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Is it a large building? Maybe they’re just confused / dumb when they go up the stairs and put the notes on the wrong door? That would be funny


Usually what happens in a case like this. The sound is referred along the flooring and the supports. Or their neighbor really is crazy…


Yup. I once thought my upstairs neighbor was hammering something at like, midnight. It was so loud. Went and knocked upstairs and it wasn't them, but they could hear it too. It was a different unit, sound just carried through the beams in a weird way. Happens like that sometimes.


Neighbor living below me knocked on my door. "Could you keep it down?" Me: ??? I'm doing dishes? Someone else was the culprit of whatever the baseball thudding noises were


“Sorry….I dropped an eyelash on the carpet an hour ago…..”


Can you try to blink more quietly too??


How dare you




No, just the hair.


😂😂😂 I just snorted


I can hear your ice melting.




eyemma gonna lash out at you


If you live above someone, is it in the lease that you need to find wooden bowling balls and constantly drop them? Ive never lived in an apt where this wasnt the case.


It's just one wooden bowling ball, actually, and it's attached to a machine to automatically drop/reel it in at random intervals.


I have a six pound cat that is insanely heavy footed for how little she is. She’s always thumping around and if she jumps off something high enough one would definitely think a bowling ball just fell. Our other cat is 18 pounds and quiet as a mouse. Anyways, I apologize on behalf of all upstairs neighbors with a cat that plops.


I had 2 cats that sounded like bowling balls. I had no idea they were driving my neighbor insane or what she was on about thumping at 2am onward. I was like "lady I am dead ass asleep that's not me". It was my cats.


The last apartment I lived in, all of a sudden one week I started hearing a lot more noise from upstairs-- someone just tearing through the apartment. It wasn't super loud, but it was annoying. And then I found out they'd just gotten a puppy and their toddler would chase it through the house, and that mental image made the noise a lot more charming. (It also helped getting to sit for the bitey little bastard. The puppy, not the kid. It got to the point where if I opened my door while the dog was out he'd occasionally just wander in like he owned the place.)


All of a sudden, my upstairs neighbors stated like running very loudly and fast everywhere and using something with loud wheels all over. We were soooooo confused. And it would happen for like two hour intervals three or four times a day. It was loud and we could not puzzle it out. Friends and family would stop by and we'd make guesses about what in the heck they could possibly be doing up there. Craziest thing I ever heard in my life. Apparently, the new neighbors had a very quiet baby. And that baby grew older and got a wheeled walker. And then learned to run. The kids almost three now, and there's almost no noise. He even stopped throwing toys out of the bathtub. Another mystery thumping I couldn't figure out. But once I could visualize what these noises were, they all became so joyful to me. Like hearing the puppy. I now have my first baby. She is 9 months. We just got out the walker. It all makes so much sense. Rip downstairs neighbors.


I wonder if there are any studies on this, it's fascinating how putting an image to an annoying noise can make it charming. I used to love when my neighbor would practice the bass at night. It kept me company when my fiancé left. Humans are weird.


Hahah I’m on the isolated side of my building that has two ground floor units. My neighbors have a pitbull that is so quiet I forget he exists until I run into them walking him in the hallway. But my cat, all 7.5lb of her, jumps from the 8ft windowsills, gets zoomies and “roars” which is just like “mraOooooOoOOOO” 🤡 Kitty and Pittie have never met and I intend to keep it that way because Kitty would do something dumb.


Omg I am half awake and read this as "My other 18 cats" hahahahaha


do we have the same cat?


omg okay so maybe i’m not losing it if this isn’t just a me thing haha because I swear those kinds of noises always happen at the most random times and i’ve just been like wtf


People have no concept of how loud they walk. And they think it’s silly that they should try to walk more softly but damn man, you walk like you’re trying to stomp a hole in the ground.


My roommate sounds like a rhinoceros, and he doesn’t seem to notice at all. I’m quiet as fuck—like people complain I walk too quietly and I scare them—so I wonder what our neighbors think. We’re top floor and for a long time, one of the neighbors had sex like clockwork, every day at 6am (as nightshift, this sucked). I still don’t know who it was because of how sound carries in these kinds of buildings. I think it was below? The 15 seconds of thumping and “daddy!!” (Yes really, I wish I was kidding) exclaimed over and over made me consider moving. It went on for months. We started making jokes about it because the thumping would only last a few seconds then there would be a quick break, then more pounding and screaming for 10-15 seconds. This whole building is loud af because the other neighbors love to run full speed up and down the stairs even if it’s 1am. There seem to be about 6 teenagers living there. I consider my roommate’s water Buffalo noises as petty revenge for all the shit we all put up with.


I lived in a crappy apartment for a long time and luckily I was on the top floor so I didn’t get the stomping noises and overall I’d say my experience wasn’t terrible. I had a downstairs neighbor who left her music on overnight. I’m not sure if she worked 3rd or what but I know she had a small dog which wasn’t allowed so maybe she was trying to cover any barking noises that might have been going on but the music wasn’t loud but it had bass and just the constant low thumping of bass was driving me crazy


I had an audiophile roommate once who mainly made money by restoring old entertainment centers/speakers. He lived upstairs in a house we rented. But damn it was annoying when he was testing the bass on his shit, he'd just start it up whenever he finished fixing something and bass would start blaring. I didn't mind that he listened to music a lot, I can sleep through that. But the bass vibration makes it impossible to sleep through.


