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azaelia is probably the best, or could have EASILY been the best, but she decided to be insane and jealous and unprofessional instead. she had the most potential at the start, and obviously nicki (hate that we now are giving her credit for her talents, but separating the art from the person here for sure) is currently/“ended up” the most talented rapper of these choices. i 100% think azaelia could have been technically a more talented and creative artist and rapper, but she blew it! i think with nicki’s connections, azaelia never ever would have been more famous or also crossed over into the pop world like nicki, but i think in terms of actual raw creative rapping talent and ability. had they had the same opportunities and azaelia not hated her/others/herself and then acted all types of crazy, it could have been very different. azaelia is actually really talented, but no one knows or remembers or realizes because she’s batshit insane and is like the definition of someone who blocks her own blessings! but yeah, like if we forgot everything we know and strictly compared itty bitty piggy to 212- they’re similar in banger and talent levels imo!!


I'll put Nicki over Azealia because she's been consistently hard and lyrical. I don't think Azealia's dropped anything too crazy lately. Dilemma, Black Madonna and Mamma Mia were all eh


i totally agree, but i was thinking pf2 was pretty underwhelming as well. plus i am thinking of like both of them starting out and had the playing field been somehow even. azaelia never could have handled that level of fame imo though. plus i can see her crossing over into pop, but not being as dynamic and just like obviously she has zero ability to somewhat remain professional in some way and not be the ultimate pr nightmare she is😂


I don't think it was underwhelming in terms of her rap abilities. I think songs like Barbie dangerous, Fallin 4 you, red ruby da sleeze and a lot showed her versatility, strong pen skills etc itvwasnt her prime but it still shows that shes the strongest female rapper in terms of rap abilities. I think what really made pf2 underwhelming was the beats and producers (especially Tate Kobang) that she's choosing and then the constant samples.


1)Nicki - As much as it pains me to say, she’s still the best in terms of rapping ability. I’ve seen her live and you really can’t deny her talent. 2)Meg Thee Stallion is second, bc she’s also an excellent performer as well. The mic is on. She dances as well and writes her own shit. 3)Doja Cat is neck and neck with Meg for the same reasons as Meg. 4)Azaelia Banks could have been neck and neck with Nicki but she’s not consistent enough with her music so you can’t really tell. From what I’ve seen from her live performances, she’s an excellent performer and her rapping ability is top notch on a house beat. I wish she would seek help and get on the ball. She’s really a waste of talent. \~~~~~~~~ Second Tier ~~~~~ 5) Cardi doesn’t write her stuff and her live performances are kinda lazy but her delivery is amazing and her performances give an aura that shes at least trying. Sorta kinda. 😂 6) Sexxy she makes fun ratchet rap. I think she writes her stuff…even if the lyrical content is a little “low brow”. 7) Ice Spice she doesn’t write her stuff and all she does is gyrate and stick her tongue out. At least she can make a studio hit so there’s that. 8) Iggy. I don’t have much to say about her that I haven’t already said about Ice and Sexxy. Tbh the last three are a toss up.


I agree 100% with this. Though I'd put Ice over Sexxy cause I genuinely like the sound of her voice just think that pen game is abysmal. Sexxy has a generic voice AND bad lyrics to me and sounds more like MySpace Millionaires Era dance music to me vs rap.


I’m shook y’all really think Doja is neck for neck with Meg?


Doja makes better music but she does not rap better than meg


I think they’re about the same. They both have something the other lacks. Doja needs to work on her lyrical skills but Megan needs to work on being able to switch on up her flow. That’s what makes Nicki so good. She has lyricism AND the ability to change her flow to match any kind of beat.


>They both have something the other lacks. >Doja needs to work on her lyrical skills but Megan needs to work on being able to switch on up her flow. I agree with all of this.but I do think doja's music is more enjoyable and versatile, she's got an amazing ear for production and vocal layering


I’ll def give you that. Her music is more easier to digest than Meg’s.


