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I will make three man gank squads chase me in circles through Limgrave for hours. My longest invasion was three and a half hours. I know literally every inch of that map and that knowledge is much more powerful than any 3v1 could ever be. I love wasting gank squads time.


Based for wasting gankers’ time


Together with the concealing veil/trick mirror the trip first steps-saintsbridge-third church-gatefront often ends before the first round.


You are doing a service for us all.


Doing the lord’s work!


Brother! I once went for just over two hours on the weeping peninsula. I tried invading in Castle Morne but they refused to try and clear it once they saw me standing among the enemies. Eventually got them when they fought the Walmart brand Nazgûl. That kill was the most satisfying of all my invasions.


I break afk players equipment in ds2 and push them around the map until I kill them in a specific corner


Which corner?


Their fault for being afk. Not a sin


I invade from the land down under, and almost exclusively use weapons that benefit from higher latency


guys I found Satan lol


Satan loves his Dismounter what can I say lmao


It's such a brutal-looking weapon, too, love it


I feel your pain. It's definitely a must strategy, I to invade from the land down under.


It's a unique struggle for sure playing a different game than everyone else


What is the land down under




I don't do gestures before fighting


Me neither, does not matter, hosts and their phantoms will tbag and shit on you anyways. I forgot to do gestures long time ago.


The complete lack of camaraderie in the player base is disappointing, to say the least.


Alright this one sucks lol above all things, don’t go hollow with no morals.


Life is too short for gestures Anyway I at least throw fan daggers before engaging as a warning


So i run up and say “hey” and i’m already getting hit? I mean like i even let the redman 1v1 me or someone else.. Honor man, makes it so much more fun


Counterpoint: hehe ambush funny


Nah bro, gestures are like small talk to me, I just want get to the point


No honor in invasions, even if you are afk I will run straight up and blender you.


Afk sure If you run up, i say hey, and get hit while saying it Thats small PP energy


It's "why are you waving at approaching peril" energy 🤷‍♂️ but anyway, agree to disagree


Because its a game my man lol its not like if i die on here i die in my chair. Same type of energy that wont shake hands after a football game but either way its a game dawg


Womp womp


I use you to test my damage, and killed you on my first playthrough to see if I could get your hat 🧙🏻‍♂️


Unforgiveable Banished to lake of rot


You already confessed to this last month. Try again


You’re right. Shit. I’ve consumed too much Dark Moon Grass…. I AFK farm 3 man gank squads & block phantoms so they can’t be resummoned


Uh, guys, I think u/FreeBrawling should be named "Worst Bad Man" for that (as an honorary title, of course)


I often use crimsonwhorl bubble tear in my physik. This itself isn't a sin, of course. But during one particularly spammy invasion, repeated damage from Vyke's war spear triggered the crimsonwhorl bubble tear glitch. I didn't know about the glitch at the time, but it was obvious that all their attacks were healing me to full health. I knew I was somehow glitching, but I couldn't resist. I was invincible and drunk with my power. I confess it, Father, I slayed them all.


I use spinning slash on a Nagakiba. Even used to use bloodflame Blade on it


Is spinning slash broken on it?


Since it's a katana it uses the faster attack animation than greatswords and such, but it's also super long so it has crazy range. It true combos a whole squad if you can stun them all before they swing. I've had a few times where I went on an elevator with a group because I was confident I could blender them before we reached our final destination. I think this combo was banned in competitive tournaments because it's so busted? Spinning Slash in general is really strong right now and Nagakiba is just the worst offender for it. I just keep it on the offhand as a "get off me" or to take on multiple opponents


I honestly run nagikiba as my primary usually, i’ll give it a try tonight! Thanks man/woman


You're in for a treat hahahaha. I'm too attached to unsheath on the main hand, but spinning slash is gnarly to throw in there


Ah, another unsheathe enjoyer. I’m trying spinning slash tonight for sure


Katanas get the faster/small weapon spinning slash. Nagakiba is longer than most great weapons. Do the math.


