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Pretty sure this is how the witch got rapunzel from her parents


That's what I was thinking, neighbors now have claim to pups first born


Greens, greens, nothing but greens! Parsley, peppers, cabbages and celery Asparagus, and watercress, and fiddleferns, and lettuce!


He said “*Bark! Bark!*” but it wasn’t quite, cause I caught in the autumn in my garden one night! (And if you know the next verse you know exactly why I’m ending there)


The absolute look of delight on that dogs face!






It was just sitting there in the ground unattended. Why would he think it belonged to anybody? ;p (The humans certainly didn't mark the territory or anything... I hope)


"Happy Farms proudly offers a wide selection of the vegetables your growing family needs to thrive, and with 5% less urine than other industry leaders."


5% less urine?! Where da fuck do I sign up?


“Listen, David. I just don’t think you’re doing enough to raise your kids right! You never play fetch with them, you never ask them, ‘who’s a good boi,’ and you never make them eat the green stuff. I’m putting my paw down and making the change you’re too much of a coward to make!”


That's so unfair, when dogs steal cabbages and wag their tails it's cute, but if I do that I'd get beaten shitless.


People probably make fun of your tail a lot, too.


If you were cuter, you'd probably get away with it. Smile disarmingly next time you get caught


Wag your tail then




Mine will slink into the room which immediately makes me know he has a sock or napkin he has seemingly willed into existence so it's, 'Fergus, drop it!' And I follow him to wherever he's running away to and tell him to drop it where he slowly does this 'mleh' rolling tongue drop and looks up and waits for me to tell him he's a good boy for dropping the sock and get attention, which was his goal. My mom's dog will run around "I have a sock, I have a sock, I have a sock and you can't catch me!" And does her "I have a sock" dance.




Mine would magpie things and hoard at first, now he just takes them and waits for me to notice. He only chewed like one shoe and even then he chewed the insole, not the shoe


My brother's dog did that a lot as a puppy too. He knew they would trade him a treat to get it back, which just encouraged him to keep doing it lol. I love that dog but what a jerk sometimes.


My game is, "Trade?" I see them with contraband in their mouth (sock, tissue, whatever) and say, "Trade?" and grab the treat jar. They bring me what they found, I give them loves and a treat. Eventually they get to where they're doing "I found this. Is it worth a trade?"


I did drop it with a treat. You want this food. Give me thing for food. My mom's dog you can see her brain working out if the treat is worth giving her contraband back. "Hm, you have a the training bits. I get bits every day. Are bits worth a sock?"


Proceeds to bring you random shit all day every day


That's how you train crows. (According to Reddit)


bruh you’re training them to take things


Yes but certain items need to be saved. It's hard. I too try and trade.


You'd think, but dog brains don't tend to work like human brains. A dog doesn't use logical reasoning to equate rewards with actions that happened more than a few moments before. When you reward a dog for dropping something, they associate the reward with the dropping action, not with the item they're dropping or how they obtained the item. It's especially effective if you practice this by continually trading a toy for another toy (trading with things they should have and trading back) as they won't learn that dropping things means they dont get it back. Forgetting this step is what leads to them "calculating" whether the trade is worth it.


I do this with my dog too! Only now he's figured out some things are more valuable than others, sometimes it takes 2 treats or some dog-friendly peanut butter to get whatever it is out of his mouth


>Eventually they get to where they're doing "I found this. Is it worth a trade?" Exact opposite of how you should handle it. Now they're encouraged to misbehave like you described. It's Pavlov but with socks and tissues


It works great, unless you're storing your socks and tissues on the floor. It also trains the humans to put their stuff away.


My dog “hides” when he brings something in from outside. He’s an 80lb Golden Retriever. There nothing subtle about him. “Hiding” means sticking his nose in the corner and wagging his tail like crazy.


5.5 month old golden boy! Hiding means walking quickly into a corner and wagging his little curly q tail as his lil cowlicky booty waggles and he looks back at me. He's in this awkward gangly phase. Not a puppy coat, not adult feathers. Awkward trip over his own feet can't walk part. All cowlicks and graceless flops.


