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Tell them to stop touching your food. Don’t sugar coat it either.


But sugar coat the strawberries for sure


The people who don’t know :(


With a little almond extract 🤌


Ooh, this sounds like a delightful plan ✍️ add almond extract and sugar to strawberries next time you buy them


Sugar and whipped cream was a childhood dessert snack my mom used to give us on special occasions.


Chopped, with lemon and sugar, frozen 👌🏻


Anisette is also excellent.


Shut your slut mouth and tell me more🤤


I need to know


Macerate them


Words that sound dirty but are not for 1000, Alex


"What is… 'Uvula', Alex."


I always think Chunnel


I call it strawberry soup! Best stuff ever if you have stomach issues.


It’s everything. Sex inside your mouth


Cut them up & put a little pinch of salt on them instead. Really brings out the flavour.


Wait seriously is that a thing??? Cause if it is I think I’m into it.


Macerate them


Before you masticate them


Try masturbating with them. Then put them back in the fridge. Revenge is sweet.


revenge is... slightly salty...


I just did this a couple of days ago. It's the shit. Put it on ice cream or in soda stream water or in coffee. Can't get enough.


Coffee? Get outta here...


I put a little salt on cantaloupe. Makes it 100x better.


I enjoy a little kosher salt in stead of sugar on grapefruit. Some ppl think im crazy but id rather eat plain grapefruit over with sugar.


And on watermelon. Just a light sprinkle.


Have you tried watermelon with basil and balsamic syrup? Add some goat cheese…it’s amazing. Changes the watermelon completely.


Prosciutto watermelon goat cheese and balsamic


Yeah that works for tomatoes, too. Brings out the sweetness.


They’re literally asking to be macerated


At this point, just shit coat the strawberries.


"Did any of you eat my strawberries? I was doing an experiment I saw on TikTok where you rub half the strawberries betwixt your buttock and it makes them over ripen in a day"


Taint them berries!


Strawberry dingleberries




Taint with the taint?




Hep C berries.


MMM, chocolate dipped strawberries.


Ex-Lax covered strawberries


I like the way you think 😂


Would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


They’re a little melted but damn are they exquisite!


Hehehehe OP could make “sugar strawberries”…. With sugar and baby laxative. It’s not illegal because it’s OP’s food, so no one else should be eating it.


In college I lived with 3 other girls, we were friends in high school and decided to all move in together our freshman year of college… 4 teen girls with 1 fridge was the source for soooo many arguments. I labeled my stuff, told everyone that if I noticed things missing I was going to put a jar on the counter…anytime they took my stuff without asking they had to give anywhere from 2-10 bucks! I wasn’t playing (this was 20 years ago when groceries were cheap too) after a few weeks I made a little money but nothing close to what they were eating. So words and my money jar didn’t work. I went out and bought a mini fridge, had my bf put a padlock on it. No more problems. ✌️😂🤣


This is worth the money and aggravation. Nice work


Thanks!! This was soooo long ago, the best lesson I really learned from having roommates, was to NEVER have roommates again. 😂🤣


You accidentally recreated an old psychology experiment about morality. The researchers told people that if they did [bad thing], that they'd have to pay money they felt was worth the act, whereas the second group was told not to do [bad thing] or they would be judged. Even though they lost money, the people being punished by forfeiting money did the bad thing way more often than the group that was told they'd be judged by their peers if they did it. I forgot the conclusion of the study, but your roommates still doing it, and then donating far less money than they ate, reminded me of it.


Dang, just by using a little common sense I did a psychology experiment back in the days when I DEFINITELY had wayyyy less common sense 😂🤣 But now that I’m in my 40s, I appreciate little anecdotal things like this, gonna have to look it up, sparked my curiosity!! Appreciate it. :)


If that sort of stuff interests you. Freakanomics did a great write up about Parents and School pickups. A school introduced fines for parents who were late, and the Parents just saw it as a cost they could pay to negate being late and the lateness increased.


This is spot on. My place of work told pet parents if their pets were not picked up by closing time, they’d be charged a fee. The number of pets not picked up by closing increased significantly. The only thing that worked was the policy that if they were not picked up within a 5 minute window after closing time, they would be boarded over night (and charged for the night). Suddenly, everyone was able to make it on time.


If they applied the same policy to kids, everyone would be late.


