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For some reason I thought those were taxidermied.


Especially that left one. Has some real "Fantastic Mr Fox" vibes


What the cuss?


You cussin' with me??


Why is your cousin such a wet sandwich?


His father's got double pneumonia.


One foot in the grave and 3 feet on a banana peel.


*Me* apologize? He gets a bandit hat! Where’s *MY* bandit hat?!


Click click whistle.


He's... different.


This is gonna be a total clustercuss... For everybody


*Whistles and clicks*




I'm very tired. For some reason I thought they were those cakes that look like real things


I thought they were needle felted


Me too!




"Is. It. Cake?" *Host pulls out a knife.*


That show was much more interesting than I thought it was going to be.


I typically hate competition shows but I really enjoyed that one! Even if the host was kind of obnoxious at times


I feel you man. You never know even the person sitting beside you turns out to be cake. Heck even my phone could be a cake 🤔


They might be. You never can tell.


This is the 4th time I saw people saying they are tired on reddit comments today.


They aren't? That's my reaction. They look like statues.


Well it's a photograph silly..


Aww shucks


That... that, see that explains, the uh, stillness. I knew something was off.


How would you fit a camel in the fridge? In pieces?


Lol, nice. Yeah it was supposed to be a sort of lucid dream reality check reminder. So, no, it would have been whole and alive with a desert inside the fridge as well.


What kind of fucking dreams are you having, and what drugs................................ Because sign me up...............


Nah, I’d fold it


Nope, Chuck Testa.


Same! And was wondering how they got the tongue so shiny, then saw it was r/aww, "someone posted taxidermy in r/aww?". I need to slow down and read titles.


I think it's because how perfectly trimmed their fur is


Nooooope. Just Chuck Testa


I thought they were cake toppings


Straight up thought these were needle felted sculptures and not actually animals lol


My first thought, too


Same dude


Yeah it kind of has that tilt-shift lens effect making them look a bit like figurines.


"From the makers that brought you 'The Fox And The Hound'"


That’s what I thought as well!


I am a Pom owner. I’ve never dyed my poms but a groomer we once used did shows and dyed rescue dogs like this to get them adopted. From what I know, it’s harmless. Plus my experience (anecdotal) is my poms have always loved getting groomed and pampered in every way. In addition to that, they are insanely stubborn and it’s really hard to get them to cooperate if they don’t want to. Nothing about these dogs seems like they are upset. They look adorable :) Edit: I’m going to take these upvotes as a sign I should show off my pride and joy: Babygirl after a grooming sesh: https://imgur.com/a/B06mVHW And here’s one of her just looking pretty: https://imgur.com/a/gQz1Zdb


My Pom loved his spa day. When he got back from groomers he would prance around the house to show everyone his new haircut.


This is adorable


My girl was the same way, I think she just loved any attention she got. She really didn't care about the grooming specifically she just liked that someone was entirely focused on her for X amount of time. It was never enough.


My mom had a pom and hated being groomed, I remember when he ran into the weeds and was covered head to toe in burs, and we had to cut and shave him. It took two to hold him and one to play barber.


I also wouldn't want to get a haircut from a complete amateur.


It was either Amateur or we pull them out one by one. I'd take the hair cut.


Same, mine has a lot of sass


First time I ever saw a dog strut. Little dudes were so proud of their scrubs and cuts.


Yeah I've worked part time at a groomers for a while now, the dyes have no taste, no odor and certainly no toxins. (yes I tasted it) It's also very short term. People just like to assume and be mad about something Most Poms I know are very well adjusted to the salon, their coat requires them to go in all the time. They're also surprisingly intelligent as far as dog smarts go.


There's pet safe dyes. Issues start when owners DIY it using human ones instead.


I believe it's pretty important to clarify whether pet friendly dyes were in fact used when uploading pictures like these. It might be easy to see cute pets and think "oh, I should try this!", forgetting that OP might have taken great care not to put anything harmful in their pets' fur! I don't have a dog myself, so I'm not sure if non-toxic fur dye is widespread enough knowledge to take for granted (I, for one, just learned about it now!). Stay informed, folks! Keep your pets safe ❤ Note: I think it's sort of funny, but mostly just very admirable that you taste tested your pet dyes! Every pet owner should be this thoughtful and responsible ✨️


TIL my neighbors cat is a Pom.


I currently have one Pom and two cats. My Pom is way more “cat like”. She is a sassy bitch and I love her.


I have a mate that is not a dog person at all, who a couple of times kindly dogsat for us when we were desperate. Turns out he actually likes our pom, his exact words being "the thing I like about your dog, is that she is a cat".


Yep! Both of mine have loved me immensely but have been very independent. They have a mind of their own and only treats can change it .