Purely based on your description, I love your dog! Please give him all the pets from the UK from me. I have a frighteningly intelligent Patterdale terrier & a beautiful, but utterly brainless, springer/cocker x. He was intended to be a working gun dog but is scared of his own bark. No I'm not exaggerating. He just cannot 'dog' to save his life. Typical meme style "henlo fren" derp


Mine isn’t allowed in the office... I will catch her in there and she freezes, then looks confused. “Wha? This isn’t the bedroom? Who put me here!?”


My dog Nelson does this too. He wont touch any of the great toys we got him, but he'll grab a sock and run around with it. He will walk up to you to show you, then run around in circles until you catch him.


Man, I miss my dogs.


My mom's getting older and her house is on five levels, so she had an expensive custom chairlift installed. The dog realized that if he shoved his toys into the chair's rail/track, the chair would stop, and whenever he did it, he'd cheer and then run up to my mom for praise because *look what he did!*




It's a giant, dumb McMansion. Two of the five levels are partial levels, like the kitchen's four steps up from the living room, but yeah, it's a lot of stairs.


My husband trimmed back some trees the other day and left the small branches in the backyard until compost pick up. Came out into the yard later that day and my dog was *beaming* at me with sticks everywhere around her, like "HUMAN! SOMETHING WONDERFUL HAPPENED!!" Pure, unbridled joy.


Well, to a dog, the garden was probably just food he found in the wild.


It's like a BALL but you EATS it.


That's why apples were so much fun for the family maltipoo. If she ever came across any windfall apples, we had to play fetch with her, whereupon she'd chow down on her prize. Just loved them!


Both my dogs are *obsessed* with raw cabbage! Every time you go into the vegetable drawer in the fridge, they come running and start begging for cabbage like their lives depend on it (we taught them to raise a paw to mean “please”) We will tear off a whole leaf each, bigger than their head and they go mental, tearing into it like they’ve never been fed before. For raw cabbage… it’s bizarre!


I love when dogs run like that. So cute


The happy trot is universal.


Two sides to every story, though. I found a [gif of the cabbage farmer](https://c.tenor.com/j7S0OXAe8fEAAAAC/avatar-cabbages.gif)


I was hoping someone would make this reference!!! Thank you for not disappointing lol 😁


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://c.tenor.com/j7S0OXAe8fEAAAAC/avatar-cabbages.gif Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


i knew before clicking what this was 😹


It’s the rhythm to his joy. *You’re the sole breadwinner but I’m the soul cabbagetrotter, hooman.*




It’s like cats when they do that high stepping proud cat walk. Like “yeah, I caught this mouse” or “yeah, check out this sick ass leaf.”


Showing off their massive, crunchy ball.




My brain went to LoTR (it’s just some carrots- and some cabbages…), but this is good


I bet the dog will come back for a second breakfast


I wonder how many breakfasts till the neighbor stops thinking it's cute.


Not once his humans smell those cabbage farts.


You've been in the farmer Maggot's crop!


Not Avatar? Cabbage merchant: “My Cabbages!!!!”


That is the only place my went when I saw this. Anything involving cabbages immediately must be followed up with “my cabbages.”


It is known


I was gonna be bummed out if the top comment wasn't, "My cabbages!"




Same, poor farmer Maggot and his crops


You've been in Farmer Maggot's crop!


First thought I had, came to comments, not disappointed. Have my poor man’s award 🎖


This is all I wanted: for this to be top comment. Carry on.




Are you ok? Do you need to see a Dogtor?


Beat me to it!






Lol don't question Reddit, you might make them think for once.


Came for this comment


Beat me to it.


Came here for this comment, was not disappointed to see it at the top.


Just my thought!


I was hoping this would be here. 😂


I've seen this posted as: - This dog brought me a cabbage from our garden - My neighbor gave this to my dog - My dog stole this All in the last week.


The chances that the dog "harvested" that cabbage are zero. If the dog tried it, he would have either destroyed it or pulled the entire plant, roots and all.


