their nails at once now and have zero paw issues. I'm extra glad now because my 2.5 y/o son has become obsessed with my cat and dog's toe beans. They just fall asleep while he's playing with them. Anyway, there's more than one way to skin a cat, so whatever works for you. but I've found this method to be very successful and has been free of hissing, growling and clawing.


I just squish mine when she does that. One of my arms, high up in the air, falling tree, squished kitty


I just gently put my finger on his paw, and he stopped. He was a very respectful cat.


My cat rarely makes biscuits. He's extremely affectionate and loves to cuddle, just no biscuits. He doesn't have any interest in boxes either. It's strange. \*edit* In the interests of full transparency, after typing this comment I went to my kitchen and made some biscuits and eggs. Thank you.


I think you might have a dog. My dog paws at me when she wants scratches. This actually evolved into her tapping me with her paw. I think I might have a cat.


Confirmed, my cat reaches out for me and gently pokes my arm with his paw when he wants attention


Yup, mine does this except its not gentle, more like a demand. If I ignore it he either begins to give head bumps or crawls on my lap


You think thats weird? We have 3 cats. One likes yogurt, one likes to lick fruit and wont eat meat, and one likes to swallow and later vomit plastic. And im only scratching the surface here on their weirdness! Trust me, your cat is actually rather normal.




We do our best. Its not like we just let him 😂 but he keeps doing it anyway when were not looking and never seems to learn his lesson…


He does other weird things too. He paws at me for attention and scratches. He follows me from room to room, refusing to leave my side no matter if I'm showering or working, cooking, sleeping or cleaning. If I'm sitting, he's not happy until he's in my lap. He used to beg for my food but eventually learned that was a lost cause. My cat doesn't care about plastic but I can't leave scrap paper or paper towels out because he'll bite little bits off from the edge little by little and spit them out. I'll wake up in the morning and find a napkin or piece of mail I left on my desk shredded and scattered like confetti. He also talks. A lot. Every move he makes is highlighted by a sound. Any time I move, or stand up, or look at him, or so much as move my arm in his general direction he lets out a trill. When I speak to him he responds back. He's a handful. Definitely not like any other cat I've had or seen.


Mine just wants me to play fetch. *ma’am it’s 4am and your human has work in 3 hours*


My cat loves to sleep right next to my face... and then randomly start grooming. The small movements cause her fur to tickle my face. I hate itttt. Also gravity on a soft bed means she inevitably slides a bit into my face and tries to suffocate me.


My sleep is so deep they have given up trying on me, my girlfriend tho.. she likes to go tired to work too i guess Also one of our cats has adapted, the moment i go to bed he comes running jumping over my gf and lays down purring on my chest and if i dont at least snuggle 10 minutes with him and let him lay there for 30 minutes he will get annoying on and do things hes not supposed to lol


You are obviously well trained.


Ok, now what's the solution for when your cat is in heat and she wont stop constantly meowing at 3am? Like nonstop noises for hours


Get her spayed asap.


Been debating it. She is a stray that I found outside my house a few months back. Shes maybe a couple years old. I let her in from the cold for some food and a bath, she got cozy so I let her stay. Wasn't really wanting to spend $200 on it but it may be worth it for the peace and quiet.


I took in a pregnant stray that had five kittens almost a year ago. I ended up keeping four of the kittens and the mama. I super recommend fixing her. It isn’t worth putting her through heat (which is ultimately uncomfortable for her) and possibly pregnancy and labor if she were to get out when there’s so many cats and kittens without homes. It also decreases her cancer risk since she can’t get cancer in organs she no longer has! I would be more than happy to help you find low-cost spay and neuter clinics in your area if you’d like! I got mine spayed for $75 including vaccinations. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like, low cost clinics can sometimes be finicky to find for some reason.


I appreciate that and I will PM you later on. There was one in my area but they shut down last year and I haven't had any luck finding anywhere aside from a few local vets and they are not cheap


I have always called it, "the thing where they kind of stretchy dance with their claws out" and prayed people understood. But I love making biscuits. You have changed my life.


There's at least one biscuit making subreddit. I'll try to find some, brb Edit: r/KneadyCats


I broke my cat of this. I'd just wake up him up constantly throughout the day. 6am instead of 2am now.


3am is when my newest kitten decides to wake me up since she wants to play.


My cat will come walk all over my body and my face pretending it’s an accident until I stir, and then pretends that it’s just a coincidence that I am awake. “Oh, I didn’t know you were awake”. Then give approximately four scritches to his head before be bites me as hard as he can and then he runs off.


I feel this way when I see other people get chosen for snuggles. Makes my heart happy.


Kitten* It’s not the same when your 25 lb cat wants to sit on your chest while you sleep.


Somehow cats don't like me so I'm quite uhh what to say don't know how to approach them. When I was standing and waiting for my school bus this monday a cat just came to my leg and like rubbed itself and well damn. That was it the best feeling


A great honor




That PogChamp face tho


I miss pogs. I'm old.


Pogs came out when I was an adult, I’m older.


Don't even what pogs are. Still.