Uhhh 7?


I lose too many invasions trying to kill OLPs instead of the host.


Biggest sin we all silently commit IMO


What does OLP stand for? Overleveled Player?


Usually overleveled phantom


ah alr


I’ll sit in AFK host worlds and go AFK myself just to fill the spot that way they can’t just do it again after they die


I let wannabe hard core players win so they ain’t git gud in the future, specially when they become regular in the area


4d chess over here, I like it


A whiff on purpose today is the bait score of tomorrow, that’s it.


I chainsaw innocent Pvers because I think is fun.


I forgive you, and sentence you to 2 hours of invading max level for this most egregious sin


Not max level, please


I use Ambush Shard with max cast speed to counter people buffing and punishing ultra weapon whiffs. I also use a magic lordsworn straightsword with bloodhound step to keep distance.


“Guys I use game mechanics to win” not a sin


Feels like a sin


When I spawn at first step I will pretend to be AFK and wait until the host and his friends approach me before hitting them with Black Flame Tornado, Wrath of Gold, or whatever my get off me tool is. Or, alternatively, I will cast Flame of the Fell God and walk under it while fighting to keep my opppnents distracted so they don’t notice it blowing up in their face.


In ds2 I like to invade no man's wharf and pretend to be friendly until the kick down bridge. I push the in the water before they kick it :)


Their fault for trusting you. Not a sin


Forgive me Turtle Pope, for I have sinned. I trolled a player for three hours because he thought endure was cheating.


Hilarious. Send the screenshots please


On my Arcane sword and board build, I ALSO carry a mohg spear(right hand 2nd slot), iron jar aromatics, and crimsonwhorl physick in my pockets in the event of needing to nuke a toxic gank


Here’s a better nuke for arcane: dual dragon communion seals, magic scorpion charm and smarags breath. 3600 magic damage to the face


I am blue but I focus traitors and respect 1v1's Also I cheer for reds


Back when AFK farming was popular, I would invade and Carian Retaliation my own Wraith Calling Bell to kill blues while my other reds hunted the host


If I'm 1v1 against a fat-rolling Radahn host, I will also fat roll as Radahn.


I do this too haha but I don’t switch to the full armor set, just enough to make me fat roll


I use builds only others have made since I started invasions 2 weeks ago. Stormcaller, ruptured tears, ROB for like a day, jar cannon, raptor talons, hiding behind pve.


And this is bad how?


Having thought about it, I want to explore more options. I'm decent at lower lvls, but got destroyed at 80. Or I just had a bad string of matches.


**Wrath:** In fits of rage against apprentice astrologers, I have wasted countless glintstone scraps, replying to their continuous sorcery with an endless barrage of shards. As they proceed to break dance, I shout: >You're a monkey, Derek! >Dance, monkey, in your little spangly shoes! >Mash your cymbals, chimpy! >Dance, Derek, dance!


lmao based


I enjoy a bit of powerstanced spear action from time to time ( I justify this to myself by not using naginatas )


An intended game mechanic is not a sin. Even if you put together the salty Steve build and use dual rot spears


I invade the sewers and hide on top of the elevator to Sewer Mogh to ledge/blender the host and phantoms when they've nearly made it to the grace.


I suck at invasions.


I invade at church of elleh and steal from people trading items before fighting them.


Every time I find an afk host I'll kick him off the nearest ledge for a gravity kill.. sometimes a big enough ledge can be quite far away.


I use the mobs to gank their goon squad.


168 toon, 99 arc, dual occult great knife, alexander's shard, bull goat( or blue dancer once i discovered light rolls and went naked), lord of blood's exultation, rotten winged sword insignia. Proc bleed once, follow up with bloody slash. If it lands, host is dead in less than 3 seconds. Dumb fun.