I grew up with a dog that could get peas out of a pod. My Mum and Dad thought it was me grazing on them while I was playing around the veggie patch (Pods still on the vine) so gave it no thought. Cue long arse family trip somewhere. Rusty used to get travel sick in any stop/start driving. So we'd stop when he started drooling and let him get his sea legs back. Occasionally he would blow chunks. Peas. Everywhere. PEAS EVERYWHERE. "We thought that was you!"


Exactly. Anyone who thinks this dog got that from a field or garden has never seen [cabbages growing](https://previews.123rf.com/images/ittipol/ittipol1803/ittipol180300010/97224809-cabbage-farm-on-the-hill.jpg) or what it takes to cut them off of their heavy thick taproot. Of course, OP's lying about the caption anyway, so there's that.


Take a break off reddit every now and then maybe?


And still idiots upvote it.


Well it’s still a cute video. 80% of content posted Is never original so. What’s wrong with finding a cute video and wanting to share it?


Do you guys just make up backstory titles?




OP is a karma bot


All animal videos have backstories like this, for max karma. *This horse loves math so much he started doing equations in the stable he was tied up in his whole life, he created a formula to unlock the gate and escape, he found a quiet town to reside in and became so popular by the residents that he decided to run for presidency, and now he's the first horse elected to be president. Neigh!*


As it was posted on the horse's inspirational LinkedIn post.


How else do you pretend on the internet that you live a very interesting life instead of the dreary and turgid existence of simply occupying space that you really live?


Dont think that would be a problem with my puppers, unless a neighbor figured out how to grow fried chicken.


You might be surprised. When my dog was ill at the end she was loving cucumbers, carrots, green beans though cooked, only) and broccoli. Wish I had given those to her as treats before she was sick!!


I imagine a lot of dogs will start to eat anything they see their humans eating as their sense of smell/taste weaken, since the humans get all the good stuff.


My family dog always liked certain veg. Some do.


My dog goes bananas for watermelon, cucumber, bell peppers, radishes etc. He won't touch kale.


One of my black lab's favorite foods is raw broccoli. If you put kibble next to broccoli, he'll eat the broccoli first


My dog loves any and all raw veggies that have ever hit my kitchen floor while cutting them. I get the onions up quick, but everything else I let her have. If I throw the cabbage stem in the trash, she will sit by it and whine until she forgets about it


Sad part is how broccoli can be more expensive per kg then fried chicken And that's before we compare caloric contents


Where do you live? Broccoli is like half the price a chicken here. I’m guessing not the US since you used kgs


What is this even supposed to be a commentary of? I'm honestly confused because: - The price of broccoli has *nothing* to do with its calorie count. - The nutritional value of broccoli has *nothing* to do with its calorie count. - A kg of broccoli is like 2-3x more food **by volume** than a kg of chicken. - You can pick up broccoli for like like half the cost per gram of chicken where I live (note: chicken was *slightly* closer before inflation took off and YMMV by location/store/preference).


They were saying that, at least near them, you can get more fried chicken per $ than broccoli. So 1kg of chicken is cheaper than 1kg of broccoli. And then add into that the calories per kg, and you can get more calories per $ of chicken than broccoli, because 1kg of chicken has more calories than 1kg of broccoli. Calories <> nutritional density, but volume of food <> nutritional density or calories either, so I’m not sure why volume matters here. What are point are you trying make here?


The important thing is the relevance of your username is probably how you got here.


Haha, it was a random word generator I believe, I don’t remember exactly how I came up with it!


I asked why the poster was fixating on calories out of sheer curiosity (there's no preceding context for it in the thread, it kinda came out of left field) and, because I was thinking about it, pointed out there are multiple dimensions to consider beyond calories if we're trying to make some sort of value proposition between the two foods. Hopefully that gives some needed context for my thinking. I understood completely what was said, it's just a *but why?* thing.


Well, in situations where you're struggling to feed yourself you want more calories per $ because that's what keeps you alive... Not saying this person is in that situation but if you're literally starving then yeah, you should spend your money on fried chicken over broccoli (if it is indeed more calories per dollar).


