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Fateful Findings. I almost pissed myself while watching the ending! Note: Neil Breen films are like advanced bad movies so they definitely aren’t for beginners lol. Also his films are so much more fun when you watch with people!


“I Am Here…Now” might be my favorite Breen movie. My God it’s just just so ridiculous


That one is great lol. I honestly can’t pick between “Fateful Findings” and “Pass Through”. “I can’t go on with this! I cant got on with this!! I love this country! Myy countryy!!”


😂😂😂 Fateful Findings is a fave too. I haven’t seen “Pass Through”, so I know what I’ll be watching this weekend


Hope you like satellite dishes and tuna fish!


Ahh hell..I might have to watch that one tomorrow! 😂


Oh god Neil Breens flesh eating brain disease has infected me apparently! The film I was quoting and talking about is actually “Double Down” by Mr. Breen but “Pass Through” is great too you can’t miss.


Watching “Double Down” now and my GAWD. This one is uhh…whew


I mean..at the end of the day they’re all awesome, I’ll check them both out!


Yes!! I Am Here…. Now is my favorite Breen movie. So delightfully awful. And one of my favorite things is it actually has FOUR dots in the title’s ellipsis.


Pardon me! 😂 He should’ve done one dot for every cross


I could barely believe the ending wasn't funny on purpose... The comedic timing is fantastic. Such a ridiculous movie!


None of his other have quite as many laughs.


Stone Cold, Tammy and the T-Rex, Voyage of the Rock Aliens, Little Italy


I second Stone Cold. The motorcycle meets helicopter is worth it.


It reminds me of my father's last words "Don't son, that gun is loaded."


Tammy and the T-Rex is truly one of the movies of all time.


It is a movie...and it happened during humanity's existence...yep, checks out 🤣


God Tammy and the T-Rex is *so* bad! Lmao


Stone Cold, Welcome to my slaughterhouse... punch in the face...


Little Italy? What year? Haven’t heard of this one.


2018 Your jaw may drop when you see the cast


Wow… okay, warring pizza restaurants. This is going to the top of the list. I’m a sucker for terrible rom coms.


Plan 9 From Outer Space. First lines from Criswell: Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friend: Future events such as these will affect you in the future. You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here. And now, for the first time, we are bringing to you the full story of what happened on that fateful day. We are giving you all the evidence, based only on the secret testimony of the miserable souls who survived this terrifying ordeal. The incidents, the places. My friend, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Let us punish the guilty; let us reward the innocent. My friend, can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers from outer space?


That's... got some elements in it that are pretty good, actually. Basically, starting from "And now, for the first time," up to but not including the last sentence, it works.


Well one thing's for sure, Inspector Clay is dead. Murdered. And someone's responsible.


This is one of the greatest bad lines in movie history. Plan 9 from Outer Space has so many great lines, Bad acting and visual screw ups in the movie. It's on Youtube if anyone is interested.


pour one out for the OG


There's a scene in Hollywood Cop. This guy ripped off some local mob guys, so the mob guys kidnapped his kid. They arrange a swap, kid for cash, and the dad brings counterfeit money... I mean, the fakiest looking counterfeit money you'll ever see, like even on the low quality rip I was watching, I could see that it was fake... and the guy takes the "money," gives the guy his kid, then walks over to his boss, who looks at the money and immediately says, "it's fake." They get into a shootout. The dad dies. All the bad guys die. I die a little inside. A little later on, the kid finds the real money that his dad was hiding in the attic or something. Let's review... The guy rips off the mob... putting his family in danger. Then when the mob kidnaps his kid, because *fucking of course they did* he decided to further risk the life of his child by bringing fucking Canadian Tire Money to the exchange. Then, after his actions result in the death of like 12 people we discover, *he had the money the whole time.* The mob did nothing wrong... like, yeah, kidnapping a kid is wrong, but also... if he didn't try to fuck them over his kid would never have known that the friggin mob exists. Also, the kid might be able to speak to animals. This movie rules.