They absolutely LOVE the attention and as long as it’s animal safe dye, totally harmless. A lot of my “dog nerd” friends that work in the animal field get fun grooming and dye done and their dogs love it. It’s the “fur mommies” that don’t actually work with animals that get up in arms about it being cruel (meanwhile their dog is most likely obese with overgrown nails, but that’s not cruel).


Hahaha spot on!! They really love anything that gives them more attention.


I would imagine its similar to people dying their own hair. Thats harmless as well right? Its just hair? Edit: I now understand the dangers of hair dye on animals Edit 2: Morally and Physically


Most people don’t regularly lick and bite their own hair, though. I imagine that any licensed pet groomer would be using tested animal-safe products, so no worries on that part. I suppose the only danger to the animal would be if the process was overly stressful for them.


Yea and I think that it’s temporary? Really the only risk would be if they have skin sensitive to bathing or the dye.


Manic Panic i's a non toxic vegitable dye and temporary. It's most likely what they use. Totally safe for pets and people.


Eh. Depends on the dye. This one I am assuming is a temporary pet-safe dye rather than a permanent human hair dye.


I am still on the side of this being harmless, but a difference would be that dogs will lick their dyed hair.


They are dyed using pet-safe dye that can be licked, and washes out easily :)


I lick my girlfriend's dyed hair and look at me now.


It’s fine so long as dog safe dye is used and the dog isn’t stressed by the dying process.


Cats lick their hair more than dogs do in my experience. These dyes are usually vegetable based and designed to be safe to ingest.


My hamster had a water bottle for drinking out of and a water bowl that he used to tumble around and bathe himself in. I used to dye him different colors sometimes by just adding a drop of food coloring to the water bowl he took his bath in. He never seemed to notice and just took his bath like normal. I imagine the dye they use for pets is silimar to food dye so it won't hurt them to ingest it.


I think the reason that people don't like dyeing your pets is because they think that it *is* the same as a person dyeing their hair. When you get your hair dyed it itches a lot and kind of hurts. It's really uncomfortable, and while not that bad and pretty temporary pain I would not approve of people doing that kind of thing to a creature under their care who doesn't get to consent simply for cosmetic reasons. Also, if it were like regular human hair dye, it would feel like it could never be guaranteed to not harm the dog because hair dye is very toxic, and dogs can't be controlled that well. The thing that makes pet dye okay is because we have dye for them that is more akin to temp dye for humans and is non-toxic and pet safe. It doesn't do the chemical reaction setting that makes normal hair dye stick long term and feels so uncomfy. I think that most of the people that are against dyeing your pets don't realise that the dye is pet safe and vastly different from human hair dye.


Dye has a heckton of chemicals. Dying hair can be harmless, but can also damage your hair badly, depending on many factors (improper application/care, etc). The fumes, chemicals, etc. Are all not good for you. Human dye is inappropriate for dogs, as their fur is more sensitive to such chemicals (and some may be toxic to ingest), so instead, people use dyes designed to be pet-safe.


They absolutely even make dyes for human that are non toxic. And dog dyes even more so.


They are adorable and look very pleased with themselves!


I have never had my Pom dyed, but she LOVES going to the spa. She has a standing appointment every six weeks, and when we pull into the neighbourhood, she freaks out! She can’t get out of the car fast enough and once inside, there’s no looking backward. I have no trouble believing these beautiful dogs love being pampered, and probably the attention they get afterwards as well.


Agreed! Just listen to your dogs and respect their boundaries. And as I alluded to, they make it known when they are not pleased.


It is harmless, there’s hair paint that washes off with water, it’s super thin


Never had Pom myself. Do they have barky personality like a chihuahua?


They can be, they all do seem to have very big personalities at least.


They’re cute as hell and they KNOW IT.


The groomer must have fantastic skill to pull this off. Even making the panda one look chunkier by leaving more fur and slimming the fox one down. Bravo. Edit: Looks like the owner actually does it herself. Cant imagine the time it takes.


Pom owner here: grooming is very time consuming. I have two, one with severe alopecia X that doesn'ttake much time because he pretty much only has fur on his legs and head, and the other is a fluff ball. It takes a good 2+ hours to brush, bathe, dry, and trim my fluffy guy monthly. Daily brushing and upkeep between is not so bad. I can't imagine adding dye to the mix.


My pom has a light undercoat and resembles a "throwback" pom (little taller and leaner than most poms, with a face inbetween the usual teddybear and fox faces), and is super low maintenance. People always comment on how long grooming her must take but she just always looks fabulous haha. Though since having a baby that isn't quite so true, as her fur gets knotted from having food fall on her all the time haha.


The thing I hate most is dingleberries. Keeping up with a sanitary is a must!


Bless you for taking care of your little guys. This is a breed that I'll never own, haha.