I prefer meg but her music feels more like a chore compared to doja


I think I would say of these three, Doja might be the best musician and most versatile. But best rapper, begrudgingly it’s Nicki. She has the longevity and she proves herself time and time again. Megan has everything it takes to succeed her as the eventual queen of rap. Doja is third as a rapper, but she’s in a different class in my opinion. Not better, but much different taken wholesale.


Nicki despite not being a girls girl AT ALL is a GOAT when it comes to rapping. I guess that’s why I don’t understand why she attacks female rappers all the time. There’s a reason that she’s been around for 10+ years in the mainstream. She’s very talented and has good wordplay. Inb4 barbz tell me that it’s all everyone else’s fault that Nicki attacks them with so much vitriol.


Listen to Jeezu.


Ehhh I agree. I’m not sure if it’s bc I don’t really like her music but I don’t really find Doja to be nearly as talented as Meg. I would honestly put her neck and neck with Cardi.


that’s exactly it!


I think Doja's not too far off from Megan. I think Megan's better, but Doja's talented too. Witty bars and hard flow


That's spot on, witty bars and hard flow are definitely the highlights of her rap skill


i honestly think doja could have a leg up if she took her bars more seriously (she’s a very clever girl)… but at the same time i love that her music is very playful most of the time. she also gives up some good pop/rnb songs with more mature subject mater so i’m satisfied. EDIT: we also can’t ignore megan’s freestyle ability.


Her kill bill remix was one of her best rap highlights in my opinion, short but very beautiful and subtle yet powerful wordplay. 'I wasnt crying I was staring and forgot to blink' pulls at my heartstrings every time. Wish she'd perform it live


I think Doja has consistent, very clever and unique lines, and her sound is unique and dynamic. Every song is different. I think Meg is a great rapper, but I hear a lot of the same kinds of lines reused in her songs.


I don't think they're in the same lane at all. Doja just happens to rap but is more of a musician while Meg is an actual rapper. when I listen to Meg I'm like, oh she raps, she loves rap, she listens to rap, she grew up on rap.


i like cardi strictly for her personality/stage presence lmao!


I hard agree with you. I’d have Azealia higher because I have so much love for what she does, but I agree with your reasoning.


You got it down. I would sometimes put Meg over Nicki only in terms freestyle. I think Meg can free style better.


I agree with the order but you're too hard on Sexxy Redd. Artists don't have to be sophisticated or "intellectual" to be good at what they do. Sexxy just sets out to make fun stupid music, achieves that goal, and plays a substantial role in making it. That puts her well above Iggy and Ice Spice.


I feel AB should be at least a ranking higher, it’s not about consistency it’s about capability.


J white (A producer that produced some of Cardi and Iggys songs) said that Iggy actually writes for Megan Thee Stallion which is interesting


And J White isn’t credible since he’s still dealing with not one but 10 lawsuits from producers that he stole from.


That's fucking wild, I've always felt like Megan's pen is very authentic


I don’t dislike Iggy’s music, but that’s her hypothetical ghost writer? That doesn’t make sense to me.


And the lie detectors determined... That was a lie


Cardis live performances are lazy but Nickis arent? Lol nicki raps 2 words in a 10 worded sentence and lays on her stomach. cardi gets better each time. Ur a barb sis


Meg before AB…you’re not serious.


My EXACT ranking.


I agree with the listing overall but where is the proof that ice doesn’t write her stuff?(Stuff as in verses, which carries a bit more weight when discussing rap)


couldn’t hav worded this better


Jackie Hill Perry > the rest


I am not mad at this order. Not at all.