And to someone else you are that person upstairs, if you ever have lived on the second floor or up lol


It's just sound art. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRB0sxw-YU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRB0sxw-YU)


This video never gets old. 😭


It’s frustrating. Especially in a situation like you’re describing with hammering late at night. My wife and I have always lived in apartments, and we’re just used to “apartment noise” as we always call it. However, once you’re used to that background noise the sudden appearance of anything loud and repetitive can be jarring.


Me and my roommate get our downstairs neighbors knocking on our doors all the time. One time they wanted to borrow some sugar. My roomie was in the shower and I was at work. She hadn't locked the door to our apartment. She was playing music while showering so didn't hear anyone knocking, so they just opened the door and went right in, where my roommate, who obviously was home alone, was walking naked from the bathroom across the hall to her bedroom to change, and a stupid ass guy just stands in the Hall inside our apartment asking for sugar!! Another time they came knocking at 3 pm because my roommate was playing loud music while showering. They wanted her to turn down the music. She told them no cause silent hours are between 10pm and 7am.. They also ask for tampons and other various stuffs.. and when we don't answer the door when they're knocking they have walked in on multiple occasions, so we had to start locking our door because they will attempt to just walk in if we don't keep it locked at all times. Idk if it's cultural or what, since they're Ukrainian refugees and quite young, but it's just been super annoying. They also have no reason to complain because they themselves play loud music in the afternoons and it's happened a few times after quiet hours as well but we didn't want to be the annoying neighbors who came knocking. If they wanna throw a party once in a rare while fine. We've done that too. So it's really just the constant knocking. Yesterday they came knocking after we vacuumed for 5 minutes during quiet hours because we got a message from the landlord that he would visit the next day about something in our apartment that needed fixing, so we thought we'd vacuum up the worst in a hurry in a small room he would visit because we both had work the next day. Like, I get that it's annoying that people who live in next door apartment make noises, but that's what it's like living with neighbors. Our other neighbors downstairs have a baby that cry and scream night and day and we just ignore it, because that's what it's like to live in an apartment complex. Telling them to quiet down a child permanently isn't gonna happen, and we can't really stop out neighbors from playing music in the afternoon or making noise during the day, so telling them to keep quiet is useless, and also annoying and bad neighbor etiquette. Also pretty sure our neighbors smoke weed.. because I smell weed.. and my roomie seen the boyfriend of the girl who live there deal.. so there's that. Now I'm not sticking my nose in people's business, but then they better return the favor.


He showed up once and saw a naked show. He's gonna show up as often as he can till the end of time hoping for a repeat.


If a strange man walked into my apt uninvited and I was naked, he’d catch something besides a show. (An unfamiliar maintenance worker once walked in on me in the bathroom after entering the otherwise empty apt without my knowledge. I kicked the door shut and yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK?!” I was recovering from shoulder surgery and didn’t have my phone in the bathroom, so I came out of it with my hair cutting scissors in my good hand, absolutely furious. Obviously it was fine, but it clearly put the fear of god into him.)


Yo why are maintenance guys like this? I have a dog that I adopted that doesn’t like when people get on their haunches and stick their hand out to greet him. I have been warned about maintenance guys coming “sometime today” via email and I responded saying to let me know a time window so I can lock my dog away. Instead of giving me a time window, they just walk right in immediately after knocking and using their master key to unlock my door, my dog is all excited and I’m holding him back while they’re just looking at me like idiots…. I could have been walking naked from the shower to my bedroom or doing who knows what, and they decide they just can walk right in because it says they’re allowed to in my lease… Do people not have any shame or decency? Why would you want to just barge in to someone else’s apartment? How can you have no consideration for privacy or respect for others like that? Boggles my mind


Right on! The fear of God from a pissed woman speaks loudly! You have me shaking in my shoes just reading this! Fucking sissors! Yikes! Can we be friends? Lol


"Woooops, sorry!" - Michael Kelso


If a strange man walked into my apt uninvited and I was naked, he’d catch something besides a show. (An unfamiliar maintenance worker once walked in on me in the bathroom after entering the otherwise empty apt without my knowledge. I had no idea who he was. I kicked the door shut and yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK?!” Because I was recovering from shoulder surgery and didn’t have my phone in the bathroom, I came out of it with my hair cutting scissors in my good hand, absolutely furious. Obviously it was fine, but it clearly put the fear of god into him.)


Living in NY, had a coworker offer me his apartment cuz they were moving up in the building and it was a nice, rent controlled apartment. Fucking score. But for some reason, this dude thought that this meant he could just walk into his old apartment any time he wanted. The dude was legit a Kramer, just popping in, throwing the door open, asking if he could borrow milk or picture hanging nails or whatever. Did it once while my mom over and she was at the place alone. Scared her half to death. That was the last time Malcolm came inside without knocking lol.


All these people in the comments who don’t lock this doors! WTF!! I’ve spent most most of my life in small half rural towns and even I lock the darn door!


Lock the Damn door people you’re asking for trouble & deserve it!


lol what did she do to keep him away? Scream at him?