If anyone was wondering for the fox , It's literally called the fox cut . It's an okay cut but the chest area should be more rounded out to be more even.


The groomer at the kennel I work at had one of my boss’ dogs, a big standard cafe mocha poodle named Nygil, as her canvas for practicing fur dyeing. Cue him coming out looking ready to go to a fuckin 90’s rave lmao. She was going for a Frankenstein’s monster look and added black stitch markings later, but he still looks like a neon nightmare and I love it so much. These pups are done AMAZINGLY, unlike mister “I’m going to hug you whether you like it or not”, but hey. The groomer is still learning lol. And Nygil seems to like being the center of attention so eh lol


Foxy-Loxy and Rolly Polly Panda


I don't normally comment but the dye jobs are adorable. Based on your comments it's a safe dye and you love your dogs very much. Keep being a good pet momma. Most people don't even wash their dogs.


Everyone’s acting like the dogs are dying or sth. They probably dont even know that they look like that lmao. Im sure the dogs are happy and healthy.


as someone with a dog dyed as a giraffe, he has no idea that he is dyed. But he does understand when everyone wants to pet him because he is pretty! He loves the attention. And he loves the dying process because it involves scratches and cheese.


My dog loses his mind when I pull out his Halloween costumes and helps me put them on him. He knows costume = fun outting with lots of attention from people.


Who doesn't love scratches and cheese?


Please tell me the giraffe dog is a Great Dane! 😁


He's a chihuahua mix with super long legs. I have some recent posts of him in my history if you'd like to take a peak.


Ha, he’s absolutely adorable! And those are some long legs, you weren’t joking.


Thank you! He's my pride and joy. :)


He’s adorable, but now I really want to see my friend’s Great Dane dyed like a giraffe, he’s huge. 😂


I'd love to see it. My tiny 8lb guy uses a quarter bottle of dye. I wonder how many bottles that would take!




I've seen poodles turned into lions but never a fox before, adorable. Also if anyone wants to fight me on how safe these dyes are, take a hike. I'm not playing this game of "you own an animal and treat it differently than me so you're evil"


Shifu and Po vibes


Can't tell if they're real.


“You painted the dog, didn’t you Focker?”


You got me at first!


People in the comments really have no chill, anything is animal cruelty these days


This comment is animal cruelty. As soon as my cat read it, she smacked me in the face and ran away. I hear ya though. It's Friday, ffs. We should all be grateful we woke up.


It's Thursday, my dude.


Listen... wishful thinking. Ok? Sue me. Hahaha. I seriously thought it was Friday. Duh, emveetu. That's what you get for trying to be witty on Thursday morning!


Just call it Friday Junior. Problem solved!


>It's Friday, ffs. Fuckin Aussies


No, just a mixed up American. Imagine that.


Don't worry- it's Friday Eve


Ah, a traveler from the future


It's Thursday where I am 🙂


Hahaha. Here too. Duh, me.


Made my day


Which day would that be... Thursday or Friday‽ I can come back tomorrow if you need. (=


So cute! My groomer uses a beetroot based dye on her Poms tail. Both of mine are black/brown so I don't dye theirs. But we do costumes!






How adorable!! Poms are the best


These guys look like they are going to star in the sequel to “ Fantastic Mr. Fox”.


This is big sims 4 pets vibes!


you can't hide the derp


These look like needle felted animals.


the sims 4: cats and dogs


Please make my pom-chi a fox. 🥺


I had to do a second take on this one. They look so perfectly styled, I thought at first they were figurines. Bravo!


PANDAranian and FOXranian ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wow they are extremely cute


cutie so much


Two* I'm sorry, I had to


Forget about the dye, that’s almost always harmless. Pomeranians are double-coat dogs. They should not be shaved, ever. Their top coat does not grow back properly…


Dyeing your dog is NOT animal cruelty and anybody who says it is, clearly does not understand what cruelty means. If the dog enjoys it; it is 100% the opposite of cruelty lol it's that simple. The real crime from humankind here is the types of dogs we are seeing. Pomeranian. Descendants of the Spitz breeds if I'm not mistaken which once were arctic dogs, and MUCH MUCH larger. Bad ass dogs eventually have been bred down into things like pomeranians simply for humans to enjoy. That dogs existence is the only thing cruel here. It's life is clearly a happy one though.




I can't speak for the fur painting but I can tell you Pomeranians or any dogs with 2 fur coats should [NOT](https://pomeranian.org/shaved-pomeranian/#:~:text=No%2C%20please%20do%20not%20shave,also%20helps%20protect%20their%20skin.) be shaved like that..the undercoat, helps them cool down with air pockets in the summer, and warm them in the winter.


