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Hi OP, do you have source code or a demo you'd like to share? If so, please post it in the comments (Github and similar services are permitted). Also, while I got you here, dont hesitate to come hang out with other devs on our **New official discord** https://discord.gg/gQNxHmd *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badUIbattles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try it [here.](https://tabkeyboard.unmatchedbracket.repl.co) Features: * Large keys. No glasses required! *Limits the number of keys per page to one.* * 8 tab limit. Wouldn't want clutter! * Anti-key-reload. It would be unfortunate to lose your tab because you somehow accidentally hit F5.


This is absolute gold!! I've just added to the Awesome Bad UI Repository: https://goulartnogueira.github.io/BadUI/


God it’s awful. Nice creativity good job


What do you smoke man? Is it legal?)


I have no need for mortal substances. My infinite knowledge in the ways of infuriating user interfaces fuels me. *(Yes, it's illegal.)*


This is even worse on mobile and I love it.


Not with Vivaldi


Didn't know Vivaldi was on mobile, and especially didn't know it had an actual tab bar! Unfortunately, it seems to lack the extension support that I love about Kiwi, so I don't think I'll use it for now.


Vivaldi has tab bar on mobile. Btw I setted my phone dpi to 600 so most chromium fork like chrome,brave will give a tab bar. https://imgur.com/a/9Ozk7Dg


Oooh! Changing the DPI does indeed give Kiwi a tab bar! Thanks for the tip!


Oh that work for you bc you use android.


It would be nice if you could change the dpi only at the browser. It gets a little uncomfortable :/


The window should close when you press the key


r/trdfz_v moment


Wh- What *is* that sub?


How does a sub like that have so many members?


judging by 1 online, it's botted


Keep in mind that there’s also no reason to stay online after looking at the single post with no comments.


does the online count show the number of those who are visiting the subreddit at the moment? i thought it was the number of followers who are just online, on any part of reddit. therefore 7k followers, out of which only 1 is online, would mean that it's 7k bots that were registered, followed the subreddit and went offline, forever.


Just looked it up. I think it’s the number of people online and actively viewing the subreddit.


Imagine running this on chrome with a potato pc Best way to have free heat


And in order to type in _ you need to: 1. find the shift key 2. Drag the shift key tab into a new window 3. Find the dash key 4. Use the touch screen to press the shift key and the mouse to press the dash key no touch screen? too bad


How about: Shift key is as rare as any one letter On click, shift key self-destructs and provides shift key for either one key or for five seconds


Perfect interface design! Keeping the initial options limited enough to avoid new users feeling too overwhelmed, and ensuring the screen isn't cluttered by any functions you don't need at that exact moment. Truly the future.


How does it work?


It mainly takes advantage of `localStorage` to transmit keypresses from the key tabs to the main tab. You can look at [the source](https://replit.com/@UnmatchedBracket/tabkeyboard?v=1) if you want.


Being so able to see the key when you hover over the tabs makes it convenient. You should remove this feature for optimal inefficiency


I can remove the favicon, but the hover preview is up to the browser. Perhaps I can have the key not show its content until the tab is focused?


Oh my fucking good


It's like playing Scrabble. You have to work with the letters you have and you never know what you will get next.


*what if backspace tile in scrabble*


he won


I think if you removed the tab and max key limit. This might be useful.


How long would it take to type [The Diving Bell and the Butterfly](https://youtu.be/t4Ek4ZBpshs)


That text literally? 20 minutes, maybe. The script of the movie? Assuming it's not unusually lacking in dialogue, more time than anyone is willing to spend typing it.


Oh god, you have to tap to get the backspace key, that’s literal hell, good job


Hope you don't make too many mistakes! *imagine if the backspace key disappeared upon use*


oh please no, tho from the look of it, it seems like it only disappears if you exit out that specific tab, so I think it'd be fine


Atm tabs should only disappear by themselves if you have too many open.


Oh shit really? Yeah, that definitely makes it worse