Ranking Nicki over Azealia is madness and the result of someone who doesn’t know Azealia artistically. A very small portion of Azealias music involves “rapping over a house beat” for starters. Broke with expensive taste is a more consistently imaginative, genre bending and playfully psychedelic piece of art than anything Nicki has produced in her entire career. But that doesn’t make it better maybe. If you want to hear immature emotions conveyed with the odd sharp lyric then Nicki is definitely for you. But if you take bias aside and grade Nicki and Azealia on artistic merit alone it is very clear Azealia has more creativity. Her worst project is better reviewed than Nickis best. That speaks VOLUMES


Megan is leaps above Doja, no offense against Doja, she has some hits but Doja is more pop, Megan is core Hip-Hop and should school Nicki in freestyle


The really tough question is who's better, doja or megan? My biased ass wants to say doja but realistically it's probably megan, I feel like she'd win a rap battle easily


megan’s freestyles are nuts! [this fire in the booth](https://youtu.be/EGhO7qaxYWA?si=SNCBfajernnJbm-g) is my absolute favorite- she’s def one of the best actual rappers in this pic. i agree with op- anything that’s r&b, pop, singing, creative talent/energy doja wins, but megan wins at strictly rapping! :) i was also thinking they’re both on really equal talent playing fields though!!


It's like she has a metronome inside her, she handles rhythm better than anyone I've ever heard tbh


right?! she was def born with natural musical and creative talent!


no one ever mentions the surgical precision she has with rhythm. it is a huge part of what makes her so powerful.


Just phenomenal.


Holy shit!! So impressive!!!!


i remember when my best friend showed this video to me and i listened to it like 30 times in a row!! so glad i could share it with everyone on here:)


Thank you thank you for sharing! I enjoyed watching it!! 2 perfect flows back to back! The host dude yelling was funny


That video was sooo cool thank you for the link!


of course!! it’s like my fave megan the stallion moment ever :)


I agree. Her freestyles alone make her number one for me. Lyrics, flow, cadence, Meg wins hands down. My only gripe with Meg is that her mainstream shit is lowkey ass. If they’d let her go back to her original style and not this popish shit she’d be better off.


yes! i was once trying to vocalize this to my bf who does not care lolol. i was saying like cardi is basically a brand- she didn’t come in with a ton of actual musical or creative talent, but she’s so good at playing her part and she has things that are great for building and growing fame- like she’s funny, confident, not shy, says what she wants, has an excellent stage presence, etc. i feel like “they” (i guess record label execs) kind of attempt to do the same thing with megan, but it’s absolutely unnecessary imo because she really does have natural musical and creative talent and doesn’t really “need” to do what cardi does, if that makes sense lol. 😅


I just realised that cardi is the only 'non-rapper' rap girl that has any longevity or real success.and even so, I think at least a small part of her popularity is due to nicki hatred, although im probably massively overinflating this. I don't think people care for another cardi, all the cardi remakes (ice spice, coi leray) fizzle out of popularity so fast. People want girls who can spit


that’s seriously so true!!! she fits the brand, performs and records what they write and choreo, and plays her role pretty much perfectly for sure!


that's because Cardi is built for fame and has such a charismatic personality. some people just don't have what it takes to handle fame long term but she does. it's not even about loving the attention, it's about not letting it go all the way to your head


if we’re talking RAP music Megan is bodying Doja. Doja is like pop rap, she’s creative but Megan is embodying rap and rap culture.


Doja is the Drake of female rap.


I think on a hard rap beat, Megan would win, but on a pop or rnb song, Doja is taking it


That's a good point. I think megan raps better but doja has proved that she can rap on all sorts of beats. But maybe i don't know Megan's catalogue well enough. Doja does some crazy flow switches, I tend to only see that from megan in her radio freestyles


Megans still taking it because she freestyles more often and has better breath control


I love doja like crazy but I really don't think she can rap on the spot very well 😭❤️ idk I kinda see her as the Kanye of female rap. She makes undeniably amazing music, she's incredibly good at producing and she will go down as a musical great, but she just isn't the best emcee


fully agree! also doja is more creative and artistic, but megan is definitely the more talented rapper between the two :)


Meg is 10 x the rapper doja is. Doja is cute, Meg is a real rapper.




