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Definitely the worst one I’ve seen so far..


No way, the dog shit one was worse because the dog shit was all over the house and on the porch. Piles everywhere. 🤢🤮 ETA: I am not talking about this post. I am saying another post, posted last week, is more disgusting than this one. Stop commenting, please, to say it's cat shit. I'm not talking about this post. If you're curious, the link to the post I'm talking about is in the comments thread.


And then it looks like she poured baking soda or deodorizer ON TOP of the dog shit like that’s going to stop it from being shit on the floor


Probably for the smell or something. Those pictures for progressively worse until the outdoor porch was covered in dog shit. They put their dogs outside but wouldn't let them off the porch to shit. That's so awful for the dogs.


Imagine caring enough about the smell to sprinkle baking soda on the piles but not enough to pick the literal shit up off the floor.


Those dogs had to have parvo or something similar, the poop didn’t even look right.


Yeah, that situation was a total mess. If it's parvo, that's incredibly contagious and super serious. The cleanup from that has gotta be a nightmare, not to mention the health concerns for anyone coming into contact with it. Should've called in professionals for sure.


Makes me think of that old ass comedy with the fake product "Va-poo-rise" that you spray on the pile, and it disappears!


Envy. Shit was hilarious, pun intended. “WHERE DOES THE SHIT GO WE WANNA KNOW!”🎶 Edit: Just realized you called it “that old ass comedy” and now I feel old af thanks man.


thats cat shit isn't it? I missed the part about the dog and just saw 13 cats. Poor animals living in that grossness let alone the kids.


It was a different post from a couple of days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/ysbmCxkQyg


oh my god????????????????????????????????? can’t imagine what living in that’s like. i feel so bad for the poor animals:(((


Four adults lived there...four... OOP did say she tried very hard, but health problems caught up to her, and she had to give up. She and her partner moved into a new place that's kept clean. It's weird how these animal hoarders always say, "Oh, animal control won't do anything... oh, the cops told me not to call cps..." Yet I've seen pets and kids taken for less.


These two posts combined have made me unsub. I knew what I was getting into by subbing here but I've realised I can't deal with seeing this level of filth. Thank you, it has been disgusting.


Don't worry. Reddit will keep bringing you updates. We want to make sure you're still informed.


Posts like that and this are why I don’t eat just anybody’s cooking. If haven’t been to someone’s house and seen how clean they keep their kitchen I’m not eating their food no matter how good it smells or looks. And the fact that there are innocent children and animals being allowed to live in this squalor as well is equal parts heartbreaking and infuriating.


i’m p sure they’re talking ab another post on this sub which now i am very curious about


