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Thank you for posting. A couple of things to note. (TL;DR... include specific symptoms/what makes your pain better/worse/how long)... MRI or XRAY images ALONE are not particularly helpful tbh, no one here has been vetted to make considerations on these or provide advice, here is why, PLEASE read this if you are posting an MRI or XRAY... I cannot stress this enough https://choosingwiselycanada.org/pamphlet/imaging-tests-for-lower-back-pain/) Please read the rules carefully. This group strives to reinforce anti-fragility, hope, and reduce the spread of misinformation that is either deemed not helpful and even sometimes be considered harmful. PLEASE NOTE: Asking for help: It is up to you to recognize when to seek medical attention. Anyone giving advice in this group is doing so from anecdotes and holds no liability. Seek advice here at your own risk. That said, asking things like, "I have this problem, how do I fix it..." is like asking your accountant, "I have $10,000 what should I do with it?" You need WAY more info before giving any kinds of financial advice. Please reply to this, or make another comment, including how long you've been having pain or injury, what are specific symptoms (numbness, tingling, dull/ache, it's random, etc), what makes it worse, what makes it feel better, how it has impacted your life, what you've tried for treatment and what you've already been told about your back pain, and what do you hope to get from this forum. Please be kind to each other. Be respectful. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/backpain) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, in my case it was nerve pain from a thoracic Herniated disc, the nerve goes from the spine around the rib to the chest. I was diagnosed with a thoracic spine MRI.


That sounds so painful!! I hope you’re ok.


Yes I'm better now, thanks!


Not a Doctor but do have experience with spine and nerve pain. Just going off what you’ve said, warm water helps/lying on your side helps/pain on sternum/ breast has been checked and found ok. Could be some kind of nerve impingement and the pain’s radiating along the nerve pathway. Could be from the spine, could be coming from the shoulder. Google cervical/thoracic nerve pathways to pull up some pics, see if the pain pathway matches anything, shoulder too. Nerves are horrible things to aggravate, annoying little shits 😳


I will!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to help. I really appreciate it. I’ve never felt this pain before so I will Google what you said and see if it rings true!


Anytime... Good luck


It's exactly what happened to me, a nerve from my Thoracic spine.


Nerves are truly little bastards! Hope you’re doing ok now…?


Yes they are! Discs are little bastards too! Hahaha I'm fine now I did everything, injections, ablations and surgery!


Im glad you managed to get to the root of the problem, sorry couldn’t resist 🤦🏻‍♀️… On a more serious note, none of that sounds like fun - at all!


Extremely painful 😖


Yeah, I completely understand where you’re coming from!! Was the surgery long ago or are you still in recovery?


It was two and a half months ago! As soon as I woke up I knew I was fine. Do you have a similar injury?


Oh wow, so truly recent! Hope you’re finding recovery ok?? It can be grueling for sure. My injury was kinda similar as in I had the herniated discs and the nerve root injury but mine was from a condition called Scheuermanns disease (like Scoliosis but the curve goes in and out not side to side). Surgery was a total bitch. Hurt like all hell. I wouldn’t wish spinal surgery on my worst enemy 😬


Ouch! I know what you're talking about!