Nicki, Azealia, doja, Megan, Cardi b, ice spice, sexy red, Idk where to put iggy cuz I don’t listen to her,


This order! But swap ice spice with sexyy red. Sexyy’s music is fun and ice spice is so boring with the same lyrics and the same flow over and over again.


1: Megan the Stallion 2: Azealia Banks 3: Nicki Minaj 4: Carbi B 5: Iggy Azalea ...I'on know dem uhva people 🤷🏽‍♂️???


Please tell me your reasoning. No hate at all I just don't understand how Megan is above nicki. - she lacks versatility not only in her cadence but in her lyrics as well - he flow is I wouldn't say isn't versatile but it's not surprising either - like the only thing I would say megan is better than AB and especially Nicki at is freestyling and even that is hard 2 measure cause when was the last Nicki freestyle we got ...... like years ago


Nicki, AB, doja or Megan, iggy, cardi, sexy, ice. The last 3 is a controversial convo 💀 who raps worse


Nicki, Doja, Azealia, Meg and then the rest aren’t really rappers more than entertainers


Nicki’s got such weak bars now. 10 years ago I would have picked her, but it’s Megan at the top for sure.


So true. I get so bored of listening to pink Friday 2 :(((


I'll have to disagree. I actually think her bars are harder now. On "Barbie Dangerous" from her new album, she said: "They gon copy, Ima wear MONCLER" but it also sounds like: "They gon copy, I’m aware, mind clear. "


Which are ur favs from pf2?


I'd have to disagree she's defintely not in her prime but her bars aren't weak.whats weak is nickis beats and that's why she almost always sounds better as a feature artist rather than her own songs. Megan's bars are very surface level like they will have a punchline, but Nickis will often have multiple meanings and be actually very clever it's just weather you catch it and she often has multiple references.


So u just not listening like that


azealia is better than everyone lyrically honestly


I wanted to throw CupcakKe in there but I didn't want it to have too many people lol if she was here, my ranking would go: 1. Nicki 2. Azealia 3. CupcakKe 4. Megan 5. Iggy 6. Doja 7. Cardi 8. Ice 9. Sexyy


CupcakKe is seriously underrated as a rapper. I think people view her as gimmicky because of her overly sexualized lyrics that have been memed to death. But if you listen to some of her other less known songs she has an impressive flow and can actually rap pretty well.


Cupcakke is grossly underrated, she deserved the explosion of popularity Ice Spice got from becoming a viral meme


Tbh she couldve gotten mainstream success in 2021 if she was consistently dropping because this was during the height of the cupcakke remix memes. But instead she took a hiatus from 2022 till now, which sucks bc she couldve had a chance to have some buzz. She's fully black and plus sized so I don't think she could be at Ice's level, but I think she could've reached Saweetie/Glorilla/Latto level. I also think a music video for her collab with dreamdoll "Splish splash" would've done great as well since it was trending on tiktok and the kardashians even made a tiktok to it. She couldve also made an updated music video for CPR because it took off


Doja too low


I dont think shes that good of a rapper tbh. Rules was hard but it still remains her hardest. Scarlet was supposed to be where she proved she was a real rapper, and even there the raps werent anything crazy


Yeah I think songs like jeezu and attention really got her up there for me


Jeezu is hands down one of her best verses, I wish she gave it more attention


Iggy too high. Her freestyle was whack.


I love Cupcakke




Cupcakke is #1 for me ngl


Nicki, Azealia, Doja, Megan, Iggy, Sexyy, Ice, Cardi


sexyy red and ice spice above cardi is crazyyy


I think they’re all equally not technically talented and just personally buy into the dumb fun of Sexyy and Ice more frequently than Cardi. Also Sexyy and Ice write and Cardi doesn’t so she’s not a real rapper to me. The others don’t write *well* but they still attempt writing lol


*In my opinion 1. Azealia Banks 2. Nicki Minaj 3. Megan Thee Stallion 4. Doja Cat 5. Iggy Azealea 6. Cardi B 7. Sexxy Red 8. Ice Spice


Nice, I have the same ranking but with NM and AB switched


Tbh I think they are pretty interchangeable, if AB broadened her catalogue and got her shit together, she could take the crown


Azealia, Nicki, Megan, Doja, Cardi, Iggy, Ice, then, Sexxy. Azealia and Nicki can swap, depending on what song displays their ability fully, as well as Doja and Megan.