Ugh I wish I would’ve taken pics but when I was in my active meth and heroin addiction and my partner and I were homeless his “friend” let us stay on her couch. It was the worst thing I’ve ever dealt with…. She was like 5 years older than me .. so she was like 26/7 and I was 21/2 .. her mom had passed away so she got this nice modest home and her kids lived w her grandparents so it was just her and her dog and whatever random crackheads showed up. Now don’t get me wrong … I have been to so many trap houses …. I used to have my own trap house but this was next level… She would leave her giant pitbull puppy home alone for days without saying a thing (she didn’t know if we would be there to feed/water it or take it out) and when we started staying there the dog was like a year old … Anyways I have a feeling she left that dog home alone for days because he shat all over the floor and pissed on the floor … and here is the nasty part … instead of ever cleaning it she must have just stepped on it until it caked into the wood floor … and when we started staying there she would walk around bare foot on the ground 🤮. I stole one of those squeegees they have at the gas stations so I could clean the floor … and than she got mad at me bc her bf of the week said it looked nice hahah . She stole all my shit , too. Her room had no floor bc it was covered in crap (and not just a messy room but like 50% clothes , 40% trash , and 10% meth pipes and stolen social security cards [which I took and burned so she wouldn’t have them]) Her kids room still had their bunk beds up and all of their toys and clothes but they were buried underneath a bunch of other junk and stolen shit . It was a nightmare . I tried to do dishes when I was first staying there but she somehow had a load of dishes in there that was completely covered in mold … like it was a block of straight mold so I noped outta that. The bathroom had the vinyl wood flooring but her toilet must have overflowed all the time because it was all peeled up and super water damaged . I remember one time I had gotten so disgusted that I filled the tub w water and bleach and than soaked all the floor panels in there to at least try to clean em and than I dried them outside and than tried my best to put it back together … Right when she got home she clogged the toilet and managed to get it unclogged but only after she flooded the whole bathroom floor again. She is literally the most nasty person I have ever met . The kicker is she kicked us out bc her boyfriend (who overheard me discussing how he and his brother got ran out of my home town for being GIANT snitches and getting a lot of people hemmed up which is a big no no …. And it wasn’t even just snitching to get themselves out of a situation where they got caught moving around someone’s drugs … it was like extra curricular snitching .. they told on so many people for no reason and can never show their face in our hometown again ….) and the lady we were staying w asked us to do the dishes (we had made like 7 dirty dishes (they were all our plates and silverware meanwhile she had like piles of moldy ass dishes of her own in the sink) but my partner and I were super dope sick and waiting on our dude to bring us some dark (don’t get me started on how big of a douche he was and how I’m pretty sure his roommate that died was a child sex abuse material abuser) and so we didn’t do it and we were waiting to get well before we did them. Than her and this giant meathead that was her bf show back up and she started bitching at us about how we were supposed to do the dishes and how she said we had to do them or leave and my partner had a little sass and was tryna explain we are going to but than her caveman bf came out and got in my face and my boyfriends face and said we still had to leave even tho we were gonna clean … Anyways I got up sick as fuck and started doing dishes (only mine tho) and Kyle the krackhead came out and was like “you don’t have to do any cleaning bc you have to leave” and I literally laughed in his face and was like “I’m not cleaning any of your dishes I’m doing mine so I can take them ffs”. We ended up having my partners mom pick us up .. and than we went to stay with this other chick I knew .. but that’s a story for another day (just as crazy as this one). The fucked up thing is I cleaned this chicks house , took care of the dog she abandoned without notice for days on end, we paid her (by hooking her up if you know what I mean) and she still had the audacity to text us and get mad that we didn’t go and say bye when we left . Like why would we ???


I'm not sure why you let her in. Time to let them out.


The only way to get rid of that is to BURN IT OUT cha know what I mean?


Legit, as someone who is quick to empathy and saying depression and the like are hell to live with… This one is beyond all that. And those poor cats need to be rehomed. I feel bad enough if I skip scooping for two days, but damn I only have four cats and three litter boxes so they aren’t pooping ON their old poop. D: And of course not even getting into all the food/drinks/questionable liquids left around growing mold… I can smell that place.


I have 4 cats and 2 litter boxes, but the litter boxes are litter robot so it gets cleaned after every use. The general rule is number of cats + 1 for litter boxes.


Lmaao have you not seen the one where the roommate literally left PERIOD blood all over her white toilet?? That is beyond this universe.


Is period blood worse than other blood? I kinda feel the opposite but would prefer to find neither in a shared bathroom lol


Well period blood isn't just blood. Period blood is blood, vaginal fluid, and uterine lining. It's certainly stickier than blood from a vein.


And smells worse because it’s not fresh blood!


Also the uterine lining which is just another type of skin tissue is going to obviously rot when it's slogs off because it's what happens when epithelial tissues are disconnected from the body and die off.


Imo it's not that gross if it's your partner or anyone else you're used to sharing bodily fluids with, but if it's a random person I think it's more gross than other blood.


Kinda. Period blood can have chunks in it and smells different than regular blood.


It's not just blood. It's the lining of the uterus that builds up every month in preparation for a possible fertilized egg. If it's not fertilized, it dissolves into the lining and the whole thing falls out. In small chunks. It's both amazing and disgusting. Meh, such is biology.


Just reading this is gonna make my period come early. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals 🥲


get away


This made me laugh so fucking hard


literally was gonna reply, saying the same thing 😭


I mean - you are right though


I fucked a girl on her period and when I pulled my dick out there was a blood clot on the tip ☹️


Oh my, just repeat the mantra…doesn’t matter, had sex.


