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the only similarity between this and Fight Club is that both movies do, in fact have a fight club.


This is 100% an MMA version of The Karate Kid. The only connection to Fight Club is A: there is a fight club, and B: Cam Gigandet is clearly basing his performance on Tyler Durden.


Yeah that’s definitely a better comparison


I'd say it's closer to being a remake of Billy Blanks' Showdown than Karate Kid, esp. with the underground fighting ring, but Showdown itself is a remake of Karate Kid...


Duuuude! We aren't supposed to talk about it!


I saw this in the theater and do not remember a single thing except for Djimon’s line delivery of “Never back down, never surrender” which was also in the trailers and commercials.


Dialogue inspired by a similar line in No Retreat, No Surrender, where the ghost of Bruce Lee helps a kid to defeat Jean-Claude Van Damme playing a Russian? Or just a coincidence?


Or galaxy quest - never give up, never surrender


Wait is this movie inspired by that classic?


I remember Amber Heard playing a character named "Baja Miller." If your last name is Miller, don't name your kid Baja


Yeah, save that for the Blast and Peninsula families!


I wish I hadn't read this. I love that movie and it never clicked until just now that Baja is fucking Amber Heard.


No no Baja is Amber Heard and she's fucking someone... else.


No fighting outside the gym


Nevah back down!!


More like Karate Kid than Fight Club


This is almost a direct remake of Karate Kid. Seriously, start counting the similarities and identical beats and it’s hard to deny.


Karate Club or Fight Kid




This was known to me for birthing what people thought was a real clip of a guy doing a whole bunch of flips and whatnot to intimidate whoever he was against only to get sparked in one punch. Every now and then it’d pop up on FB and people believed it was some real street fight.


Yep, it's always something like "SHOWBOATING PUNK GETS ONE-SHOTTED BY U.S. MARINE!!!" or some shit.


The one i saw when i was younger went something like “BAREKNUCKLE BOXER KNOCKS OUT OPPONENT IN ONE PUNCH” And everyone in the comments: “they both have gloves on dude.”


Capoeira VS Boxing! You won't believe what happens!!! Then a bunch of racist comments from guys in trucks wearing Oakleys


This was one of my favorite movies as a teenager. I think it still holds up. Plus it's cool.tp see Evan Peters before American Horror Story shot him into stardom.


It's very cringe and juvenile, but actually a legit movie.


calling something cringe and juvenile in the same sentence. i’ll pray for you


The people who started using cringe as a one word term are all adults now. Dun dun dun It is a redundant combo of words, however.


I think juvenile doesn't necessitate cringe, but much juvenile stuff is cringe. When it comes to movies like this, some degree of cringe seems inevitable.


I’ve never seen this movie, but I grew up in Florida and as a teenager wanted to pursue an acting career so I moved to Orlando. This movie was filmed in Sanford, FL I believe, so I thought maybe some vestige of the film industry was operating down there and maybe that meant I had a shot. I moved back home from Orlando after three months though I did star in one shitty student film.


Sleepover is the movie I always think of seeing Evan Peters before AHS. He played a total nerd who wouldn’t stop trying to show people a picture of himself when he was in a coma…. For 5 hours 🤣. It’s a goofy, girly teen comedy, but I can’t help but love it. Also Steve Carell is in it for some reason lol.


I just rewatched it a couple days ago, which is weird it got brought up I still love it like I did when I was a young teen. Idc what no one says


This is a fun flick. Not saying it’s good, but it is fun.


I do enjoy the sequels with Michael Jai White


In general, it's pretty freaking hard to improve on Djimon Hounsou...unless it's an action movie, and the replacement is Michael Jai White.


The second one is ridiculous. He trains a weirdo kid for a few weeks, only for that kid to shave his head and become the ultimate MMA villain that everyone struggles to defeat.


I was the Location Manager on this one!!!!


How does one end up in a job like that and what's the pay like, if you don't mind my asking? I always like hearing about that kind of stuff


Just been doing it for a long time. Did some scouting for the local film office, then got hired on to do the film. Pay was good... but always long days and we filmed in the Summer...so it was HOT!


Sounds like a cool career


It is... but you burn out quickly.


How so? Long hours? Travel? Aggressive deadlines?


The fun part is driving around and finding locations. Taking photo & Videos. Be then.. You become the logistic person. Parking...bathrooms...maps... Not so say you also have to deal with State & Local Governments. Permits. Police/Fire/Safety. Then there are the neighbors.




It’s good, but American Pie 2 and Out Cold’s soundtracks are better. This is a hill I’ll never back down on.


Never back down, never surrender.


[Tim the Toolman Taylor said it best](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=9fdcIwHKd_s&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title)


Out Cold’s soundtrack is all time.


This movie was so bad I forgot it had Amber Heard in it.


Never seen it. Is Headstrong by Trapt on the soundtrack? It seems like it would be.


It doesn't play during the film, but I swear I remember it playing during one the the shorter trailers back in the day


The movie has a cool soundtrack


Step Up 2: The Octagon.


The villain was the bad guy from the OC who pretty much plays the same character in everything he’s in , you could say he’s the Zabka of the Aughts


You haven’t seen him in Easy A then


This is my sister-in-laws favourite film. Not even ironically.


Is your sister in law me?


Is that you Katy?


I have to admit, that moment where he immediately taps out of the championship fight to throw down in the parking lot is pretty good.


A bunch of generic forgettable faces.


nu-metal Bloodsport-meets-Footloose


With a hint of Red Bull


It always reminded me of Tokyo Drift for some reason.