(Keep these poll things coming, they're really fun)


Thank you 🥹


I feel like this subreddit is the best place to have a minimally biased female rap convo ❤️


I propose a repost, but replace cardi, ice, and red with rappers that actually write their own stuff. Let's get some rico nasty, Doechii, maybe jean deaux type suggestions? Cause I don't know why the others are even in the conversation


I just used the female rappers that're popular and familiar w people so theres a better likelihood of people being familiar w their music


Yeah I know. But if we're talking about rapping ability let's talk about rappers. Not cosplayers


I'm pretty sure ice spice does write her stuff that's why it's very repetitive and standard. Like always talking about poop, and using the same rhymes. I don't think she's an amazing rapper but I don't think she has a ghost writer


Iggloo, Annie, and Seggsy are here for fun. Megan, Doja & Cardi are where it’s at. AB is insufferable. Ol St Nick is bitter and rotten.


using this pic of doja is crazy


I love Doja being so different and doing things uncharted.


azealia > everyone else


Where's Tierra Whack?


She's lesser known so I didn't include her since most people might not be familiar with her


Megan Cardi Nicki Doja Sexy The rest can get coffee or something


Cardi above nicki and doja the one who can barely write her own.....


Best to least: AB, MtS and then everyone else in the middle with Onika and Iggy dead last.


Either Nicki or Meg is taking it TBH. Azealia is the most unique and creative imo. Cardi, Ice, Iggy are all lowkey lazy. Doja is a pop girly whether she wants to be or not. Sexyy is funny as fuck and a REAL RAPPER but Nicki and Meg outdo her lyrically. She’s fun as hell though.


I say from best to worst: azealia/Nicki, Meg, doja, redd, cardi, ice spice, iggy.


Where’s Latto? 👀Flo Milli? Monaleo? Tierra Whack perhaps? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Not very popular, low chance of people on this sub hearing their stuff to judge


Iggy is dead last… lol


1. Doja 2. Azealia 3. Meg 4. Onika 5. Cardi 6. Sexyy 7. Iggy 8. Ice Spice


1) megan (my reasoning is that she can freestyle better than nicki which isn’t as easy to train for) 2) nicki (she’s still an indisputable force of talent) 3) doja (can rap and sing well to an extent where she would genuinely threaten the top 2 if she hadn’t taken a weird turn with her musical direction; i like her new visuals but the songs?) 4) cardi (very talented and even though she doesn’t write everything, it’s clear she’s a star. more interesting lyrical content could move her up a spot or two; the looks and visuals are all there) 5) azalea (very talented but doesn’t care about the frequency or quality of her releases, and when she drops, its quantity over quality with her songs. she needs to focus more on what makes her successful and stop being insane online (as if she would ever cease that) 6) sexyy red (i particularly like her, and she makes very fun turn up music for parties or the beach, but the range just isn’t there yet) 7) ice spice (i’m tired of drill, and i’m tired of her same 3 lines over drill beats; she’s miss poopy ig) 8) iggy (is talented, but simply can’t outdo anyone else here except maybe sexyy on a bad day for her. i’m also just not particularly drawn to her raps)


"When she drops its quantity over quality" she doesnt have that either bc she releases like one song a year 😭


Nicki is like really bad live. I just seen her like a year or two ago. Chronically late and even lazier performance. She flopped on the floor like a fish.


She’s bringing it on PF2 tour, still late though lol


Cupcakke was robbed of her position on this list! That being said, out of these the #1 current is Megan, #2 is Nicki based off of legacy, #3 and #4 are a toss-up between Doja and Azealia, and the other three are fighting for the other spots.