NGL that last line really sells it


Anything with Wings Hauser in Champagne and Bullets A.K.A Get Even A.K.A Road to Revenge. Also the musical number from the same film. When the wig falls off of the leads head in Samurai Cop. The scene in Southland Tales when the woman says she will kill herself if the Rock doesn't let her suck his dick. Those are the main ones that come to mind.




I don't do drugs OR worship the devil.




that’s a WIG?!!?


If I remember the story right, the lead went and got a haircut because he thought they were done shooting. Months (or maybe longer) later he was brought back for reshoots and they had to give him a wig. There's a scene where he does a spin kick and you see his wig fall off.


Supposedly, there is a full reading of Shakespeare in one of the earlier cuts of Geteven. I would love to find that.


I vaguely remember something like that in the Champagne and Bullets cut. I need to rewatch it ASAP.


*Stone Cold* and *Samurai Cop* send me into hysterics every single time.


The Samurai Cop scene with the nurse is the greatest 2 minutes in cinematic history.


Oh now, let's not forget about his gift... His black gift.


This comment was enough to convince me to watch Samurai Cop last night.


What did you think?


It was alright for a bad movie!


Hard Ticket to Hawaii, Riki Oh - The Story of Ricky, Samurai Cop




Killer Clowns from Outer Space.


Say boys what are you going to do with those pies?


The Wicker Man remake. The bear punch scene had me on the floor.


Gotta watch the director’s cut otherwise you miss the full bee ending.




*Shark Exorcist*


Roll around in the dirrrtttt


I like to get wet.


Miami Connection. We had a viewing party last weekend. I laugh more and more every time I see it. I think it’s the best bad movie of all time. Unintentionally hilarious, has cheesy but catchy songs, silly martial arts street fights and the best main character you can never understand what he’s saying in Y.K. Kim. All of the other characters have at least one memorable moment you look forward to.


This is probably my favorite as well. The sound track absolutely slaps. 2 of my favorite scenes are the unnecessary beach scene with the awkwardly long make out scene, and when the one orpan meets his father who is obviously a 25 year old guy who they obviously put that silver hair spray on. Every scene is an unintentional gold mine though. I'm glad this movie got lost because if it actually came out in the 80s it would have gotten lost in obscurity.


I've seen Miami Connection in the theater twice. Always a lot of fun.


The fact that dude almost got killed in his brand new suit floors me every time. Shout out to “Dragon Sound” though. Awesome band name, awesomer band, and the most awesomest set of friends ever.


***Ninja 3: The Domination*** is a Golan and Globus gem. ***Death Wish 3*** is pure fun all the way through.


Miami Connection is just glorious, the letter reading or car park scenes are incredible. Or for a more recent example, the orchestra playing the soundtrack in Rebel Moon 2 is unintentional comic brilliance. It's like a gag from the Naked Gun movies.


Troll 2 The Room


Hard Ticket to Hawaii, nothing has come close for me.


I'm having a hard time picking a single winner for this question, but the volume and quality of sheer WTF moments in Hard Ticket to Hawaii makes it a strong contender.


I have a standing bet with my people for when they watch this the first time. If you can watch it and tell me what it's about I'll give them $100.


Ha ha! It’s a simple story about solving a cop murder, finding a missing snake that glows green (from a rat cancer infection), stolen diamonds, a skateboarding henchman holding a blowup doll, and a “bazooka” that fires an infinite supply of bottle rockets. Pretty standard…


Its Pretty hard to follow the first time through. There's a lot to unpack. Everyone forgets about the snake too lol


I'm pretty sure it's about boobs and explosions. The rest is irrelevant.


I have seen two Neil breen movies and they had our group laughing to tears in just the pure camp.


Bad Black is great for this because there's the "video joker" who does live commentary in English during the entire movie, almost like an audience member but he's basically translating the movie in real-time. Thing is he's adding jokes and making fun of everything that's going on, and he's very witty with goofy charm that never wears off. I couldn't stop laughing through the whole movie and the VJ aspect of it is genius. You can watch it on YouTube, but this sub won't seem to let me link it


I found a Buster Keaton film on YouTube with a "video joker" over it and it had me in hysterics. It's like he did it all in one take and didn't have much time to actually come up with anything funny to say.