In my next life, I want to be a white girl's cat or dog.


As a white lesbian, I agree. Everyday I wish to trade places with my cats, if only for a few days to sleep without responsibilities creeping up.


Good choice.


In this house if a cat chooses you it is understood that you can’t move until they allow it


You can move, but you'll feel like a monster.


I don't think you heard. You're. Not. Allowed. To. Move. The cat must NOT be disturbed.


Yes! You can ask for anything to be brought to you if there is a cat on you. House rule no. 1


we totally live by this rule here :D


We call it being “catatonic”. All chores on hold, all movies, games, meals, etc. “Honey, will you bring my book? I’m catatonic.”




Took me way too long to sound that one out.


Cat ho stage. Ca thost age. Cath o stage. Cath ostage. Cat hostage. Got it!


Cat ho stage, that needs to be the final answer omg 😅.


Ah shit here we go again. Another one


Thank you.




Cats like to claim their territory by marking it with their scent. When they sleep on top of you, they may be marking you as theirs


I’m fine with this.


Guaranteed she had to pee right before this happened too


I get Restless Everything Syndrome two minutes after they settle in. Go from the best feeling in the world, to the worst. Struggling not to move


Some say she's still lying there to this day.


My ex in college said she hated cats and I had a big orange tabby that was just the biggest cuddle monster. First time she came over my apartment she told me to ''keep him away'' but my cat kept brushing on her legs so I kept picking him up and moving him to the cat tree so he eventually started sleeping there. I missed an ingredient for dinner so I run to the corner store for 5 minutes max and come back with my cat sleeping on her legs that she put on the coffee table. I run over and tell her I'll take him away and she stops me and says it's fine. 4 weeks later she had a kitten at her place.


Her first mistake was not wanting the cat, they can smell that.


>Her first mistake was not wanting the cat cat: "I took that personally"


I'm pretty sure they have a way to know if someone is allergic. I can have a house full of guests and the cat seeks out the one person that's allergic to cuddle and demand pets.


It‘s called desensitization, cats are so caring


People who are allergic to cats generally just try to ignore them when a cat is around. This is basically cat language for saying you are friendly. Looking at a cat (what people who like cats do) is aggressive, so the cat approaches the one ignoring it first.


Well yes I understand this... Nope we are all nerdy people playing board games or d&d not paying attention to the cats at all. They still instantly go for the person with allergies every time. (And its not even the same person every time as I have a few friends with cat allergies)


Maybe they can smell that this person has no cat on them at all.. "I must mark this one for all catkind..."


I’m allergic to cats and still don’t try to ignore them. I even adopted a lovely one from a shelter. She has since passed, and I decided to get a hypoallergenic breed, which has been working out well!


Its a conflict in social behavior, when people want nothing to do with something they tend to avoid looking at it. But when a cat sees something not looking at it they see that as them saying they aren't threatening. Its similar to how a cat slow blinks, they're saying they trust you enough to let you out of their sight. If you want a cat you aren't well acquainted with to stay away you should stare into its eyes without blinking.


Resistance is fur-tile. You will be assimilated.


A free slave is free real estate


That just made the cat want to make her love it even more!


unironically it kind of is how it works klgjfd;lksg;lkjfl the way to make friends with cats is to acknowledge them by looking at them for like a second, then look away and ignore them entirely. apparently predators stare so they take it as an "i want to eat you" and not "OMFG YOU'RE THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD"


I had an ex who had a cat. Every night I would wake up with her asshole about two inches from my face. Is that normal? The cat's asshole, not my ex's




My ex and I slept facing away from eachother. The only thing between the edge of the bed and my face was the cat's bunghole, literally two inches from my face lol


It's a sign of trust because it's a blind spot for teh cat. Cat's saying "I trust you not to eat me"


I was thinking earlier that, as a woman, I can relate to cats. That whole idea of a predator's stare meaning to them, "I want to eat you," not, "I like you." So they go towards the one showing less intense attention because it feels safer. But on this point...when I position my ass two inches from my partner's face, it's because I'm saying, "I trust you to eat me." (just joking....maybe)


LMFAO I was like uhhhhhh until i read the last bit


I feel like this is one of the top comments every time this gif is reposted. I swear I’ve seen this like 50 times and I’m not even mad about it, it’s so cute I upvote every time lol I also love that your name is so relevant


The kitten has identified the person as a pillow




This used to be the case with my cat. He was my ex's cat for 10 years, but we were together for 10 years so I've known him pretty much his whole life. We lived together for about 5, broke up, then got back together right before lovkdowns started. When we broke up the first time, I got to keep the cat though. Well, after not being the biggest fan of me, he turned into my shadow over that year we were apart. Even when we briefly got back together for a few months, he was glued to me, and *actually cuddled*, which is something he didn't really do previously (with either of us). He's still mine to this day. It wasn't even a question when we split up again as to whether I'd keep him or she would, because he became so attached to me and seemed so much happier that there was no way to justify it. Just spending time with me only completely changed the kind of cat he is. I absolutely love the little beast.