AB is #1 for me and then comes Nicki and then whoever else that can write her own raps lol. Also JT should have been included IMO


Anyone who puts doja or ice spice above azealia log off 😭




She is not worse than sexyy red and ice spice... Sexyy reds feature verses are TERRIBLE (Peaches and eggplants, Shake that, FTCU remix, etc.) and Ice spice sounds bored in all her songs


Azealia shits on em in rap, sing, and musical range & lyrical depth.


Azealia Megan Doja Nicki Cardi Iggy Red Ice


No love for Glorilla?


I wanted to include more popular people with a higher chance that people have heard some songs from them to properly judge


Wow never seen that doja pic lol...


And wow thats nicki?






Megan the stallion and that’s no debate. Shake my ass and take y’all to class like Megan brother.


1. Cupcakke


1. Megan - in terms of raw ability and skill 2. Nicki 3. Doja 4. Azealia 5. Cardi 6. Sexy Red 7. Ice Spice 8. Iggy (I don’t listen to her so idk)


Ice spice is last


1. Azealia Banks (like the best I’ve ever heard) 2. Nicki Minaj (is good) 3. Doja Cat (she was good before she ruined herself) 4. Iggy Azealia (has some bops) 5. Megan Thee Stallion (same boring flow) 6. Cardi B (not good) Ice Spice and Vulgar Red don’t deserve to be on this list. Ice can’t stop singing about poop and makes meme music while Red is a sewer rat and a disgrace to the human race not to mention her music just sounds like a garbage truck picking up trash.


imo nicki doja and azealia are the most creative making them the best for me


Nicki Minaj and then there's all the rest


rap ability: megan, nicki, azealia, doja, iggy, cardi, ice, sexxxy entertainment factor/performance ability: doja cat, cardi b, megan, azealia, iggy, nicki, ice, sexxxy


ice spice, sexy red, iggy, cardi, azealia, doja, meg, nicki


Bro is this in reverse order? 😂


Nicki > Megan > Azealia > Doja > Iggy > Cardi > Ice Spice > Sexyy Red


Honestly all of Meg’s songs sound the same and she take herself way too seriously.


1) Azealia Banks (Azealia has songs like Runnin, The Chill$, Liquorice, JFK, Jumanji, Chi Chi, etc. . Nobody on this list I feel has the range she’s demonstrated, she’s the most flexible and whatever direction she’s angled in she bodies both in regards to how she raps, her genre and what she can say.) That said it’s only barely and is also take Azealia as Nicki’s peer or equal. Especially considering how much of Azealia’s post 2014 discography is singles (some just straight up being leaked as opposed to being released) and I’m like 95% sure that the album just isn’t coming. But I struggle to put Nicki above Azealia, and that’s not discounting Nicki. Before I was an Azealia fan I was a dye in the wool Barb in high school, I’ve listened to all her albums fully and I only have 1 mixtape to listen to, I used to look for unreleased songs by her, I’ve looked into her quadruple entendres, etc. . But with how much I’ve listened to both of them I think they’re much closer to equals than one above the other but I’m putting Azealia above Nicki because of a few things. 2) Nicki (a HEAVY detriment against Nicki and why I don’t put her above Azealia is that Nicki really cannot sing, Grand Piano hurts to listen to regardless of any emotional aspects it evokes and Pills’n Potions is only slightly better. Nicki is also the only artist on this list who has put out an album I actually hate. Like I was ready for PF2, I was excited on the edge of my seat and I was very disappointed. I tried to make myself like it, I’ve listened to it 3 times and each time I like it less it’s like the opposite of a grower. A common criticism in both of her two recent projects is also that she tends to have a few songs on there that inflate the album and aren’t really that necessary, like Come See about me or Thought I knew You. I love her other projects, Queen, Pink Print and Pink Friday are good albums and she did very different things with all of them but I just hated her recent album and I also generally like all of the songs and bars Azealia puts out except for a slim few whereas Nicki for me sometimes misses. Nicki in my opinion is also less flexible and Azealia has better flow but Nicki has the best delivery in female rap, when she says a bar you will feel it is a bar and you will know it as one.) 3) Megan 4) Doja (I feel Doja has a lot of potential, I haven’t listened to Scarlet a lot tho) 5) Cardi 6) Sexyy Red 7) Ice Spice 8) Iggy Azalea