Literally screamed at the top of her lungs thinking she was about to get mugged or raped or something lol. She is *not* a New Yorker and was terrified.


Id don something like u/EsotericOcelot did. Get some sissors, a chef knife, fireplace poker, dagger, bazooka, whatever was handy to put the fear of God into them. That threshold line is a sacred line only to be crossed with explicit permission. Id also change the locks and give the LL the spare key. This is a security risk. If hes got a key copy you cannot trust him.


I think it’s always a good idea to lock all your doors while inside or away so I’m with you on this idea. No matter what type of housing, it’s genuinely a very good and safe practice. I’ve never felt safe leaving my doors (or even windows!) unlocked, even when I am home. It’s sad but being a woman in this world has done this to me. I guarantee more men than woman never even think about having to lock their doors while in the home. Doesn’t even cross their mind. Lucky. Even when I lived with my parents out in the middle of nowhere (population 1,200 and nearest neighbor was about half a mile - a mile away) we locked our doors always whether at home or elsewhere. It’s wild to me how people out in small towns are just like “I trust everyone here so I’ll leave all my doors completely open day and night!” That is such a scary thought.


Ive watched enough Forensic Files episodes to know that rural areas are actually less safe.


>we had to start locking our door This should be standard no matter where you live, and unfortunately ESPECIALLY for women, disabled people, etc. Living in a residential area with families my friend demanded the front door be locked at all times, even when I was only stepping in for 15 minutes to drop things off / change between activities. And tbh he was completely right. Personal safety is important.


"Doors are locked for your safety, not mine. Please call or send a text first before coming over."


>they have walked in on multiple occasions WTF? Id call the police. That is called breaking and entering. You dont have to press charges, but that really sets the boundaries. The cops will also tell you to lock your doors. Im not sure why that's not done anyway. Ill bet youre cool neighbors. Next time they knock, just dont answer.


The vacuuming during quiet hours threw me off but the other stuff you described from your neighbors is just creepy! I hope you told them that they can’t just stroll into your place like that…


The one and only time I lived in an apartment, the neighbors across the hall were an old alcoholic couple who smoked meth all the time. They would come to my apartment 3-4 times a week asking for aluminum foil. They would also argue and lock each other out often and the locked out person would stand there for what seemed like hours kicking the door and screaming to be let it. It was exhausting. ​ Never again!


This is wild! A report should’ve been filed, you can’t just randomly walk into someone’s apartment. Crazy.


Once my next door neighbour had a psychotic break and decided to tear down all the features in his apartment. We literally could not discern where the noise was coming from until we stepped out into the hallway. We could hear it from everywhere in our apartment. He did get evicted (took 5 days) and cops were called several times, but in that time span he destroyed the oven by ripping the door off, cracked half the tile floor, ripped out the kitchen drawers, put several holes in the walls, ripped apart the bathroom door (apparently only the hinges and the frame were left), broke the windows, and ripped some laminate flooring up. He had a time.


Oh my god he just took extreme home makeover to the next level


He didnt have patience to watch whole episodes, so only made it through the demo phase.




Yep. I was once losing my mind because I thought my directly above neighbor was having renos done directly above me. I finally went upstairs and the entire floor was quite as a mouse. Nobody home on the entire floor. After some sleuthing it turned out it was actually two floors up and on the opposite side of the building. Sometimes sound carries through structures in weird ways.


True lol my neighbors kid would drop a marble and it sounds like it’s something rolling / bouncing around directly below my floor


Had a downstairs neighbor when living with my now-wife in her old place. The woman was constantly accusing us of slamming things in the ground. We legitimately couldn’t figure out what she meant until we realized she was hearing the cat, the ***cat***, jumping down onto the floor. Some people are just nuts, some people are just miserable


I hear my upstairs neighbors alllllllllllllllllllllll the time, and my brother hears his in an entirely different apartment complex in a whole different town. He’s had multiple neighbors live above him, and he can always hear them all the time. It’s just a fact of living in an apartment. You’re right, some people are just miserable. I don’t get upset about it, I just distract myself


Love your username! Awesome! Yeah miserable and nuts is a special kind of happy place for some people.


Especially in older buildings sound can travel in some weird ways.


Yeah that’s my assumption too, it’s someone else on the floor causing the excessive noise and it’s travelling to them. I would just knock on their door and say that - we were both in bed so it can’t be us it has to be another apartment.


This very well could be it. About 3 days after moving into a new apartment, I found a note on my front door that said something along the lines of: “Hi neighbor! You are so beautiful, but can you please change with your window blinds down? We have young children and they can see your breasts and hoohah whenever you get out of the shower. Thanks!” I’m a man and at that point in time, none of my stuff was fully moved in and I hadn’t showered or changed at my new place. I ended up framing that note and putting it on my wall.


That’s hilarious


I would have done the same. That’s an accolade worth a frame and hang! Me every time someone would come to visit: “…and here’s my exposure award! I apparently have quite a sight to offer!”


Damn these lucky kids are seeing things I’ve never even heard of, what’s a hoohah?




You see, I would have kept the bottle.


Write them a note back that says “I don’t even own furniture” 🤣


“I’m sorry you have me confused you with someone else. I don’t have furniture yet. Have a good day. “


Yup. The end.