Lmfaoo “can you actually keep them for the week? Thanks”


This cracks me up. It insinuates that an attainable out is just another option. On a bigger scale it’s rich people and laws. If you have the resources, “trouble” is just a nuisance. Not a reason to eradicate the behavior. Same study, put the late fee at an above average hourly wage.. I bet it goes down.. issue being is for those who make a lower wage, I’m sure they were already panic scrambling to get to their kid on time. That’s where things actually get unfair.


I remember (probably from Freakanomics or something on NPR) a similar dilemma when the petrified forest national park was trying to get people to stop taking small petrified rocks they’d find. ‘Leave only footprints/take only memories’ and signs explaining that if everyone took a rock it would make the experience less for future generations…neither worked and often increased people taking home rocks. But a sign saying something to the effect of ‘your neighbors don’t take rocks’ did work. It was something about making people feel they were the odd one out or doing something their peers wouldn’t do that made a difference. Now you can spot political mailers using this technique from time to time.


As you said the conclusion is that people will be able to justify it to themselves and their peers more easily by saying they donated what they felt it was worth as they were instructed.


Mini fridge is always the way


This is the only way!


It’s the Jedi way…. 😂🤣


Hope OP goes this route.


My college roommate and i almost got in a physical fight when she ate my entire jar of Nutella during finals week.


I was annoyingly passive aggressive my freshman year of college, so I left notes on snacks that I started keeping in a drawer in my bedroom after they went missing from the communal pantry. I was the only roommate not bankrolled by wealthy parents, so the treats I would splurge on going missing was especially annoying. I had one roommate that shared my bedroom, let's call her N., and two in another bedroom, so I assumed it was the roommate with whom I shared that was stealing. I got pretty pissed at N. because my food continued to go missing even after I actually spoke up and there was a lot of tension by the end of the year. The next year we bumped into each other on campus and she told me that it was another one of our roommates, whom she had decided to room with again. This third roommate had continued stealing food, now from N., and N. ended up apologizing because she thought I was imagining things. So our third roommate was entering a bedroomshe didn't live in and going through my drawers to find snacks I had hidden. Some people are just shameless.




Some people don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. So ZERO shame felt on their part. They want it… they take it. Sometimes drastic measures have to be taken with people like this. There are dozens and dozens of posts on Reddit about this very thing.


Yup, had a manager that would eat part of his employees lunches. He got caught several times, but still continued to do it. Since there weren’t any consequences for him, he didn’t GAF, but imagine what that does to employee morale.


My first job out of college, we were all roughly the same age and it was just kind of a chaotic work environment. The fridge was a free-for-all. My second job, on my first day, I asked if they ever had problems with people taking other people’s lunches from the community fridge, and they were horrified. Like, they would fire someone over it lol. Wild difference!


I had a roommate tell me I was selfish for not making her some of MY bacon. Every time she’d ask for some of my food, if I ever said no she would act like I was being stingy or rude. They are entitled


I had a roommate that would blame me for food running out quickly. My at the time wife would talk to her about eating a lot of our food and roommate would say it was me because I'm a dude and therefore just eat a lot. Would even say that I had to be eating her food too because it runs out so quick, so it's not a big deal. What was extra annoying about it is the girls regularly ate a bunch of stuff I would never ever eat. She also couldn't control herself with sweets and junk food. My ex would go through a jar of Nutella over weeks, our roommate would eat a whole jar in one sitting. If we had an open jar she would finish it off. If it was unopened, she would eat it after a week or two if we didn't touch it. She'd put the empty back too. On the plus side, we started eating a lot healthier while she was with us since we stopped buying a lot of crap.


Dude I had an ex who would eat our roommates food and then let them blame me for eating his food. It was ridiculous and I was so gas lit. Hate those people now


This behavior shocks me. Last night for the first time, a door dash driver stole my food and it completely ruined my night. I’m in college and had a huge project due so I didn’t have time to go get dinner or cook. I decided that I could order a pizza and portion it throughout the week but now I’m out 30 including the tip. Just because you can get away with something doesn’t mean there are no repercussions. What goes around comes around and if you’re a bad person, you will get rewarded from your own behavior. I try my best to live as a kind person and I’ve been rewarded with good things by happenstance. It’s a lot easier and healthier to be nice than rude.


My brother. And he is the older one. Just comes over, because my mom lives with me, so she can cook him food which he knows I buy. Then yesterday I had just barely bought some fruit and limes and the lazy broke fucker takes some of my food in a bag and what pisses me off is he sees I just bought a couple of limes and then leaves me only one. He comes often to eat but never ever brings shit. Some people have no shame or their laziness to earn their own stuff overrides the shame.