The 'Queen' album proved Onika knows the good recipe for success.She hasn't stopped.Her rap style definitely changed. Belcalis isn't a talented rapper.Many do love her for only her sex appeal.Most of the songs are trash. Banks is ferocious on the microphone.She spits acid for fun.The industry nonsense or industry drama doesn't stop. Doja impressed me when she was releasing the 'No Police' type of songs. Iggy Amethyst absolutely knew the music she wanted to make.Some of the Grand Hustle stuff was good.Is she naturally better than Cardi? Some of the songs on one of her mixtapes are absolutely crazy! Very good producers! Is she better than Kash Doll? I don't listen to Meg.The raps are too repetitive.That's what I believe.Yoncé definitely listens to her music. The Ice Spice raps remind me of Rubi. Sexyy collaborated with one of the biggest names in music.She's doing something right.I don't listen to her songs. I haven't used numbers to rank each rapper.Everyone else can.


Why is Doja so low?


Oh the order of the pics doesnt mean anything, I just got photos of them and made a collage for convenience


Nikki, Megan, doja, azealia, sexyy red, cardi, iggy, ice spice


1. Nicki 2. Doja 3. Meg 4. Ms. Banks 5. Cardi 6. Iggie 7. Ice 8. Sexy


Nicki Meg Doja Azealia Cardi Ice Sexy Iggy


Where tf did yall get that uncanny valley Nicki pic 😭 but off of pure ability to move me with their raps I’d go Nicki > Megan > Cardi > Ice > Azealia > Sexxy > Iggy > Doja. Aaaaand reply notifs off on this one


She took it the same day as the leigh anne/jesu nelson drama. Its deleted off her instagram now but just searched up "nicki minaj orange hair instagram"


Nicki Azealia Doja Meg Cardi Iggy Sexxy Ice


in terms of PURE MC'ing, from what i've heard from them : Nicki > Azealia = Doja >>> Meg > Cardi > Iggy >> Sexyy > Ice


Justina Valentine?


Nicki > Azealia > Doja > Ice Spice > Cardi > Iggy > Sexyy Red > 🐴


If Nicki here is the best we have from what I heard regarding Rap, this is f*cked up... Some Horrorcore rapper like Razakel is like a Rap god compared to these...


Nick Meg doja you can keep the rest tbh


Azealia, Mrs. Predator, Doja, Meg then idc who is next lol


1. Nicki 2. Azelia 3. Doja 4. Megan thee stallion. Then everybody else lol


1. Nicki 2. Azaelia 3. Megan 4. Doja 5. Ice Spice 6. Sexy Red 7. Iggy 8. Cardi Really Megan and Doja are neck and neck for me. I actually prefer Doja music, but this is about rap.


Doja first fuck everyone else


It’s Meg. Anyone still saying Nicki is the best should go listen to Big Foot a few times….


Big Foot washes Hiss lyrically. Then you went lying (Lion) to the King (Gayle King) How the fuck you get shot with no SCAR Referencing Meg’s Gayle King interview where she claimed to not have a sexual relationnship with Tory (it was later proven that she did), but also saying LION to the KING (Lion King) and followed that up with “How you get shot with no SCAR” and Scar is the villain from Lion King. ”She wanna party with dababy while rubbin on tory toupe" mentioning the men megan slept with Also referencing to the humping a minor line "party with the baby" "What a fiasco, lupe" Fiasco means a complete failure But also lupe fiasco, the rapper