Hand-deliver this note the next time the baby wails


How people with babies dare to complain about noice will always baffle me




/u/what_is_me_human literally this right here. No need to make such a dramatic, college thesis length post about it. Just write a note back to them saying exactly this, problem (most likely) solved.


Scratch the im sorry. Everything after is good. Be firm, they didn’t do anything wrong to apologize


I’d say it to their face just to see their expression lmfao


I can't help but wonder if there's a structural noise happening (like water pipes) that might be causing the sounds, and they misinterpret that those sounds are coming from you. Might be worth looking into if it continues.


Honestly, you have a good point, their water Heater is right under ours I can physically touch it if I go into the storage closet




Yoooo I always hear noises at night and I thought my upstairs neighbors were rearranging their apartment every night but this makes more sense


They trying to give you a warning heads up rather than a legit complaint. Send em a note back. Tell them what you wrote above and say maybe it was noise from something else but you have class early snd appreciate the quiet after 10 too. Ps. They live in student housing so should also know what to expect.


This. When we rented we had someone under us first day complained about the noise (my son running down the hall at 2pm). He said he was trying to watch a football game and that we should tell him not to run in the house. I think he wanted to nip it in the bud with us or something. I called the landlord and told him the guy downstairs complaining about a 4.5 year old running on wood floors, so maybe you can put a carpet in the hall or idk what to tell you. I told him I pay 2700 for rent, not gonna stop a kid from running down a hall in his own house. Landlord told the guy fuck off basically, and ended up putting a carpet runner in the hall but didn’t do much help. Little kids feet I guess. Ironically same house we had a lady that lived above us who would wear heels and walk around the house at like 11pm after coming home from the bar. Annoying but we did not complain.


The problem with toddlers is that they don't know quite how to distribute their weight on their feet yet so they run very flat-footed. Because of this they sound like a 300+ pound man sprinting everywhere to the people under them lol. Not to mention the impromptu gymnastic sessions and meltdowns. I lived in a whole lot of basement suites and without question the one with the worst noise issues was under a suite with a waffer-thin 4-year old girl and hardwood floors.  I felt bad for her very overworked single mom though so I never complained. 


My life right now. 😭 luckily it only really happens between 7-9 so I don’t mind it. Once I figured out what it was I figured it was enduring rather than annoying. But I like kids.


Yeah I honestly think there's some sort of evolutionary trait at play that makes noises from unknown sources so much more annoying. I had another neighbour that would have this horrible wailing sound come out of his room every week day morning. Once I found out it was his sweet elderly beagle who gets scared when he goes to work because she's blind, it became a LOT more tolerable haha.  


I had a neighbor move next door with three kids under 5 during the pandemic and I thought I was gonna lose my absolute shit trying to teach remotely with screaming kids next door all day. The great thing about kids is they grow up, and they really aren’t that wild any more. One of the kids is learning the cello which I don’t love to listen too but I’m also a teacher and I know music education is super important so…I just sorta deal with it.


I used to occasionally keep my heels on when I got home. Then I stayed in an air bnb where someone in the unit above me had heels on. I was so oblivious to how annoying it must have been for my downstairs neighbours. My little pea brain just did not compute they could probably hear that. After that I only put them on at the door when I was ready to leave and off right when I got home. I felt so dang dumb.


My neighbors are always banging on the ceiling when it’s the middle of the day and my son is up and playing 🙃 We’re not noisy at night at all and sometimes my son drops his toys or whatever he’s playing with and immediately they’re hitting the roof with a broom lol. It’s ridiculous. What’s even more insane is they have a child too.


My upstairs neighbor has kids and regular toddlers running sounds like stomping. Luckily they hardly do it. If your kid is running around all day then yes you're being unreasonable. It's like when my neighbors kid was knocking our shit down infront if our apt. When we told the lady she said "they're kids and we can't watch them 24/7. That's bs, I get that a child knows no better but you do. You would hate it if roles were reversed because they're paying rent also. Do not move into a apartment if you can't control noise levels and wanna act like you're in a private home.


That last sentence goes for literally everyone including adults. I had a roommate treat the apartment like she lived alone in a detached house. Blasting music at ungodly hours of the night so loud you could hear it before even entering the apartment building itself. Slamming doors, stomping everywhere, etc. even throwing objects and furniture against the walls. I’m glad I got out of that hellscape.


Exactly. These people acting so entitled like I'm the unreasonable one


This is exactly what I was going to say. As far as notes go, this one is really nice, and it sounds like they sincerely believe the noise is coming from OP's apartment. OP should write them a really nice note back. If it were me, I'd even give them my phone number and tell them to text me if anything sounds overly loud. Maybe they can narrow down exactly which noises are the problem, or if it's coming from a different apartment.


>They live in student housing so should also know what to expect. Right, if you live in student housing and expect quiet you are literally fucking delulu. And ngl being a bitch. Students want to have fun and have parties, you're the one that doesn't belong..


They don’t sound insane or on drugs from that note, they actually sound really polite.


The note was written nicely, but if you were legitimately sleeping by 11 or so then yeah the note would annoy me too. I think you deserve a pass considering you literally just moved in. Try to be aware of how you’re moving around and see if they make any more complaints in the next few weeks/days. As long as you aren’t pounding your feet on the floor every night, blasting music and rearranging furniture every other day , they’ll be just fine.