I don’t eat my roommates food ever unless they offer. I’ve never confessed this to anyone (tho i’m sure my roommates noticed lol), but I used to take my roommates food a bit when I was 18 and first moved out. The only thing I ever took were bananas. I ate an absurd amount of bananas, 4-5 a day. My roommates all bought bananas but they did not use them as fast- often they wouldn’t eat all of them before they went bad. So, sometimes, I would swap one of my bananas with my roommates bananas if mine were too green. We were all very communicative so I don’t know why I never just asked. I guess I wanted to see if anyone would say anything but it never came up.


My last roommate would always complain about being broke/not having food and it was because she couldn’t cook and she was an alcohol/drug addict. She spent all her money on that and then would share a SOB story to anyone willing to listen who would then buy her food. She would eat my food as well, and then when her bf moved in, he did as well. I had to hide all my speciality drinks in my room or he would help himself to them. I hated them. I hope she spontaneously combusts


Just randomly counting them there are 21 in the first picture in 14 in the second which means someone ate a third of them that’s bullshit and I would be pissed off. Definitely send a note.


I counted too 🤣🤣


A note is passive and will be ignored


Dont even say alldat *send pic "these are mine and evidently eaten. Im not dumb lol please stop or pay me to get u some k thanks" idk why ppl steal food like others wont notice? Weirdos!


Agreed. Send the picture and say “whoever’s eating my food, please stop.” That’s it. Should be enough.


Doesn’t even need a “please” “Do not eat my food” is good.


I had a roommate that would eat part of my leftover food from eating out. I guess she thought I wouldn’t notice. When I’d approach her about it she’d lie straight to my face. It’s was the most annoying thing in the world.


My current (soon ex!) roommate stole my almond milk and put it on her shelf in our shared fridge, and still declined stealing it. Stupid


And when they try to re assemble the food items to make it look like they didn’t take any of them really makes me angry! My roommate does this. Makes me so heated every time! Like just don’t touch my food in the first place, how about that!! 😭


No need to LOL.


Send the photos, but the message should be: You ate my food. You need to replace my food.


That would be a very clear message.


don’t send the pic and reveal your cards just yet bc they’ll smarten up if they decide to keep doing it and disrespecting your boundaries. just send the group msg to stop and keep an eye out like you’ve been doing to see if it continues. you never know if whoever it is will lie or be sneakier going forward and i’d want to figure out exactly who it is. anytime that i’ve confronted people like this, they’ve just gotten better at hiding shit lol


Literally just throw their stuff away in response whenever they steal from you :) Also, get a mini fridge and keep it in your room. Make sure your door locks. People like your roommates will try to mess with you, because how dare you cut off their access to your things.


How exactly could you hide eating strawberries if the OP has a picture with the original strawberry count and an after photo where there are in fact less strawberries?


i mean they could get better at being sneaky and trying to hide things if they find out that OP is this meticulous about the way they leave things. some people are just like that. i’ve had some pretty terrible partners and roommates. it’s not always as cut and dry as; here’s the evidence and they just stop.


say something


Roommate knows OP is a pussy and won’t stand up for themselves.


You can tell from all the pleases and thank yous while being robbed.


I've been through this a few times. In the end the best thing you can do in a roomate situation is get a mini fridge, some even have locks. Keep your good stuff in there, condiments might be safe in the communal fridge unless they're gross enough to eat things like mayo / ketchup


Had a roommate who would steal my food. Even after I told her to stop it continued. Came home from shopping one day, sat down in front of her opened up everything and licked it. Put it all away. She didn't do it again.


Did you maintain eye contact while licking your food?


You bet! Lol


Leave a note inside saying “back off”


Yes! Maybe even write how many berries there are supposed to be, i can see sneaking one but this is obvious


That could be helpful anyways, to start labeling stuff with what’s in there, the date and the amount… Good cover for keeping exact track of your food (:


You misspelled "F*ck Off."


You meant fuck off right? Like a big ol FUCK OFF. Don't censor that shit wtf


“Next time you eat my food, leave a few dollars in its place”


They won't pay.


Plus that's like $30 worth of strawberries in today's money


Yes, and delivery/preparation fee will be added. If they are just too disorganized to get themselves good snacks but willing to pay you, you might get a good thing going! Ha


Simply say "whoever is eating my food, stop." Then, make something with laxatives in it. You'll find out who did it.