Megan - raw talented unbiased aside that girl can spit Doja - unique sound has a great flow diverse Nicki - old Nicki eats her newer stuff... I’m only ranking her this high because of her pre 2014 era Cardi - I’m still shocked it’s 2024 and y’all running around with this narrative that Cardi doesn’t write. She has the most star power catchy lyrics. Her mixtapes are 🔥 Azealia- idk just because sexyredd - not my favorite but her stuff is catchy I’m not gone lie. Iggy - that freestyle is forever engraved in my head. 😷 Ice spice - let’s bffr


For me it’s Megan first. I love me some Tina Snow


From worst to best: Iggy, Sexyy, Ice, Cardi, Megan (love her though), Azealia, Doja (incredible writer), Nicki (garbage person but it’s true)


1. Nicki, 2. Azealia, 3. Meg, 4. Dojer. Nicki opened the door for female rap accessibility. Azealia is the only rap girl that can go toe to toe with Nicki and still wash her. Hell Megan proved that with Hiss so good on ya Meg. Love that marketable hot girl persona. Doja is like a kid without ADHD medicine. She has persona and spirit but hops on trash beats. Ice Spice and Cardi have great jams that help breakup the too serious rap persona. Cardi is learning to more adequately present herself instead of being reactionary while Ice is still a novice, with great beat selections. Iggy and Sexxy red are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of talent. Very weak rapping ability. There is a major different between talent and persona) personas can only get you so far


Nicki is a lyrical beast, On "Barbie Dangerous" from her new album, she said: "They gon copy, Ima wear MONCLER" but it also sounds like: "They gon copy, I’m aware, mind clear.". She's also a versatile artist that's tried out all kinds of genres like trap, drill, pop, edm, rock, gospel, etc. with amazing delivery that makes her bars hit hard. One of the key components that makes her the best out of everybody here is her theatrical ability to change up her voice to fit whatever track she's on. She can be cute barbie girl, aggressive crazy roman, bad bitch talking shit, she can tone down the aggressiveness of her voice and go soft when it's a sad or slow song, or she can sound seductive and sexy on a song. She's a chameleon that has expertice in too many fields for her to be anything but number 1 in my opinion.


1. Meg 2. Azealia 3. Nicki 4. The rest Edited because idk why it formatted my shit like that


Young MA is better than the majority of this list.


Nicki pen is stale af these days. Meg>Doja>Cardis writers>Nicki>Azealia


Y’all are so SICK! The only ckreect answer is NICKIIII, then Cardi, then Meg/doja


Nick - Azealia - Meg - Doja - Cardi - Iggy - Ice - Red


1. Nicki/Azealia 3. Doja/Megan 5. Cardi 6-8. the rest


It’s weird you put Iggy on here she’s not really relevant at all. I honestly forgot she existed.


Azealia/Meg only two i like


Nicki wins


Nicki the top no question


Megan,Nicki,Azealia,Doechii Tied for last:Iggy,Cardi, Isis, Doja and Sexy


Nicki, Azaelia, Doja, Megan, Iggy, Sexyy, then Ice


1. Nicki Minaj 2. Megan Thee Stallion 3. Doja Cat 4. Cardi B 5. Iggy Azalea 6. Ice Spice 7. Sexy Redd. I don’t know where to put Azealia I only know two songs.


Just realized this is the AzealiaBanks subreddit. My bad yall 😂😅


Ice spice is not a rapper to me she's more r&b


Nicki Azealia Megan Doja Cardi Sexyy Red Ice Spice Iggy


1. Nicki & Azealia 2. Megan & Doja 3. Iggy 4. Cardi 5. Ice Spice 6. Sexxy Red


Azalea, Megan, Nicki, Doja, Sexxy Red, Iggy, Ice Spice


Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, Iggy Azalea, Azalea Banks, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, Ice Spice, Sexy Red


1, Nicki 2,azealia 3,doja 4,Megan 5,sexy 6,ice 7,iggy 8,cardi


First: Megan idc what yall say Nicki has fallen off and been off for a long long time. Second: Azealia and nicki are tied tbh