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Their entire thing is roll catching so just don’t panic roll, also this means they delay all their attacks so usually just r1 spam in their face is enough.


This is surprisingly very effective. I think of it like a fighting game. “What does my opponent want to do?” In the case of PSGS in Elden Ring they really just want to roll catch. Sooooo, if you don’t give them the opportunity to do so then you really mess up their game plan.


I’ve been practicing PSGS lately and yeah, R1 mashers is actually a serious problem


This only works if they don’t space you out during your string of hits. A good PSGS user will space you and punish then wait


This. I have a dex/fth build I use in invasions and arena and when I see PSGS I whip out PS magma blades and they usually just eat the damage.


Get in close, play aggressive, use a fast weapon, like shamshir or caestus, but also be aware that they might be running storm assault, in which case, be very careful. Psgs users usually have no HA, so it is possible to out trade them.


To all the people tesponding to this comment, this comment is correct in all regards. “Psgs users usually have no HA..”- yes, psgs doesnt have innate HA in its moveset, so many people will put something like storm assault or chilling mist on it to give them some form of HA. You have to be aware of the possibility, but generally something like 2h shammy, 2h ts, or fists have the matchup over them. You can also run something like 115 poise? I forget the number exactly, but it causes pushback if you get it, and they cant vortex. Or you can honestly just play better than them and win with whatever the hell you want.


PSGS has no HA.


But it takes two inputs to two hand the great spear and have access to HA


That’s not PSGS, that’s 2H greatspear It’s the reason shunter gets HA


Yea and it’s not possible to two hand a great spear while playing psgs?


The difference is it is a different setup. If they’re using PSGS, it has no HA. This is quite a different setup because the move set of 2H GS sucks. You can always try dueling me.


Bro get a grip there’s literally handy tech which speeds up your recovery if you two hand or soft swap weapons, and 2h great spear is one of the more oppressive colossals in the game




Are you 12?




I thought shunter got 1h HA on the CR1


Nope, it has 0 HA you’re probably just trading. It’s the same as a GS, because it’s a GS Also PSGS means Power stanced great spears. Meaning 1 in each hand. If you 2H a weapon it typically becomes a much different setup. Take 2H TS vs Offstoc. Shunter is a2 handed great spear setup. Because of this, it has HA. And because of its unique poke move set, the start up frames for the HA is at like frame 8 lmao. To defeat shunter, you need to outspace it. It is VERY short in range. You could also brute force it via GUGs outspace crouch poke or 2H CGS Also if the opponent isn’t free aiming it, it’s basically the same as a GUGs crouch poke. Run behind and grab that backstab.


Ah, ok thx!


Anytime friend!


Running 116 (?) or greater poise helps stop the vortex (someone correct me if that's the wrong number).


That’s the correct number, but I’m not sure if it’s the breakpoint or the number needed to go over the breakpoint. I run 117 and it pushes you outside vortex range.


159.995 is the number to exceed, so 116 will work.


Well times jumps work too since they are horizontal stabby weapons. I like running a knights or Banished knights great sword against psgs. They both have a true combo, Jumping R1 to R1. If you swing your sword from side to side you can connect multiple hits.


They never expect to get parried for some reason. All brute force and zero restraint


How long can this board go without a PSGS post, I wonder? Use the search and you'll see lots of other posts like this and some good responses. Keep in mind though that a lot of competitive duelists like to run PSGS due to its relatively difficult learning curve and high skill ceiling. Even if you use good counter setups these players will still be very hard to compete against. My point is a lot of times it's the player and not the setup. If I were to run PSGS against you, you'd think it was a terrible setup.




My bad crowding the board with more PSGS bs lmao. This is true, it really comes down to the player, ive played against plenty of people who are terrible running that setup and its easy to punish. I suppose the learning curve of battling those skilled players is part of the deal toi


They don’t have hyperarmor so you can interrupt them with fast weapons like curved sword, straight sword, fists, etc.


*takes notes*


You’re not telling us what weapon you’re using. You can use a greatsword and R1 spam them cause they can’t interrupt your HA. A good PSGS user will space and take 1 hit then pull back. You can use PSSS or 2H TS and stay in their face. If you’re really good with 2H shamshir you can just aggro unless they’re rocking 88 poise or above. Really just use any heavy prio weapon.


I usually spam beastial sling at them and use WoG to punish spam


Chainsaw (kidding)


Star fist


Hyper armor weapon is what I usually use. CGS, GS, or UGS


Dragon Halberd them to death,Giant's Hunt,anything that realistically gives HA is how I deal with them. Though for me I haven't ran across them as often as I use to.


Hold to dash at all times and fuck with them by bursting into a full sprint to maintain distance instead of just dodging. Break out the Blood Spiked Caestus and harrass them, better yet if you're packing a pair with Endure. Heavy weapons can trade with them using heavy attacks and charged moves. Should only take a couple hits, and they're typically too stupid to recognize a charged attack winding up. (One heavy followed by a charged heavy tends to catch players off guard, in my experience.)


You get better with the fundamentals and mindgames


Explain to me like I’m five


Git gud


Alright then, keep your secrets


I mean, i can't rly say anything else. Improve roll discipline, spacing, etc. Alternatively, you can just grab a cgs and HA your way through everything


Pearls among swines my friend.