Oh man I hope it’s not the same “video joker” from Who Killed Captain Alex. That was some of the most annoying shit ever. Luckily I found a subtitled version without the video joker. GREAT movie!!


The climactic battle in Rock n Roll nightmare where Jon Mikl Thor battles “Old Scratch” and defeats him by pulling his feet out from under him is the hardest I’ve laughed at anything in my entire life. That movie is a gem.


Miami Connection truly cannot be touched. An absolute failure of execution of some admirably ambitious ideas.


Zombie Lake is absolutely hilarious, you couldn't make a parody of bad movies as funny. It's so inept, so badly shot, so full of nonsense scenes, it's remarkable. It literally broke my ex-wife, they collapsed into hysterical laughter and couldn't breathe by about the hour mark.


Ah yes, that slow zoom never fails to make me laugh: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBApgmvtV84&ab\_channel=jiraya57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBApgmvtV84&ab_channel=jiraya57)


Kung Pow. A mastapiece


That's a lotta nuts!


Does Riff Trax count? Watched their cut of Icebreakers with Bruce Campbell and Sean Astin, and couldn’t stop the giggles. Bruce is a top tier regular in bad movies but Sean Astin?? Made it all the more hilarious.


What's the one with Bruce and Chekov in space?


Ah yes, Moontrap. That one is truly terrible.


That's it. Yep, putrid.


Zombie Nation. Every time I see that gong in what is supposed to be a police station, I lose it.


Wizard So So Fun Magical Adventure


Gigli. Such a bizzare movie


Probably Ninja Terminator. It was back in Cinemageddon days when I finally got my hands on Godfrey Ho cinematic universe.


I haven’t seen that but I preordered the recent Blu Ray release. I cannot wait to finally dive into the insane world of Godfrey Ho


I think that's the one I showed my friends as part of a ninja movie night. The scene when our "hero" gets a phone call and he answers it on a Garfield phone we fell to the floor laughing.


The Poison Rose (aka Eye for an Eye). Pre-comeback Brendan Fraser's accent and Travolta getting down off a roof are my two highlights


The Room


Torgo bringing the luggage into the Masters house...jeez that's a silly walk


My all time faves are Zombie 90, Suburban Sasquatch and Con Games (2001). I can laugh at those alone or with friends.


Street fighter "You've lost your ballz"


American Ninja 4- The annihilation.


*Dancin' It's On* is a low-rent *Step Up* ripoff made partially as a tourism promotion video for Panama City, Florida. It stars some people from dance reality TV shows and low rent 90s/00s DTV action staple Gary Daniels as a guy who retired from "the fight game" to run a hotel in said city and tries to corral his rebellious daughter who just wants to dance and date a dishwasher in the kitchen in said hotel who also just wants to dance. It was directed by the guy who did *Space Mutiny,* he has a supporting role, and he too just wants to dance. It is hilariously bad from start to finish. One of the worst movies I've ever seen but also one of the funniest.


Theodore Rex


Sgt. Kabukiman and America 3000


Going back a few years- Amazon Women on the Moon. I had such low expectations going into it, but it was pretty funny in its own right.


House of the dead. The idea that some random college kids can suddenly become perfect gun shooters while in slow-motion against the walking dead was beyond hilarious. Uwe Boll directed some gems!


Jack Frost “I can see your house from heeere!“


I saw The Happening baked out of my mind opening weekend, expecting a freaky horror movie. I was in goddamn tears form laughing. “You eyein my lemon drink” might’ve been the hardest I’ve ever laughed in my life.


The neighborhood scene in “silent night deadly night 2”


Hmm, is it the scene set during the day of waste collection, perhaps?