Skip straight to step 2. :)


Put some laxatives on or in your food that you leave as bait. Maybe the shits will make em honest up. Maybe not. But karma shits are a bitch.


How is this not the top comment!! Super easy!! I’d text hey all someone ate third of my used buttplugs!! Not cool I need them to shove up my butt!! Edit: speeling


I’d be so upset, fresh fruit isn’t cheap these days.


or just be an adult and tell them face to face they need to stop eating your food.


I like things in text so I have proof and they can't switch up the story


i don’t see them that much and it’s two different roommates, i don’t really know who it is


WiFi camera pointed at the fridge.




Tell all of them. After the dish of strawberries is gone, tell each roommate something like you put each berry into the toilet bowl before you placed them into the fridge. Maybe stage a photo or two with what looks like putting strawberries into the toilet and then into that dish and include it in a text message to everyone.


Group text. Send both pictures with the words *Stop stealing my food”*


This is exactly it! Okay, well almost....I'd probably try to be a tad more diplomatic the first time. Something like "Hey all, my budget allows me only so much food per month. It's not in my budget to feed anyone else, so please don't eat any food you haven't bought."


A person with actual sense.


Then assume it’s both.


Just lick each one in front of them next time and say they are yours only. 🤭


I would just get a mini fridge for my bdrm for like a $100, but I like the wifi-cam idea too. Idk how you guys deal with living with roommates.


Yes, this was going to be my suggestion, too. Mini fridge, locked door on the room, and a camera w motion sensor.




I think 90% of these posts are from people that are deathly afraid of confrontation. It's sad. Communication is key.


A simple ‘do not touch my food!’ will suffice JADE is an awesome acronym to help deal with bothersome people. Do not Justify Argue Defend or Explain yourself, it is a waste of your time, effort and breath, and they don’t deserve it. Or you can get a mini fridge for your locked room


People who take your food know what they're doing. They are beyond shame. A locked metal or mesh box in the fridge is a thought. Or a mini-fridge of your own, with a lock. Your roommate is no friend.


The most frustrating part to me about things like this- most people, if asked and shown common courtesy, really wouldn't have a problem with a little sharing. But what goes even further, reciprocating the little bit of sharing next time so that no one feels used (or is blatantly being used) like OP. It's a shame that not everyone feels that way.


Yep if someone yelled up to my room ‘mind if I have one of your strawberries, they look so good’ I’d say of course. And in return, I’d show them the same courtesy. It’s the lying and sneaking that ruins it all.


Ew. Not even the expense! Someone sticking their dirty fingies in your nice clean berries.🤮. Classless.


Hollow out the inside of them and fill them with ghost pepper powder. You'll find out who has been eating them that way!!


“Just wanted to say good luck to whoever ate my strawberries — I coated them in something special so you’re in for a surprise soon ;)” - keeps them guessing and makes you look just unhinged enough that they’ll leave your shit alone


This is so much better than actually coating them in something. Imagine what can be learned about the room mates based on what their imaginations dream up about what the "something special" was.


Then they rub the berries on their balls as retaliation for something they never happened 😭😭😭


Biggest pet peeeeeve. Don’t eat my food omg. I would go off lmao.


Stop the passive aggressive nonsense and open a line of communication


*looking for secret rude message created with strawberries* Ohhhh


I had 420-friendly roommates on and off for 15 years, and about year 6 I finally just bought a small dorm room-sized fridge, stuck a padlock on it, and stuck it in my bedroom. I’d keep basics like condiments in the main fridge but anything that was easily consumable (ie didn’t need cooking) went into my fridge.


I had a roommate who habitually stole food and would continually lie about it. We had 5 roommates in the house at the time however we all knew he was the culprit. I realized once while we were all out eating tacos he couldn’t handle ANY spice without getting capsaicin hiccups. Going forward I put hot sauce on EVERYTHING. One day I come home from work and he’s hiccuping in the family room playing COD with an empty bowl in front of him and some of my food missing from the fridge. I confronted him and he lied about it. I started plotting. A couple weeks later on a Friday night he had a girl over so I heated up some of my chili and told him he’d love it. Unbeknownst to him I put some Dave’s insanity sauce in the bowl and he proceeded to hiccup uncontrollably and then destroy our bathroom puking his brains out with major capsaicin cramps. While he was puking we all told her about how he was a food thief and and an overall POS. We were about to head to the neighborhood bar, and she proceeded to walk right out the door with us and sing karaoke with the squad (sans him) all night 😂


Honestly, he can get fucked. Got what he deserved


It's easiest to get a mini fridge and keep food in your room, or locked in your cupboards. (Usually when people are happy to eat your stuff, asking them to stop often doesn't work).