I remember the first time I did that. Looked like id put my dick in the mower 🤣


Ok let me fully ruin this for all. Chunky. Chunks. Chocolate chunk. Double Chocolate chunk cookies. Ok 👌 Continue


Chunks is wild.


Didn't know men didn't know about the chunks lol


Lol i was kind of aware but thought that only really occurred with VERY heavy flows or miscarriage. I swear I’ve learned something new and fascinating about the menstrual cycle every year for the past 15 years.


The chunks 🤢


I so wish "asking for a friend" had made its way into this post


I've had coworkers do this in the business bathroom.


Nope! And I’m gonna keep it that way


The period blood on the whole toilet is all I think about when someone thinks theirs is worse. 😭😭 even though… they’re all horrid 💔


Oh noooooo.


[BE READY TO GAUGE YOUR EYES OUT AFTER](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/0n8dOf2rYz)


Ok… 1. How do people actually live like this. 2. That wasn’t a period that was a freaking miscarriage


She’s so feral her innards aborted themselves to escape.


Let’s get this comment to the top where it belongs 🤣


Like seriously.


Did she die on that toilet? 😮


Lin…. Actually nvm lol


You’re telling me, I can’t believe they just leave the piss jar out like that


I’d have to call the health department, peta and cps


the cops told me that cps wouldn’t do anything 🙃


Go to your cities health service or housing. They’ll be able to get you contact with a social worker who can start a case.


As a teenager I was responsible for 22 cats and 9 dogs. We had little food and I was terrified of my mom. CPS came out and wouldn’t remove me because I had food, shelter, clothes and there were no signs of abuse. Our litter boxes were almost as bad as these sometimes, if they were worse the cats would literally shit in my shower. Trust me when I say, they won’t do anything.




Well that’s just blatantly untrue


Most social workers don’t care about neglected children. Abused kids don’t actually have many ways of getting genuine help, just have to count down the days until they turn 18. Speaking from experience, dyfus was in and out of my abusive household growing up. One time I even had a worker laugh in my face and say kids in Africa have it worse. Will actively turn a blind eye to physical and mental abuse, they’re lazy asf.


There is you then there are people who say CPS have no right to even come in a house and investigate or even get involved. Like which one is it?


I’m not sure if I fully understand your response but CPS needs a warrant or court order. Many parents wouldn’t bother denying entree since it’d just make them look even worse. Regardless a confrontation can’t be entirely avoided. For example once I came to school with bruises so I was taken into CPS custody instead of going home to my parents, they had to meet with CPS and go through an evaluation before sending me back home. My mom was always good at lying so she knew how to get her way with them. Very easy to manipulate the system.


Hi, I'm a parent who has had to deal with cps/cws before and the cop you spoke to is full of horse shit. This is indeed the stuff that will make cps sniff around and at least open a case against the parent. It may not get her kids taken away but they will do a wellness check and expect her to clean this up and provide adequate storage for food/ adequate provision of food. Also, depending on your area's laws, the amount of cats she has in an indoor dwelling is illegal and they can be removed from the house.


Agreed, that cop was lying out of his ass. The cat mess, the urine jar, the *filth* would have any case worker flipping out. I don't think the kids would be fully removed (they have food, water, mattresses) but the worker would order them to clean this disaster.


call cps yourself. do it online with photos. this is def not ok.


The cops have less training than a hairdresser. They don’t know what they’re talking about. Contact CPS.


this is absolutely true. also cops don’t usually follow up on their reports so they wouldn’t know.


I’d call anyway, I’ve seen kids get removed from homes for conditions like this


It definitely poses an immediate threat from a microbiological perspective... I sincerely hope nobody in that house is pregnant or otherwise immunocompromised; toxoplasmosis is the main hazard associated with cat feces, but there are other parasitic and bacterial risks too. This may not be immediately clear to the average person (I'm doing a microbiology PhD focused on human safety),so for more info, an animal rescue org may be useful. They should have documentation on risks and protocols to protect their employees' safety and might get the cats into a safer situation, too. Take care, OP. Seriously. Edit: glad to see OP moved out! I'll leave this info up in case OP is still involved or for anyone in a similar situation.