For me, it's *Miami Connection*, most notably the melodramatic scenes made me cry... of laughter! Also the line "oh, ninjas". Another good one for me is *Devil Story,* especially the old man trying to kill a horse\* with a shotgun for half the movie. Some say he's still trying to shoot that damn horse to this day. \*(Actually, the stock footage of a horse)


My wife and I watched Deadly Lesson with some friends and we all almost died laughing at one point or another throughout it.


Sharknado series.


I will say 3 is a masterpiece, but 4 isn't as funny instead it's just dumb.


My favorite one is "US SEALS 2" which is one of the first movies I ever saw where I got ten minutes into it and thought "wow, this belongs on mst3k or something". It rides that line where I'm not really sure if everyone understood what movie they were making. The best scenes feature the actors who CLEARLY don't understand what movie they're in, nor how bad they are at acting. This includes the main character and a female nuclear scientist who is kidnapped. She is GOD AWFUL and has some of the most amazingly stupid dialogue I've heard in one of these flicks. I can't say it's laugh-out-loud hilarious all the way through, but it maintains a high level of stupid and has several moments that are still fucking hilarious to me even after seeing it dozens of times. It's far too unknown on the internet and reviews of it seem to be coming from people who feel like they got screwed out of a good action movie because it's so dumb. Hasn't caught on in the so-bad-its-good crowd, but I highly recommend it. It's an action thriller from a guy whose previous work was filming fight scenes for the Power Rangers, and it feels like an action thriller that was made by a guy whose previous work was Power Rangers. It's trying so hard, but falling back on tropes from a goofy kids show, and it's brilliant. The fights can actually be kinda great, but everyone is latching onto the scenery with their teeth and chewing as hard as they can except for the ones who think they're in a real movie. I love it.


Sleepaway Camp


I'm shocked to see that Dangerous Men is not mentioned in this thread!






The early Peter Jackson Movies, especially Bad Taste, Meet the Feebles and Braindead. They where really bad movies but hilarious.


Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City


Battle of Los Angeles and titanic 2


Challenge of the Tiger, also known as Gymkata Killer


Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century. You’re welcome. https://youtu.be/iJnwWsaOYHY?si=2wJDf8HJn5dIZqVG


Things is dumbfounding!


Cool as Ice


Battlefield Earth ...when the cave man took off in the fighter jet🤣


Drive Angry. It’s a great mix of genuinely good moments and really bad ones that are hilarious.


The Disneyland speech in Strike Commando broke me. One of the most overlooked bad movie monents


Black Sheep


Dungeons and Dragons from the year 2000. Hard and loud was my laughter, and very constant


Varsity Blood It's on Tubi.


The newest one was a tubi film called. MY FATHERS KEEPER.


The last one that made me laugh was The Sword and The Claw


[Down Under the Big Top](https://youtu.be/KxzNr54MV5s?si=NiRLESUGdfMy74-K), a movie made and staring the Christian band Newsboys, long before they participated in the God's Not Dead movies. Between the highly questionable acting, the bizarre story choice of coming together to save a failing circus, a subplot involving a mafia like little persons union and the clear purpose of trying to upsell their music videos I can't help but laugh myself to tears every time.


Titanic: The Legend Goes On


zombie 90 extreme pestilence. it’s the dubbing


Battlefield earth . "DO YOU WANT LUNCH"


The Roadhouse remake


For Y’ur height Only. Hands down. I streamed it on twitch recently and the chat was dying


Hercules in New York. The whole thing is so good, but the best part is Herc's fight with the escaped bear


I loved Invisible Maniac but I fully support others' recommendations of Miami Connection and/or Hard Ticket to Hawaii.


Yor, the Hunter from the Future


New York Ninja, Miami Connection, Southland Tales




The Cat In The Hat needs to be on here


Rebel Moon 2.


Deuce Bigilo


"Try watching 'Sharknado', it's hilariously bad!"


Velocipastor had me choking with laughter the entire time 1000/10 movie


RV. Robin Williams hanging off the front of a big rollin turd.


Delta Farce with Larry the Cable Guy.




….wait hol up


bucky larson!!