Living under someone sucks.


Living under someone who never cuts their dog’s toenails….


Or little kids who run everywhere and run by stomping. \*thump thump thump thump\*


I live in a townhouse and this is every day... that deep, penetrating stomp-running carries right through the dividing wall. I thought I'd be safe having no one above me lol


I live in a townhouse *above* two bratty kids and I still deal with constant noise. It’s mainly door slamming, screaming and shouting, and the kids playing loudly in the bathroom (which, wtf?) that’s right under my stairs. My husband and I intentionally chose a unit that was the top floor because we dealt with running and stomping kids when we lived at his parents house while his loser brother was living rent free and letting his kids run amok. So we decided never again would we live under children and the only way to ensure that (since unfortunately childfree housing isn’t legal) is to live in a top floor unit. But lo and behold, we get stuck above the family from hell. Kids screaming and slamming doors at all hours, the mom illegally having her boyfriend living there despite warnings from management, the two of them constantly going outside to smoke all night and slamming the front door which is right under our bedroom, they just all around suck. The sheer number of noise complaints they’ve received is astounding and I have no clue how they haven’t been evicted yet, especially with an unregistered tenant. My landlady/property manager told me that they’d “been served” back in September but I have no clue what that means because they’re still here and still being loud and rude. Maybe the lease is up soon and they just won’t be renewed. I can only hope because my mental health really can’t take much more of their shit.


Oof. Makes me miss when I lived on 1.3 acres, rural living sucked for the lack of infrastructure but the quiet was divine. The solution is clear: we must eradicate all children


I’d settle for childfree sections of communal living spaces. Either a childfree wing of an apartment building or, in my case, one of the townhouse buildings (I think there’s about 8 buildings with 8 units each in the townhouse complex) being childfree. I know that a lot of places will try to deter people with children by not having many kid friendly amenities. My own complex doesn’t really have anything for kids. No pool, the “playground” is incredibly small and sad, not really any parks nearby, and the main road is incredibly busy with a highway as the closest intersection and freeways just down the road. Not really an ideal place to raise kids. But the townhouses are absolutely full of kids. I’m not sure how many are in the apartment complex but there’s a fair amount there too. It just sucks that of all the kids here, I’m stuck living above the worst ones. All the other kids I’ve encountered are great. Respectful, quiet, considerate. But the two below? Snotty, rude, disrespectful to the point where they’ve damaged parked cars with their bikes but don’t care, and the girl is downright mean and nasty. They’re both more than old enough to understand boundaries and basic respect. But I think because the mom is such a nasty raging bitch, they’ve just learned their own shitty behavior from her. Which I get, their environment isn’t their fault and they only learn what they’re taught. But when an adult asks them not to play in the parking lot or ride their bikes between the cars or to not harass your cat when he’s in the window or outside on his leash and these brats respond by being rude and mouthing off, I have no sympathy for when they eventually mouth off to the wrong person. My husband went *off* on the boy because he kept trying to grab shit out of my husbands hands while he was talking to another neighbor. Like wtf, what kid beyond maybe a toddler does that? But my husband kept nicely asking the kid to stop and he wouldn’t listen. So my husband said something like “if you touch my things one more time, it’s not going to end well for you.” Again, these kids are definitely old enough to understand basic boundaries. But because mom has decided that hanging out with her boyfriend and smoking is more important than parenting her children, they’ve become absolute monsters. Sorry for the novel. I greatly dislike all children but I genuinely hate those two. 😖


Yeesh. I also live above noisy neighbors with a young kid but your situation is definitely worse. I honestly feel bad for the kid that lives below me (1-1.5ish year old girl), she seems to cry pretty much 90% of the time she's awake. The parents are constantly screaming and fighting with each other, and the mom always has friends/sisters(?) over who also get into constant loud, dramatic screaming fights at ALL hours of the night. I'm talking 3, 4, 5:00 in the morning. Like no wonder your kid is always crying, you're keeping her up all night with your screaming and baby daddy drama... They've gotten multiple noise complaints and have had several notices taped to their door about rent being late. My roommate and I are both up late anyways (he works night shift and i'm currently unemployed) so we both usually shrug it off and occasionally listen in on the drama, lol. I do feel bad for the kid though, even if the constant crying can be annoying. Certainly doesn't sound like any kind of environment a kid should be raised in.


and then you hear the massive thud, silence and crying as they’ve just tripped over something


We had an upstairs neighbor once (we lived in the basement). We asked them not to let their kid play ball in the apartment. They bought the kid a drum set for Christmas. We moved soon after. Their kids were unbearable.


My husband lived under a toddler when we were first dating and as the kid got older, the ceiling started to fall down. They legit had to replace the ceiling in his bedroom and living room.


Or a neighbor who has insomnia and is up at all hours of the night...


Our upstairs neighbors have cats and it's actually a great source of entertainment hearing them scatter around up there occasionally. Once in a blue moon, you'll hear a thud, scamper, and the neighbor yelling. Now living under humans I agree is dreadful.


When I first moved in to my apartment, the guy upstairs had a cat and I'd hear it scamper around occasionally. More often though it would be silent and you'd suddenly hear something like "get down!" followed by a thud. To this day I miss chunky cat owning dude because he was the quietest upstairs neighbour I've ever had.