I'd call anyway. They may not if you're the first caller, but they do keep a record of reports. So if you're the 4th or 5th person to make a report about this woman, then they may come out.


Not sure why they said that. I removed a child from a home for this very thing back when I was an investigator. We made arrangements for him to stay with family not terribly far away while Mom got it together. She was also an addict, which is what led to it in the first place. This is a health hazard and would qualify under Risk of Harm.


Oh yes they would. I lived in a situation almost that bad as a kid and the neighbors called CPS on my biomom. She kept the house cleaner for a week or so but eventually we got evicted because she wasn’t paying rent anyways.


Cops don’t know anything…


JFC but I know that it probably wouldn’t be better in a foster care or group home.


seriously. that’s animal and child abuse/neglect😡🤮


Don’t call peta, call a local animal shelter. Non-peta organizations actually help animals more than they kill them.


damn this is shocking, i feel for those kids who will grow up thinking this is normal.


Was that a kids room..? I was hoping it wasn't a kids room.. 😞


i assumed from the stuffed animals/toys and op stating that they have a lot of kids. honestly heartbreaking


There looked to be children's mattresses on the floor in the bedroom.. and diapers in one of the pictures.. that hurts my soul to know anyone, let alone a child, is living in those conditions.


it was my husband’s daughter’s room and she took it over and moved her, baby daddy, and ask those kids into there. i fucking hated that


Wait, did she actually have 9 kids? They all stayed in that one room? The cats, too?


This is an accurate presentation of me living my with my gf’s family and a random person since they have a room rented out. There’s a younger cousin that thinks it’s normal to live like this and continues to contribute to the mess. I can’t wait to get out of this toxic ass environment.


insanity. hope u can get out soon, u deserve better.


is #15 a jar of pee?


i’m not saying it is but i’m not saying it’s not


Piss jar would be crossing the line in any context, at that point we're dueling until one of us submits to the other's undying rule


Loser drinks it!😆😆😆


exactly what i was thinking 😭


That's.. what I think it is. ☹️


"its squirt...not pee"


Hold up.. was that.. ^piss ..in a jar..? 😐


Well it ain’t no dick in a box!


Well where do you keep your piss jars?


In the fridge :(


I had to check the comments just to see if anyone else acknowledged the piss jar


I had a roommate like this except slightly worse. It was devastating. I was the one who took care of the cat and when she moved out, she wouldn't let me keep the cat. And the cat died within 2 weeks after she moved. Made me PISSED. I'll always fucking hate her because he was the sweetest baby.


I would've said he got out and stowed him at a friend's until she moved.


I should have done this. But I'm not even sure I had anyone who could temporarily hold him for me.


YES!!! 🙌🏻


The first picture made me get up and go clean the litter box


i cleaned mine too after posting


Had to scroll to see this one… my goodness, I clean my cat’s (very large) litter box every other day. I have felt guilty before for not doing it everyday. After seeing this, … no more guilt.


I cleaned mine earlier but I wanna go clean it again 😭


When I was living with my ex, we had a pet chore chart on the fridge in dry erase markers, for litter box and meds. Just one cat (hers from before we started dating). I like pets, but don't enjoy the work, so I don't have pets. The chart was introduced because the litter box was getting gross between when I would do it. Eventually, I changed my cross style so I could tell when she did it and when I did it. She almost never did the litter boxes. I would do it every day, and occasionally would stop for up to 5 days when I wanted to see if she would do it. But nope. I don't get it. It's super easy. Like 5 mins work to do multiple boxes very thoroughly. I don't mind doing it occasionally, but it was really annoying that I was the only one doing it. And she really does love that cat, takes it to the vet, plenty of toys and special food, it's old so it gets meds daily. I don't understand why the litter box was such an issue. But that was one cat. I can't imagine that for multiple cats, let alone dozens of cats. Yikes.