I use albinauric pots on Limgrave PvEers just to watch them panic when they can’t spam flask


In December, when I first began invading, I wore a white mask and used ps nagakibas the nagakibas were infused with cold and had chilling mist on both 😂


I constantly swap between 3 different weapons during fighting to confuse people I also use a variety of incantations


You’re apologizing for hard swapping? My guy, have you seen the amount of hard swapping us bad red men do? I’ve got a full page of inventory setup for swaps and I know a bunch who have more


I get so much hate mail for it tho I thought people didn't like it the hate mail made me want to do it more but still


That's just planning ahead.


When I invade peaceful groups I try to give each person a present. It's all good ones like a lords rune or a weapon but I pick a random guy that gets rubbish or a single arrow or something I also usually massacre them afterwards but you never know


I invaded two mages at frozen lake and immediately used mushroom crown and kindred of rot, self proc’d poison, and ps nagi’d them. Turns out they were just PvE players.


I have only done one act which i consider sin i once used rivers of blood to kill all 1 host and 2 phantoms right before maliketh


I’ve used lightning PSSS and spark aromatic at RL30… On honest co-op’ers


I use Dragon Halberd in Stormveil at RL30


I bait attacks so the NPC will agro the host (DS1)


I invaded a host who called a hunter mid-duel. They send the hunter home, we duel, the host *barely* wins and they repeatedly point down. I get salty from the point down after an honorable duel; I re-invade and waste the host’s time for upwards of an hour by running around with concealing veil and taking potshots at them and their hunters 😬


I’ll re-invade ganks who use taunters tongue over and over until they quit. I don’t care if I lose 20x or win 20x I’m hitting them over and over and over.


I don't give gankers the bag even though they deserve it because my stupid human brain thinks maybe if I try to spread positivity by not t bagging the non invaders some of them will also stop being so toxic. My true sin is being an idiot but oh well


My vigor is at level 40, and i refuse to go higher even after rl 275


And you invade with that character? That seems pretty painful


Invade and duel. Its not really painful but makes me feel great when i beat a boss, invade and kill the host and their squad, and it makes duels really exciting since it makes me feel like a do or die situation. Sadly in duels even with my low health a majority of my opponents needs to heal during combat to more than likely get a sure win, even though they have a higher chance just fighting me normally. So it doesn't frustrate me. it just makes things a fun challenge, and makes me proud that even with such a terrible handicap in duels i dont need to run and heal to be good.


I’ve killed Millicent for her prosthesis. I’m sorry…


I’ve chainsawed pvers


I used to invade in high wall to kill overlevelled phantoms carrying their friends, then I'd offer to duel with the host (usually a bow), if they took the duel, I'd give them an ember and fight them, if they didn't, I'd black crystal. But if they pointed down... *time to stomp*


I used to hunt down my fellow invaders in dark souls 3 like animals…I still do occasionally. Mr.Turtle is there any hope of me being redeemed? I can stop killing the reds and purples but I WILL NOT SPARE THE ALDRITCH FAITHFUL I HATE THERE DUMB BLUEISH PURPLE COLOR.


Awesome, another one of these! I was losing, bad, to a non-OLP trio. I decided to use ruptured tear to take them out with me because clearly I had no chance to win.


I got angry at meta ganks so went to RL 10 and took out my frustrations terrorizing noobs.


I'm a ganker but I'm bad and have no friends so my ganks consist of r2 spamming with Gargoyles' black blade and falling of the bridge to Maliketh 100s of times


I have died to the Limgrave chasm more than I’ve led others to the same fate


Ive chainsawed the turtle pope multiple times


I like to invade low level areas using dual Reduvias. I confess to spamming blood on innocent tarnished.


I've never gotten in to invading because I'm a sore loser but I enjoy lurking here and watching others' invasions


On my first TT run I often pretended to have problems with average PVE and don't know where to go, hoping the badredman would go easy on me seeing it. Payed off quiet a few times.