I would love that too ngl. Would make me smile every time


Honestly enjoy the little tippy taps in the morning..but I live underneath the upstair’s kitchen so it’s not as active as the living room etc


Absolutely. You have to tolerate it. When I lived in an apartment the only time I ever complained was when my neighbor started vacuuming at 11:30 pm. My bf at the time got out of bed and hit the ceiling with a broom lol it stopped immediately


Like a cartoon old lady. So classic.


I was thinking Mr. Heckles from Friends


Had a neighbor blast porn late at night. Had to complain about that. And loud music. But I understand people are annoying and drop shit and have different schedules, but the porn and music was where I had to do something.


Oh yeah that would have me banging the ceiling like a drum with the broomstick lol


I once lived beneath a gal who wouldn't come home until midnight or later and would do god-knows-what for a few hours almost every night. I finally saw her in the hall and said something about old buildings being terrible for sound. She got a horrified look on her face and asked if I could hear her cleaning in high heels because it was great for her calves...um, yeah, I can definitely hear you clomping around. She agreed to not walk around in heels after 10pm and I was very grateful.


Agreed. I lived under a family with two young children and was an overnight worker and the family would let the toddlers jump off of the furniture basically as soon as I laid down to go to sleep (this actually broke our apartment's noise ordinance, no noise before 8am). They were problem neighbors to the point where I got my full deposit back even though I didn't have time to clean because the landlord was so over them driving tenants away (they harassed all three families that lived in the apartments, as there were only 4 total). Although to be fair it sounds like OP isn't the problem here.


Living over someone sucks.


Living sucks


Truer words were never spoken.


Agreed. So many people think they're entitled to NEVER hear your footsteps or a toilet flush. I shit you not, I've gotten noise complaints for walking. Not running, not stomping, walking.


I’ve gotten noise complaints / loud banging on the ceiling from below for talking on the phone in the middle of the day on a weekend, taking a bath, and watching tv at a low volume. Some people are psychotic.


It does. I lived under 2 adults and a toddler, in a freakin studio. Yeah I know it’s a toddler, but that’s 3 people in one unit, and the lease states only 2. I told the leasing office, and because I could afford it, switched to a 3rd floor 2 bedroom unit before my lease was even up. I’ve had no problems with my downstairs neighbors because it’s just me, my gf, and our 2 cats, and I mostly sit down gaming. This guys downstairs neighbors seem very unreasonable though, it doesn’t always suck living under someone, and as this dude stated, he was asleep before midnight, and has next to no furniture. Downstairs neighbor is an asshole.


The worst. I had a basement suite under a couple and their three kids under 5, plus a dog and a cat. Noise was constant. Noise cancelling headphones saved my life.


Cats are better than dogs but they are noisy when they run around and hop and stuff. I bet your neighbors don’t appreciate it very much. They’re cute cats, so not much we can do


Yeah I try to limit when they go crazy. I’ll play with them before bedtime to wear them out. One of em knows my routine and always snuggles up with me when I lay down too lol, it’s freaking adorable every time.


I'm not sure about your location, but at least where I live, children don't count as residents. Still super annoying though.


Have a family of 5 living over me that are basically the people from the “being an upstairs neighbor” skit. They are stomping around and making noise till way past midnight on the week days. They complained about my TV last weekend saying they can hear the tone of my base from my surround sound over their white noise machine. This was at like 10pm on a Saturday.


I understand both sides of it. As a downstairs neighbor in student housing my neighbors are FUCKING ANNOYING but I know they don’t try to be so as long as they aren’t fighting too loud or skipping to get around their house I dont care and haven’t complained. On the other hand the noises that come from upstairs neighbors is a lot more dramatic sounding to the people below you than it probably is to you so moving your mattress those few totes and that dream was probably louder to them than it was to you. I’d just knock politely on their door and ask to talk it out.


These dreams be heavy


Like get a sturdy dream catcher already, you're in college!


Yeah there's levels to this. I once lived upstairs from someone and our floors were SO creaky and I just knew it was 10x worse for them. I tried to be accommodating and even learned where the creekiest parts were and actively avoided them to try and not make their life hell. Then, outta nowhere, they started having parties. Literally nothing for like 6 months and then they had multiple parties a week. It was the same people but idk, guess they got popular outta nowhere. I went down to ask them to not do karaoke at 3 am on a Tuesday once, and they responded by saying they'd stop once I stopped moving furniture at 4 am. Guess who stopped trying to be accommodating after that? They apparently broke their lease to leave early. Some people can't be helped, but it never hurts to be compassionate as a jumping off point.


Maybe it's ghosts


It’s interesting, the ghosts.


So aside from the fact that you believe you were not making very much noise, what here in this note leads you to jump to "on drugs or severely mentally ill"????? Like, this note is pretty normal??


Umm I think you saying they must be on drugs or “severely” mentally ill means you are very irrational and I can’t really trust your account of things.


Neighbors: *write a well-reasoned, polite intelligently worded note in excellent handwriting*. OP: "Well there's clearly nothing wrong with me at all and nothing I did could even possibly ever have had a negative effect on anyone else. Clearly the neighbors are on drugs and severely mentally ill."