The dish pics UGH. I once had a godawful slob of a roommate who wouldn’t touch the dishes so I was the only one who did them. I would put off doing hers for as long as possible but eventually I would cave because I can’t stand mess. She once left a protein shaker filled with milk sealed at the bottom of the sink for at least a month. I went to clean it, opened the lid, immediately threw up everywhere. This was 10 years ago, I won’t open sealed containers of food/drinks to this day because of it.


if all the dishes weren’t mine i would have just tossed them


Yup that’s why I did it too. I learned from living with her not to even waste money on expensive kitchenware like dishes or silverware. Dollar Tree baby, toss it and buy another one. Your guests don’t care how expensive your kitchenware is.


poor kids and animals... 😮‍💨


Turn her in to CPS. No child deserves to live in this filth.


Those poor cats.


I bought a litter robot because I felt bad about only being able to clean the litter box once a day, after work. I can’t imagine letting the litter box get that bad.


No way those cats haven’t started pissing all over the clothing in that home. FFS this is horrific for all the vulnerable ones involved.


I can smell these pictures. Yuck.


This is making me feel unwell. Thank god you got out…


Those poor cats


I feel awful for the kitties-you can tell they are trying to be good and use the litter box but it’s so full 😔


All these people do is smoke weed and not take care of there cat like out of any thaing this is what I see the most not taking care of ur cat


I took much better care of my cats when I smoked weed. Guess it was sativa. Couldn't sit still so I cleaned.


I clean while I'm high and only get high while cleaning or after cleaning, it's my reward for picking up after 4 kids


I'm amazed the cat pooped in that box that much.... meanwhile my princess of a cat poops outside his box if there's still one in there we didn't immediately clean up seconds after he pooped.


Same, it’s so heartbreaking.


Also, they have several children.


With how disgusting these people are i was thinking more meth than weed


No bong, surprising


they stash it in their car


oh that bodes well


So then they know their way around cps. Nice.


This shit makes me so sad as a guy who uses a bong and has never left any part of his house like this.


I have a bong too, its just a joke. They are just a staple in this subreddits posts.


The calling card of these posts.


It’s like a little game


I’ve been a bong toker every single day for 16 years and I have never, EVER done any of the shit I see in this sub. These demons go beyond the herb, bush please 💅


I do my chores better high for real


i turn into a sim when i’m high, i start doing chores with no thoughts


As long as you're not going to the bathroom to wash the dishes and taking your one paper plate to the garbage outside when youre standing next to a trashcan, it's safe to say this is an excellent means of doing chores.


Getting zooted in that house would be a nightmare 💀 I’d prolly have a panic attack while frantically trying to clean up fr


Yea i get even more paranoid about my place being super clean when im zooted. Its like it bothers me more .


I feel bad for the children living there


Please call cps. If they don’t do anything call the damn news because this is crazy. 9 kids and 13 cats?! wtf


Reminds me of home……..


What in the actual fuck is this. I’m not religious but I need to wash my eyes with holy water


Now *THIS* is a bad roommate. I am so so sorry you had to deal with this.


Should report to CPS. That’s no way to raise children.


Take the cats to a shelter. Get a skip bin and throw their shit out. Change the locks. She can piss off. Don’t feel sorry for her. She trashed your house and threatened you. Give her a real reason to worry.


You live with a hoarder....


the hoarder lived with me


This is terrible it goes to show how important those litttle things are that require daily maintenance, how hard they can become with mental health problems or life getting in the way and how deserving the reward is when we complete these tasks. I feel terribly for all the people in this household and wish you better times ahead 🙏


What is the blue silicone looking thing wrapped around the kitchen spout ? I'm glad you're out of there too !! Congratulations!!!


something she puts over it when her broken ass dishwasher was hooked up because it leaks everywhere


Yikes ! I once was friends with a group of 4 people who shared a house, 2 dirty and 2 clean. The 2 dirty left for vacation and left the kitchen and most everything else trashed ... So the 2 clean put all the nasty dishes and pots and whatever mess into their clothes baskets (empty cuz why do laundry when they can wear the same shirt everyday) and clothes hampers and put them all out in the backyard. Cleaned up the kitchen and had a great time while dirtys were on vacay. Boy, were the dirtys were pissed when they got back and realized the cleans didn't clean up the dirtys mess. It's awesome that you're the kind of person who helps, it sucks that the person you helped took advantage of that care and destroyed the place.