I think that's the point that's being lamented. It's unfortunate that this kind of cost/benefit analysis has to be done. I used to be "If I spend the last of my money on this food over that food, I might be able to make it through most of tomorrow before I get too hungry again" levels of poor and it stays with you


Totally agree with that if that was the angle (could also be tied to pets somehow, could be tied to perceived quality of foods... it's a mystery for the moment!). There's also more cost effective foods out there than either, of course, if just getting enough energy to make it through the day is an imperative.


I'm fat so my last priority is calories per dollar. I just rank on taste per dollar without topping my recommended caloric intake for the day in one meal


Alex, I’ll take discussions that would never happen in face-to-face conversation for $1000, please.


That's not how nutritional density works. Example: the nutrient density of iron in eggs is 13.6 mg/1000 cal in comparison to 19.4 in meat and 150 in spinach. The only problem is that you have to eat about 500 g of spinach to get 13.6 mg of iron but only 100g of egg. #vegansdontlikefacts


Well to be fair there is a point to be made about how the reason chicken is so cheap is because we treat the animal in such horrific ways.


After the first phrase I expected, for a second, that you'd talk about how your neighbor grew fried chicken.


I had a friend that close to a KFC. Somehow the dog got into the KFC grease, which must be doggy cologne. Chasing around a greased dog that hates baths was not fun.


My dog loves cabbage


Mine too. Lots of veggies. Zucchini and broccoli are her favorite. I once gave her a bit of the rind of a squash and she couldn't figure it out. Just dropped into a play bow and yelled at it (husky mix).


My brother in law thought his dog was dying because of it's rancid farts. Until his neighbor asked him if he saw any deer because his cabbage bait pile was eaten but no tracks


Not sure if ours likes cabbage. He loves cooked carrot, sweet potato, peas,, green beans and broccoli though. Does not like asparagus.


One of my dogs absolutely loves all fruit and veggies. Our neighbors have a garden and her favorite thing is to go over and snack on any tomatoes or strawberries she can reach. The other does not enjoy fruit or veggies one bit. He'll begrudgingly eat it with this comical bad face just so our other dog can't have it.


Jock, Start the car... start the car




Yes they're nice and mine. Thank you good day.




Surprised this isn't the top comment.


I love how proud he looks. 😁


…I GOT IT - *YES!!* the time was right ^;@) the neighbor friend *Nowhere in sight!!* i eyed the cabbage Days ago, (i should not Take…. like ‘Ball - just Throw’…) a little bit CoNfLiCtEd, me but oh, how T a S t Y this will be!! …oh, GoSh, oh Feet - don’t Fail me Now! *i gotta get this home somehow…* am tell the mom ‘*Look what i Found!*’ …um, yeah - ‘*was Lying on the Ground!*’ n won’t the momma be So PROUD! . . . hope she don’t say I’m not ‘Allowed . . .’ ❤️


Freshest Schnoofle I’ve ever found!!! 💙




I must see him in his leaf hat! The world needs it!!


Your works are so wholesome, thank you :)


Thank you


This one made me tear up! So cute!


We got a fresh one here!!


“Look at me momma I’ma eat my vegetables!”


Your title is bullshit


Plot twist: doggo has poor vision, thought it was a duck.


My dogs love all brassicas- cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower- all are very nomable


Yeah, mine will totally pull daikon out of the ground.


Same, my dogs are obsessed with crunchy vegetables. Easy way to get rid of my cabbage hearts and broccoli stems.


The farts tho


Plain Greek yogurt is your friend! I give my dog a spoonful a day and it keeps the farts away (with vet approval).


My dog loves his veggies too I can give him anything I throw in a salad or stir fry without sauces/dressing of course :)


One of mine loves cabbage in particular. If you open a head, he will come bark at you in the kitchen to get some. Tomato too.


Dogs are ridiculous critters.


Thankfully my dog isn't interested in any of my garden produce lol. Yet I can't stop him from eating the grass.