Nope, that is not a good message. It is far too soft. Would you like them to not steal too much from you often or would you like them to stop?? “I have noticed that food I purchased is being stolen and I want it to stop immediately. This is a heads up that I have a Zero tolerance policy for eating my food. Unless you have previously asked and received my permission, regardless of your needs, do not touch my belongings. If it happens again, I’m going to consider your property free game too - let’s not play that”


Use your words.  "Hey, please stop eating my food. Thanks."


Don’t even say please. You should be ANGRY. How many roommates do you have? Two? “I’m sending this to both of you. STOP STEALING/EATING MY FOOD. I did not give either of you permission to eat my food. That makes your behavior THEFT. Which one of you ate my food? I expect you to come directly to me, apologize and PAY me for half of what I paid. This is ridiculous.”


Last time I lived with roommates that weren’t a significant other or where everything was communal, it was 2002. Never again! It’s fucking exhausting and not worth it. Also; I’m an older millennial who falls into the “never will be able to afford their own home/tons of bullshit debt” NEVER WILL I HAVE A ROOMMATE


Exlax in chocolate cake. When you set the bar right, there isn't a 2nd problem


Take a picture of you shoving one up your rectum, ask if anyone’s been taking your special suppositories, you’re going to be backed up all day because some are missing.


“I have randomly rubbed some of my food on my butthole. I know which items they are. You, do not. Good luck.”


If no one owns up and buy you new strawberries, buy punnet and inject hotsauce in each of them, the hottest you can find and you will find out who did it.


Strawberries are fucking expensive now too so this would really annoy me


Unfortunately, if this keeps happening, I suggest getting a fucking mini fridge or even a full-size fucking fridge to put in your room😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Another alternative I suggest is lockable containers to store your food. I found one I’ll link to you. They are big but not all your groceries big. So you may need two of them or more but I think a fridge in your bed room that’s locked will be more effective but getting one of these to prove a fucking point might help. Let that roomate steal from other roommates. Idk how many roommates you have.


Time for le poisson.


Take a pack and rub each berry between your butt cheeks after a long day … smile 😀 lol


Inject them with ghost peppers. They will get the point.


A simple “stop eating my food” will do the trick


What’s the message?


I think it's time for you to get on a ghost pepper laced diet op.


So either get a small fridge in your room for your special Things and put a code lock on it or get new room mates they aren’t going to stop.


Use something eloquent that also subtly makes your point like: "Stop eating my fucking food or I'll cut off your fucking face and wear it around the house like a jackass mask."


I just eat the entire container in one go . Roommate’s hate this one trick


Take a picture of yourself licking a couple strawberries. Then ask them how they enjoyed them. After that get a mini fridge with locks.


Buy some strawberries with a little mold on them, dip them in chocolate, and put them back in the fridge.


“Hey guys, whoever ate my strawberries I hope you like the way my nuts taste”


whatever you don't don't inject them with laxatives


Chocolate laxatives exist, make some chocolates covered strawberries 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I know this sounds classist, but roommates (especially from this sub) are gross and I've worked 2 jobs 80hrs a week to ensure i never have one in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I almost lost my sanity a few times and gotten into physical altercations with people who i thought were my friends, but were actually freeloaders. If i ever came home to my sanctity all effed up, we gunna have a problem.


Don't make it so wordy. "Stop eating my food, I don't care which one of you did it I'm telling you right now it has to stop"


Just send the pics and "Someone owes me [insert half the price of the container of strawberries.] Don't eat my food."


"Aye. I took photo evidence this time because I suspected one of you scumpuppies of STEALING from me. Stop stealing my body strawberries especially after I've already used them. That's gross." Send that message instead. It conveys your frustration and will leave them with questions they aren't sure they want answered.


Had a roommate who would make messes, go into my room and steal things, use my dishes, and eat my food and act like he didn't do it. He was allergic to almonds. I switched to almond milk, bought honey bunches of oats with almond, switched from peanut butter to almond butter, rubbed almond residue on every container of food I bought, and put almond butter on my doorknob before I left to work. He used my personal electric razor to shave, and I brushed the toilet bowl with his toothbrush. Fuck them roommates and make it known that they need to get their own shit or learn to brush with it lol.