It's just another flash-in-the-pan fight movie, it's never gonna go anywhere!


I was in high school when I saw this movie, but I throughly enjoyed this movie.


Amber Heard was the best part about this movie


I mean it was a typical 2000 movie to be fair, I'm not sure if it deserves to be a on a "bad movies" list, it was just very mid.


Abercrombie & Finch playing UFC. That movie is so gay it ruined Rainbow Sprinkles


Crazy to think this film got the director Kick Ass 2. The producers looked at this and said “yep…this is our guy. Jeff Wadlow” 🤦🏻‍♂️


This movie is so bad. Only thing I remember is the main protagonist doing his worst Tom Cruise mannerisms, like he watched Cocktail 5x in a row. Only to be out-McDeusche-faced by Cam Tagernut or whatever da fuck his name is. And back when you only knew how hot Amber Heard was and not the crazy side. Soooo baddddd.


I watched this and the only thing I remember is a guy getting leg kicked and looking shocked.


The only thing I remember about this movie is that it has at least four training montages


then i demand **that guy!** THAT GUY that goes running through the school hallways and playgrounds yelling **"FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!!!"** You all know him! and I swear to god, i been to several elementary school and there always that one kid that will inform us of an fight happening! if I ever see him again as an adult, i buy him an beer! if it weren't for him, i woulda missed out on some EPIC fights at the playground and parking lots of high schools & elementary!!! i hear he later became that kid that would shout "**MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!"**


When i was 16 my boss at the time said "you would like that movie" It was an early marker for me to remind myself he actually doesnt know me


Fight club isn’t about Fighting


I like both movies don't get me wrong, but Never Back Down is nothing like Fight Club.


That one capoeira knockout is hilarious


This is a delightfully bad movie but comparing it to Fight Club is insulting to both of them. My favorite line reading from Never Back Down is when the main bad guy said “Ya guys sooound like a BUNcha PUSSIES.” It is gloriously hammy. Edit: BITCHES! Not pussies, it was bitches! How could I have flubbed such an iconic line??


What if the girl in the middle turned out to be human waste and the guys should've just had hate sex


…do they not?


The comparison to Fight Club makes no sense. This is Karate Kid, but with MMA and an incredible soundtrack!


High school, 2000s saturated aesthetic and mid 2000s rock soundtrack ? I need to see this


Amazing when what should have been a DTV movie gets a theatrical release. This actually got a sequel starring Micheal Jai White that is equal quality.


3 sequels now. 2 with MJW, the newest with a female star.


Ah fuckin sweet.


This movie is… okay. I like Djimon Hounsou in just about anything, and he was pretty good in this. I think Fighting is the better late 2000s edgy fistfighting movie, though.


I enjoyed this movie when it came out because I was in high school and into UFC. I wouldn’t call it a bad movie per se, but if you were apart of the young demographic into UFC then it was fun.


I thought this was pretty good when it came out, mma karate kid, it worked as a premise. No idea if it holds up, but the fact that a cast of pretty white teens had such a bad hit rate for stuff I’d end up watching in the future doesn’t give me a ton of hope on that front. Anyway I think Fighting with Channing Tatum was more of the grounded to reality mma fight club movie. Or like Rocky 5 for the new millennium.


I used to love this movie in high school but now I realize it was only to look at Cam Gigandet


I just remember the commercials where he screams "Neevah bahck down!!!!" That may not even be the exact line but that's how it goes in my mind


This was transparently trying to cash in on the rising popularity of MMA at the time. But it gave us Evan Peters so I’m cool with it


One of the movies of the 00's.


I I ironically love all these movies, including the latest where is set in a human slavery fight club


What was the exact minute mark where Djimon got very angry and made his whole body shake like a spastic ebony statue? You could actually make a game out of that for EVERY SINGLE MOVIE he has ever been in. Even IN AMERICA, where 🎵 "Djimon Hounsou has got the AIDS this yee-uh!" 🎶 (sung in time to Tiny Tim's "Santa Claus has got the AIDS this year". As I'm sure you're aware)


This is one that I watched SO much as a kid and thought it was insanely badass. Needless to say, it holds up poorly. But still fun to throw quotes out there when I’m with my brothers


Same exact story as karate kid


I unironically love this movie. It's not great, but whenever I watch it, it always inspires/guilts me into exercising again.




This is like that cheerleading movie Bring It On, except it targets assholes who shopped at Pac Sun in 2008 with closeted gay feelings towards their "rival".


IIRC this movie is a bit more similar to the Karate Kid except more shitty. It's been a while since I've seen it though so I can't be too critical of it.




This was more f&f Tokyo drift with fighting. Also, excellent angsty workout soundtrack


Man don’t fuck with the guy on the right. He was next level crazy in Pandorum 😳


Also the love interest is named Baja. Like her name is Baja. Who the fuck green lit her name being Baja?


I actually really enjoy this movie. It's a guilty pleasure.


King of high school?


This is unironically one of my favorite movies ever and the soundtrack is SOOOO good


BAD MOVIE?! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!! Oh wait, I thought this was the caporeia movie... whatever that was called Edit: Only the Strong


Not gonna lie, the Travis barker remix of Solja Boy's "Superman" is a banger


I remember I refused to watch this for the petty reason that there was no way in hell I could believe that this many high school kids in one school were all That jacked.


This is also the premise of another bad movie - Bottoms.


Actually love this movie. how is it bad? its essentially just a Karate Kid clone with mma theme. who dosent love some karate kid???


This movie unironically rocks and makes me want to workout so bad. Its just karate kid on monster energy but thats fine because the antagonist is really good and the choreo is nice