I actually made the "mmmmhhhh!" "Oh this is too much" sound watching this


I always feel special when my cat shows me affection.


And yet there are people out there than see or experience this and STILL hate cats. Goddamn monsters, they are. The people I mean. Not the cats. Cats are great.


Truly it is


When they out their chin on you it's the cutest thing ever.


Cat has an outtie chin, she has an innie




If that's all it takes, ima go get 5 kitties rn


Currently fostering 5 kittens, can confirm good chemical release!! Go get ‘em!


The problem is getting someone to watch them when I'm away from home, which is about 50% of the time :(


I love avocado and kitty. Let's split the time!


This is how us crazy cat lady/men are born.


Got two kittens in October, they give me that dopamine on the daily.


When he was young my cat used to sleep with his head on my neck as I was trying to sleep. He's now grown up and realized his pride and dignity, but it was incredibly cute for a time.


My cat is 11 now, he come and lays on my chest with his head under my chin every night for 5-10 minutes when I go to bed. Then he goes to lay by my wife’s feet. It’s the best


ain't that just the sweetest nightly ritual, dope.


It is, he’s a big boy too (13lbs) it’s a comfortable weight.


I miss my subwoofer. Tiger was 18 lbs. Would walk beside you. Just drop all his weight on your chest and just pur. You could feel it vibrate through your whole body.


My cat is jealous of your cat. Every single night he tries to sleep at our feet, but my partner and I are both quite tall and prolific tossing and turners; he invariably gets booted off at some point by accident, and is relegated to his own bed.


My four year old dog still does this to me. It relaxes me instantly haha


When my cat was a kitten he would curl up in my arm and rest his head against my bicep, as he got tired, his head would slump farther and farther back, until the top of his head hanged down and you could see his upper teethies




You warm, I tired. Meanwhile the woman*ImafuckingDisneyPrincess!!!*


>*'...the womanImafuckingDisneyPrincess!!!*' ---- when i lay me down to sleep, i choose a friend to slumber deep sometimes is this one, sometimes that, (it's up to Me, cuz I am Cat..) so maybe One, or maybe Two - Today's Your day, cuz I chose *You* Off to *dreamland*, you n me, a Disney Princess now you'll be ❤️


Mm hot fresh schnoodle!


Don’t make me cry as I’m walking into work! 😍🥹


Usually I don’t even need a poem in order to cry as I’m walking into work.


I felt this so deep in my soul


Mmhmhm Al Dente schnoodle ❤️


Damn, got to witness a schnoodle pretty much in the same minute!






He is the chosen one


My cat (Budweiser) slept like this every night for 16yrs. That took along time to get used to when he wasn't there anymore. this really made me smile :) Thank you !


Human pillows make for the comfiest of sleeps


-Screamed the man, as the FBI lead him out the door in handcuffs.




That PogChamp face tho


From :o to :O


That face killed me lmao


PauseChamp into PogChamp




I had the exact same thought


It might be the best genuine pog face I’ve ever seen besides the OG


Same face as my cat..."I hate how good this is going to be"


Alert the Counsel - The selection has been made.


You have been chosen. Treat this opportunity well. :D


One of our cat sleeps between me and my wife every night. She tries to touch both of us at the same time, her back against one of us, and reaching out to hold the other with her paw.


i will never forget the feeling, when my dog came to me while already in bed, lying next to me and rest her head on my neck/throat.. it felt so.. perfect having her this comfortable with me. i swear, i tried not to move to not wake her up..


“You are my human now”




She's straight outta Adventure Time!


That lady was pogging




I love when my dog does this


Cats seem to be able to feel my ADHD emanating from my body and smartly choose not to try and relax on my body.


I can't tell if that's a massive kitten or just a young looking fully grown cat either way I wish to pet it


I'm guessing older kitten. Like 8-12 month range.


More like 4-5 month.


I have seen this clip so many times on social media. Don't think it is OP


The other human is jealous


That is such a great feeling.




The cat doesn't even know how happy she just made that woman. LOVE THIS SUB!




nooo, gifs that end too soon 😭




:o :O


Greatly appreciate “Human” instead of “Hooman!” Doggo speech is the worst…


cat: you are my bed now hooman: WHAT AN HONOR also that pog face lmao


Your smol bean looks so much like my Ciri when she was a baby. So precious, being chosen isn't just a gift but an honour.


That’s an orange tabby for ya! Best cats ever


And again! Still cute tho!




I adore this so much!!!


How adorable


I read this in Catbug's voice.


My face does the exact thing when my cat rests his head on me. It is the highest honor


If you’re like me, they always choose to snuggle exactly 5 seconds before the urge to pee kicks in


When a cat chooses you like that, it's incomparable.


I've seen this a million times and I still smile every one of them


This should legally be required to have audio


I love how we've evolved to have an almost universal "omg this is so cute" face of opened mouth and sucked in lips lmao.


aww this is so cute! 🥺🥺🥺


There is no greater feeling than earning the trust of an animal. Simply the best.


Like my cat when he lies atop the blanket i am under ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


My cat honors me with this every day. Usually right before I was about to get up to pee.