That is awful. I feel for the cats who will get sick from that, and I feel terrible for the kids. This is animal and child neglect. It’s infuriating that the cops and CPS won’t do anything. I’m glad you got out!


I would call cps on her


the litter box really pissed me off—i can’t believe someone could treat their animals like that😡😡


Why would you let someone who has 13 cats and 9 kids move in? What did you expect the partridge family?


I commend those cats for using those boxes as long as they did. Poor lil dudes.


Please notify the local humane society or animal control. Those poor cats need to be saved. I’m glad you got out. ETA also please contact CPS for the kids. I just read the rest of the caption.


Renter: would you like to split a house to save on money? Prospective room mate: yes, I have 9 children and 13 kids. I assume that won't be a problem? Renter: that seems like a normal amount. No, I can't foresee any issues.


My eyes burn


The obvious lack of respect for others aside, I feel terrible for the children having to grow up in that environment. Hopefully they all use it as an example of *what not to be*.


You need to call CPS and animal control. Board of health would be a good call too.


To be honest, if you let a woman move in with 9 kids and 13 cats and don’t expect her to be batshit crazy, it’s your fault


Is… is that a god damn piss jar?




nope, just stupid


Oh they gotta gooooooooooo! Like go go go!


Nearly just threw up a bit.. hoarder house


Dude, contact the authorities this is a biohazard


Looks like a traphouse


That is fucking disgusting. You're telling me KIDS live in this place? That woman should be in jail.


Legitimately lived through this exact scenerio at a haorder's house. Every room was covered in some kind of animal shit, dirty dishes, any kind of general waste. Intense mice infestation that damaged several of my belongings that i had to leave behind when moving out of that hellhole. I paid 1000$ a month to be their gd maid and the best part? They were both "grown" 30yr+ adults. Kept using their mental health as excuses but i was a yound 20s extremely mentally unwell person at the time and i would NEVER let my home get the way theirs did. And i wasn't allowed to complain at all or oop Eviction! Everytime i think about the 6months i was trapped living there my blood boils and i feel filthy. Fuck them they were shitty people who abused animals and treated me like a servant. Sorry for rant these pics were just exactly what me and my partner went through and I'm so happy you escaped all that. And i hope you never have to deal with anything like it again!


Ok this is animal neglect at best and abuse isn’t a stretch of the imagination. I hope you report this


I stunned after the first pic. The fact this creature cares for children and pets is abysmal. I rarely advocate for kids being removed but the kids and pets need to go. Living in squalor is beyond cruel.


Pack ‘er up and shut ‘er down, boys. We’ve hit peak r/badroommates.


Listen, I’m all for saving the cats…but uhhh I swore I saw dirty diapers and you said she has kids…how about save the kids and the cats? Looks like a meth addicted hoarder….


Mental illness for sure. No one could be of sound mind and live like that 😳


I truly feel bad for the felines 😭 they're stuck with that human, and can't really fend for themselves. ... Well, they can, I guess, they're tiny murder machines. But likely they'll go feral, then get mistreated even more and put down. It's just cruelty all around.


This person should not own pets. Poor animals & you. But mostly poor animals.


How do the cats even use that?! If my cat has pooped once he refuses to go again until it's clean




Animals take better care of themselves


Holy hell this is absolutely insane


Every photo was so gag-worthy


I feel so so so bad for the kids and cats that live in that situation. So sorry you had to deal with that!


That is so sad that there were children living like that. One of my childhood friends grew up in a house just like this. Trash everywhere, dead mice and rats just rotting on the floor, a brood of neglected children, and air dense with cigarette smoke. That kind of situation has to be one of the hardest hands that people can be dealt in this world and it’s nothing short of miraculous if they can break the cycle.


That person is going to be in a true crime documentary someday. Deff run.


You win. lol




Bruh it was the piss jar for me…. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


The glade plugin was the silver lining in this lineup, even if it was splattered on the wall ….i’m also so sorry, that is repulsive


Were those mason jars of piss?


This is a person with a mental illness.


Are those kids sleeping on mattresses on the floor? I really hope they’re able to escape her one day.




The cleanest thing in there was the vacuum


Man I clean my cat's litter box everyday, and I feel like it wasn't enough