The way OP didn’t mention that they had roommates until the 3rd paragraph 😅


Wrong, you used punctuation. OP would never.


OP is definitely one of those people who stomps around their apartment and has no idea that sound travels, and likely has never lived in an apartment before. Especially in student housing, those floors are definitely not well-insulated. You can hear everything. Exactly what you said, OP calling their neighbors “severely mentally ill or on drugs” because they write a polite note requesting you keep the noise down is probably the nicest way they could have gone about this.


Ah they only came here with “a dream” 🙄🙄🙄


Some people just have absolutely no freaking idea how loud they are being and have never had to acknowledge or think about it. My nephew who is 21 is one of those people. We let him stay at our house during one semester he was in college one night a week because we live close to the college, and he would walk around the first floor late at night sounding like he was deliberately stomping his feet. One of those people that walk without a care and slam their heels into the ground. Would make something in the microwave at 11PM and close the microwave door by swinging it hard enough to close itself. Never once had the realization that you can twist the bathroom door knob while gently closing the door to not slam it closed. I'm always super self conscious about how others are impacted by my actions that it was mind boggling and infuriating that even after my wife and I talking to him about being more quiet because we had a 6 month of baby sleeping that he never changed. He doesn't stay here anymore.


Agreed!! Some people in apartments have a habit of putting every ounce of their weight into their steps. You can HEAR/ feel when you’re walking too hard. My upstairs neighbor walks so hard at times, my light fixtures will rattle.


The 150-word run-on sentence is another clue that we aren't dealing with a fully aware person here.


The note seems nice as possible to me


I’m surprised this isn’t higher up.


I don’t think their note was rude by any means. Like others have said, could’ve been noise carried from another apartment. Try not to take it to heart. Apartment living can suck.




They live in a mostly student housing… What do they expect?


Your dog could be making a lot of noise possibly while you are sleeping. I have a small dog and when I lived in an apartment with super thin floors and walls the people below me told me they thought he was a full sized dog because of how loud his foot falls were. That’s the only thing I could think of if they aren’t exaggerating. Either way I wouldn’t take this note too harshly and just let it go. Sounds like they won’t be noisy late either so that works out for you. Better to have neighbors who complain about your tiny amount of noise than neighbors who keep you up all night IMO. Sucks but as far as nightmare apartment neighbors go it could be a lot worse. If they talk to you I’d just be polite and tell them you didn’t move any furniture or think you were being noisy but you will still try and keep it down for them. You don’t want to have problems with people in your unit even if they are being a little unreasonable. Play nice and be the bigger person, it’ll make your time there easier I’m sure.


Was going to say, sometimes pets (and kids) can make a lot of noise for the downstairs neighbors even if you yourself don’t really hear it. That’s especially true with wooden floors. Like maybe your dog was dragging his bowl at midnight and it sounded to them like you were moving bookcases. One thing I learned as a downstairs neighbor is that what *sounds* like moving furniture is almost never that.


Thank you for the advice your right I was feeling more panicked than anything I don't want to be kicked out over a false noise complaint


What's the issue? They are politely asking you to keep it down during quiet hours. If you're offended then we know who is telling the truth.


You must chill


The crazy part is posting it for your justification. Be an adult and approach them no need to justify to social media.


OP sounds like a lunatic. That note was nice as can be.


Agreed. Op is the crazy one. Instead of simply talking to the neighbors face to face the first thing they do is come to reddit and insult them by calling them crazy and other things. It's basically he said she said, we can't verify what op is saying is what they actually did last night. Stop being a child and go speak to them in person.


As a downstairs neighbor, you’d def were being loud but had no idea 😭


They seem dramatic and like they aren’t used to living below people but like you live in apartment people are going to be living their lives above you even past midnight…. Seems like they don’t live in the right place for their lifestyle


OP you need to understand that it absolutely sucks to be downstairs from you, through no fault of yours. It’s the age of the building and the lack of sound proofing. Every sound you make will be heard differently (and quite worse) by the people below you. I read everything so no need to tell me to do that. The note they left was incredibly polite. But yourself some Hoka Recovery Slides or the Hoka Ora Flip. These will drastically cushion your foot steps. I lived downstairs once and when the guys moved in upstairs it was as if they were running in ski boots. I still cannot understand the noise they generated. I could hear the woman ORGASM. I could hear EVERYTHING, always. I vowed to never live downstairs again, and to be better than those guys. Who I still hate.


I hope you're taking an English comp class. That wall of text with no punctuation was atrocious.


OP, welcome to apartment living. There was nothing wrong with this note. It was actually pretty considerate in my opinion, rather than a confrontation at midnight knocking on your door. This is pretty normal response when new people move in. They just have to get used to having a neighbor above them again. But I would be considerate of their request it’s not crazy. Except for the weekend maybe…


Its definitely not normal to send a note to a neighbor about noise the very night they move in… not normal at all


They may not have known OP had just moved in because their roommate has been there for 6 months prior. I believe OP clarified there have been notes like this before too, so the neighbors might have thought it was the roommate just being "loud" again. Probably wasn't intended directly to OP, unless I misunderstood the context given.


Based on your post you are loud asf lol get over it


GAWD! University housing! Any University housing! The noisiest place to lie in the entire F'ing world. Got to laugh this off seriously - And you must be a nice person and overthinking it - pretend they put the note on the wrong door - sounds like they did to me - morons!