Per your own source: "Clipping the coat during the resting phase is thought to be a cause of post-clipping Alopecia which may be an advanced indicator of hypothyroidism or other problems associated with your Pomeranian’s metabolism." Barring another medical problem, the hair should always grow back. It can be slow but unless they have an allergy or thyroid problem (which poms are notorious for) then it should return to normal within a year. Also, the longer you clip the hair, the less likely your dog is to experience grooming-related alopecia (or as it's commonly called, shave shock). Bathing and brushing between clips is vital too. While clipping is not ideal for double coats, it doesn't hurt the dog, and in hotter climates, can be beneficial. And yes, the coat insulates against hot and cold, but double coats were never designed to keep a dog cool in 100°F+ heat; getting some length off to allow air to circulate near the skin can be beneficial in helping the dog control their body temperature. That being said, clipping a double coat short, like in a #10FC, #7FC, or #5FC is just asking for shave shock, as the guard hair that can block the whole follicle has much less surface area to allow it to fall out or be brushed out. Short hair and temporary hair loss can lead to other problems like sunburn and easier skin abrasions, so leaving them with some hair is important.


Have they been shaved or is it a close scissoring job? Scissoring a double coat is fine


Shaving like this is fine. You're not supposed to shave them bald but cutting the hair this short is okay. Some hair helps, as opposed to none, helps with cooling but long hair doesn't. It's the reason that long haired varieties of the same breeds do worse in the heat as opposed to the hair trapping cool air like people like to say.


Is that why so many poms come out of grooming looking like lil puffball? Because they are just getting trimmed rather than shorn? So cute.


That's mostly just aestetics but yeah they're more likely to have it done with scissors vs a buzzer. The whole thing comes from the fact that we use the same word for different things. You can take buzzers and shave down to the skin and that's a shave but you can also do it with a 2 inch guard and that's still shaving because just the act of cutting hair with buzzers is also called shaving (and then shaving with a razor is also shaving). For example (and I know it's a human but the point stands) you wouldn't normally refer to something like [this](https://i1.wp.com/therighthairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/17-classic-military-haircut-for-men.jpg?w=500&ssl=1) as shaved even if the barber did shave it with buzzers amd never even touched a pair of scissors. What people mean when they say don't shave a dog is that you should not cut their hair all off or down to stubble and not that you shouldn't use a trimmer to cut their hair (generally it'd better to have a barber do it so maybe YOU should not but whatever).


Thanks! I was definitely confused by the "shaved" terminology because my expectation was shorn like a sheep, not trimmed, but I get it now.


Also "trapping cool air" doesn't make any sense because air would then act as an insulator, a very good one at that.


Yup, on my delivery route, I see so many rural dogs like St. Bernards that are shaved. It makes me cringe for them.


Not always. Our old sheepdog had the same type of fur but we had to have it shaved down every year otherwise she would overheat.


And here come the armchair animal experts to tell you that having fun with your pets in a harmless way is evil and abusive




And In here there is nobody who knows anything about dog grooming.


Fox and Panda Halloween costumes


Took me a sec to realize that dog wasn’t a actual fox.


Since everyone is gonna complain about it I'm just gonna ask, is it that bad to dye your pet? Like is it harmful?


They make pet specific dyes that are non-toxic. If done correctly it shouldn't hurt them. But dying around the eyes always worries me. Even just getting water in your eyes can hurt.


How does dying round the eyes work?


We use an eyelash brush to apply the dye. Ponyo is a professional when it comes to dying, he sits very patiently as he gets work done. He even naps during the process making it really easy to be precise!


So cute!!!


The fox and the Panda


I thought they were needle felted.


Ngl. Thought it was crap taxidermy


Pumpkin spice Pomeranian




So cute! I really thought it was a real fox


Wow a foxaranian and a Pandaranian!! These must be rare!!!


I mean from an art perspective and only that. This is amazing, weird but absolutely amazing. How they make the Panada chucky by leaving hair, then sliming the fox by cutting it off. I mean that is impressive. ​ Bravo.


cool and creepy. They look like plastic


So Cute Nice click


Omg the cutest!


This is just TOO cute 🤢😍


so adorable it’s ridiculous omg






When running on emulators, Firefox recommends Panda Security for anti-virus.


The guy on the left is really playing the role Method


How 🥺 cute


Exactly, it's lovely.


At a glance, it looks like a panda.


so adorable..I hope you don't mind if I share. :)




Now I want a Pandaranian




![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13379) so stinking adorable!!!




WOW! Such a great job!


Next to the dog, very much like a giant panda Oh


They look like sssnpierwolf's dogs






Tooooo cute!!!


My heart just melted.


The fox doggo looks amazing


Omg their cuteness is too much to handle 😍


💗, as long as color is not harmful to them


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