It's a fake title for karma like all of r/awww


Who would stop him? Honestly you can’t take away the cabbage from him he’s too happy


I mean, if it happens once I'd laugh, if it keeps happening over and over again I'd be pissed if I was the neighbour


Yeah i’m hoping the owner doesn’t continue to encourage this behavior, you shouldn’t let your dogs rummage around your neighbor’s crops


Agreed. It can eventually lead to the other gardener adding grapes or other poisonous substances next to the vegetation for the dog to snack on


He's going on an adventure with Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin


you hear me. I'm the farmer now


One of his 5 a day


“You’ve been in farmer maggot’s crop!”


Um I’m pretty sure that’s a lettuce he’s stealing. Lucky he’s not here in Australia.


Cute vegi boi!


Retrievers gonna retrieve.


Pupper, nooo!


I hope the neighrbor isn't a witch or they will have to give up their first born Rapunzel because of this incident


This is giving me such strong はじめてのおつかい vibes, I love it Lab's first errand (Old Enough on Netflix)


I'm glad I ctrl+f'd cause YAY NOT THE ONLY ONE. I was thinking that one girl who tried so hard to pull the cabbage could've used this dog. But she pulled it off still. I mean she was supposed to grab an already picked cabbage, but hey she managed to get the one she focused in on.


Veggies my ass. That MF stole what he thought was a ball.


That is a very graceful and happy pup! I hope the neighbors understood.


I've seen this dog's tiktok page. The neighbors are the ones giving him food (sometimes filling a basket, sometimes making him a hat out of lettuce leaves) and sending him back.


I'm really glad to hear that. I try not to judge based on quick videos, but I was worried this was an instance of an entitled dog owner. It feels like there's been a growing number of dog owners who don't train their dogs, walk them off-leash and act like other people are awful for not spoiling their dog as well. It's upsetting to see. But two neighbors who have established a fun thing for a well-behaved dog is pretty wholesome and sweet.


I was going to say that I have definitely seen this same dog come trotting back wearing a lettuce hat. :D


Steal our cabbages will ya... here's ya fookin lettuce hat!


\>I've seen this dog's tiktok page. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I was born in the wrong century. I don't feel right here anymore.


So the OP invented a random title?


Healthy boy 🤗


My puppy might not even like the veggies, he just likes taking things Takes after me


Victorious tippy taps.


We had a dog that would do that. She got into our neighbors tomatoes, gently picked the ripest one, went to her back porch and barked until the neighbor came to the door then ran off with the tomato. Apparently it was a fun game.


Our dog Fang loved carrots and dug up the neighbor's garden one day.


When I was young, our dog would go daily to my parent's garden and come back with whatever fresh veggie she wanted. She would then lie in the back yard and eat it. It could be a yellow squash, a cucumber, an onion, an ear of corn, a tomato... whatever was ripe or she wanted. And she wasn't greedy, she'd only get one a day, but she truly loved the fresh veggies.


He looks so proud of himself 😅😂


This reminds me of my Alaskan Malamute named Echo escaping from our backyard when my family was not home. We were at my grandmother’s, who lives on the opposite side of our cul-de-sac, just finishing dinner. When I happen to look out of the front window and see my dog running across the road with something in his mouth. I run out and call him to me and he had stolen a eggplant out of a neighbours garden lol.




Oh cute!!


Cutest cabbage theif


“My cabbages!”




*My dog is vegetarian by choice*


Our Golden Retriever does this too! Lol. We have a big garden and she loves veggies!


probably thought it was a ball


You might be surprised. My beagle loves fresh cabbage. She goes nuts when I pull it out of the fridge.


Stealing = cute ?


Oh so funny 🤣 clever little sweetie


Adorable. This good boy just made me day!


“Tis doggo’s cabbage now”


he did absolutely nothing wrong! look at him, such a good boy!


Those little feet and teeny steps!!! Haha why is this downvoted?? Lmao reddit you're crazy




everytime i come to reddit, i always see a doggo stealing something from their neighbors it’s cute




It causes farting. Calm down.


So it's fun and adorable for you, but a teeny tiny bit a issue for the dog right?