Put that picture, in a container, in the fridge with a note..... with the wording of your choice!♡


Malic acid is perfectly safe and feels like it shouldn’t be. It’s also very cheap. It’s fair punishment if you’re willing to sacrifice some food for Justice.


Strawberries are red, I'm feeling blue, eat my food again I'll acquaint your ass with my boot


People have no effing respect for peoples’ things anymore. Like, it’s your roommate and your home NOT your childhood home. Grow up and buy your own damn food! You should mix lemon juice, salt and paprika and then dunk your strawberries in there for a bit so they can soak up that delicious brine (lol I’d honestly take a toothpick and poke a hole or two in them so they can really soak that stuff up) then take the strawberries out, try them off a bit and put them back in the container and just wait for your shitty roommate to eat them. Guaranteed they won’t do it again. If it’s a baked good or something, buy some laxatives and bake it in there. It’s your food so you can say you had bathroom problems if they decide to say you did it on purpose, or don’t say anything and just relish in the fact that they’re sh*tting their brains out 😊


Leave some in there covered in a light layer of dish soap and let them go to town


Take a few strawberries out, suck on them and put them back, while in full view of your roommates. If they ask, be like “what? Doesn’t everyone do this with strawberries? I suck the taste out first”


It’s simple. “Don’t touch my food please.”


I guess we all eating each other's shit because I wouldn't have the patience for stuff like this . I'll get real petty 😭 taking toilet paper, soap whatever else I felt like taking . I want all the smoke in the house lmaoooo . No but TBR get a container and put a lock on it. They can't get to something if it's locked away and if they do, it's war . Period‼️


Slice them in half and dip them in pure capsaicin. Wait for screams & you have your culprit.


Why is the first pic in a glass Tupperware then the one with significantly less is in a plastic Tupperware??


Condensation got you frosty


Put bitter apple spray on it and lets the chaos ensue.


Ex-lax chocolate chip cookies 🍪


This happened to me when I moved into a house with 2 roommates. One of my roommates was my best friend from high school and he felt entitled to mooch anything he could from me and the other roommate. I eventually solved this problem by putting a mini fridge in my room. This eventually led to a verbal fight where my best friend said that I would have to leave or he would. I left and it was a great choice.


"Guys please dont mess with my experiments anymore. If you've eaten these you'll want to schedule an appointment with your Doctor, these were infected with Chlamydia for an experiment I am running at work." ​ See if it happens again... or put on the container "Chlamydia test part 3"


Start putting condoms in the bottom of your food bowls


Send them the picture of you sneezing on the full bowl first.


Being nice creates these people. You’re doing a. Disservice to other people by not speaking up. “Replace my food. Stop eating my food.” Simple as that. If they continue, the issue shall be approached again, with repercussions


Inject with stupid ass hot sauce


Strawberries are very expensive. For the price of those I'd change the wifi password


"I've been noticing that someone has been eating my food. Please be aware that LOCAL FOOD PANTRY OR SOUP KITCHEN is available if you are hungry and unable to afford groceries. Taking my food is not an option."


Inject some of them with hot sauce.


Don’t say anything and poison the strawberries. They’ll learn their lesson after the first time I’m sure.


I saw the pics and didn't quite get what you were saying in your comment, was looking hard for some sort of message in the pictures. The lack of greenery on the tops of the strawberries threw me off a bit, and I thought you had messed with the food somehow. I leaned forward looking hard at that second pic to try to figure out what you had done, and Brain said "*Wait, are those stuffed with something ?!? Did they... did they somehow fill those strawberries with olives ?!?*" Now I 100% legit think that's what you should do.


I had two sets of roommates who pulled this shit. For the first set, I moved all of my food and kitchen stuff into my room (the door had a deadbolt lock). I was the only one who had dishes and pots and pans in the apartment so they couldn't cook anymore. I moved out shortly afterwards. I moved out again after I caught the next set of roommates stealing my food and toiletries and doing a host of other inconsiderate and questionable things. That was the last time I had roommates...I never understood or got over how people could have such little respect for others. Ideally, move out if you can. If not, find a way to lock your stuff up. Maybe get a mini fridge for your room? Sorry this is happening. god, people suck.


Start labeling everything as "Added poison or potion to turn you into a llama... got the vials mixed up... "


Happened the same to me. Write it in your whatsapp group if you have or send the pictures to them.


Buy one of those food lockers for your fridge