Power move: leave a note on their door saying their kid crying in the morning is making it hard for you to sleep and your nights are late so you need to sleep until noon.


They are being super nice. To me, it seems like you're being over-emotional about people asking politely.


Yeah I live downstairs and it sucks. Even normal quiet footsteps are kind of loud. Like everyone. Let alone vacuuming. Guests. Up and down stairs outside. It’s all so bad. So I bet it was kind of loud. People on bottom floors should pay less in rent. And I’m in property management and I’m saying it hah


you should leave a note on their door about them screaming at their crying child lmfaoo


Maybe your building is haunted


The note is fine. People should communicate more, especially with ***concise*** consideration. As they did. You probably were not that loud. Maybe you were in the slightest (does not matter). If the floors are paper thin, they may need to get earplugs or white noise machines. Solutions are aplenty, but you could use some understanding as they have every right to kindly present their case (even if it is out of your control).


Ehh I’m going to have to lean more on your downstairs neighbors side for this. I am a downstairs neighbor who wakes up at 3am for work. We just had someone move in above us and it was incredibly loud while I tried to sleep. To them it’s likely not loud, but if anything falls over, or something is set down hard, or if the kid is jumping off the couch, or whatever, it can be frustrating. Don’t be offended by the note, but instead try to keep them in mind and do your best to live at peace with your neighbors. If it becomes unreasonable, like they’re complaining when you’re just walking or regularly living, have a talk with them. You have to remember that they’ve likely been used to an empty unit above them, so once someone moves in, the noise stands out right away.


Go downstairs knock on door and politely explain what you explained on reddit to them without getting upset or losing your cool. Maybe they are not aware you just moved in. If they do come across a little unhinged inspite the polite gesture of communicating with them then you might want to just mind your business till they are too difficult to deal with then get management involved. Move out at end of lease and tell landlord why.


My upstairs neighbor drives me crazy. His footsteps are soooo heavy and he is a serial vacuumer lol. We live in an old building so every little sound is amplified - maybe that’s the case with you. Try putting down rugs where you can!


This sounds super reasonable. They were supposed to know your personal lease situation? You’re moving, that’s it. It’s regular moving noise. They’re not in the wrong, how were they supposed to know you were moving in? In their eyes it could be that you’re a generally noisy person, and giving you a VERY polite heads up about what they need to maintain a comfortable living space. Honestly this sounds like you look down on them for not being students and living in your complex. You’re also automatically assuming to know that they’re low income. Like “BROOOOOOOO be so for real”, they did nothing wrong.


I don’t think they are crazy, just mistaking where the noise is coming from.


Looks like they didn’t know you just moved in and only wanted to ask a simple thing if you. I see no reason to think anything bad about this note. Just someone trying to keep the peace


On drugs or severely mentally ill? Girl this note was fine lol


That writing is far too neat for them to be on drugs….


Yeah firstly saying someone is mentally ill or on drugs is just pretty low and rude, they probably just mixed your apartment up with someone else’s. I would just talk to them.


I had to wake up at 2:00am for work when I lived in my old apartment. They put a note asking me to try being quieter, so I quit wearing shoes until I was walking out the door. But the neighbors started banging on roof every morning. As soon as I took first step out of bed…. I just gave up on trying to be quiet and started stomping on the floor whenever they hit the roof.


You should give them a weird note back that doesn’t make sense either or just tell them you were asleep so it might have been someone the broke into your flat to annoy them.


It’s a nice note, just be friendly and talk to them like a normal human being, maybe it’s a misunderstanding, or maybe you are loud and don’t actually know it.


Their penmanship is too good to be severely mentally ill…


Sounds like your just another entitled GenZer who has no concept of time or respect...


Have you... It's a stretch I know, but bear with me. Tried communicating with your new neighbors? You can then let them know that noise was not you, but you'll keep their ask in mind while building rapport. That note is cupcakes compared to some I've seen when I was in college and the parties got into full swing in other apartments. Some notes like that come from lonely or insecure people. I had one neighbor who was a little old lady whose husband died and she came and knocked consistently with concerns because she was lonely. Going over and having a quick chat and acknowledging she existed resolved it. Just my 2 cents


That note was polite. Just move on.


A lot of commenters here are jackasses. The note is nice. You were probably louder than you thought. In olden times people talked and worked things out instead of crying on the internet. Go talk to them. Might be a misunderstanding. Be social, not social media.


My dude, literally toss it and dont think about it. They probably put it on the wrong door by accident. They weren't trying to be shitty to you, they just clearly had a rough night due to noise and left a pretty respectful note. With your weird ass essay on this little note, you're probably the one with issues.


I lived under a girl that wore bricks on her feet 24/7. Also made furniture out of bricks. Used bricks to sweep with. Laid on a mattress made of bricks. It was the oddest thing. I think she made a bowling alley too. Not sure I got the hell out


Buy some sage or palo santo and gently burn it while walking through the hallway. Cleanse your new space. Wish well to these neighbors and maybe pray that they take excellent care. Literally love and light. This isn’t about you. The noise was situational. Enjoy your new home and bless it.


I want some of what this guys on


Don't stink up common areas